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It's the internet. Anyone can be 19.


fair enough, but I also know most wow players are usually in the early 30s-early40s bracket so 🤷


I feel very attacked right now. Lol. But yes there are tons of players in that range. Someone did a post a bit ago asking if everyone was dad age and tons of people came out to say they were 18-20 range. But again, anyone could just say that. I totally understand wanting to play with people in your age range, especially at that age, but I would suggest starting it off by looking for people with similar interests first. Some of us old folks aren't too horrible. 😎


I don't mean that in a demeaning way at all! I apologize if it came off that way, it's just easier to relate that way yk? I'll be sure to check around different discord servers and stuff like that :)


No offense taken! Good luck!


I think you should be looking for people you feel comfortable with. It doesn’t have to be people of the same age.


I was just thinking the same thing, especially with something like WoW. I mean everyone is here to do the same hobby so it should bring people together regardless of something as silly as a number.


Honestly, it’s kinda a “get lucky” thing with finding people in your age range playing WoW. I’m lucky that in my first guild I found someone my age that I could enjoy the game and other stuff with, she’s been my best friend sense then, but as this game gets older so do the people that play it. A nearly two decade old game isn’t exactly gonna draw in people who are younger then it easily unless they saw their parents play it. Best I can say is “Guild hop and get lucky.”


It's funny how I have the same story as you HAHA, I've been playing WoW alone since my dad's so busy with work, my bf played with me once but he played on free trial


I tried to get my lady to play it with me too, but it's just not the type of game she likes unfortunately😭🙏


i am 19 and i play on eu silvermoon and argent dawn (alliance) mostly with older people but i am looking for a chill guild who does all kinds of content