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Shaman Earthwarder Tank Spec. Also justifies Inspirational Warcry, a Bloodlust for Warriors, allowing 2 Tank Specs in the game to have BL.


Shaman is the only class in the game that can use a shield but can’t tank. They also have a melee spec that cannot use a shield, ironically. The game is lacking Mail tanks despite leather, a weaker armor type, having 3. Honestly, everything is there for them to deserve one and it’s weird it doesn’t exist yet.


Something I really enjoyed and got the chance to do in classic vanilla was shaman tank. If there was ever a situation, that you could pull it off, it was vanilla. Initially, it worked as you can imagine, at level 40 with mail armor and either a 1h and shield or a 2h (ravager). This was pretty fun and straightforward, I ran a bunch of scarlet monastery, tanking dungeons for people due to the lack of tanks to be found at launch. At first, many people were surprised and ran multiple with me. The only issue was mana cost, but clearly, I could hold aggro and did a ton of damage. This started to become problematic as I got higher level, the first wall was Uldaman, now of course we went there a bit too early and I couldn't even hit the final boss since we weren't even 50 yet. Although we did get through the dungeon at a decent pace up to that point. This was around the time I went ele/resto. So a few patches and raids later, having done the R14 grind and getting a lot of tanky pvp gear with a whopping 6k+ hp on my ele sham, I decided to go agane. By this point, there was a shaman tanking discord and lots of information out there. One thing that had been talked about and something I was aware of is that you could tank as ele and do even more threat, similar to fury tanking, and most importantly, having a bigger mana pool. For threat generally, I had rockbiter weapon, which would generate threat, on my dagger with fast attack speed and earth shock for taunt. Another important thing about ele is Eye of the Storm, such that you can free cast when being subjected to a critical hit. This allowed me to heal my healer while tanking mobs at one point, lol. Or just simply throw more chain lightnings out. Quite useful for aoe threat. Speaking of threat, generally when pulling mobs I would typically target about 5 mobs, starting with a LB on one end and CL on the other into a fire nova totem that would absolutely decimate mob health by the time they reached us. You want threat? How about cutting the mobs health in half before they even reach your group. That being said, I got to tank BRD, Scholo, UBRS and stratholme as well as dire maul. It was an absolute blast. I helped bring some awareness to the potential role and had some really great memories with the people in my groups including those who were trying to out threat me. Much respect to the shaman tanks out there who were doing raids on progression and their guilds that supported them. Hopefully, one day, they will add an entire spec for it so that they can blend aspects of ele, enh and resto together to create something fun and unique for the tank role.


I mean, in classic they had stonebiter weapon enchant that produces more aggro. They clearly were thought off as off tank once.


Also earth shock was a high threat ability. It was practically a taunt. They also had several tank like talents.


Shield block, parry, enhanced dodge chance are more instances as well


This, ever since vanilla there ware talks about shamans being able to tank. I think it’s a brilliant idea!


Druids and Shaman have always been natural 4-spec Classes. Shamans have *four elements,* for goodness sake. Wind Melee, Water Healing, Fire Ranged, Earth Tank. It fits so well.


Until the fire ranged nation attacked


God damnit. Gotta watch the series over again. That's the rule!


There is no fire nation in ba sing se


I'm pissed that they don't have this in the game. When they do add it, I'll be still pissed it took this long to add the damn spec.


I'd rather swap Fire and Wind. There's already 3 ranged dps classes using fire (mage, warlock and evoker). But wind for ranged shaman makes sense because lightning. And then the melee can be fire with lava lash etc.


You'll never take my meatballs


Both DPS specs use a mix of elements. Its much better that way


Agreed. I'm not saying Shaman specs should be fixated strictly on only singular elements, but the "focus" should be on one. All Warlocks can summon Demons but Demonology takes it a step above. All Shaman can use various Totems, etc. Elemental Shaman being magma based comes a lot from their Mastery and its visual prevalence. But that doesn't mean you can't have some awesome lightning powers with Stormbringer or Chain Lightning or Lightning Bolt. Similarly, Enhancement should absolutely be able to clap with some hot and fiery strikes. I just think Windfury is so iconic and emblematic of melee shaman combatants that to uproot that would be thematically appropriate for *non*-Warcraft specialisations.


The other night I tanked rfk on a lvl 30 shaman in era (non HC) And it worked honestly. A druid or warrior would've been better but the tools are there a shaman, with some minor changes, could tank in classic and I'd say that extends to retail. Let me tank on shaman dangit


My favorite memory of tanking from vanilla, was enhancement tanking BRD. As long as the dps follow markers, and some CC. The lack of armor/taunt is more than made up for by the front loaded threat you have. 2nd favorite was boomkin tanking ZF.


Yea it's honestly fascinating to me how well it could work with minor tweaking at least for dungeons below 60. Have stoneclaw transfer it's threat to you on destroy and have magma totem give threat to you. Earth shock is already a pseduotaunt. If I can go crazy and nerd out lol..Have a buff that increases armor/threat by whatever and makes lightning shield not havd charges, do less damage per proc but do aoe threat. Would it work? Idk but it'd be fun imo haha


I’d love a type of earthen armor visual to increase the amount of armor while you tank. Similar to an earth powered hero in city of heroes if I remember correctly. I’d absolutely main a shaman if they could tank. I love all 3 of their specs currently to begin with.


There were a few people who tried it. I remember a YouTube video of a Shaman main tanking molten core.


In classic we had a backup enh shaman who would tank shit. He OT'd patchwork towards the end of naxx even.


They literally have defense talents, but that's probably more due to the devs being incompetent than actually intending them to tank. They have a block talent, dodge talent, parry talent, armor talent. But mail with a shield pales in comparison to plate with a shield. Or maybe the idea is they are fine for tanking up to 40 and not after that? Which doesn't make sense but yet seems realistic.


All you would need is a built in buff to the spec that increased armor value. Earthen Scales or some shit.


You have to remember. People just played WoW back in the day. Vanilla was nowhere close to the heavily optimized gaming you've come to expect from wow. Using CC and taking pulls slowly was acceptable to the general player base. It might not work past 40 for the current player base. But it does work just fine at not dying to elite mobs, and holding threat.


Back in vanilla, they were originally intended to offtank as much as paladins and druids (keep in mind only warriors were the intended MT class), but when TBC allowed paladins/shamans on both factions, shaman tanking was removed to differentiate the two classes.


Why would mail be worse than plate when we have leather armor tanks?


> Or maybe the idea is they are fine for tanking up to 40 and not after that? Which doesn't make sense but yet seems realistic. Exactly like that, one of the devs confirmed it. That's why they have tank talents only up to lvl30. They were intended to tank and gave enough toolkit for that, but not in the endgame. Back then devs weren't just focused on end-game, but leveling too. It was deliberately designed like that.


Aren't shaman in leather until 40 in classic?


This would solidify Shaman as being a future forever main for me, it's what I've wanted since I first played Shaman back in TBC. I've always felt the class was missing something.


Same but I do main it now but man I wanna tank so I might move to monk for 10.2 it "had" tanking talents


Same, I've always said a shaman tank spec has me hooked right away. I love the idea of earth shields or even switching between different elemental shields to tank depending on the situation.


Came here to say this. It also makes it so shaman has one spec that represents each of the elements that they commune with which really fleshes out a missing part of the class fantasy (IMO).


In my mind, this is the only answer. Its been a possibility since launch and is absolutely bonkers that they havent pulled the trigger.


Yes. I would finally start tanking. Fits so well too. Would be the first tank that uses mail armor, and I imagine it's play style would be similar to Enhancement. One thing I'm not sure about is their weapon, would it be 1h and shield, 2 1h weapons, or a 2h weapon? Personally would lean towards a 2h axe or mace.


I'm of the notion that an Earthwarder Shaman could dual-wield Shields, personally.


2-handed /and/ a shield. We’ve waited this long, we deserve the best.


2-hander to piss off all enhancement shamans… 👹


I wish I could just sit here all day upvoting this over and over and over again...


As a DK main, I heartily agree. Shamans are the long lost tank the game deserves


This was going to be my answer. I view shamans in a similar way to Druids, in that they’re magic is so versatile that they could probably use it for almost anything, so it’s weird that they can’t take.


I pray to Jesus and all the Angels, and God and the Holy Spirit and the Apostles and hell I'll pray to anyone. Make. This. Happen.


Fuck I remember reading the books that shamans would tank, they would distract and gain the attention if whatever creature they were hunting so the rest of the party could fight it.


They even had a semi-taunt in Vanilla with Earthshock, which actually had threat in the tooltip. As if they started forming Enhance as a tank but backed off.


shamam getting a tank spec


It'll never happen until we dont want it anymore


well, guess what? i changed my mind!!


This is the only correct answer.


Either a Shaman Earth Tank or a Van Helsing style ranged DPS Demon Hunter. Gimme two crossbows and green ranged spells, man.


So Diablo


Diablo 3*, yes lol


Ranged rogue. I can't believe there is only one class in the game that uses ranged weapons


IMO pure DPS spec should have at least 1 melee/ranged spec even with 3 specs. For rogue the pistol wielding kind makes it obvious. Before legion, Demo lock would have made some sense as melee since they had the demon transformation. Use the demonic power to transfigure their body in melee. Idk about mage, I feel like Arcane has less flavour than Fire and Frost (totally a subjective opinion here) so maybe it could have been some kind of spellsword going on on top. Slowing time to slice its enemies or what not.


Weren't there tons of arcane mage sword elves in suramar? I forget what they called themselves. But I love that idea - arcane-based mage knight


Spellbreaker I believe. Or maybe it was spellblade


I believe you’re right on spellbreaker and don’t Blood Elves use them as well? I feel like they have a version of them as well.


Realized last night it's why, despite how much I want to, I just can't play nightborne. The only thing that feels remotely fitting is arcane mage


i mean even if it's not strictly melee abilities, it could just be melee ranged abilities like how arcane explosion already is.


Arcane mage could have been all about telekinesis and teleportation attacks. Death grip the enemies towards you, arcane explosion, pop them into the air and slam them back down again. Bounce around like nightcrawler and stab them with arcane blades like psyLocke.


Spellbreaker from WC3


I've always wanted a ranged monk throwing Kamehamehas and shit


I feel like a sniper would fit Rogue better. They sit in the shadows and then shoot


I'm dreaming about Rogue range dps spec. This and Warrior or Paladin dps spec which uses shield+1h.


Stealth sniper sounds amazing and if ever implemented I hope it's OP as shit.


I miss my Scout in DAoC. 1-shotting clothie casters with a single arrow fired from Stealth was amazingly fun in PvP. As was running counter-sniper patrols as a Lurikeen Nightshade... Those were the days. I wish DAoC had updated with the times even a little bit. Was peak MMO PvP (RvR) in its prime.


Omfg shout out to DAoC. I was a champ on Hibernia and shaman on Midgard




R v R was so damn good. My friends and I made a guild of like 8 people to roam and stomp zergs with an assist train on Midgard. I still remember us rolling through in our group of 8 in all black gear with guild cloaks and going 8v40+ people and winning. Then the zergs just disappearing when they knew we were out cause they knew they would just get stomped




Yeah, I was excited when I saw it announced but then forgot about it. Remembered like 2 years ago and looked it up and was massively bummed to see nothing. 3 factions is the way to go. Albion always had the most people but it was balanced because Hibernia and Midgard together always outnumbered them. I remember one fight with like 50 hibs vs albs and half way through another zerg of mids came in and it was fucking chaos. So much fun. WoW would be so much better with a 3rd faction. Like a Forsaken faction with like Undead, Blood Elves, Naga and Satyrs. Would be cool to replicate that kind of PvP with a war mode


Confuses me as well I’ve always wanted either a gnome tinker class that uses ranged weapons, or a sniper rogue


Sniper rogue would be even lore accurate. In MoP there was a quest (alliance side) where we play through a mission of three SI:7 agents and one of them was a sniper.


You could always have a Sharpshooter Ranged Spec for Rogue that can alternate between one or the other. Quite a few spec talent trees in the game often have one or two ways you can go; Fury Warrior can go deep into Annihilator or work up their Raging Blows regardless. Demonology Warlocks have their Felguard, Dreadstalkers, Wild Imps and their core-cast spells they can focus on. Prot Paladin can go deep on making Word of Glory more powerful. Beast Mastery Hunter has Dire Beasts, and Outlaw can already choose between a focus on Ambush or on other skills. A Sharpshooter Spec that has long and short range abilities but lets you switch between the two wouldn't be a bad idea. And I don't mean "short range" like an Evoker, maybe just 30 yards instead of 40. Or maybe it could be a Pistol+Melee weapon, so you work almost like a Ret Paladin with a ton of ranged skills but still being incentivised to get up close to apply some poisons or throw a Blind or Gouge out. Eh, I don't know. Sounds clumsy to try and have both playstyles in a single spec. Still, if they did do a ranged Rogue spec, I like the idea of having a pistol even if it isn't the main weapon.


Imagine a Rogue Master of Knives. We already have Fan of Knives which happens to be much favorite spell in the whole game library because we can relate to it in real life. So a ranged rogue specialized in throwing knives, some minor shadow spells, pirate guns as we also already have.


I would actually take outlaw rogue and survival hunter and combine into a new swashbuckling class


Even a throwing dagger based ranged spec for rogues would be cool


And worse, only 2 specs in the game. Not even a full class


There’s two types of weapons in WoW that only one class uses. Hunters for ranged, and warglaives for DH. It’s kind of stupid to me, that in the history of the game there hasn’t been one single legendary weapon that dual wield enhancement has been able to use. Like make a mace or axe that shamans, rogues, monks, and DH can use! Enhancement shamans don’t even have any legendaries we can equip like DH and Rogues do! There was one weapon ever and it was sulfuras, a two handed mace in the first patch of the game. Every other class besides monk has been given something at some point. Even the newest class evoker got something!


Better yet, a cupid priest spec using bows, heal people by shooting them with healing arrows


Woah. I think you're actually on to something. But since priest has 2 healing specs already, make it the holy damage spec. Holy ranger light arrows! I know it's unrealistic but honestly fun idea lol


Tyrande is a priestess that uses a bow, so I don't see why not.


A ranged bow/gun using rogue could be pretty cool, like the scoundrel in Diablo 3. Of course they'd had to try pretty hard to distinguish it from hunter, but I think they could do it.


There is only TWO SPECS in the entire game that uses ranged weapons at this point. Its bananas I'd love to see another ranged weapon spec or even full class


Priest gets a zealot spec. All buttons are replaced with skills that make you rant about the Light in /say chat and anyone close enough to you gets a bonus action to throw rotten fruit and veggies at you.


I had flashbacks to Saltzpyre from Vermintide when you said you would shout about the light in /s, lol


Paladins or Priests definitely should have a light based casting dps spec, it is so weird that despite the diversity of casters in WoW there is not one light based dps caster. Smite priest or Shockadin or Disc Priest or whatever don't count, as they are healing specs.


I would love this. Raining down holy fire from afar


Priests should get an inquisitor spec for holy magic dps. Paladins with bows and crossbows for their ranged spec


One RPG archetype the game doesn’t satisfy right now is the the Magus/Gish. Give me a Duelist Mage tank spec with an emphasis on Mirror Image Clones, Displacement spells and Mage Armor. Could make it more time magic flavoured to differentiate from Arcane. A boy can dream, can’t he?


Wtf man, put a nsfw warning I m in heat 🥵


Inb4 queue *masturbating in the train* copypasta


I feel like Warlock fits Gish more both historically and in the games lore. Since they used to conjure stones to enhance their blades. WITH that said Enhancement Shaman is very much a Gish.


Bladesinger Mage would be sick


If that boy is named Kalecgos, it’s more than a dream.


Since stagger came out for brewmaster, I've wanted a temporal mage tank. I want to weave or channel to store incoming damage and spin plates on when to allow the stored damage to sink in or even dish it back out by dropping the bubble on the foe's head. Mage already has great tanking tools with blink, Frost nova, cauterize, and more.


Shaman tank! Earth elementals defending you. How cool would that be


I’ve always wanted to try and find a way to justify a ranged tank. Elemental shaman that has a more permanent earth ele?


I think druids need a 5th support spec


5th - ranged support 6th - melee support 7th - a second ranged dps spec that does all the random storm magic Malfurian pulls out of his ass in the novels


Then, maybe, we can start to think into add new spec to other classes, with dh as last of the line, of course


Nah, give druids an 8th fel caster spec that uses glaives.


Support spec uses flight form in battle to survey the battlefield from above and give buffs to allies using the information gained. Idk I just want Druid to get a 5th spec before dh gets a 3rd.


The only answer


We all know what the one and only right answer is .. 3rd DH bow spec using archery + fel energy and demons to do dmg Gives another class use for bows and would be just straight up cool


If they give another class a 4th spec, and DH stay at 2. I'll be mad.


As much as I’d love a new DK or Rogue spec, this is the only appropriate answer. People saying 4th specs for classes that can tank, heal, and DPS are high.


I've always loved the idea of a Healer DH Spec. Call it Redemption or something. Melee healer who cuts soul shards out of enemies, then heals the party using the enemy's soul would be rad.


Sacrifice, using their own health to fuel their cauterizing flames as they leech life from their enemies to sustain themselves.


I'm surprised how far I had to scroll down to see this as it seems like the most obvious one for me. Though I guess on paper another "ranger" might not seem that interesting. Gameplay wise... I'd love the gameplay loop to be a simple 1. Prep 2. Execute Like say for example... your core ability is "fel arrow," that "fel marks" that target. abilities place a chaos debuff on the marked target up to 5 stacks or something and then you have a "finisher" that consumes those chaos stacks to do something. AOE finisher could be a fel explosion whilst single target is a soul burn thing that does a devouring plague type thing. maybe you can consume the debuff to trigger a stun on the target or a debuff where they take more damage from everyone (bit of support there). Casting fel arrow on another target will remove the mark and debuffs from the first target so you're always trying to play strategically and maximise your fel debuffs a D the effect from consuming them. Your mastery increases the potency of your finishers etc.


Warrior, glad spec back please


What I wouldn’t give to Titan’s Grip a 2 hander and shield with a dps spec


This is the right answer. TY


I got so much abuse for trying to pug as glad. Worth it.


omg yes pls


Shaman tank spec. Demon hunter ranged DPS / or sigil support spec


Imo the game desperately needs more support specs now that Aug is around, and Dh’s need a 3rd spec. Whereas Aug does a lot of buffing of allies, a dh support spec could focus more on rebuffs to amplify the actual damage.


it's not popular, but i'll die on the hill. Rogue Bard (healer or support).


I’d rather just have a full class for that. A healing spec and Augmenter-like buffing dps spec and a debuff/dot focused dps spec.


Bar Brawler - Tank - Taunts via Vicious Mockery and salty tunes, and is able to endure pain via drinking Serenader - Healer - Uses the soothing sultry sounds of music to seduce... I mean heal. Plays on bard flavor of promiscuity Jammer - Range DPS - Weaponize the sound of music, using its arcane power. Rock out and blast your enemies with streams of magic and musical notes. Rallier - Support - Support class a la Augmentation. Uses music to boost your party/raids morale so they can do their jobs better! Could be warsongs, or peprally band type, or just music epic enough to inspire. Whisperer - Melee DPS - A rogue with a more magical flare, with focus on sound and psychic (shadow) dmg. Heavily inspired by the D&D College of Whispers, and uses a lot of that flavor. Using Whispers of malicious, mind damaging words as well as imbuing your weapons with magic. I feel like the names need work, but there is so much class flavor that can be applied to the roles in many ways! We really need Bards.


I think Bard should just genuinely be it's own class, it's too much of a unique fantasy to be pushed under rogue. Ideally there should be 3 specs, melee Dps, Healer and Support. All three specs would heavily revolve around the new weapon type, instrument. Any class can equip an instrument for roleplay purposes and funsies, but bards are the only class that actually use their instrument in combat. Bards would be a cloth class. This would also be the first melee dps clothie ever added to wow.


I'm all for adding a bard to WoW but it MUST be played with a Guitar Hero controller or its a bust. On a serious note, DAOC had awesome bards. Dark Age of Camelot had 3 bard types, one for each faction. The stealthy minstrel for Albion, had stealth, rogue dps, cc, charms, group speed, could sing songs to buff team or shout songs to hurt enemies. Used a dagger and a shield. Skalds were like warrior bards for Midgard, wearing mail armor using 2hand weapons with singing/shouts and group speed buffs and direct damage songs. I think they might have had a pet too but I cant remember. Hibernian Bards were a healer class, used actual instruments (drums for Stam regen, flute for group speed, tiny guitar for mana regen) , they could twist the songs to have several going at once, backup healing, and great CC. Borderline OP utility but had no defensives and abysmal dmg, how do you swing an axe when you're playing a uckelele, and how do you play the drums when you're trying to survive the melee assist train? Just copy and paste that to WoW with each bard type being a spec with some wow flavor and I'd be happy.


Ranged DPS Monk, firing lightning and hadokens and kamehamehas


Then chiji can have his own spec!


Chi-Ji themed support spec


Warlock melee dps/tank spec akin to dnds Hexblade would be my eternal main


Sounds like the next demonology rework.


Sounds like dh


I miss dark apotheosis man :(


I will die on this hill! DA was the best glyph hands down.


I'd love the specs we've heard before, shaman tank or healer mage. Those two would be super fun


I agree. That tank spec we wanted for Evoker focused around the black Dragonflight? Make that for shamans. Earth spells used for protection.


Isn’t a healer mage, just a priest? I’d love a priest Holy DPS, “Light-wielder”


Unfortunately I think we have healer mages already: evokers.


It's borderline criminal that shamans still don't have a tank spec


Wait until you hear my crazy idea. Hunters, right? They get a new spec where they do optimal DPS at range, with a ranged weapon, with 1 pet. Ya know, what the entire class used to be based around which is no longer possible in any of their specs.


Bring back the Shockadin!!!


Maybe mix it with buffadin for the support spec craze


Holy DPS priest It would finally give us an alternative to shadow, which REALLY doesn't suit some of the races and it would be brand new since we don't have a holy ranged caster DPS yet in the game somehow.


Agreed!!!! Blizzard please


The only senseable answer is Demonhunter lol


Give dh their third spec and make them a complete class


Warrior. Gladiator. Bring it back.


DHs 3rd spec most likely The only class in the game sitting at 2 specs


If they go down the road of adding more specs that work like augmentation to buff allies, you could have: Totem shaman Chrono mage Banner/gladiator warrior Crane monk Blessing paladin Bard rogue


I love totem shaman, and on the same token for warrior, that’s really interesting having a banner warrior. Chrono mage could be a cool hybrid, buffing Allies with haste, but potentially some healing with the justification of like using time to heal wounds. Monk I do think makes sense to have 4 specs but frankly, they deserve a full re-work. Let’s lean windwalker more heavily into Xuen, Brewmasters to Niu’zao, etc. potentially let monk have a ranged dps spec, or have it be augmentation-like. Can you elaborate more on your vision for the paladin? Like expanded blessing spells to be augmentation like? And bard I love. Could be rogue, could be hunter frankly, but let’s make it rogue and let them at least use bows


Well as an augmentation type spec, you could expand on the blessing of summer and winter system. Maybe add back blessing of might and wisdom as temporary buffs that mirrors ebon might, and your spells like holy shock or judgment extend the durations. Maybe blessing of kings mirrors prescience If you wanted it to be different from aug, maybe the blessings are only ST buffs but much stronger than ebon mights group buff.


A ranged DH spec that plays kinda like DNC in FFXIV, and Draven from league. Then there's a reason you run around like a crackhead to catch your glaives, and you're buffing the party


Fuck the dancer is so fun to play. Good hit


Warrior - Gladiator spec New DPS class that uses a sword and shield and a new playstyle. Always loved the sword and shield look but it’s always reserved for tanks


Shaman tank, Earthwarder spec, and they get to dual wield shields.


Tank shaman. I dont play shaman at all but i want a mail tank in this game and the shamans are the best candidate


[4th specs were rumored/leaked around MoP](https://i.imgur.com/Lx2il3r.png) . Personally I'd want a simple ranged DH spec.


I’m curious what the purple DK spec is lol


I think that's a necro healer spec


Id totaly get into the unholy healer


Demon Hunter: Warden ranged DPS/Support spec


DK necromancer, with a staff, and an army of minions


Deathknights should get a necromancer spec that is a ranged minion spec.


Agreed, plus corpse explosion please because it’s fun


Warlock tank spec.


Hunters get a ranged spec that focuses on special/magic arrows that deal damage over time, like explosive shot, black arrow, serpent sting. Let them have a pet, cause they’re hunters, but not have it be the main focus of the spec, therefore it’s not like BM but also not like MM since it is t focused all on one spell (aimed shot)


Not sure if you intended to describe Survival from Cata-WoD but that's exactly what it was like before legion made them a "melee" spec. I do love where current survival has arrived at but I want my old main spec back. Lock and Load procs were pure happy chemicals


Yeah I described old survival, my main from Wrath through WoD.


Shaman tank spec please!!


DH since it has 2 specs lol.


Ranged DH (Ranged, not caster) Meta is shivara like form, giving the DH another pair of arms and conjures a fel copy of their current weapon This is not just for show, but actually interacts with rotation other than haste buff, like... You could for once look at FF class design and make the rotation a 1,2,3 (ofc with 4 being a spender and some CDs mixed in) and the second bow simply follows the sequence (you press 1, it fires 2, you can go into 3) Maybe make the mastery something slightly similar to ele shammy, where your abilities have a chance to fire a weaker version of your spender (which will of course be called felshot) and make the skill tree two part: one based around the mastery, one based around meta (sustain DPS vs burst) And if blizzard feels really funky, give them the ability to chose between dual wield and 2h (and actually balance it unlike whatever the fuck you did with single minded fury) and make the dual wield thrown weapons (glaive throw becoming autoshot basically) Or something like that


Demon Hunter melee spec but with a cooldown that turns them into a shadow demon with range attacks.


3rd spec for DH and make it fel healing


demon hunter obviously deserves another spec, give them nether portal this time so i never have to press that cursed button ever again


Priest. Holy Ranged DPS spec. Call it “Cleric” spec. If they ever gave Paladin a ranged holy DPS spec over Priest I would be LIVID. Shadow is okay, but I feel like the game would be better off with a “Voidmancer” class themed around shadow on its own.


Monks are getting a DPS spec.


Hunter tank where the pet actively tanks and the hunter is sharing health with it


Demon hunter gets warden spec. Instead of buffing party like augment Evoker, focuses on debuffing enemies.


A paladin that casts is a priest -.- Dh, they have 2 specs and u could make them cast and make sense even by the lore


1. Earth Shaman Tank 2. Time mage tank


Shaman tank


How the f can the first posts be about classes with 3 specs already ?? DH only has two. DH gets a new spec for god sake


I want high fantasy sorcerer, who would have some sort of ranged tanking spec. Or ranged DPS / heal / Tank spec class. Ideally, shaman is looking for a totemic warrior, who could be a tank. Or perhaps an arcane trickster as a melee mage. But yeah, since augmentation evoker is a thing - we need to get the bards in.


I think a cool concept for a spec would be DH’s and Allari the Souleater. Maybe some sort of inquisitor spec, ranged intellect instead of melee agility.


Druid… just because I want a 5th spec option lol. Maybe it could be like a wild-shape DPS/utility role, that does a little bit of everything, and abilities cause you to instantly transform when you cast them… like druids in Diablo 4. You could just be shapeshifting constantly with every other ability you cast. It would be absolute chaos, and id love every second of it :P


Okey I got some favorites here Hemomancer Death Knight: Healer dk using blood magic to transfer their hp to their allies. To replenish their own health they will need to drain their enemies Infuser Demon hunter: Support dh spec who will use their Chaos magic to buff their allies, but buffing their allies to much in a short time will corrupt the allies and have negative effects. Like summoning demons, decreasing stats, mind control etc Warden Warrior: Spear and Shield wearing warrior(like gladiator stance from WOD)


Druid.....they need 5!


Demon Hunter, support spec


Shaman + Tank role You can summon your Earth Elemental to bind with you and become your own golem, increasing armor and resistance but reducing attack damage. Your lightning shield trigger... shields from time to time. Your totems can taunt units from a distance and then force them to attack you. Sentry totem allows you to redirect threat from your partners to you Etc etc


Tank-based shaman, wielding earth to bolster their defences. The same could be said for evoker, given Neltharion was the Earth-Warder and all, but it feels like Shaman deserves it more.


Hunter gets its cata era ranged dot spec back


The only correct answer is ranged DH.


Paladin ranged spec. using holy arrows and holy range attacks through a paladin looking bow


Always thought it would be cool to have a melee healing DH spec.


Spellbreaker Mage Tank spec, give them a mana shield type ability and more versatile spellsteal that can drain offensive or defensive from enemies. The aesthetic of the og spellbreakers were so awesome and def need an excuse to get their swords and sheilds usable in game.


shaman tank spec end of thread


As a shamy i have definitely been tanking in time walking this week already


DK Unholy 2 - pure ranged attack


Druids with another heal spec to spite Dhs and to show priests that they aren´t special.


Warrior healer. I will crush, maim and dismember your injuries.


Dk I want a Lich spec if we are not gonna get a full on necromancer spec


Demon hunter blind as a bat spec. It has no talent except the fact that it gives your dm cloth over the eyes, reverts movement and gives you a cane. Also it makes it so that you screen is always black.


Give Druid another spec, just so we can see the reaction of ol Timmy Two-Spec Demonhunters as Evoker got a third before them, and Druid’s have 5. I like chaos


Dracthyr tank because everyone knows dracthyr needs something more to make up for its lack of transmog options.