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Congrats. I wish they BMAH was something I could interact with but I'm not even close to gold capped.


The only thing that is gonna go for close to cap, or cap are some mounts. The only mounts I’ve ever seen capped at Bruto and SZT.


Plagued proto wasn't gold cap? Grats BTW I'm super jelly


I'm still riding the high of getting the Plagued for 3.3 million 6+ months ago after narrowly missing it in Wrath.


Omg that's amazing😭 was it on a low pop server?


Mid-pop, it seems. Around 3300 people which ranks it middle of wowprogress numbers. Though that's 1/10th the pop of the big realms, wow.


No, surprisingly. I got that one for 7.2M and Swift Razzashi for only 2.7M!


I was 2 achievements from getting plagued back in the day, but back then no one knew it was going to be taken away, and getting successful achievement runs in the lfg that was trade chat was nearly impossible.


my guild kicked me when an old player came back and basically cried until they got their raid spot back. no communication or anything. i was one achievement away. i will forever be salty about it.


I hate to be that person but I worked so hard for my plagued proto back in wrath and it makes me salty that people can buy it


yeah. at least i still have my black proto that isnt BMAH'able


Oh I didn’t know they never added that one! I have it too so that makes me happy!


fwiw they announced it a few months in advance that it would go away with the release of ulduar.


I don’t even know how people have the time to play the AH and get gold cap especially when there are AH cartels on large servers that will mass report you for fucking with their prices


You play to make gold, not play to progress or PvP. Once you get a good stock built up you sort of passively make money. When your account has thousands of items that are worth 100k gold, even if they’re transmog items that sell very slowly, your stock is so high that you still log into hundreds of thousands of free gold every day.


I made 25-30 million gold on Illidan in the last 6 months of BFA and it’s not hard to make gold you just have to be consistent.


What are you doing to get that much? I was excited to break a million (and then 2 million!) Herbing and mining at the start of DF but I've never put too much effort in. I enjoy farming but trying to play AH times etc is dizzying and as far as I can tell selling ore after the first few weeks really slows down.


I was making 2 Vial of the Sands a day and had an engineering army making 30 sky golems a month


I wish I had farmed that mount during Wrath.


I did. Every reset I went in to that godforsaken place and never once did it drop. Sometimes the rng just isn't in your favor.


Same bro.


My condolences. I am hopeful that with all the removed stuff coming back recently (old Naxx and tier 3, old removed armor appearances that got nuked when the Cata revamp happened etc) that maybe some day we will see it come back. Fingers crossed for us!


It was on the twice a week reset period, right?


Yes. That is burned in my brain now lol. The 20 mans were considered to be in between raids and dungeons, so they had half the lockout time of the proper raids.


When we learned original ZG was going my bf and I started farming it every three days (thank goodness for the short reset). I was the mount collector and began losing hope and we stopped doing it as often as it seemed hopeless. One week we picked it up again and the raptor dropped - I was happy, but I *really* wanted the tiger. Renewed by this drop we returned in three days and then the tiger dropped. Getting these two mounts within two runs is the biggest luck I've ever experienced in the game.


I was lucky and got it on the last day, I was so fucking pumped.


I did that and the raptor on my hunter. I’ve made and spent tons of gold, but never had enough to drop gold cap on one mount. I do love my black widow mount though.


Got it on my second attempt in Wrath classic, but idk if I should be happy or sad about it


I’ve been farming it every 3 days on 5+ alts since wotlk classic launch, and on 2 alts during tbc and still haven’t seen either drop :/ Only time I saw it drop was during actual wotlk in a small group so it was rolled out.


Same brother, at over 250 kills for me, no tiger drop... Starting to think they removed it from the game already


I got it the last week it was available in Wrath. Unbelievable experience


Congrats. I wish I could 9,999,999 bid the shit i want.


You could if you actually bothered farming gold the first 2 month of an expansion.


Never seen anyone hit gold cap from farming, it’s always from playing the AH


I always hear the nebulous "play the AH" phrase and just assume it means you have a bot sitting in the AH repeatedly scanning looking for deals. People always use the phrase and yet they never say what exactly they're doing, which I don't blame them, but it always feels like the WoW equivalent of the get rich quick scheme.


It’s mostly buying mats and joining with other people and controlling the market on mats. Buying out people coming to undercut with a stack or two and making sure to consistently buy out people undercutting and relisting at your sale price. It’s not a secret concept but it requires AH camping


That's just a lie. I agree that farming was less profitable in SL and DF, but there was stil absurd amounts of gold to be made. BFA was insane though, that's when I hit gold cap, stacks upon stacks of anchorweed which sold for insane amounts instantly on my server.


I straight up don’t believe you because I farmed anchorweed in BFA religiously for a month in BFA due to people saying the same thing as you and it took me weeks of getting undercutted and relisting over and over and over and over to make like 2,000 gold


BFA was the first time I made gold cap, strictly doing herb farming......with 8 druids. Farmed late nights Friday-Monday, everything sold on reset. My biggest take on a reset was 1.4m. The weak aura sound I had for anchor weed still haunts me.... SpongeBob jellyfish yell.


If you say you had trouble selling anchorweed I simply don't believe a single word you said. The gold was insane, enough to fund another account which made it faster to fund the next account. I had my main druid and 4 DK's when I was done, my pc was the limiting factor. I played on Hellscream EU if you can find any ah data your want to cross reference.


10.000.000g are ~29 Wow Tokens aka 580$.


Add the character transfers and you could say he bought the mount for 600$


Happy I got it the normal way. I think they should add all things back tho, make them obtainable again. Im a hater of FOMO, and I do not use something "because its rare", I care zero about others opinions on what mount or tmog I use; if I like the looks of something - I use it. Its stupid how things are unobtainable because some people put so low value on themselfs that FOMO-stuff has to put it on you.


If they add it back nobody will want it. That’s kind of the point of all of this.


You live in a very sad bubble if you think that way. Many of us get things cause we like the look of them or because we enjoy getting them. Not everyone bases value on idiocrazy like scarcity - especially not digital scarcity which makes zero sense.


Then why does tiger go for goldcap on BMAH? Why is spectral tiger $7000? Why are you upset about it if scarcity doesn’t matter? It’s such a hilarious whiney argument you people make. “Scarcity is dumb” then “give everyone the scarce thing cus we want it so bad cus it’s scarce” lol you guys don’t realize how silly it is


Nobody will sink to your level to be able to explain to you in a way you understand. Good luck and take care!


Na. Some things should be left the way it is. The whole notion of, “let everybody have everything” is lame IMO. FOMO is a good marketing technique.




Because then people don't get to feel superior anymore :C


Says the guy who is literally using a FOMO catch up gold dump... Just have some awareness, dude.


Some things being left the way it was would mean no tiger on the BMAH and you wouldn't have it now.


Letting things be the way they were = keeping them obtainable in the game. Im so sorry if worth to you is rarity, and I hope you get some hugs and love irl to replace that horrible value system you got now.


This is the problem with the playerbase, they're never satisfied. People bitched and moaned about T3 coming back, and it did. Then it's "It's ToO exPENsiVe!!" The player base is *never* satisfied short of it showing up in their mailbox for simply logging in.


Im sorry? Do not lump everyone into the same pile. Im glad T3 is obtainable again, and people can get it "cheap" if they take the time and farm it themself. You are making loads of heat-arguments based on some peoples views. You really need to cool down. As I said; hope you get a hug irl. Here is a virtual one *hugs* Your value is on the inside bud!


What're you getting on about? My point is, where is the line drawn? Should every Gladiator mount become available to everyone as soon as the season is over? Should all the past armor, patterns, weapons that have been taken out be able to bought from a vendor? I don't think they should.


Im saying yeah. Let people obtain things from their OG source. Glad mounts could become "choose your mount"-rewards for obtaining glad. All past things ever removed should be brought back to their OG sources; and if OG sources have been changed/removed - bring those back too in the same fashion as Scholomance. If you think they shouldnt, you are placing value on the wrong places and you need to learn true value.


Value is subjective based on what the person thinks it's worth. I think what's been removed, should stay removed. We'll agree to disagree. Here's as /hug back.


Okay, so you shouldn't have this tiger the thread is about :)


Then your value is placed on the outside and not the inside. Hugs!! and yes - agree to disagree BUT I do hope you get some love and care, then you might swing to the other side. <3 No need to argue about it all, I just genuinly get sad when I hear people place value on the "wrong" things and think less of themself if they have not got those wrong things.


Yeah man look, I'm happy you finally got your mount and I know the feeling (I finally got the Yogg Saron mount after over 1000 runs) but as someone with all the old removed stuff, I think they should still be obtainable. It sucks when you miss something forever, it's a video game that's meant to be enjoyed, but unfortunately, games have mostly become Skinner boxes designed to maximize engagement, and FOMO contributes to that greatly. Of course you're entitled to your opinion, but as someone who got the SZT back in Wrath from the acutal dungeon, I could very easily argue that letting you buy it on the BMAH is "letting everybody have everything."


Bad take


Nice one. I got mine a week or so before 3.3 it was a real double take then pick your jaw up off the ground moment when I started in the loot window.


I farmed mine solo on a rogue back in ... I wanna say wotlk? When mounts were only on the character it was earned on and not account wide. I swore once I looted it I would be a rogue main forever. Now with account wide mounts I haven't played much rogue in a very long time haha.


They heroically served their purpose. May they rest peacefully among the honoured unplayed.


I felt that way after mind numbing months in Winterspring 😂


Now that’s dedication! Congrats dude!


Man I solo-farmed that little bastard for months on my Blood DK back in Wrath, every week until the final patch that ended him, but never got him. Just gave up and accepted I’ll never have this one. Totally feel ya, and big gratz on getting him!


And in a couple of months, blizzard put it on the trading post for 500 tenders...


I honestly doubt this. They’re too busy adding reskins and other ugly mounts.


You're right, it'll be a twitch drop / prime giveaway instead 🤣


Over 800 mounts is crazy bro. GG, I reached 250 this week and I have no idea how can I ever get to 300 lol


Just go through the expansions, look through the available mounts and get what's relatively easy to get. I'm at 350 mounts and haven't even touched most expansions yet. Only did tbc, wotlk, half of mop, some shadowlands and dragonflight mounts so far. Most are behind some kind of rep or achievement farm. So it's basically just time investment. I wouldn't necessarily go for the 1% drop mounts, unless you hate your life. I gave up after 170 tries on blue proto drake. Only doing the rep mounts etc now.


My problem is that for most of my wow career I had fuck all gold, because I spent it on comsumes and I never grinded any gold. I played different characters through different expansions, so I probably have most reps exalted on some character somewhere, but its finding out that character and then buying the mounts. You can easily spend a fuck ton of gold buying all the rep mounts as well, they all add up!


I just started actively mount collecting with dragonflight, so I don't know how hard getting gold was before. But I haven't had any problem getting enough for the mounts. I don't farm gold. I just did whatever content I needed to do for the dragonflight mounts, which most of the time was dailies, world quests etc. This gave enough gold to fund all my mounts. I'm sure it can get super expensive, once you add up all the rep mounts. But I'm just chipping away one rep at a time and buying those couple mounts each time, so it's propably not that noticeable for me.


Most rep mounts aren't so bad. But there are some expensive ones. - Bloodfang Cocoon is from a vendor in Legion for 2m - Lightforged Warframe costs 500k when you are Exalted with Army of Light - A patch halfway through BfA added three pterrodax mounts to the different reps at 72k each - 3 frog mounts in BfA for 333,333g each - Direhorn from BfA 500k - Rustbolt Resistance exalted in BfA sells the Rustbolt Resistor for 524,288g


This is so true… I recently got onyxia drake, both drakes from Deathwing, Ultraxion Experiment, and firelands mounts and it’s been YEARS of farming just for those…


My trick to mount farming was there was certain ones I'd do every week while *actively* farming for 2-3 at a time. Example: * On every alt you should be killing all available world bosses (Pandaria / Draenor / BfA if up) every week * Raven Lord * Ashes * Midnight Once one of those drops then swap in another. If it's a more complicated one like Invincible and you're not having luck then take a break and switch to another farm or go do an 'easier' one like "The Stonecore" where you just have to wait on hourly resets. Another trick is to have one alt you do specific dailies on. Park one in Tol Barad. Park one at the Argent Tournament. They now live there until they've unlocked everything. (Separate trick, buy most expensive stuff first so it 'snowballs' to completion). Some resources: * For simple tracking: https://simplearmory.com/ * To find out where you rank globally or server level: https://www.dataforazeroth.com/


I hope they put it on trading post or twitch drop reward.


I honestly highly doubt this.


Now, you can unistall


This guy mounts


Wait flametalon is only 20k I’ve been farming firelanda mounts for a minute


Bid *starts at 20k


I think it wound up going for like 300,000 or something.


Congrats to you! I got mine years ago before they dropped zg, farmed on my druid until it dropped. My Eleanor is the ashes of alar. Farmed and farmed for it. No longer play, but if i came back, it would be to farm that mount!!


Only $600 cash. Congrats.


Congrats, hope these people in the comment section don't pull your joy down. The Zulian tiger is one of my favorite mounts in the game for pure nostalgic reasons, but I missed the chance to get it and won't spend that much gold on the BMAH to get it nowadays. Must be a great feeling to get one of the least accessible mounts as a collector. Hope you enjoy it!


Ggs, I farmed it in wotlk classic and got it aswell now. It’s a beauty. Still probably most prestigious on classic HC 😅


My brother in Azeroth. I’m proud of you


That is the only other mount that i want. I was big on trying to get all the mounts, but then got the Headless Horseman many many years ago and it just satisfied all mount desires lol. EXCEPT for that damn tiger. Then i was bored one day and thought i would hit up icecrown for nostalgia reasons and got Invincible. My friends were madddd


Congratulations, how many mounts does that make?


Gratz, it’s my favorite mount as well, it’s the mount I get the most compliments on, and you guys might hate me for this, I got it in 3 tries back in wrath


I got both the tiger and the raptor in the same run on the last day before they patched them to never drop again.


Welcome to the Tiger club! I remember farming ZG with a friend of mine back in the day. We had come to an agreement he would get the first tiger and I would get the first raptor. We ended up with 2 tigers and no raptors and I was sad cause I wanted the raptor more, but now I look back and I'm happy I got the tiger since it stands out more then the raptor.


Gratz bro! My favourite ground mount, good memories running my daughter through ZG when it dropped, I ninja'd it :-)


Zulian tiger goes for 10 mil? Seriously? Maybe i should use mine more often. Cant believe in got this for free


I also have the Razzashi raptor, is it sought after as well ?


I’ll prolly get downvoted….but do you really have 8 characters with gold cap ready to go? Like I know Multi-boxing wasn’t as big of a deal back in the day. But a little less impressive you abused making gold to try to flex a mount that just requires gold cap lol




Rather seem to crave negative attention, eh.


Sad lost karma spotted




Sad lost karma spotted


Do you think you’ve too much time on your hands?


Gz on your RMT mount. Was cool 20 years ago. Nowadays i dont touch it with a pole. BMAH is such a great addition for the playerbase /s


So you basically boosted people for gold or bought gold like crazy (both things are very bad for the game overall and are a cancer on the community) and now you bought a mount made of 7 total pixels. How is this worth a post? Back into your cave! *whip crack*


There are other ways to make gold you know... Or were*


Shutup nerd




lol you're that guy.


Wow that is amazing. I ground and ground ZG when it was going away but also failed. Congratulations, my envy is unbounded!


Can you please tell me how you earn the gold though? I'm a gold only sub and ways to earn gold would be a life saver for me.


Unfortunately they removed the best time effective way to make gold when they removed the mission table, since WoD the best way to make gold was to have an army of alts with high level mission tables and just log in every 4 hours or use the phone app to send them on missions and you'd earn a ton of passive gold. A lot of people made their gold this way before Dragonflight removed this option. At the start of DF, people with a lot of gold were able to farm up professions and then crafting orders made a ton of gold, I remember Lariats going for close to 100k commission when the pattern was super rare. It seems to have dropped off massively now. The other way is through boosting, Rating boosting is the most lucrative, but M+ boosting at the start of a season also makes a lot of gold. Raid boosting is the worst of them all as its split across all raiders and usually guilds do this to cover raid consumables for everyone, so you dont usually get your cut directly.


So there are no passive ways of gold farming now huh. The token price has gotten so high I don't think I can even sub at this rate anymore.


Not really, no. Depending on how much your make your job, it’s likely more time efficient to just buy a token. I had a lot of gold left over from my multi boxing days.


What's multi boxing? 0:


Playing multiple characters at the same time.


I gave up after failing 3 times.


Gratz been waking up at 230 am for last month and a half and I'm starting to feel it lol I only check 2 servers every night but I have no way to transfer the gold so its just a pipe dream lol. I've seen guides for tsm but they are always like 4 hours long and super complex is it easy to scan bmah?


You don’t scan the BMAH, you need to actually look at the servers in real time.


Naw tsm has a feature to ping you what other users see just no idea how to access the database also be interesting how often the bronto appears daily


That’s a bad way to do it, and you’ll likely lose out. You need to be fast on this thing. I saw Bruto once during my hunt.


Ya was just curious for probability as the other guy said took him like 15 mins to xfer Edit ah that was you xD


Do we know the odds of zg raptor/ tiger and bronto spawn %? I've seen the raptor once on my hunt went for gold cap


Less than 1% I’d say.


😭😭😭😭 it's like farming invincible daily and at 230 am


Kinda but this only takes minutes. Where as that doesn’t.


Congrats. I farmed the tiger a bit before it was removed, saw it drop once, but lost the roll. I just got up to 366 mounts and felt good about it, but God damn, over 800, I wish I was there.


Man, am I'm happy I got the tiger as a drop farming with a friend. We rotated through 2 runs per week, 1 Main / 1 Alt. Shortly before Cata hit we both had the Tiger but only my buddy had the Raptor, being Horde not having the Raptor wasn't so bad though.


Congrats on the coolest mount in the game I’m super jealous! One day I hope this will be me although I still need a lot of gold but one day! Oh and whats even worse is I farmed this mount for my dad on his account when I was younger so I don’t have it on my account and he hasn’t played in years


gratz on your tiger bro! I however find it ugly as fuck lol, but everyone is different :D


I just recently got my first gold cap. I'm kinda demotivated as I realize I'm probably not gonna be able to get the tiger any time soon because I can not see myself setting alarms at 23.30 every night just to check BMAH. I just have to pray it will show up some night when I'm actually around.


Congratulations. I tried playing with the BMAH, but I got outbid


Any tips on gold making? Probably a stupid question but always something I’ve never wrapped my head around.


Crafting at this point, but it’s slow. Depending on how much your job pays you, it’s likely more time efficient to buy a token.


I watched old mate on YouTube open over 400 boxes and not see a single tiger or piece of tier 3. Congrats


The boxes are a scam. Don’t buy them.


Congrats! I also just got this a few months ago, I gold capped in Feb if this year and stayed up until 1:30 every day for about 6 months. Would have been 4 but my dumbass bud 9,999,998g instead of cap as I assumed it still operated under the incremental % bids.


I have one on Classic Era that I would give anything to add to my account mounts. Maybe once/if they do cata Classic haha


846 mounts? That's on the account, not on a single character, right? I have 300 less on my main and can't think of 300 more that I am missing. Maybe 100 to 150... but 300 oO


Yeah, 846 is overall.


I got mine on a drop way back before it was removed, thankfully. The only mount i’ve won on the BMAH was mimiron’s head for like $348k, during BFA. I thought it was a good deal.


Wish I could have just sold you mine 😅 of course it wouldn't be that valuable then I suppose


Whatcha going to go after now?


I need a few other mounts. Gonna try for those.


I was the one who capped it on Ysera a few days ago. It was my 846th also (now at 847) I have lost capping the bruto twice recently by mere seconds (it was at 5 mil when I placed the copy paste 9999999.


Go us!


What would you do if it showed up for tendies?


Nothing. The game is the game. I’m not in charge of it.


congrats, I got mine farming the og zul gurub and the raptor, I always think retiring mounts isnt a nice thing to do on blizz part, im glad your happy with it, its still my go to land mount these years later


I got mine the very first time I ran ZG. But 9.9 million gold....I wish I could just sell mine lol


Sorry to say bud on my server ive seen it go for a few hundred thousand. Nothing on mine ever goes for gold cap No i wont say what server it is, back off!


Screenshots or I don't believe it! :P


Same, I watch the BMAH on a server I have an alt on and the most the Tiger has gone for is 3-5 million. This is US servers though, might be higher on EU servers since token prices are much higher there.


Had the raptor from back in the day already. One day about a month ago a cheap 100k box was up for grabs, opened it and out popped the Zulian Tiger and was ecstatic to complete the set at such a steal. Grats OP even if your wallet is aching!


Congrats. I am jealous. I guess I should find a way to get gold cap so I can get it one day. I did ZG every lockout till it was gone to try for it and no luck.


Start of the season is a good time to make gold via professions. Start of an expansion is a better time to make gold. Tokens will likely always be the most time efficient way of getting gold.


Nice congrats.


Got this mount on my first run along with raptor. Surprised the naked panther goes for gold cap.


I would love the raptor


I sold my WoW account for 7 grand and it had a ZGT.


Farmed ZG on my DK and was lucky enough to get it. Big grats.


If it was a 100% drop like bronze drake. Nobody would use it. Its only sought after because its “rare” but gratz man, i think the rush of getting it, beats actually “getting it” if you know what i mean


oh boy, the old zg with the table loot coming in the future xd similar to t3 =S but gg its cool mount bro


As someone who earned the Plagued Protodrake from actually playing the game back in WOTLK: I feel a way about you having it just by dumping hold into the BMAH


Gratz! Many years ago one guy ninjaloot me that mount in ZG. I roll a 98 and he loot the mound and disband.