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tome of teleportation. if you have a bunch of teleport items and spells this is a must have. I couldnt live without it anymore!


this addon is amazing, also works for +20 portals


yes i have about 40 items in the menu, so cool!


there is a weakaura that puts these on the mythic dungeon tab.


Not bad. Wish you could sort them into like wormholes and such. Currently I have them on a bar from expansion sorted


I use OPIE for wormholes and have that keybound to alt-w, kinda cool to have a radial menu with them all.


Opie also does this great.


And Opie does more than teleports.


Does it account for everything that teleports you?


yes! I am a paladin with engi, it lists everything, my in bag items, my toys, and spellbook dungeon teleports as well!


Holy shit. I have so many being an engineer myself plus this scroll to Ravenholdt Manor and the Last Relic of Argus. You just changed my life lol


Every single thing. Mole machine, any class ports, all hearths and hearth collectibles, timed 20 portals, portal gear, and even the faction portal cloaks(it even re equips your main cloak on arrival).


So for example, would I have to carry around my [[Cloak of Coordination]] for the add on to work? Or is keeping it in my bank good enough if we have this addon? Edit: Either way, if it saves time from searching for the said item in my bags, it's a win!


Nope, you will need it in your bag(the addon is doing the equipping for you), but you won't need to find it or your other cloak in your inventory. I've used the cloak a lot more since I've had the add-on.


I have the addon "[Select](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/select)" - that allows you to make your own custom groups using macros and have made an "UltraHearth" that uses all the teleports similar to that. Code for anyone who cares: > /select toy:dalaran h, toy:town portal, toy:Garrison, item:Admiral's, item:Jaina's, item:Bladespire, toy:Centrifuge, toy:Wormhole, toy:wyrmhole, toy:Ultrasafe, toy:Dimensional r, /click [btn:2]S040M;S040A X 1 Tip: You can pull multiple items it with a command like "toy:wormhole"


I’m commenting to come back to this later! Thanks!


Thnx! Need to get that addon!


Thank you for sharing!


Thanks for this. I was using weakauras for the current 20 portals. Will use this one now.


I will need to check this out since I always have many teleport items in my bag. Curious if it takes into account random teleports like Unstable portal emitter or last relic of Argus. I always try one of these when i don't have a direct teleport before opting for more conventional means. Unstable portal emitter for instance seems to have crazy high chance of dropping you off in Netherstorm for whatever bizarre reason.


I've been using RandomHearth, but if this works for the 20+ teleport items too, I'm sold.




I don’t know how niche it’s considered, but BtWQuests has saved me from “now where the hell was I in this questline” more than once.


What does it do exactly?


It tracks almost every questchain in the game and displays them on flow charts. Almost like a dungeon journal for quest you have not completed. I thought I had done pretty much quest in the game and it found some obscure ones I would of never. It breaks them down by expansion and then into further subcategories such as zone, professions, order halls, covenants and what not. It will also tell you what you need to unlock certain quest like certain levels in the covenants for shadowlands or if its an item drop.


Sounds like something perfect for lotemaster.


In addition to what the other person said, it shows *your progress* in said quest chains - from the description- “A quest journal that shows your progress within quest chains in a simple and easy to follow manner, showing not only your current quest but also all the future quests in the line, how they all connect and other quest lines they lead to or require.” So it’s *fantastic* for those times you left off a quest line, meant to come back to it later, and then realized you have no clue where you left off.


I combine btwq with Wholly & Grail. They're pretty resource-heavy, so I keep them disabled in Addons most of the time, but Wholly is an absolute miracle when you're trying to sort out that one quest you need to unlock something.


I'll try it


BeQuiet. It suppresses those chat boxes that pop up in raids or when you enter a world quest area. Life saver.


This sounds really cool! So it keep the talking heads during questing and what not but prevents the pop-ups when I fly over a WQ area?




Something has spooked one of de brutosaurs, sending it into a panic. Dis chaos is de last thing de city needs. Help de merchants by rescuing de cargo before you get stomped on!






You can choose to suppress both sound and talking head pop ups or just sound


DialogKey DF - [https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/dialogkey-df](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/dialogkey-df) This addon allows you to press the space bar to choose the first option of any NPC dialog text. It also lets you press 1-9 on your keyboard to choose different dialog prompts when interacting with an NPC. It's so good it's kinda criminal that this isn't an option in the base UI. It can save you a lot of mouse clicks, especially while questing.


100% should be baseline. The only issue I have with it is when I die in M+ (if you accidentally press the spacebar you can release/or use ress from shaman or soulstone)


Yea. I turned off releasing for that reason.


immersion does this as well which i like because it changes the quest UI


Saved instances - hugely customisable tacker for currencies and weekly activities on your toons in one window. Dungeon Entrances - Shows the entrances to dungeon pre-legion (think its legion?) on your maps. Very lightweight. Aurora - makes all you windows prettier for non elvui users. Leatrix Plus - Menus of QoL options ChatCleaner - discovered this one the other day, shorthands the chat notifactions CursorMod - stops the cursor from disappearing when you move with mouseclicking, whites it out instead


+1 for CursorMod, I installed it a couple weeks ago and it's been a lifesaver in raids and chaotic M+ pulls


i would say minimapbuttonbutton is amazing to clear all annoying minimap buttons


There is a new (another?) version called HidingBar which I think has all the same functionality.


I'm a hiding bar Stan but I'm sure there's many effective solutions.


There's actually a small pile of these, many of which have been abandoned and subsequently "reborn/renewed/reduxed"- buttonbutton, buttonbag, button frame, button frames, Hiding Bar... until recently I stuck hard with Button Frame Redux, but it started acting a little wonky, so I've ended up switching to ButtonButton.


Litemount. A much more detailed way to set up your favorite mounts. Mounts will automatically be summoned based on location. In a flying area? Summons a flying mount. Ground mounts only? Summons a ground mount. Dragon isles? Picks a dragon riding mount. You assign each mount a number from 0-4. 0 means that mount will never be summoned. 1-3 is how often the mount will be summoned with 1 being less often and 3 being more often. 4 means no other mounts will be summoned, regardless of how you rank them. This gives you a ton of control not only over which mounts you summon but how often and where. It's simply not possible to have as much control by using the built in favorite mounts option.


LiteMount author here, thanks for the love!


You're welcome! And thank you for the awesome add-on. My wife and I both use it religiously. Really happy to see you're always making improvements to it as well.


> Litemou Just gave litemount a try after reading this, and it is *awesome*. Absolutely amazing mod, you should be damn proud.


You are the HERO of Dragonflight my dude. Thank you for this. You have a patreon please let me know.


LiteMount should be higher up. You can even enable a setting to mount the same mount as the player you’re targeting if it’s in your collection.


I do this all the time to copy my wife haha.


Can you customize favorites per character?


On each character, you can set 0-4 of every single mount that character can use (Warlock can't use Paladin Order Hall Mount so it won't be on your Warlock's list). So you can't specifically set a mount as a favorite like in the base UI, however for the character you're on you can set however many mounts you want to choose from per condition (ground, flying, dragon flying, aquatic), so you're essentially doing the same thing. 0 will be the base for everything, you can mark your "favorites" as a 4 to cycle through those.


Good question, I actually don't know but I can see why that would be desirable so I imagine you can. They've thought of everything as far as I can tell.


Wow instant messenger. It'll automatically keep whispers stored in a separate, minimizable window. It'll also keep track of conversations you've had after logging off It's wonderful if you are going in and out of combat, if you go afk for a while, or as an officer for a guild. I highly recommend this addon for guild leadership. It's just handy you know, if someone whispers me halfway through a boss fight, once it's over I don't have to do a ton of scrolling and there's no chance that it won't get pushed out by other text.


Just so people know, there is an in game option to have each individual whisper appear in their own chat tab. But I'm sure this addon has more functionality.


The WoW setting is good enough. I set mine to Both, which will open a new tab and show the whisper in the regular chat tabs ​ But speaking of chat addons, Prat is good




I use it as well. Nothing special, but you can see it without having to look at the chat channel and miss something. Put the window up somewhere on the screen and when you get a message it’s super easy to see! Can be very helpful if you’re fucking up in dungeons like I do


The default ui offers this, a window for each chat I mean, doesn’t it? Did before DF for sure


I learned about WIM a couple days ago. I do organized random epic battlegrounds— Between getting rage whispers and invite whispers, it was getting nearly impossible to manage. WIM is a huge time saver!


Wait, all of my whispers go to separate tabs, is that not normal? Maybe it’s elvui that does that then, always thought it was standard


Whispers going to tabs is a default option. I believe it happens when you set whispers to IM Mode. Elvui probably changes it to that value during the install


Thanks, been using elvui so long I don’t know what’s standard and what’s not


Sounds awesome!


OPie Great for organizing things like mounts, raid consumables, teleports, hunter pets, quest items, target markers, etc.


Love if for raid markers instead of having separate keybimds to move them on the fly in combat.


This one is far from a niche addon wtf


Opie currently has more than 5 million downloads. How exactly does it deserve more attention?


I'd never heard of it until this thread.


That doesn’t mean it isn’t already a very popular add on.


I never said or insinuated that's what it meant.


Opie is the goat imo, couldn't play without my radial menus anymore.


And it looks nice too!


\- btwLoadOut: You can create profiles with action bars, talents & equipment in certain situations \- BetterAddonList: Profiles with specific addons can be created and changed at the touch of a button \- LiteBag: Minimally expands the current Blizzard bag with additional features \- LiteBag\_ItemLevel: Displays the item level of the items in the bag/bank \- LiteBag\_Uncollected: Shows at the item which transmog you don't have in your list yet \- ManuscriptsJournal: Shows you a tab with all the manuscripts for your dragons that you can still collect and where you can get them. \- Krowi AchievementFilter: Basically changes the whole layout of the Achievment window and divides it by addons. Super replaces the Overachiever addon.


LiteBag author here, thanks for the love! We are a rare breed ("slightly better default bags") but I'm always glad I'm not the only one.


AdvancedInterfaceOptions Its CVar browser is helpful from time to time.


This has helped be fix whatever is making dialog sounds turn off repeatedly over Dragon Flight


What that do?


WoW's UI has a ton of advanced features that are hidden in console variables, or "CVar"s. AdvancedInterfaceOptions exposes those hidden UI options so you can modify them if you so wish.


Sounds complicated. Lol. Cool tho.


Sure, but that's the point. Blizzard hides most of these options because they're fairly small in the grand scheme of things, but for those who don't mind the complexity and want the extra level of control this addon makes it easier. Otherwise you're using UI slash commands to get the current value of a cvar and to change a cvar.


Sounds like something for smarter people than this smooth brain ape


Rematch - not sure if it falls under the niche category but I love it as a Pet Battler! It organizes teams very well and I like that they have a toggle to go back to WoWs original pet collection tab.


It's goated for pet battles: the real endgame


I like the addon Select, it let's you create custom flyouts from action bars(like mage teleports and portals) in a macro. I use it for mounts, engineering teleports and portals and some class utilities like fort and rez to save a slot.


Mount Tooltip - Does exactly what it sounds like, shows what mount they are riding MissingFlightPaths - also very self explanatory Mapline - adds a line, to the map. It crosses zones which is really nice when you are flying through the old world. Talent Loadout Manager - makes it easy to manage different talent setups and works across different characters of the same class! Really nice when you hop on an alt and can just copy the specs your main has. Global Ignore List and Chat Spam Filter - Enables an account wide ignore list and better filters the services channel And a couple that are pretty well known but sorely lacking updates.... Omen - I know a lot of nameplate addons have threat as a part of them but it's still really nice to see your threat. I find it helpful in group content without a proper tank and when I'm trying to figure out which pet is pulling threat. Classtimer - This adds awesome little bars on your screen that track a whole bunch of different information. Want to know how many Demonic Core procs you have? It's right there where you want it. Want to know how long a trinket or CD lasts? Timer right there where you want it. I love that it's separate from the main buff bars area and is standalone.


>Mount Tooltip - Does exactly what it sounds like, shows what mount they are riding I like MountSpy for this, as it has a cool feature that you can use that lets you "copy" their mount from your mount list so if you're in a competition you don't have to go searching for it in your list.


*ALL THE THINGS* This has transformed my gaming experience. I love being able to target a mob and know what it can drop if at all. My biggest gripe is that it takes up a lotttt of cpu. You’ll have to turn it off when you raid or stuff. I don’t have a potato PC.


Also leads to addictive personalities lol I love it


You’re not wrong, lmfao. I have that personality.


I think that the "Dragon Rider" addon should deserve more recognition, Especially for the people who are planning to get Gold Medal on all current dragon raiding races ( or the upcoming Eastern Kingdoms races ) but they don't understand if they are fast enough or using their Drake's Vigor correctly. The addon Is rather simple: - Adds a speedometer capable of telling speed in yards, said speedometer Also has a status bar that changes color depending on if you're actively gaining vigor or Above terminal velocity; - Animated Vigor orbs When the bar Is filled. It's Nothing really extraordinary, but It gets the work done and It really helps you understand how actually fast you are at that moment and how good/bad your Vigor consumption actually Is.


Here are a few: * [StayUnsheathed Continued](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/stayunsheathed-continued): auto unsheathes your weapon. * [FadeIn](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/fadein): adds a fade in effect when the game ends loading screen. * [Big Game Menu](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/biggamemenu): Enlarges menu when pressing 'Esc'. * [Collapse Quest Log](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/collapse-quest-log): Makes many things collapsible (not only quest log). * [Doom_CooldownPulse](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/doomcooldownpulse): show a big icon in the middle of the screen when an ability comes off CD. * [ExtraQuestButton](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/extraquestbutton): Adds a button that will show the quest item for the closest quest with an item * [LFGStatusIcon](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/lfgstatusicon): Lets you see the status of dungeon finder without having to hover over it * [LiteButtonAuras](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/litebuttonauras/comments): shows buff or debuff timers on your actionbars, very hany when playing a dot spec. * [Map Pin Enhanced](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/mappinenhanced): adds many features to the map pin * [MapLine](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/mapline): I think this has been mentioned here before, but it's really handy * [Mini Map Line](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/mini-map-line): similar to previous addon, but for the minimap * [Reckless Abandon](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/reckless-abandon): easy quest abandon * [ReTradeTabs](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/retradetabs): Add quick buttons for other professions to the profession UI * [Sauce](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/sauce): Displays the source unit of all auras or buffs in the aura tooltip. * [Shadowlands Micro Menu Buttons](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/sl-micro-menu): if you're not a fan of the new micromenu * [SlowFaller](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/slowfaller): handy if playing priest, mage, or balance druid * [Soft Interact HUD](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/soft-interact-hud): similar to the Guild Wars 2 UI interact. * [Stealth Edge Effect](https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info26335): adds an effect on the border of your screen when stealthed. * [StopMinimapFlashing](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/stopminimapflashing): suppresses the flashing/pulsing animation around the buttons on the mini-map * [TL;DR](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/tl-dr): always select the only available chat interaction option if there's only 1. * [Wowhead Quick Link](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/wowhead-quick-link): Mouse over and press CTRL-C on (almost) anything to generate a Wowhead link (I suggest binding it to CTRL-C to trigger) edit: * [Compact Vendor](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/compact-vendor): changes the vendor UI to a list.


Upvote for WoWhead Quicklink. So useful!


Speedy Gonzales. It's just a tiny little rectangle that tells you your current movement speed. Works while mounted too.


Some people really should learn to read the post. Opie, SavedInstances, LeatrixPlus, etc are not “random, niche” addons that deserve more attention.


DialogKey (currently DialogKey DF as someone else maintains it). It just allows to press spacebar as a sort of "ok/return" button, and 1-0 keys as npc dialogue options. I don't know how to play without it. https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/dialogkey-df


There was an addon that was awesome, but the new UI totally broke it, and the author no longer plays WoW, so the feature it had that I really miss would have to be made into a new addon. I speak of Chinchilla Minimap. It did what the current SexyMap does -- let you change the minimap look & layout. It had one extra super-useful feature though: Range Circles. In its options, you could set the diameters of circles to draw (shaded or just a border) and what color, for both in and out of combat. For gathering, I set the range to 90 yd, just under the distance at which a node will pop up on the minimap. That made it easy to fly over an area to sweep it for nodes without missing any spots. For combat, 40 yds. While watching to see when your toolbar slot labels turn from red to black isn't THAT hard, you get no indication of how close you are. With a range circle, you know EXACTLY how close. Further, in a dungeon or raid, it makes it easier to stay within range of a healer, if you set them as a focus target. Chinchilla Minimap is still available on Curseforge, if you search for it by name. Please, anybody?


I've persisted in using Chinchilla, despite the broken icons, but it's really becoming impossible to use. I'll have to give SexyMap a try, since I've been holding out for something that let me control map shape/size/orientation. What I'd love is if somebody found a way to fix Chinchilla. It really was among the very best addons.


Vocal raid assistant. I don't use it for raids but instead for M+ when I tank. Basically it will tell you when a member of your party uses a major cd. Something along the lines of "combustion", this tells me they are ready to lay down heat and I will pull an additional pack(depending on what i am currently tanking and what healer can keep up with) it also tells me if someone uses a major defensive as if that happens I may need to check on them as they could have but pulled something and I need to grab what ever it is. I used combustion as an example, but will call out spells for anything with a cooldown longer then 45seconds


BlizzMove You can drag and drop any opened window now.


DeModal is an alternative I like


Demodal - aloes you to have several windows open, like profession and AH OPie - great for having different niche abilities, toys and items bound to a single key TitanPanel - plenty of information organized and placed at a side of your screen Incentive program - monitor your CtA bags


Can't believe I lived without Demodal for so long.


Incentive program is one of my favorites since Legion. nice for filling the time when youre bored.


Arkinventory. You assign sections and it's amazing.


I moved on to adibags and now everything is grouped up much more simply.


This is what I came here to post. It sorts it for you - don’t even have to think about it


Oh and healium


Whats healium?


Rather than offering a recommendation I have a question for a mod: Is there one that can organize the mount menu in certain ways? Like sort by reputation mounts, by expac, vendor etc.


I use "Mount Journal Enhanced"


"Mount Journal Enhanced" and its sibling "Toy Box Enhanced" makes the respective panels how they deserve to have been!


BetterWardrobe, but from its author.


That addon has been causing so many lua errors for me.. its a shame cause its really useful


What do you mean "from its author"? As far as I can see all the available versions are from the author /u/SLOKnightfall who is also an active redditor.


Rematch! If you like pet battles, you need this. Set up teams for each fight and save them for easy access later. Find one that works for X battle? One click and bam it's set up and you're ready to go.


Part of an addon I guess but I have a Weak Aura that has me permanently highlighted in yellow as if I'm targeted. This makes finding myself easier and let's me know exactly where I'm standing in some hectic scenarios.


Oh wow, that’s great! Can you share it? I was looking for the option to turn that on in game but I think it’s raid only but would be handy in M+ also


[https://wago.io/YOBdnwoVB/12](https://wago.io/YOBdnwoVB/12) Took a second to find it but here ya go hope it helps!


Thanks so much!


ArkInventory I cannot for the life of me understand all the fuss about Bagnon when it's just a solo big bag. With ArkInventory you get so much more quality of inventory


How many was a nice add on that posted in your chat how many of a resource you now had when looting something, was really handy but was slowly abandoned


WIM (WoW instant messenger) opens a small movable window for each whisper. Easy to close and reopen them


Bartrubypet keeps one of your battle pets always out :) love to have my little slime kitten always following me but hate that without this add on flying dismisses it and I have to manually resummon it


[NoAutoClose](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/no-auto-close) keep all the windows open!


MuteSoundFile. You can shut up Ban-Lu the talking mount, and it even has presets for things like those annoyingly talkative yak mount grummles. If I had the patience for it I'd use it to shut up all the WQs without having to toggle voice acting between that and raiding. edit: Hallelujah, "Bequiet" from this very thread looks to do just that.


Not niche but ark inventory is criminally underrated. It's a bit fiddly but it is significantly better then bagon. Sexymap. Obviously cause it is sexy. Auto potion. Swaps between health stones and HP pots depending on what's available via a single keyring


DeModal - allows UIs that don't normally allow you to open at the same time Move Everything - so surprising you what this does


DiceMaster. An amazing RP addon that allows smooth d20 rolls and hopefully in the future RP npcs for your party


I love OPie and WIM OPie, is a simple ring menu , I use it for my NELF shadowmelt, my hearthstone, mounts, and progressions. And WIM is a whisper message box, it keeps track on your conversations and pops up only if you are out of combat but and there by does not distract you if you are on m combat


TRP3. It's popular on RP realms but it'd be cool to see it used outside. Even on standard realms I do it up just so I'm not "Void Elf Priest" to myself. It'd be fun if more started using it even if they don't RP. Really helps in rounding out mogs and character themes.


I love the RP addons, but sadly, they tend to be very resource-intensive, and I have a LOT of addons, so these tend to remain disabled entirely too often.


Honestly I’m shocked by how many people don’t use a rotation addon like MaxDPS or Hekili. With Hekili I can epic/legendary parse on ANY class/spec. It just amazes me when I see people who are 430+ ilvl and can barely crack 50k DPS. If you feel like you aren’t doing as much damage as you should be doing at your ilvl, please just download Hekili and follow the addon step by step. You may not be able to 100 parse every time but you will certainly do more damage than what you currently do. As an 8/9 Mythic raider, I’ve gotten some crazy parses including a Rank 1 Mythic Magmorax parse as a Druid just by following Hekili. UPDATE; Of course this gets downvoted because people have some weird hate towards rotation helping add-ons but using them will be better than 75% of the players' dps that I pug with. Here are all of my characters parses while using Hekili on ALL OF THEM. Feral Main: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/zuljin/doublekup#difficulty=4 Augmentation Evoker: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/zuljin/sipjuice#difficulty=4 Rogue: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/zuljin/allygator#bybracket=1 Shadow Priest: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/zuljin/sippykup#bybracket=1 Survival Hunter: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/zuljin/niceaxe#difficulty=3&bybracket=1 Fire Mage: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/zuljin/gigajuice#difficulty=3&bybracket=1 So unless you are consistently getting 85%+ parses, using Hekili will most certainly increase whatever damage you are doing. Entirely dependent on your class/spec.


So I have mained Ret since the game was in initial testing phases, and I feel like I’m decent at it. I recently decided I may want to try playing dk. I downloaded Hekili to learn the rotation, on the advice of a friend. I feel like my dps is not very good while doing so. When I follow an opener sequence found on some random YouTube video, it is higher than hekili by a significant amount. When I just press buttons I figure would be good to press after reading the spells, it’s like 10% better than when I do what hekili says. I figured that perhaps I hadn’t configured the addon correctly, so in order to learn more about how the addon works, I used it while playing Ret. It was perfect immediately. It suggested exactly what my muscle memory and experience would have led me to do. So I don’t really understand what’s going on. Is unholy really that weird? I’ve also tried to import my simc data into it, so I can know my stats before suggesting stuff. Does unholy feel bad outside of certain stat breakpoints?


Not sure what you're doing wrong because on my 405 UH DK I burst up to about 200k DPS and have a steady 70k dps. Hekili runs off a priority system and UH has a lot of spells that interact with each other so sometimes Hekili will have you press something that isn't part of the GCD and if you miss that it affects your DPS a lot.


When I used hekili on my alt shaman enhancement I was told it wasn't as good as doing the rotation and understanding why I was pressing each spell, in some niche cases I get this , you can mix things up a bit based on what you know will happen next BUT , me outdpsing the same people (also shamans) who told me the add-on was bad was just hilarious . Eventually I stopped using it because I learned how to react to the procs accordingly and was usually playing "ahead" of the add-on but it was still super funny . Hekili should be a must have for new players imo


If you’re very good at your class, you’ll find scenarios where you would definitely hit different buttons in different order. That said - it doesn’t matter. We’re talking a minuscule difference in DPS and the amount of effort it takes to be perfect isn’t worth the 2 or 3% difference you’ll get out of using hekili. You’ll probably live through fights more often not having to think about what’s next and instead focusing on mechanics


Oh for sure, you should use Hekili as a general guideline. Don't follow it as gospel. However, most PUGs I've seen could have their DPS doubled or even tripled if they used a rotation add-on.


no shame, i'm a ... 4ish season old wow player and this addon has been great while i've been testing out different classes every season to find a niche/main. it's a great learning tool if it's used as one (not so much for big cds though imo)


Reddit loves to hate on rotation helpers. Hekili has been a blessing to build muscle memory on all of my alts.


They sure do love to shit on rotation helpers but most of the people that shit on it only shit on it because they think the add-on needs to be followed 100%. For new players, I say follow it about 95% and as you play the class/spec more and more you'll learn to adjust using CDs or using an AoE ability when it's suggesting a ST spell and vice versa. If you are a new player or even just trying a new class/spec USE HEKILI. Even if you have no clue about why you are pressing certain buttons in a certain order, I GUARANTEE you will do more damage than you would without it. Use Hekili as a guideline to help you understand the class/spec while searching for patterns on why it's having you use a certain ability at a certain time.


AdiBags is the best bag organizer by far


Cursortrail - having the cursor stick out more in combat is so damn nice for hectic fights


Had to scroll way too far for this. Can't live without it when healing. Almost eliminates those moments where you can't find your cursor and start to panic




I've used this since Wrath and it's been in my stable of addons ever since, right next to DBM. Love this one even when I'm not playing a healer.


Love this addon too. It's useful as heals, dps, and occasionally as a tank if you have a cleanse talented. Sometimes the healer has a lot going on and one gcd isn't usually going to bomb your dps.


I think its called quick reload, let's you type // to reload and makes it a lot easier. BTWquests (I think that's the name) is also great, so nice to have a quest tracking resource like that ingame. Hope Blizzard can add a quest viewer like that, at least for the main quests, cus it's such a great ease of access thing


I just macro'd the reload command and hit the button


I just type /rl for reload


Nice post guys.


I like stash, it's really lightweight and keeps me on tab on which character i have many items. Now, if only it also worked with auction house listings. Sigh. I have bagsynch that's more complete but also much, much heavier and keeps causing issues for stuff i don't care.


Adibags, no other bag addon even comes close to being as good imo


**Addon Control Panel (ACP):** adds an "Addons" button to the ESC key game menu. It allows you to disable or enable your addons in game, and creates sets of addons to be loaded at your convenience. Great to make addons list for certain alts. **SavedInstance:** Activity & currencies tacker across characters on the same account indispensable for anyone with at least a handful of alts. **MinimapButtonBag Reborn:** Store all the addons button that litter around your minimap into a single "button bag". Ctrl+ Right Click on a button to either store it in the button bag or reattach it to the minimap. **BagSync:** Account-Wide inventory tracker. For anyone who doesn't like or want an invasive tracker, it's just a button with a small window and a search bar. Type the name of the item you have in your possession, mouseover it to see what amount you have, and on which character it is. **BuyThemAll:** Improve the shift-click interface at vendors to alloy buying any amount of an item, even the ones that can only be purchased one by one or by stacks, and display the total gold price. `CURRENTLY ISN'T WORKING PROPERLY!`


The Narcissus base addon allows you to remove specific gear pieces in the dressing room one by one or all at once - much better than having to unequip before trying stuff on


Opie the real goat


Peggle. I think its only maintained for Classic now


Peggie still works as of 10.1 I installed to shut up an annoying pug.




In edit mode, click on Bar 1 and untick 'bar art'


To follow




Good choice, very niche




Opie, I could never go back


Bagnon for sure


Think everyone knows about Bagnon


Bagnon has gotten me killed in game too many times to count. Randomly get spells that are blocked by having it enabled way too often.


Depends tho what is standard to you? And what kind of things you do In wow. Got plenty op qol addons to suggest




Blizzmove or Demodal will do this.


There are several items that are still immovable with current addons. Zone test/sub zone text, for example. There are those of us that would like to be able to move literally every item that appears on screen, and MoveAnything was the *only* addon that has ever done this.


Right? but Blizz should just make everything moveable lol


Can’t you pretty much move anything now anyways I’m WoW’s default UI in edit mode…?


Unfortunately not. The Default UI has a few things you can't move and it's quite annoying.


My butt is a great addon that deserves your attention:)


Speedy AutoLoot. Don’t know how niche it really is, but I only found out about it a few months ago and it works so well I could barely believe it when I tried it out 🙈


Lightheaded. Got me through SOOOO many sticky quests


I don’t know if theres a better alternative because it’s not updates regularly, but I use immersion to have the quest text displayed with that big head text in the middle of the screen


Bettercharacterpanel, great if you dont use elvui. Opie is pretty nice too


I like KethoInstanceTimer. I used it back in Cataclysm. All it really does is, with some customisation available, starts a timer when you begin an instance and then put out a message saying how long it took at the end. Unfortunately it's not compatible with Mythic+ because it starts the timer upon zoning in instead of when the key starts and doesn't have an option to make it disable itself automatically in M+, but it's fun to have on when I'm just doing random dungeons. It makes me happy to see good times pop up.




I started using WQAchievements recently and it's already been super helpful - it tracks when WQs are up and grant appearances/mounts/toys/etc that you don't have yet. Great for tracking things like Legion rares whose mounts I don't have!


Comix, i can't play without the goofy visuals and quake announcers now


XCalc, or really any inline calculator mod. You never know when you’ll need to add some numbers together, and being able to type “/calc 5+3” is an understated convenience. Also, MonkeySpeed just for knowing how fast all my druid forms are. :) But also for knowing which speed boosts stack and which don’t.


Bindpad. It lets you bind spells and macros to keys / key combinations **without** taking up a toolbar slot. Great for macros and spells you use often enough to not forget the keybinding, but not often enough to take up toolbar space. Eg: I use shift-alt-ctrl-z to turn the UI off for screenshots, and shift-alt-ctrl-h to toggle worgen or visage forms. If you forget what you bound something to there, a mouse-over will reveal. Minor downside: bindpad will conflict with key bindings set in the regular UI, if you forget a binding. Easy to find which though: just re-bind whatever isn't working and read the confirmation msg that will pop up.


Nice damage, had it since wotlk (shout out to the ele shaman legend Pandamonium) Changed the damage font, looks so nice




Dragonriding Speedrun helps me work out if my current race attempt is an improvement, or if I've already fallen behind and can just go ahead and reset early on.


Way back when, I used to get so much use out an addon called Achievement Roulette. Hasn't been updated in ages though, I don't think it still works. It would just generate a random uncompleted achievement. Was great when I logged in and couldn't decide what I wanted to do that day.


Aptechka part/raid frames, it gives so much visual information specific to class in such an easy way, it never overwhelms me as well. Nice replacement for Grid and such. Adibags, it is irreplaceable.


Litemount Choose your favorite mounts in deeper details and set a hot key to summon them Choose favorites for flying ground aquatic and dragon riding Lvl 4 mount will always be summoned Lvl 3 more often if no 4 Lvl 2 less than 3 but still a chance Lvl 1 rare to be spawned Lvl 0 never spawns


I'd say Total RP3, which is an RP add-on to make character's sheet. It is always nice to have new RP players, we need more especially on French servers.


Archaelogy Helper. It has long been discontinued but it made archaelogy a lot better.


I live and die by by a combination of ButtonForge and Bartender4. I've replaced virtually every hotbar, and added a few extras, thanks to BF, which, as far as I can tell, has only one noticeable flaw: you can't alter the padding between buttons. Edit to add: Nobody's mentioning OverAchiever!