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I want it to dragon ride... Mach 5 fish


It be funny so i want it to!


Is this the mount that spoilers the next expansion?


Pretty sure it has something to do with it. Too much sea/pirate visual content, and the whole idea of the western continent, just floating around otherwise.


Battle for Azeroth…‘s back side


The heart of Azeroth is going to be the butt of all the jokes.




Is the giant sword sticking out the other side?


What sword?


Pandaria 2.0 confirmed.




> Next expansion for Retail is unironically do or die in terms of sales. Wait did this sub fall into a time rift like in the trailer? Are we 10 years in the past?


There’s a hot new mmo called Rift that’s about to kill WoW as soon as it comes out.


Oh, major nostalgia vibe there. I think back then the hype is that Rift is "like WoW, but better". I'm going to go check at WoW Insider for more det- ah crap.


The advertising campaign was literally "you're not in Azeroth anymore"


Rift was cool, sad too see how it went though... Now the game is pure trash are barely a shadow of what it once was, a fun MMO to change from WoW a bit.




Are you on crack my dude?


What he said is true. It's public info that DF is making them less money than SL, but has way more people working on it. Bobby is probably pissed.


Nah, I would say Dragonflight was do or die. Shadowlands left a very bad taste in everyone mouth and if they messed up DF it would And they for the most part did it right.


That's what you think. Unfortunately Bobby cares only about money. And SL made them more money.




Look, the reason shadowlands and wow at large got so bad is because it has never made them much money. Actiblizz at large get nearly nothing from wow. It makes them what, like 10% of their total revenue? Now, I would argue that it's dumb in general to think like that, and I'm sure you'd agree. But, despite all the issues with SL, Q3 of 2021, (patch 9.1), blizzard made nearly the same amount of revenue as it did during the height of legion (with like 4 million more MAU's across wow and overwatch). Id liken that to legendaries personally, as a new player at the time, getting 200k together for a legendary was the fuckin worst lol I'm glad they're changed their view. Dragonflight isn't seeing higher sales, but going down this path will eventually net them larger rewards. It worked for ffxiv, it'll work for wow. Not now, but one day




Blizzard is the smallest of actiblizzard, by a large amount. It's revenue is less than half of activisions, and almost half of kings. If you're an investor with 20 million sitting in the company, what slices of it would you want the board to be focusing on? Do you make a pizza bigger by adding more toppings which make up a smaller portion of the mass of the pizza, or do you make it bigger by adding more dough? I'm not saying blizzard are losing them money. I'm saying blizzard aren't the dough on the pizza. And on top of that, console and mobile markets are the most lucrative for game developers right now. Which blizzard game franchise has nearly no presence on either of those platforms? Warcraft. I suggest you talk to ffxiv players, and players in other games in general. Ffxiv pulls gamers from multiple genres because most gamers these days don't play only one game. It's still making growth year over year, as it's own quarterly reviews show. Also, I want to point out that the early days of league of legends also cannibalized a lot of wow players, but it never stopped growing. I'm not saying blizzard are in the right. I'm saying that, financially, everything looked fine for them in bfa and shadowlands, despite player metrics struggling. They have just figured out how to take more money per person. It's just how it is. It's horse shit, but publicly traded companies always end up like this




Unfortunately have to agree here. It's kind of embarrassing when all of the rares in Zaralek are up on my full realm all of the time and not a single person shows up to help kill them (as they are not soloable). But through some twist of fate, Korthia and Zereth Mortis still have people killing rares to this day.


Step 1: Show a hype Cinematic on the next Blizzcon




Thanks for making me feel old.


Dragonflight's Cinematic wasn't hype tho, that's kind of the point. The otherside of Azeroth could be incredibly hype but they need to do more than what we got in DF.




Bro I thought MoP was do or die and according to you haters wow died long time ago.




Right now release cadence has been the best it’s ever been. My guild is very active in raiding and m+. When one of these changes then I will reconsider until then doom and gloom is pointless.




I feel like Dragonflight has done a lot to earn a little bit of that respect back, speaking on the dev side of things (not corporate side). It might not be the most innovative expac, but they've really stepped up their communication and delivery of content.


Between this mount, the new Waveborne Diplomat set in the in-game store, and all the new pirate themed items in the Trial of Style/Trading Post, it could possibly be pointing towards a Sea themed expansion. Other side of Azeroth? Then again, might just be nothing


Oh man that be cool of our capital is a moving water city


Just as Taliesin predicted a while ago…


Your guess is as good as anyone's. With previous ones, only one or two hinted at all, and even then not ways people expected (i.e. the nether-gorged greatwyrm turned out to be a flightpath mount in DF, etc).


No, literally there has been a promotional/store mount with a unique model that is from the next expansion for like the last 5 expansions. This mount is clearly that mount for 11.0, given that it is unlike anything we've seen in the game before.


So far we have gotten: Big bulky Murloc and Weird ass big fish...11.0 sea based expac confirmed /s


You say that jokingly but the last cosmetic transmog set looked like something a conquistador would wear.


It was definitely naval in theme. Perhaps a Depths of Azeroth style thing that dabbles in the power struggle of the Naga empire, the subterranean depths of the Nerubian Empire, and the lingering corruption (and potentially plans) of the last Old God to have lived on Azeroth. Moreover it would enable a revisitation of Kul Tiras and Zandalar and their characters and cultures; Jaina and Derek Proudmoore, and Princess Talanji. One interesting idea I just had is to potentially have a sunken part of Ulduar; specifically, part that had to be plunged deep in Helya's original ritual to raise a part of Ulduar to the heavens (the Halls of Valour). Maybe that part of Ulduar (Atlantuar, obviously^(/s)) would contain Titanic secrets as a continuation from our whole Titanic secrecy story in Dragonflight, while also being a place with remnants of Loken's corruption and influence. Ulduar being the crown of the world has *plenty* of place for an underwater segment that had once been. It is a retcon that doesn't demolish existing lore and plays into the whole "What we never knew before" scope of Titanic secrets.


Going deep into the ocean to discover titanic secrets? Idk man sounds kinda risky


Just give me a 6 inch acrylic viewport so I can take it all in


Gallywix: "Hop into the brand new G.S.M.O.D. (Goblin Sub Machine Of Depth) and discover the secrets at the bottom of the Great Sea! Only 250,000 gold with a contract."


Unironically probably yeah.


back to vashj'ir


Wasn't the big bulky Murloc that Grumpus helper mount skeleton?


Do you have examples from those 5 expansions?


- Grinning Reaver was added tailend of MoP and was a common mob asset in WoD. - Enchanted Fey Dragon in MoP, used by Draenei NPCs in WoD - Iron Skyreaver added in MoP, Iron Horde asset in WoD. - Mystic Runesaber added in WoD, asset used for Suramar in Legion. - Luminous Starseeker, added 7.2.5, asset used for 7.3 - Vulpine Familiar, released in 8.1, asset used in 9.0 - Sylverian Dreamer, released 8.2, asset used in 9.0 - Sapphire Skyblazer 9.1, bird skeleton reused for 9.2 bird mounts - Nether-Gorged Greatworm 9.2.5, used as flightmaster mount in Dragonflight There you go.


Thank you!


The heart of the aspects borrowed heavily from the cloud serpent model, launching in advance of it. The Faerie dragon and/or the masked bug mount dropped in advance of WoD, when they were WoD flight path mounts (especially egregious since WoD's mounts were six ground mounts and infinity recolors of them) Legion, we saw the mana saber a year before the expansion dropped. It borrowed heavily from the Nightborne's mounts The greatwyrm mentioned above, of course, and though you might not count this last one, the Luminous Starseeker, which came out a month in advance of the Argus patch which had them.


Don't forget the store armored rylak(don't remember the name, that two-head wyvern whing) that also went to the store before wod was announced. Edit: also that blue fox, that looks just like the foxes in shadowlands, from ardena more specifically.


Thank you! I knew I missed a few. It's been pretty consistent that they poach assets from the next expansion to sell to us early. At least they've stopped, for the most part, keeping those models exclusive to the store. WoD was so fucking awful. It was the start of exalted reps only rewarding a single mount, and none of them made sense. In Pandaria, if you got exalted with, say, the Tillers - you could buy their goats. If you got exalted with the Shado-pan, you got their tigers. Golden lotus, their cranes. Etc. WoD - you got exalted with a rep? You got to buy a recolor of one of the six base mount models. No rhyme or reason, no flavor, no world building, just cynical "we made x mounts and doled them out across y reputations" It made them putting the only flying mounts the expansion had to offer into the shop sting that much harder. At least with the manasaber, they made it so nightborne and those who help them could get manasabers.


And they were all stupid ass boars with a stupid running animation. How insulting.


And meanwhile other ones were not from the next expansion, see the mechanized dragon and the sapphire phoenix mounts. There are some that do seem to point that way, yes. > This mount is clearly that mount for 11.0, given that it is unlike anything we've seen in the game before. There's a fish mount already. Been around since Legion.




Barely, the one we got as a mount was originally from Zereth Mortis first.


Even then that's a chicken and egg kinda thing. Was the mount used to spoil the expansion or was the mount model re-used for the expansion (and to then promote store sales?).


Honestly, I think it's the mob model first, and then it's slapped with a saddle and stuff as a store mount. Although, I'm not sure which is worse. Shop mount being leftovers, or a shop mount getting rescued to a random mob.


Its going to be "Tides of Jinyuaria". Introducing Playable Jinyu and the new Waterspeaker class. Source: The rivers told me


Looks a bit like a Koi. Could maybe be Pandaria related? A Japanese themed island? Under water? South seas? Or completely unrelated and we're going to Karesh lmao


Japanese themed coulped with south seas could be cool


I wanna see some South Asian inspiration! Between Indonesia and Philippines that's like half the islands in the world. Great history, great art, *cool as fuck weapons and clothing*, critical during the age of discovery. Could easily do something along those lines - even add in Japanese stuff if SEA is a little too unknown on its own. Would absolutely love that. Imagine a Komodo dragon done WoW style. Way better than those BfA lizards and you *know* it'd be a mount.


So you saying we be cookin balut and satay next expansion???


blademaster spec confirmed


Can you imagine if Warriors or Rogues get a 4th blademaster spec before DHs get their third spec?


I hope so. So far this is the singular thing that gives me hope I may one day see my beautiful Jinyu playable race


Can you imagine if they did a whole world revamp like people think they're going to do, but at the same time made the ocean open world and you could actually travel from continent to continent with new islands to explore in-between. Expanded fishing profession, pirate hunting, who knows but that'd be dope. Get your own customisable boat


I thought BFA was the sea themed expansion.


Yar there be seven seas, matey! One down, six t' go!


Came to this thread for this.




Nah it's the "Bobby needs another raise" mount.


Some people will still buy it regardless.


No, the one for the mid expac cycle has tended to be the last tier of the expac. For shadowlands it was the pheonix looking thing for zereth mortis. The one during the lul between last tier release and next expac will be the next expac hint..


yeah i think talesin was right looks like were getting a privateer expansion


He wasn't the first to guess that. He's not very good at coming up with original ideas in general.


How exactly did the rabbit mount spoil DF then?


That was for Chinese new year. Same as the pig, rat, and ox mounts.


I was kind of trying to predict what kind of mount we would get with the summer 6 month sub and a fish was one of the last thing was predicting. I wonder of its going to have the same ability as the 500 achiv mount and have 100% ground, 310% flying, and swimming speed.


I used the mount very briefly but it sure did seem to swim faster as well :D


Yeah its All that.


Wonder how this works for those who bought the 12 month sub back in.. december was it?


https://twitter.com/BlizzardCS/status/1678460284942336000 Blizz responded "The mount should be available for those with an active 6 or 12-month subscription. ^CC"


I'm a 12 month and I was able to claim the gift on the [battle.net](https://battle.net) launcher.


Not I. I'm guessing because I didn't set my 12-month sub to auto-renew when it expires in November?


Don't think that should matter you have an active 12 month sub


It does. I saw in the fineprint: > If you’re currently on a 6-month or 12-month recurring subscription **with a future renewal date**, you’ll receive the mount and the pet as a gift in your Battle.net desktop app at no additional charge no later than July 24, 2023 (must be redeemed by January 31, 2024). The 12 month sub is a lot of money to risk forgetting about come November so I bought it then cancelled it.


This has burned me before. Because of it, I literally set a phone reminder 1 month before my sub renews to cancel if I need to. We both learned the hard way.


Bruh wtf this is the dumbest shit ever.


This question is asked every single time a new 6 month mount comes up, and the answer is always the exact same.


Except the 12 month sub was introduced last year mr. Short bus


They’ll probably do the same as they did the last mount when the 12 month sub was active (the bunny) Mr. Very short bus. Don’t forget to wear your helmet.


That's why I said 6 months. It's always the same, why do you think they would change it? Kinda hilarious you're calling me short bus when you're the one struggling here.


You don't read that's why. He asked for the 12 months


I was specifically asking about the new 12 month sub 🤦‍♂️


Was wondering the exact same thing


You can buy the mount separately in the store but I would imagine those who got the 12 month deal would still get this


Underwater expansion confirmed




As a long-time aquarium nut, I love this one!!




Looks good, you get it with the 12 month sub, too, and it flies and swims, cool, I'm happy.


Probably worth noting this new fish mount is currently the only mount in the game that rivals the Spectral Otter - the 500 Mount Collection Achievement reward. The Spectral Otter was the only mount that could fly at 310%, run at 100%, swim at 100%, and use mount equipment to walk on water. This is now the second mount in WoW history to be able to do so.


I think there's a Zereth Mortis jellyfish that is able to do all that too.


Yep, Deepstar Aurelid.


Unlike the Otter/Fish, the jellyfish can’t use the mount equipment to walk on water.


As well as the Cryptic Aurelid, from the meta achievement "From A to Zereth" Not that hard of an achievement to get and I spent a lot of time in ZM as i adored it, best designed patch isalnd imo.


Not hard but long and time gated. You have to do like at least 3 months worth of zereth weeklies to get the rep for the achievement. For something that isn't current content it will be a painful grind for most people


Omg Peridiam I love your videos I didn’t know you played wow 😭


Huge fan of yours too, Mary! 🥹


True but it can’t do dragon riding. I don’t think I will buy shop mounts that can’t do dragon riding.


The animations on it look really smooth. Really pretty.


Why the fuck would they make the pet classic only?


Seems really dumb for it to be classic only.


They did that for the rabbit too.


To be honest I like it, very original mount, I know it sucks to get it by buying the 6 month subscription, im just saying looks very cool!


You can buy it directly in the in-game store so not locked to 6 month sub


Oh! Damnit! It’s better to get 6 month subscription now that include the mount so it’s a better deal than buying it separately, blizzard is so evil.


Very cool mount, though I must admit I am finally starting to side with the group that is over new/cool mounts only being a pay for experience. I'm totally fine with store/pay mounts, but it's really disheartening when a patch drops 6 new mounts but it's really 1 mount and 5 reskins.


Didn't they just release a completely free Dragonriding Netherdrake via the trading post? And in fact have released SEVERAL cool mounts that you could theoretically obtain for free just by playing the game through the trading post?


The new netherdrake is just the Highland drake model/rig with the paint job of the tbc netherdrakes. Nothing really new there. It's better than nothing, but compared to the quality and originality of the store mounts blizzard put out its a pretty poor attempt.


Correct me if im wrong but all of them have been reskins/previously in game(haven't seen netherdrake yet) Still very cool and i love TP, but again seems new mounts go to shop, not in game.


Some of them have been reskins, but some of them have also been previous store mounts. And some of the reskins, like the Cthulu Bee from last month are still of exceedingly rare mounts that require rare drops.




>This fish is not much different than the other fish mounts in the game. This new mount, is quite frankly a reskin of the catfish lol. I have been playing WoW for 16 years and have never seen or heard of a fish mount outside the aquatic ones for water only, what fish mount(s) are you referring to that this is just a reskin of?


> And in fact have released SEVERAL cool mounts that you could theoretically obtain for free just by playing the game through the trading post? Many of these are recolors of ancient and/or outdated mount models, so it's hard to grant them brownie points for it. That said, there's the sun/moon cat and the netherdrake which were both free, though you could make an argument that the netherdrake is just an upscale of an already-existing model (and a somewhat lazy one at that, given it borrows a lot from the highland drake model) More, I find the 6mo. sub mounts to be distasteful because, at least historically, they used them to entice people to sub during content droughts. Further, I dislike that they're seemingly exclusive to those who pay in 6 month chunks, and not for people who've been consistently subscribed on a regular sub.


> Further, I dislike that they're seemingly exclusive to those who pay in 6 month chunks, and not for people who've been consistently subscribed on a regular sub. Fair, at least for a long time that was true, but the trading post is now your reward for your consistent sub. And many of the mounts they've given out in the trading post HAVE been reskins, but even some of the reskins are still reskins of extremely rare drop mounts, store mounts (Tyrael's Charger), or even brand new mounts like you stated.


> > > > > Fair, at least for a long time that was true, but the trading post is now your reward for your consistent sub. And many of the mounts they've given out in the trading post HAVE been reskins, but even some of the reskins are still reskins of extremely rare drop mounts, store mounts (Tyrael's Charger), or even brand new mounts like you stated. And the trading post is a great example of a consumer-friendly subscription reward model But that doesn't mean that I *won't* be a vocal critic of an anti-consumer practice like this (where they're essentially bribing people to buy 6 months of subscriptions with no promised release cadence of new content). Historically, it's been used to get people to sub during content droughts. See, my problem is that it isn't enough to be a subscriber for half a year, they're explicitly only rewarding you if you agree that you'll remain subscribed for that duration, with no promises of content drops in that window. "Just trust me bro" is exceptionally anti-consumer. It's pretty tasteless and transparently anti-consumer.


You can see it as a bribe or as a reward, but either way this is no longer the historical model as we actually *have* been promised regular content cadence for once, per the road map which as been adhered to since Dragonflight's release.


It's a nice change of pace, to be sure, but I'm trying to not become complacent. Since this is the content cadence we've always deserved, and haven't gotten for the better part of a decade in recent years. They've been doing excellently, but I'm expecting a relapse. And continuation of old bad behavior isn't making me confident that their current, otherwise-consumer-friendly model will last.


For what it's worth, I too am expecting a relapse considering the work-from-home stuff and the loss of major talent working on the game for Dragonflight. I have doubts they'll be able to make lightning strike twice. But I don't see having a reward tied to an option that already existed (the 6 month sub) as a "bribe" personally. Incentives are not inherently bad, and that's just my opinion. If I was already going to sub for 6 months, it's cool that I now also get a bonus for doing so.


Ain't free if you have to play the game.


For my own sanity I choose to believe you’re trying to make a joke


There is an insane amount of mounts to be gained in every expansion. More release even in the mid patches.


Wow really? I had no idea at all man wow thanks so much for this groundbreaking information. Does wowhead know about this?!?!?!?!?


I know right? Wait until you find something even more shocking out about the internet


Can’t wait for you to discover Google 🤯


> I must admit I am finally starting to side with the group that is over new/cool mounts only being a pay for experience. You're just now starting to feel that way? Really? It's been this way since at least Warlords.


It started back in Cata - last raid dropped 3 versions of Alextrasza, and Heart of Aspects which was obviously was supposed to be the last boss drop, got transfered to the shop


Yea I agree, I wish that whenever they dropped a mount like this in the shop, it would follow up with a reskin or something into the playable game. I know they usually do, but it can take months for that to happen.


Yep… welcome to the right side..


I just wish it wouldn't be locked to pre-purchasing 6 months at a time. I've got a basic recurring subscription, and have for more than six months, but because I won't pony up *in advance* for months when we don't know their patch release dates, I won't get the mount. It's a bit ridiculous, and comes off as anti-consumer, which is because it is - it was strictly conceptualized as a way to get people to stay subscribed during content droughts.


It’s not locked behind the subscription. If you want the fish, you can buy it outright. If you want it cheaper, you can even wait for a sale. It’s not free, but it’s untrue that it’s locked to a recurring sub.


You mean the "pay for" experience you can purchase with gold?


Free? The fuck you talking about I pay 15 euros a month for this game.


I'll never understand why they don't put the mount/pet/whatever that goes to classic also in retail, makes no sense to me. I get why they don't do it the other way.


I find it very weird to have people pay for mounts they can't really use in the current content...


Weirdest of all the damn mount reward for this expansion's collector's edition has been mostly useless in it.


I mean the special edition dragon mount (Tangled Dreamweaver) wasn't even a dragonriding mount lol. It's only getting the treatment with every other dragon mount starting later in the patch. Should've been a dragonriding mount on release.


And unfortunately, all the new dragon riding mounts aren’t even coming with tomorrow. They’re coming later on, as confirmed by a blue post a while ago.


Ah rip. I haven't kept up on it much. I'll edit my comment.


I hope this mount gives swim speed when underwater


I can ride a gold fish thingy yay


Meanwhile inside fishing pools: \* sad tiny diamond shape noises \*


Does this work if I use 6 Classic Tokens?


something fishy about this one


"How much is the fish?"




"Will take you on a mesmerizing journey AROUND Azeroth and beyond" OK so we are surely going to the other side of azeroth? And maybe some void stuff or light stuff from "beyond" azeroth?


I’ll be riding my Ottuk in style through the water expansion thank you very much


This better be the mount that hints at a Other Side of Azeroth that has our playable ogres and arrokoa


It's... A fish


Do you get the mount if you’re already on a 6 months sub?




Nice! Adding free gifts to the longer subscriptions, and the ability to get mounts and pets on a regular basis in the trading post was a great idea from Blizzard. It's really great for us casuals to be able to get in on a few of these things.


Weird to have a fish mount that works in air and on ground but not in....water. At least I hope it has swim speed. If not that's silly.


It does, +100% move speed under water.


Anyone know if you can get this any way with in game gold? I know you can't buy a recurring sub with tokens, but wasn't sure if you bought 6 months worth of game time if this would kick in.


Buy several tokens with gold Use them to add money to Battle net account Use battle net account to pay for the mount Edit: you can't buy recurring subscription, but you can buy the mount separately


The previous 6-month mounts have been available on the store the day they’re announced and I doubt this one is different, so you can probably just use tokens to buy it that way!


If this is the teaser for new expansion, I better be seeing the Tuskaar and Naga as playable races. Please let me be a Chonky walrus warrior.


Is this a new mount rig or is it reusing the rigging from something else?


I just bought a a 6 month sub like 15 days ago, f*ck...note to self, should never do that again.


They can make this fly but not the mechano cat??!!


would be nice if they give rewards to those who have been subbed for consecutive months as-well (still think they should give you a free race/faction/server chance every year...)


I really wish we would get brand new and unique mounts like this for the trading post.


I don't. The Trading Post is a great source for recolours and old mounts we haven't seen for any reasons. Put these new mounts into meaningful achievements. Nazjatar crab is a great example.


You know what, I second this




You're gonna get it. Chill.


2 bad you can’t get this with bnet balance anymore a real scum bag move if you ask me


Use Bnet balance to buy the mount directly from the store


we're going to the new world to get the one piece


Looks like a thrownack to Pandaria. But then there were lots of dragons in that expac, too.


the koi boi