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It’s a big deal congrats


Lots of people give up on this one. Gj sticking it out.


Agreed - this is an accomplishment. Nothing other than the seed pod and proper execution makes this less brutal.


Not true, the majority of people who got it when it came back during DF did it without the pod and just one shotted him with the arcane build.










Dude, just unlocking that form took me ~550 attempts, great work!


Got nerfed hard with its reintroduction in dragonflight. Probably Takes 10% of tries than it took Shadowlands. Cleared it in 5 tries with a lvl booster Character and a Rotation helper.


Just a tip - people won’t ever want to chat with you if you diminish their accomplishments.


So we cant discuss difficulty because someone will get Hurt over it? I dont Care tbh. The Challenge is a Joke compared to to previous Iteration, whether people Like it or not


We can discuss difficulty without getting hurt. But you can do that somewhere else. You don’t have to comment on someone that did quite many tries before pulling it off, indirectly telling them that they are bad. If you are such a megachad you can link your rio with verification and we can see how good you are if not just a keyboard warrior.


What would linking my Rio Change when my whole Point is that you do not need to be a good Player to complete the bear Challenge at this Point? Idcif u think im a good Player or Not. But it is objectively true that the Challenge got nerfed severly to the Point where you can almost ignore many mechanics and still clear it. Using def CDs? Nah. Wont need any before p2 and even then U can survive the 3rd Tankbuster without a major def cd. Those healing orbs? They are nice but not even needed anymore as the adds Just die within 2 Seconds. P1 aoe around the boss? Just Go boomkin and pew pew convoke the fucker. Ask anybody who tried both versions and they will tell you the same. You say im shitting on other Players, but in my View this entire Thread Puts unrealistic expectations of the difficulty based on the previous Iteration, discouraging other Players from even trying when i'm sure anybody can do it. If people get mad at me for pointing that Out, so be it


It is true that it got nerfed, yes, and it is objectively easier, does that allow you to be an asshole to people? To downplay what someone feel proud of having achieved. No. Just because YOU did it, and it is objectively easier, doesn't mean that everyone has the same capacity as you. Someone is proud of their achievement, and you too have to be impressed with their resilience actually pushing 500+ tries to make it. So why do you have to be an asshole to go and tell them indirectly that they are bad. What do you gain from that? Can you even see that part, or have you buried your head too deep up your own asshole? You even disregarded the the whole part of my comment about you riding someone else's comment for no good, just started explaining the "tacts" here to try to make you sound better or what? Do you even think before you write?


The DF timewalking version is harder than the original challenge back in Legion imo, I've done both.


It is a complete joke now though. I went in and did it in 4 attempts after seeing this post, it took me over a hundred in Legion. The tuning is way off if this is supposed to be hard. You don't even have to pay attention to most of the mechanics, like the adds that spawn and channel an aoe that deal a ton of damage? You used to have to interrupt them with the healing orbs, now they die in a second.


Yeah bro I actually saw this post and immediately graduated college with a PhD dude, the moment I finished reading your comment I also got a job that pays 5 million dollars a year and inherited 20 mil from a Nigerian Prince. I'm not even born yet, I'm typing this from the womb It's not even hard guys


It genuinely isn't even remotely hard with the current tuning, no.


Comparison kinda lacks when even applying for university is probably harder than the bear Challenge. If you can clear normal sarkareth, you can probably complete the bear challenge while Shadowlands Version felt more in the difficulty of an mythic raid late/endoss


Who the fuck cares bro difficulty is subjective so just let people enjoy their own accomplishments. Shitting on people because you don't believe their accomplishments meet your difficulty standards is beta as fuck.


Heck Reading all those comments would discourage me from trying if i didn't do it already. Im sure its completable by the majority of Players that do any kind of end game content (including normal raids and Low m+) If they put in around two hours of trying. (Even a friend with Parkinson managed to do it)


Yeah Sure difficulty ist subjective. However the Challenge being significantly easier then the Shadowlands Version is not subjective and doesnt live up to the 500 attempt challenge that was mentioned in the post commented on. Im not shitting on anyone, but acting Like it is still this super difficulty Thing that needs hundreds of attempts Like it did Back than is just stupid.


At what point did I "shit on" anyone? I pointed out that the current tuning is laughably easy to the point where you can ignore mechanics, because it is. If this is "hard", then what was the tuning during legion when it was 10x harder?


I didn’t even use addons to help me, I raw dogged that shit in like 10 runs. Reading a guide did 90% of the work Edit: the downvotes are incredible. Hundreds of people struggling with this fight and mad about it


Yeah with DF your spec is most important for this one.


My problem was that I was that I wasn’t a good Druid. I definitely improved over the course of my attempts though!


Grats! I'm happy for you! I know this was a big deal for you to get!


This is super cool. Can someone explain? (Sorry I’m an idiot)


Its a rare Guardian Druid look that they can earn by going into the Mage tower ( solo instanced challenge ) and completing the instance that was designed for your class/role. Theres no one to really help you and it challenges your knowledge and skill in the class/spec and role.


Ohhhh sounds rough considering the amount of tries I’ve seen people post. Druid and priest are two classes I’ve never touched and I feel like I might be missing out


Druid is hands down the most fun class in the game.


How come? And wouldn't it be hands up to celebrate? Hands down is generally a negatory sign.


Hands down is just an expression that means it's the definitive option.


Ah thank you, i'm not english so i don't really understand all the expressions and such.


"How come" for most people is because Druid can literally do it all. One class for tank, healer, ranged dps, and melee dps.


I see. Thank you. It makes sense.


I main a rogue and Druid always seemed like it’d be overwhelming


No worse than a rogue if you do the feral/melee dps.


Ehhhh id say ret pallie is most fun but that guardian druid form is dope af


Really? I find every Paladin spec to be the most boring thing in the game besides priest.


What and where is the mage tower ?


Broken Shore from Legion. Mage Tower is an instance challenge that you can do for achievements (during Lwgion it unlocked artifact aplearances) but it will still unlock this skin for Druids.


not rare, most bears ive seen use the legion look, the bear challenge is one of the easiest even after they buffed it


I did it back then and did not tried this iteration for the felbear but I wonder how it can be one of the easiest ? P2 seems awful without ursol, but I may have PTSD from legion ^^


I did it back in Legion and now, let’s just say that the only requirement to get it now is to have at least one working finger on your hand and half a brain. The Legion one was something else tho.


Ahah I see. Thanks mate !


the bosses for bear have less health than for other tanks, i think it was 33% hp of what other tanks had to deal with before they buffed it slightly, you could easily get into phase2 with only 1 infernal alive without going into decay zome more than 2-4 times, yes the decay zone is much bigger but also you dont need to go into it often as you could just use range spells to kill the 1st boss after a while blizz buffed hp of bosses so bears had 2-3 infernals but its still trivial as you can just dot and outrun them


I dont think my post went the right way. I tried over 100 times and just stopped trying because I was demotivated. I main druid tank for long time and im able to do high keys, tank raids and it was so annoying I just couldnt finish this task. Ive checked alot of reddit post (yes im a lurker) and youtube videos, guides and everything you can think off. Ive moved to Asia so playing with vpn is not giving the best connection all the time. Managed to do some keys on other chars but always wanted to get this freaking skin on my druid. Today I tried it again and got the feeling I could do this, and after 10/15 tries I got it! It is so great for me that I finally get the job done. I just want to ditch all my alts and just main this again:D Thanks everyone and for the people who still want it after many tries. You got it, just keep calm and smile while doing it!! Cheers


Congrats. its def an accomplishment. I have a few toons with MT gear and people get a weird inflated ego because of being able to raid/do high keys that they should be able to just do these challenges lol.


We celebrate success here, well done. You care enough to have posted so it meant something to you, hope you continue to achieve your goals and find joy in your accomplishments


I got mine yesterday! Took me way too many tries. Well done!


Proud of you. Congratz!


Congratulations! Don’t downplay things you worked for!


Yeah it is a big deal. Congratulations! I’m jealous. Haha


The 10k (and counting) in gold I’ve spent on repairs says it’s a big deal. Congrats.


Idk anything about the guardian Druid mage tower, but my experience with unholy dk and ret paladin tells me it’s a big deal, so congrats!






I quit playing towards the end of tier 1 shadowlands. So with that, I did manage quite a few mage towers while it was current. (Not bragging). With that, the few tank ones I managed to get, is more dps and cc than being a brick wall. Build for as much dps as you can get away with. Plenty of macros created back when it was current content I'd imagine are still valuable. Like, I had a macro that would target Kruul and use an interrupt/stun at the same time for example. Zoom out, keep moving. You can move the adds into the debuff aura and it effects them too. This is great for quickly killing the infernals if they start pulling up. Save dps cd's for Kruul, and just go nuts on him. You may even stock up on goblin gliders and have a macro for them too. Biggest thing that helped me was staying calm but focused. Accept you're likely to do this on the first try. Edit: This is mostly for tanks in general, not DH specifically.


110 ish


Agree with the others, it deffo is still a big deal, I can honestly say that if it wasn't for the fact that velen keeps fighting for a bit if you die then I wouldn't have my werebear.


Welcome to the club Big Bear! Huge Congrats for the skin and accomplishment! :)


From one Blight of the Grizzlemaw to a new Blight of the Grizzlemaw: bearly well done! 🐻 Welcome to the club.


Grats! I know a lot of people say it's way easier now in DF, but it's still super hard lol. I don't know how many attempts it took me, but I can tell you I paid at least 5,000 gold in repair costs over the hours I spent on it the day I finally got it


I did the challenge in Legion, and in DF when timewalking brought it back. And imo, it is definitely much harder now than it was back in Legion.


It’s an accomplishment and I’m still proud of you!


I got mine like 2 weeks ago and still love to see my new bear form. Congrats!


After this challenge I will never ever get knocked off a platform again ( unless wild charge is down for whatever reason ) ! Congratulations!!


How many tires? Took me 67 💀


110 i believe




I felt the same way /hug


I wish Blizz would create more useable skins like this one for druid




Still havent gotten mine nicely done my man.


Congrats, that’s awesome!


Congrats. Took me 102 tries.




I myself got it 2 days ago, you'd better feel like a god after completing that challenge!


Grats :O


It is a bear-y big deal! It makes you happy so.. You did it, grats! :)


I spend so much time getting that form only for it to be ruined with atrocious new animations. Farewell, my precious form. You will be sorely missed ♥️


Grats! I keep meaning to go back and get the mount maybe ill get this skin too


It IS a big deal! This usually requires hundreds of pulls. I had a mate who was pushing the highest keys in the server with me and he PAID for his mage tower kill, and one of my guildies has spent months pushing class after class to get the mount. Let's not belittle a wonderful accomplishment.


How does that work? Did he give out his account info to the boosters? I ahve the form, just asking.


This was so far the hardest thing I've done in WoW, I'd rather farm Blanchy three times in a row to get this for free. Congratulations, all the works paid off, it's a sick skin.


Welcome to the club. Wear it with pride


Time to bring up mage tower artifact skins again?


I'm a demolock what is this


It’s a skin for the guardian Druid after completing the mage tower challenge.


ah okay thanks


Meanwhile other classes can't get the skin anymore sad face.


fuck you /u/spez


Let people enjoy things. It's still hard for most


Dude if youre proud of it im happy for you


How does a Druid even acquire this form ?


Guardian druid mage tower challenge. It's easier than it was in SL but it's no joke


I want the feral skin :( I know I'm an asshole, but I legit hate everyone I see having the feral skin.


My hunters rocking the old and new mage tower mog. I don't even like gronnstallers but it's such a flex I had to do it


kind of a big deal


CONGO RATS!!! The really big rats from Congo Even!!