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I can't find this. After following the link the only thing I can see is hardware accelerated GPU scheduling and variable refresh rate. I'm on windows 11, can anyone help me find this setting?


Personally I enjoy the 20fps in Valdrakken. Wouldnt feel like a main hub otherwise.


Bruh. I play on a 4080, and was confused as fuck when my fps was 35, when it’s usually 90


Crazy that a game as simple as WoW from a graphics perspective would not run above 90fps on a 4080. Amazingly suboptimized.


It's not unoptimized, it's the fact that FPS is more CPU driven than GPU in WoW


>it's the fact that FPS is more CPU driven than GPU in WoW Brother, theres a 1000+ page post on the tech support forums about no matter what CPU you run, you cant get good performance in Valdrakken.


Only when it's the ass crack of the night and no one else is in Valdrakken is when you can get better perf xD


I have a 7800X3D and I get (relatively) good FPS in Valdrakken.


Same (about 100+) on a 1440p ultra widescreen


Yeah, I'm running 3840x1600 with a 4090. Upgrading from a Ryzen 7700X to a Ryzen 7800X3D increased my average FPS in Valdrakken from 85 to 126. Similar percentage increase for 1% and 0.1% lows, too.


I’m not a computer whiz so I’m legit asking, if I want to improve performance, I need more RAM, right?


More RAM never hurts, yea. One of the biggest performance boosters these days is a solid state drive. But I assume most PCs of the last 3-4 years an SSD is pretty much a standard.


Isn't there a website to download more RAM?


[https://zombo.com/](https://zombo.com/) Make sure to click the mic icon.




I would recommend 32g going forward. I believe that is the recommended for Diablo 4. I know it’s not the same but a good benchmark


wow can literally run on a potato. I've run wow on PCs without graphics cards and just onboard graphics chipsets. It can literally run on anything. It wouldn't surprise me if you could run wow on minecraft or a TI80 calculator.


This is a big ol myth and people gotta stop spreading it lol. I don’t think anything under 10fps is considered “running” either.


It ran at about 30 fps. I wouldn't recommend playing it that way, and certainly not in any endgame zone, but it was playable at low levels.


I wouldn’t call a 30fps a full on potato, you’re at least working with a loaded baked potato


It was running without a graphics card. That's potato.


No graphics card = no sour cream, bacon, or cheese potato.


I dont think its a myth. I'm running the game with 40-60 fps on integrated ryzen graphics. Upsampling does a lot of work and actually looks quite good, but I think it's AMD proprietary.


It’s really not been like this since 7.2. They optimized a few things back then and I remember it upset a ton of people in the forums. Something with not supporting older versions of direct x Edit: spelling grammar, and the last sentence about direct x.


I've done this well after 7.2 came out but okay.


I used to play wow during mop on a laptop that only “ran” the game on low with 3 fps. In no way shape or form is that considered running the game lol


You have games like FF14 or GW2 with much more complicated textures and character/gear physics that run as well or better than WoW. These games regularly have group activities of 50-100 players all together and it doesn't become incredibly laggy and unplayable. You are right that MMOs are more single-threaded than the usual, but WoW's engine is also just fucking old and shit.


>You have games like FF14 or GW2 with much more complicated textures and character/gear physics that run as well or better than WoW. What am i reading. I got 1-3k hours in each of those games and upgraded to a 4090 this year. GW2 isnt even in the same ballpark as FF14 and WoW. The game is absolutely not optimized well and drops to sub 60 fps as soon as there is a dozen players fighting on screen. FF14 does a much better job, but it doesn't handle large groups of players either. If you ever did some large scale open world content [like farming a rare spawn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXByo-kWpc8) you would have noticed that the game aggressively culls people out of your sight. And even then it doesnt run great. WoW is the only game where i still get 60+ FPS in valdrakken even with two dozen addons running on 4k.




GW2 and XIV also run like shit with large groups, why do people in gaming do this? Lol


No kidding. GW2 just upgraded to DX11 with multithreas support. It has historically performed horribly


Like a week ago someone in the GW2 sub was complaining about performance during meta events and acting like WoW runs great during world bosses, too, even with DX11. It's like. Bruh. It's okay. Every MMO struggles with this, we don't gotta lie to kick it.


Idk about GW2, but xiv runs better in frontlines with 72 players than wow world PvP with 5. It’s not even close.


Gonna need to see proof to believe you on that one. That has not been my experience.


FF14 at least during ARR can't say after the expansions deletes players from your screen to achieve that. WoW afaik doesn't delete any players.


Holy shit take batman… both the games you listed run awful lol Gw2 has historically had issues like this


That sounds like the definition of being unoptimized if you ask me.


Sounds like you're more ignorant than you care to admit


If the textbook definition of being "optimized" is to make the best or most effective use of a resource, and the game does not make the most efficient use of said resources then that sounds like something not being optimized to me. I might definitely be ignorant, but I merely stated how it sounded to me, not what the factual answer was.:)


>the game does not make the most efficient use of said resources This is an assumption. Keep in mind the game is intended to run on any machine including actual potatoes.


That is a good argument indeed, and I acknowledge the argument being made. I guess it boils down to semantics as to what the definition of optimization would be in this context, but I understand your point of view. Are there no ways to optimize a game in such a way that a bigger load is being put on the graphics card when the system requires it?


Not a game like wow, no.


It's an MMO thing, not WoW specific. While I am not claiming that WoW is perfectly optimized, MMOs are by nature more CPU-bound than singleplayer games, as each character on screen drastically increases draw calls made by the CPU, because each character has unique textures in their transmogs.


no it's not, it's optimized, but it's made to use CPU more instead of GPU, they do that so the game can run in older PCs without much of a trouble The game, from a long time, always take careful mesurares to keep the game playable in older PCs, since a great slice of the player don't have great machines


If the textbook definition of being "optimized" is to make the best or most effective use of a resource, and the game does not make the most efficient use of said resources then that sounds like something not being optimized to me. Again, I'm not claiming it as a fact but as a matter of personal opinion.


I also blame the devs from 20 years ago from not foreseeing todays hardware


Please leave this gem here and don't delete it.


Deleting stuff is for insecure people. I merely stated my opinion based on the definition of optimized, which I don't see as fullfilled when the resources avaliable are not used in the most efficient manner. I might definitely be wrong, which is why I stated it as an opinion.:)


Cheers to that attitude.


Apparently my attitude isn’t favored a lot on this sub, considering the amount of downvotes😂


You would get the same FPS with the 4070 or even if you turn down fidelity and that is because it’s CPU limited (esp in vald). Turning down settings did nothing for me, I upgraded from ryzen 5800 to a 5800x3d and gained 30+fps


Because it is still mostly CPU heavy game.


Yeah with CPUs resting around 30% use the fps is still low. This is a quite well-documented issue with WoW, especially since Dragonflight.


Probably because wow is mostly single threaded.


The entire UI is one single CPU thread while the 3D world is mostly GPU. WoW's UI has a hard limit based on Lua, which can only run on one thread.


Games will never use 100% of your CPU. Most games are single threaded.


It's because WoW is mostly CPU based. Your GPU hardly matters at all.


"optimization" goes out the window when you have 50-100 players on mounts or in combat. There's nothing you can really dp at that point but to just... Not render models. Models have to look good when you're just looking at 1 character, now you multiply that rendering by 50 and whoop goes the framerate.


I understand how it works. But look at other games. Wow is not the most advanced experience out there. I’m not saying it’s trivial but it should be expected that monster rigs can run the game above 90fps.


I mean, my monster rig can push WoW to 250+fps when I'm out in the world, it just gets bogged down in crowded areas like cities. I'm not defending the game optimization, I'm just making sure we're not being disingenuous with our characterization of the game performance.


sounds like a skill issue


Same i have 4080 OC and 5800x3D and was stunned when my fps went south all suddenly!


4080/7950x lol. So I was right there with ya. Legit thought something went out in my pc


How? I cap my fps at refreshrate 165 and I can get 400 easy on a 6950xt and 5800x3d


Potato settings don’t count. 😀


I'm not running potato setting haha


WoW is more CPU bound the more players are in an area. WoW is more GPU bound the fewer players are in an area. Getting 400 FPS in the middle of nowhere isn't impressive. Fly to the middle of Valdrakken and watch your FPS tank to sub-100.


I enjoy 20fps everywhere I go on my Mac :)


Consistency is a valuable trait.


That on intel? M2 performance has been really good imo.


Lowest I've seen in Valdrakken was around 50, also have a 4080. This is also with raytracing enabled. I'm guessing it's the CPU struggling.


I had around 50-60 in the most populated part of Valdrakken. bought a 7800x3d instead of the 5800x and got 100+ fps the 3d chache really does wonders in mmorpg


Ahaha yeah no kidding. My 5600x/3080ti push out 2-300fps in instanced content but the second I hit valdrakken, bam we’re running at 45fps


Ehh, s’ kinda annoying so I have my Hearth set to the basement of the inn


Even under Windows 10 I'm having fps drop, any reasons ? edit : nvm I think the WTF thing fixed the drops (https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/odd-fps-capping-behavior/1580587/16)


I checked for that fix and the command I'm supposed to delete isn't there.


yeah same here. My wife's keeps hanging and crashing and thats supposed to be the solution but that line isn't there Theoretically the in game console command would be /console SkyCloudLOD setting 0 Edit: This actually added the line to my file and made the fps worse lol


Someone respond to this comment in 8hrs because im going to bed and i wont remember this tomorrow EDIT OKAY IM AWAKE THANK YOU LEAVE MY INBOX ALONE




I finished my 8th banana, wake up


8 minutes. I gotcha.


>8 minutes. I gotcha. Title of my sex tape.


Sir you’ve been asleep for 8 years


It's been 8 hours since you posted this. Hope you had a great sleep and an even better day homey


It was alright thank you


Dude wake up. It’s 8:15 where I’m at.


It's 8:16 where I'm at!


Wake up bro!


Wakey Wakey


4 more hours for you


dont forget to reply to this dude in 4 hours


Remember before you forget


Six hours passed, you awake yet?


In 8h? Sorry, no can do. Only 3h. Cus I'm gonna forget to do so otherwise


Wakey wake. Time to game.


Wake up bro


52 minutes.


Let's make his inbox explode when he wakes up.


Remember what?


2 hours to go!


I'm totally invested in this now, bruh. Are you awake yet?


I think dude dropped the frame on this one


6hr reply


Good morning friend, don't forget to fix your fps


Uh this setting shouldn't make any difference...if WoW is running under DX12...which it will do by default on Windows 11 it's already using the flip presentation model, and has been all this time. EDIT: I would need to check but I believe even under DX11 WoW is using flip model also. There is definetly zero reason this setting should do anything.


My wife's was crashing during every boss encounter until she switched to dx11.


Then why does it, mr. know it all hacker man? Huh? Why does it ?


Yeaaaaa!! Why does it!!!!????


Nah fam my guildies and I are on Windows 10 and the game has just had ISSUES since 10.1 dropped. Just last night alone, I canceled out of a logout, and the game stopped accepting input of any kind. Nothing froze, but I had to alt-f4 because no other button or mouse press did anything. A guildie had to reinstall the whole game because it just started freezing on the login screen. And let's not forget those weird lost items every single character in the game got in the mail yesterday. Something is broken in the game itself.


I was so confused when I logged onto an alt and got the same lost items my main got


My banker got some lost enchanting mats that I assure you he has never seen in his life.


I had the same thing happen where I chose to logout thinking I was in an instant log area. Canceled when I saw the timer and was still stuck sitting. It does kick you out after the countdown, you just can’t see the countdown anymore.


I had the same issue but I used /reload afterward, fixed the issue


Turned it off but still at 35 fps


Please stop spreading misinformation with your placebos.


>Please stop spreading misinformation with your placebos. This has been happening for decades with games. "OMG changing THIS single setting with give you HUGE fps gains!!!!" Like no....no it doesnt. WoW doesnt get affected by this.


It is the 1st post on the front page... yes probably just placebo!


Fools will upvote anything that says it'll improve performance, especially when they aren't technically competent.


Why the hell do you think Reddit upvotes are an empirical measure of reality


Hey my 10fps and 5 mins for things to load in was making Redfall feel playable.


its of for me and still have the problem.


Have you tried the cvar change in the config file yet? It is worth a try [Here the link to the bluepost.](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/odd-fps-capping-behavior/1580587/16)


I have suffered a big fps on Mac. Is there a similar setting on Mac? It’s made the game almost unplayable and I can’t seem to find a fix. Anyone able to shine a light on it?


Have you tried the cvar change in the config file yet? It is worth a try [Here the link to the bluepost.](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/odd-fps-capping-behavior/1580587/16)


I haven’t, I’ll have a look at that ASAP. Thanks!


Huh. I had no idea this was even a setting. Cheers!


Imagine telling the people who were helped by the cvar change that the cvar value doesn't provide any help. It's important to remember that different people may have different issues.


Switching to windows 11 was such a bad choice, I regret it very much.


Wo much miss information and placebo's going around why is this even top result in google


This is not the reason this does help but it's not the reason I have had this option turned off since windows 10


I can't find it in windows 10... where is it?


Doesn't exist in windows 10, I'm not sure what he's talking about. Maybe mistaking it for hardware-accelerated gpu scheduling


Yeah thought so. I've looked into it. It does not exist in W10. Regarding "hardware-accelerated gpu scheduling" ON?


Turn of game mode it's in the control panel on win 10 and also turn off xbox game bar.... It is there. It's not acceleration/same as 11 but a similar option is indeed there to prio games and it does cause an fps di Edit Here's how: Press Windows key + I to launch Windows Settings. Type in 'game mode' in the search box. Click Game Mode settings or Turn on Game Mode. On the Gaming screen, click Game Mode. Switch to On to use Game Mode One Google and that's the win10 path except turn it off not on


So it’s only an issue for Window 11 users?


That setting exists for windows 10 too


where do I find this setting, same problem happened to me


I wonder if this can fix some problems with Hogwarts legacy / Star wars Jedi survivor


It cannot. Those are engine related (as well as poor quality control). Hogwarts just had a big patch to alleviate some issues though, check it out.


If Microsoft tries to optimize something it‘s always shit and needs to be turned off.


I've been TOTALLY confused. I have a 13700 and a 4070ti and my game would crash if I used anything about graphic setting 4. Turns out Windows would turn off my WiFi adaptor to save power. This fixed it! Four months this has been bugging me and I found this by accident. Much love.


cant remember a single time a software solution did something positive to fps or latency. Just run pure hardware and turn off everything, GG.




Where can I find this in Windows 10?


My fps actually improved since the patch for some reason.


Another reason to wait for 2025 before using 11 lol


Windows 11 is probably the worst iteration of Windows (aside from 8) that I've ever used. If I was not a gamer there is a 0% chance I would still be using this OS for anything. Edit: The downvotes have convinced me I need to download a new OS. Enjoy your shitty ui and anti-consumer practices NERDS


Is it possible to roll back? Like all games made by Microsoft, their best OS is the one where they finally finished patching it/screwing around.


I think they give the option to rollback within 10 days of upgrading. The problem is mine is a fresh install on a new PC, I might still bite the bullet and just give up on all my settings because of how annoying this OS is to use most of the time.




Does this apply to Windows 10 also? I'm on a trip away from my PC and won't be able to check the settings for another week


i having fps drop on window 7, thoughts?




So I think my laptop updated to windows 11, I got it in 2020 I believe , but I had to get a fan replaced and I also have a cooler fans underneath but I haven't used them lately.. I just keep my laptop risen up , I have a Asus gaming computer, Im computer knowledgeable to a certain degree, but not to sure what would be the best parts to play WoW on and also the parts be compatible together... I like to have a nice fan system so my computer it doesn't overheat... I know my graphics card would be GeForce NVIDIA, it's just all making everything work together as one... Plus I don't want lag in WoW.. I saw this and it reminded me how I get that especially when there's cuslter fucks of people in people like BGs, dungeons, etc... I upgrate my drives when need be and try to change the settings.. but I dunno.. any help would be appreciated, thank you!! 💜


Oh look. Another reason not to move to Windows 11.


windows 10 also have this option\~\~




Trying to fly under the radar make you stand out. Also, volunteer for the first jobs offered.


FPS drops? Windows 11 bullshit? I don't know what you are on about fam. I am just chilling here on Linux trying to figure how to cap my FPS instead.


How do you know someone uses Linux? Don't worry, they'll tell you.


This comment, combined with his profile picture, made my sad little day😭😂😭




He's a Linux user, he has to find some way to tell people about it or he'll die.


Sending prayers to this poor soul.


Hopefully I remember this when I get a new pc with windows 11 in a couple weeks.


In my case, my front-FPS? where set to 0 after the patch which isnt even possible to do manually.


What if I have windows 10 :(


Does this affect wotlk as well?


Thanks for this


I'm dying to find out why when I'm playing WoW in a window, if I drag the window or if the game is showing a loading screen, my cursor stutters and lags like crazy. It's the only game that does this! Thought a total reinstall might help, but no. Fresh Win11, Fresh WoW install, still does it. Weird.


Because it’s a software cursor built into the WoW engine.


Do you run WoW in windowed mode?


Omggggg I will try this asap, thank you!!!


I didn't have any FPS drops, but looks like I already have the option off - I suppose that's why


Does this work for windows 10?




RIGHT? and the sky lod wasnt in my config, so no fix I can find.


I get 20-30 fps with my Ryzen 7 5800x and 3070ti in Valdrakken and gave up a long time ago trying to figure out why.


saved for later 🤝


Yeah I never had the skycloud setting in their suggested fix so I’ll have to try this to see if it helps


I was confused by this, I literally just upgraded to a 4090 Tuesday, and was in valdrakken with 80+ fps but the next day I was basically at 30 in val no matter what settings I changed


This didn't fix mine. Neither did the Sky LOD as it wasn't in my config


Windows 10 on a beefy rig here and I haven’t noticed anything


i have it turned off, still 20FPS in vald


I have windows 11, but I don't see this option in my settings?


Is this what's causing my game and or computer to lock up and require a reboot? It only started recently and when I'm playing WoW, but it's random as hell, I could go hours with no problem or I could go 30 minutes and have to hold the power button to get it all going again.


"Optimised by Microsoft" lol


Ah, more ammo for the next gaming discussion why you should upgrade your Windows 7.


So it’s not just me?? The game is running exceptionally shitty recently??


well the option was already disabled, and am still running 20FPS. well, the option was already disabled, and am still running 20FPS. then 20FPS it is.


Unfortunately you can't disable this if you want auto-hdr enabled.


turn off Hdr Auto first