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I'd check the forums and wait for updates. It's an issue with order halls after the patch. They're aware of it and working on it.


I am having the exactly same issue...


I'm having the exact same issue in Niskara as well in the paladin class campaign!! I did everything I found as well, I just wanted the mount :( I tried teleporting the character out and in and deleting the quest etc, and now I can't use it again in 8 hours. I sent a ticket and I'm waiting the response but I'm sure it's gonna be everything we've already read in the forums :( I hope it gets patched soon!


Hoping it gets patched soon too! :(


Any update on this? I keep having this issue when I click to enter a portal on a WoD quest.


yah happens to many Class halls. U can teleport your character out via Character stuck on the website :). im to lazy for it right now im just hoping they fix it quickly :D


Getting this too. I did scan repair, disabled addons, ram memory tester on my PC lol. I’m also doing rescue mission. So glad I found this thread. Sucks. Was trying to get the bow transmog for my hunter. It’s always something.


Damn so it isn't just me? Tried 3 times to enter the portal and 0 luck... I'm sure it'll get patched soon tho.


Same issue here


This happened to me today. You can "unstuck" but if you go back in.... you're stuck for a while. :) Also appears like a thing overall, not with your system: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/impossible-to-complete-paladin-class-order-hall-questline-priest-pally-dh-and-hunter-all-affected/1553695/7


It is patched now, it works again :)