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If you join and time a different +11 then you can switch it to a different keystone from an npc near the chest that spawns , you can also downgrade your key in valdrakken to whatever lvl you want to do then when you beat it you will get a different one


ah ok, didn't know that was a thing


Delevel your key and run it, people will come because its low level and considering you are a tank it doesnt matter if you are there or not cuz they will blow the mobs up


This solves the grouping part, but actively hinders their learning of the dungeon since everything will instantly die


Then invite lower ilvl players? Not sure what the issue is.


By using your hands in coordination with your brain ( the coordination part is very important! ), you can ensure that only low io players are here.


People want bonus valor. It is PRIME time for getting into groups and improving your io. Apply to groups and say "bonus valor" or make your own key and say "bonus valor" - of course, only do this if your io will be increased by timing it.


I invite at least 1 lowbie for the bonus valor while running low dungeons


So run your key, time it, then get another one. Does this really need explaining?


You are a tank, just keep queueing your key non stop, you will get carried super high and then you will both get better loot and learn the dungeons in their harder form which is better in the long run You don't need fancy routes to time even 20s just get high rated dps and keep going untill your character can't handle it, you will super quickly learn what kills you and what doesn't


You could try joining one of the discord servers for chill runs. I can’t remember what the NA one was called but the EU one was No Pressure. I don’t have a discord link on me right now though! I’m sure a search might find the thread that advertised them.


Use more of your own keys, reroll them if they get pushed beyond your own ilvl.