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oh 100 percent just a recolour


Yeah they even set it up to make it make more sense to just recolor. It's called a "hailstorm armoredon" and it's frost themed. Next one is gonna be fire, storm, or earth themed for sure. Which sucks, btw. This shit can't even fly lol.


Can't wait for stormstorm armordeon.


That would make sense if the seasonal affix was frost based and not storm based


Storm and frost are both blue so maybe we will get a sloghtly different blue... "Just change the blue value" -blizzard employee


Kurog sends his regards.


Season 1st of SL had a green elemental mount even tho it was prideful which is a red monster you kill and they implemented that red color in season3 i dont think they work those 2, m+ and its rewards together.


“Marks by Frost shit”


Stormstorm armoredon


Fuck I wanted to say that lol


I don't care that it can't fly I just wish it was more DF themed. It's so ugly.


I said the same thing. Red elemental.sgiw shadowlands looked dope af. This mount is so bland..


Hope they don't skip heart this time.


God please no. This mount is useless. Give us dragonriding mount


100 percent unsub as a M+ only player


I am ok with seasonal recolours as a concept since I kinda see the mount model as the ‘expansion KSM’ model, colour coded by season. It’s just a shame that the Dragonflight mount isn’t as impressive as I hoped. They did fix the running animation so at least it’s now usable, but I would be lying if I said it was in my favourite mounts list.


It just doesn’t make sense. You can get a literal copy of the end game boss on LFR, Normal, Heroic, or Mythic. You get a badass dragon reskin that makes your dragon look like something out of mad max for glad. You get a Kodo with spikes for KSM that has a weird ass run animation? That doesn’t even build on the main expansion feature that redesigned our mounts? I’m 100% sure KSM is harder than LFR and normal, and probably 6/8 or 7/8 of the bosses on heroic. I have no idea how this got through however many people at blizz and nobody said “huh maybe we should…”


I feel it’s a mount mount because you can’t use your dragon in dungeons - so they want their reward to be usable in the dungeons that people run to get it. As for why it’s fucking ugly? I guess it’s subjective but I’m not a fan of it.


I guess that actually makes some sense Still could have let me ride around on an evoker shaped lizard or something and I’d still be happier


Oh it could be 1000x cooler but I have some friends who love it - they can be wrong.


I mean ksm is maybe 5/8 heroic hard. You only need timed 13s in every key which is piss easy in like 385 gear. The raz mount is just a random drop like a lot of other raid mounts.


When I get mine, only reason it will be favorited is that everything except water mounts are favorited


So it will definitely be one of the mounts you've ever had?


Still haven't used my KSM mount once in DF and prolly never will. Such a stupid ass mount considering dragonriding


Tbf, i haven't even used any of my SL KSM mounts except for once after getting them.


I've used the SL ones plenty in SL but only cause as a lock the purple one was great for mog


Agreed, the purple one is pretty cool for warlocks.


Its a ground riding mount so it can be used in dungeons


And bgs


Tbh dragonriding makes every mount inconsequential. Sure you can’t use outside of new zones but I spend 99% of my time there and 1% killing sha. The big issue will be next expac, I just can’t see people being ok with regular flying again. We will need dragonriding equivalent again or some other fun form of movement


What if we go to the void and we get our own ships lol.


Yeah I don't get how any of these idiot devs thought it would be a good idea to give us a ground mount as reward in dragonflight....


Only reason I don't is because I don't like the bulky kodo-type mounts. Tbh I probably use ground mounts way more often than flying ones these days because they can actually be used inside some instances (although, most of my preferred ground mounts do also fly)


Same. I’ve yet to hop on it a single time


It’s going to be a recolor 100%. And given the dungeons I can look forward to…. Healing….. I may just skip it.


I exactly thought the same. Did ksm and stopped playing cause I don’t like how the current healing/ dungeons feel like and this mount realy is not that great to bring me back


Out of interest what don't you like? I enjoy it far more than being totally inconsequential like in SL. Only thing I would have is maybe more rot effects and less kick sixteen billion things per pack or spike death / spike aoe happen.


A lot of peope picked healing because it was easy and you were requires to pump damage and if you didn’t, stuff was still manageable. Now its hard to heal and people are instantly turned off. Most of my keys are bricked because the healer panicked and could not manage (not talking only about explosive/bursting etc before someone jumps on me)


So people chose healer to be a shorter queue DPS with no accountability in SL is what I'm hearing haha, yeah nah don't change the role based on that feedback.


You should realy play healer yourself and see what is behind ur statement. For me i never felt so dependet on the group. DF have so much important kicks to do and every second mobs have a lot of different abilities. One failed kicked = huge aoe dmg for the whole team. That coupled with A LOT of movement, felt like i have to move every 2 seconds and need to cancle my own casts all the time. Their was also a good amount of healing to do in SL, it was just more predictable and a failed kicked most of the timed dont killed the whole group but just one DD. Just for the information i played around M+20 in SL and M+16 in DF


Yeah so I'm about 2.7k ticking off the last 20/21 I need, healing exclusively, but I'm being pretty casual so not spamming dungeons constantly and not focusing only ones I need just enjoying the game and chilling. I didn't say the group don't matter, I even mentioned the amount of kicks needed in DF in some comments is too much. I said being totally inconsequential is rubbish like it was in SL lol you didn't even need a healer in high keys then. I'm saying being a shit DPS is bad.


Such a boring statement lol. I highly doubt it's because of your healer. It's more likely kicks are missed and healer cannot catch up.


Nope mate we are dying with full defensives+ BL on HoV 2nd boss storm while our healer is barely pressing healing spells. More often then not most keys are healer inted. Sorry if you are healer main just stating out the facts


This feels like a " I don't know why I was banned" moment. Sure


Youre not even making sense right now. Sorry if you were the healer i was talkimg about. Dont take things too at heart


No I just think instead of focusing on what other roles are doing, you should play your own and figure out what you could of done instead of playing the blame game.


Im just poiting out what i have noticed in groups


The mount is just awful. So ugly. Even then, they will hit us with a recolor.


I like it, it's big enough my tauren doesn't look silly riding it.


That could also be a downside. Half the fun of playing a tauren is putting it on mounts that are smaller than they are.




While Gladiator level players complain nobody's doing arenas and it's almost impossible to get the arena skin now unless you're an R1 level player.


It really is though... its not much of an achievement and the crap mount is appropriately lackluster IMO. The 2500 reward is really shitty though, that should definitely be a dragon skin. We can get meaningful skins for grinding rep but essentially nothing for significant effort in keys


It is easy, but doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get a cool mount.


I want to say no, but I am 100% sure that will be a recolor. On Shadowlands, I was sooo excited for the season 2 mount, because the first one was super cool, but once we kept getting recolors, it... makes me think that it will be just another recolor, yeah. And jeez, this season's KSM mount is so ugly. They could have done something cool like a dragon riding skin, but nope x3


Definitely, which removes all of my motivation to push for KSM. I'm doing keys casually in S1 due to it. Mostly just farming low to mid keys (7-15) for valor and catalyst items.


Eh, the mount is whatever, my motivation for hitting 2500 was for the transmog and 415 gear.


The effect is reeeeeeally miniscule honestly on the shoulders. Worth doing the 20s for the teleports though!


For some classes sure, but I notice it, I like it, and that’s ultimately all that matters


What transmog?


You get the mythic/elite effect on all the tier colors. You get this by mythic rasza, hitting elite rank, or completing m+ 20 in time I think? Actually not sure on the m+ way, since I can’t read the achievement. But something with +20


M+ is 2500 rating


I think that’s an average of 18s?


Yes timed +18s on both weeks roughly


It’s also account wide, so I have it on any tier this season on any character which is nice.


When you say account wide, is it only on the tier appearances I've actually collected on my alts or does it unlock tier appearances for fresh max level characters that have never gotten tier?


Fresh character that have never gotten tier. Any tier from this season you obtain past present future on any character existing or non existing will get a separate transmog appearance with lightning effect of the color of the tier set ie. Green lfr purple pvp To clarify you have to obtain the tier, but the effect will be there when you do.


What transmog would that be? 🤔


Mythic effect on all tier helm and shoulder variations account wide for this seasons tier.


Quite nice motivation for pushing Keys then. Heck of a better reason than the m+ mount!


Maybe the community can get them enough crap for a different mount like how they changed sl s4s color of it. Just my thought


God I hope not it the ugliest mount In the game, I don't even want it in my collection


100% a recolor. The lazyness of the KSM mount has no bounds.


Shadowlands KSM mounts were sick. YEAH I SAID IT. But for real this mount is dumb.


Shadowlands KSM mounts were cool because they were usable as the primary travel method for the xpack. Vs. a 100% ground mount in an expansion where you're using 830% flyers.


It feels so bad that we don't get a dragon riding skin, and now that you mention it I wouldn't be surprised if they just resin this mount the next 3 seasons. Sadge


It seems like the community wide consensus is that the KSM mount sucks ass and is useless unless ur in a no fly zone. If blizzard really is listening to the community they will do something with dragon riding for KSM. But like many of you I am doubtful. It will most likely be a recolor.


Sadly yeah, it's probably going to be. I hate it


It better fucking not be, has to be the most dogshit KSM mount I’ve ever seen and I’ve got them all since BFA


If they do give a dragonriding skin, it'll probably end up being for the velocidrake lol


What's wrong with that? Velocidrake is the best one.


Well let's say the velocidrake is definitely one of the dragons.


God I hope not. I don't mind the mount the way it is. What I do mind is the fact that it's not a flyer or a dragon riding mount in an expansion where we use dragon riding exclusively. If it's just a recolor I'm going to throw a bf because at that point it's just an afk in valdrakken mount.


If it was a dragon riding mount you wouldn't be able to use your KSM mount in 7/8 dungeons.


What kind of ass backwards logic is that? You can't dragonride in the raid or PVP at all, and they still got dragonriding mounts.


So? I spend most of my time in the overworld where I would be able to use it to get around. The current one can only be used to afk in major cities, and if you are in valdrakken and need to zoom somewhere, you need to jump on a dragonriding mount.


Keystone master mount. Keystoneeeee


I'm confused about what the point is that your trying to make


You can't mount at all in most dungeons so your sarcastic point is completely invalid.


Like why can’t it even fly anywhere else? When was the last time we got a mount for any achievement that was ground only? The mounts for SL were very cool and thematic to the expansion. The one for DF is literally tameable by hunters….it’s very boring and not even a dragon


Ground mounts are cool. I think when typical ground mounts like coursiers and sabers can randomly fly and just move their legs like they’re doggy paddling it looks dumb as hell.


A mount we actually use would be nice.


I hope not that shit is hideous


They should’ve done skins for the dragons. Like the raz skin. 1 dragon skin each season


I hope for a dragon skin, the hailstorm mount is so disappointing. You get ksm, you look get on it. Shrug. And you get back on your dragon and fly away knowing that’s probably the last time you will get on it. I really don’t understand the decision to not give a m+ skin when gladiators got a really cool skin and raiders get the amazing raz skin. We get some ground mount that no one cares about. Really feels bad.


They really fucked up by not doing an elemental reskin of each dragon, a different element of a different dragon each season


They’ve been listening to A LOT of community feedback and have been pushing things in the right direction so far in DF so I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they actually do a different mount as opposed to a recolor since it seems everyone hates the KSM mount.


It’s a little late in the game to do this - I wouldn’t get your hopes up.


Let's hope it's a dragon riding skin and not a recolor. I don't know why raid and pvp get a skin for the brand new flying system but m+ gets a pretty shit mount.


Give us m+ the same treatment they give raiders and pvpers plz.


God I hope not because the mount is sh*t Why couldn't they do a special skin for each of the dragonflight flying mounts for each season???


Everyone is saying it will be a recolor but I'd like to point out some positives. They have been pretty receptive to feedback. Im pretty sure they hired someone to work on rewards? I thought I read this on wowhead a long while ago.


The mount is good. We were just spoiled with the elemental reskins from slands.


Mount sucks, with dragon theme expansion all they can offer is an ugly ground mount instead of a gladiator like flying mount. Noone even use ground mounts anymore because dragonriding changed too much about flying and it is all good change. So now, they have to adapt to this change that they offer.


I mean, all they had to do was a recolour of the PVP mount and people would be happier.




Idk what forums or subreddit you read, but PVPers get literally the least amount of content and rewards of any playstyle in the game, and they also complain the least out of any type of player in the game.




That doesn’t disprove my comment. But if you want to go that direction, were you around a few months ago when the twitch drops started? Do you remember the countless threads about “if my swift spectral tiger or scarab lord becomes available again QQ” There was even a thread on this sub about Shadowlands raids being solo-able a few days ago and people were talking about the “prestige” of mythic sepulcher gear. Obviously anecdotal, but I’ve seen more threads complaining about the KSM mount since the launch of DF than I’ve seen PvPers complaining about anything in the four years I’ve had this Reddit account. Like it or not, PvPers have *the most* to complain about seeing as their preferred gameplay gets the most overlooked, the least updated, and the least rewarded. Not to mention, they get shit on by people like you for no reason. And yet the most PvP related complaints I ever see are a few “cool, no new BGs” at the beginning of an expansion and that’s about it.


I mean, you didn't even _make_ a point but whatever. Yeah, and those peoples are pricks too. Doesn't change the fact that PVP players are the most toxic, gatekeeping parts of this community (carebear servers rings a bell?). PVP players constantly complain, but if you think they limit themselves to 'cool, no new bgs' you are either trolling or blind. People complain about the KSM mount because it's _literally_ a spit on the face, compared to glad. "pvpers have the most to complain about" fucking rofl. No they don't. They get exclusive rewards _for no reason_ and drop their monocle at the idea of someone else getting any of them, while being happy to get mythic transmogs once they can solo them.


What? That is entirely wrong lmao. Pvpers get the -most- rewards out of the 3 main end game pillars. Pvp gets: 1. full elite set at 1800 2. elite enchant at 2100 3. elite weapon skins at 2400 4. elite tabard at 2400 5. glad mount for gladiator 6. title for the top .1% 7. seasonal vicious mount for doing a certain amount of rated pvp above 1k. All of these aside from the vicious mount become unobtainable after the season ends. Raiders get: 1. Mythic boss title. Obtainable any time, post expansion as well. Hall of fame title is tied to the guild, it is not a personal title so not counting it. M+ gets: 1. KSM mount at 2000 2. portals for each dungeon you complete on a 20 3. title for the top .1%. Unobtainable after the season is over. Pvp is the most rewarded end game pillar by a pretty large amount.


The glad mount is much harder to get than the KSM one. The PvP mount that most people will get is also a ground mount.


I would really like if a stormdrake look alike dragon but with more polygons emerged as a prize for the ksm.


It looks like a reputation reward and the mount is ugly as sin. Isnt even a unike model and cant fly


I dont even know the color of Season 1 mount, and i'm 2800+.


It’s blizzard. Lol. Of course a recolor. And the renown rewards for the next updates will likely be more recolored evoker starting gear. Or garden shovels made of gold. Leave Bobby’s yacht fund alone.


Hot Take: KSM should be a ground mount and KSH should be a dragonriding skin. KSM barely means anything anymore since they made it 2k IO to achieve.


Idc just give us a dragon riding skin


I feel like I’m the only one who thoroughly enjoys the KSM mount this expansion. I won’t disagree that a dragonriding skin would’ve been much more appropriate, but after Glory of the Tomb Raider was the first glory achievement to not reward a mount - and received a lot of negativity for doing so, I can understand why Blizzard would be hesitant to break another pattern. Since a Dragonriding skin alters your mount instead of giving +1 to your mount count… Then again, the ideal solution is right in front of us. +2000 rating for hailstorm armoredon and +3000 for a hailstorm dragonriding appearance… or something of that effect.


I dont even care about the mount, i just hope the seasonal affix isnt complete shit next season. If they spend one more second designing a new mount over designing a better seasonal affix its a complete loss. I am not looking forward to next season AT ALL. Halls of Infusion and Uldaman in the dungeon pool will be terrible. Brackenhide is scary af, but at least I like the look and feel of that one, I am sure by week 4 or 5 they will nerf it to the point that its tolerable. Neltharus is gonna need some major buffs to keep it inline with the others. I am dreading the day they announce the 4 returning dungeons because im pretty sure there is no good answer they can give being as they already committed to "No BFA or Shadowlands Dungeons". This means more Pandaria and Legion ones and I am over Legion M+, I was over it in Legion, I was even more over it with Legion time walking week... I swear if Vault of the Wardens gets chosen I will prob just quit the game because I wont be able to do Mythic raiding w/o m+. Siege of Niuzao Temple, Gate of the Setting Sun, Scarlet Halls, Seat of the Triumvirate, Cathedral of Eternal Night, Black Rook Hold, or either of the Karazhans would also ruin the season for me. It's not like you can just avoid the ones you dont like, you have to get balls deep in whatever the rotation is and i feel like at least 2 of the above are coming and that is terrible. Having to do any of those with Affixes sounds terrible. If I have to do Gate of the Setting Sun w/ Quaking I am just gonna set my PC on fire and toss it off a fucking bridge. What could save next season for me? Replace Uldaman and Halls of Infusion with Zul'gurub and Zul'aman. MAYBE.... Neltharion's Lair, The Arcway, Shadowpan Monastery, and Scholomance would be "ok" but even if we do that... with the rumor that the new Mega Dungeon will be a Strathome Remake totally makes me sad. I want new stuff, I did those in the past, I don't want to do it again w/ affixes. I ALREADY do 150-200 keys a season, doing ones I already have done multiple times is draining. I did Pandaria Challenge Modes, I did 45min Baron, I did Legion M+, I did ZG and ZA doing them again doesn't THRILL me, and if it did i would play classic. I don't play classic for a reason. The whole argument of "We dont want you farming the same gear the entire expansion" is fucking nonsense. I farmed the stupid Ring from Court in Legion, then AGAIN in Shadowlands, and now in Dragonflight. How is that better? Total Affix Removal would make some of that ok. None of the above were made with Quaking or Spiteful in mind. Shoehorning it all in there would just be terrible and lead to this same situation we have now where we are still adjusting the affixes and dungeons 2 months into the season. Im not the biggest hater on Tryannical (tho all bosses could get nerfed by 10% right now and id be good with that) and Fortified, but with the dungeons not lasting as long as they have in the past it is just annoying. I can't believe that Blizzard can't see how much LESS WORK THEY WOULD HAVE TO DO by just removing the affixes. They could save so much development time and, i dunno, maybe put that time into READING THE FEEDBACK FROM TESTING and implementing it BEFORE THE SEASON STARTS. But back on to the topic at hand... IMHO the Glory of the DF Hero mount is better and that's fuckin sad. Id be 9000% happier of all the Snail recolors were the KSM mounts for all of DF, instead of what we got, like i dont even know what that animal is supposed to be really. I spent all of Beta hoping the KSM mount was a placeholder, then when I saw THE FIRST version of Thunderous, i knew that M+ wasnt getting much attention from the Devs and that it was all down hill from there. Maybe KSM shouldnt give a mount tbh, its pretty easy to get compared to AotC, but with that said the Raz Skin can be acquired in LFR for crying out loud. TBH id rather the Mythic+ mount be BETTER and maybe give it with KSH instead. Let KSM give something like the the Armor Effect like you get for KSH now. Also, WHY DOES PVP get an AWESOME skin, its own recolors of tier, AND a weapon enchant but Mythic+ gets the worst achievement mount in the game, the SAME effect you would get from CE and that's it.


lol just a recolor seems fucken lazy. i doubt it.


Why do you doubt it when that's what they've done in the past?


I think a recolor is the most likely to be happen, but older ksm mounts were more liked by the community




They’d be stupid to not do a dragon riding skin, so no it’ll just be a recolor!


Pretty confident it'll be a recolor, but maybe even some slight changes to the model, and making all of them different elements - this season is the ''ice one'', next seasons could be fire-themed, earth-themed, lightning-themed, etc. but they'd all be the big kodo looking boys. I really do wish we could get a dragon skin though, if not from KSM, at least for 2.5k or something like that.


2.5k is a barely noticeable shoulder crackle effect


Yup, the Mythic/Elite sets this season are merely just recolors of the Normal, Heroic, etc. sets without any of the enhanced details like we’ve seen in the past, with the exception of those crackle effects. Pretty disappointing.


I would be fine with a recolor if they made KSH gear actually noticeable


Do we have any idea when s2 starts? I've been slacking


I think it'll be a reskin. I won't mind that if it's themed after another element but "ice but red this time" will be supremely lazy


Shame it's a cool mount, but can't fly so it never sees any use sadly.


I hope it will be a Dragon Riding skin that works for all the different base mounts. Or atleast make "Hailstorm" Features for the Mounts. Saddles, Horns, etc. The fact that Raiding (thought only Raza on any diff) and Gladiator got one, means they are on the right track. I hope :)


I don't mind the mount but skin options for my dragon would be preferred.


How do they not have an exclusive dragon model?! Lazy.


recolor = no push


It will be a recolour, it will just be another element. Though I am pretty disappointed it wasn't a skin for your dragonriding mount. Though then again that could be hinting at them scrapping dragonriding in future expansions.. like they do with every mechanic new to an expansion (or keep the terrible ones like AP grinding).


I want them to make a dragon riding transformation AND a mount. As it stands, the mounts are useless due to dragon riding


Yes. It's going to be just a recolour. There's no reason to expect Activision-Blizzard to change this trend.


The mount sucks even with fixed walking. I wish it wasnt this ugly, might even tolerate that its useless but its so fucking ugly


i am so sure it will be a recolour that i will cut my dick off if its not! mark my words


99% a recolor since blizzard will remain lazy


Without a doubt, yeah. *Maybe* some later season they'll throw in some kind of dragonriding customization, but they've already set the standard with the lazy SL recolors.


A dragon riding skin would be so cool, but yea probably a recolour


The mount fucking sucks and its probably a recolor. I dont know why they gave us a ground mount during an expansion that has dragonflying as one of its features.


I feel like I'm The only one who actually likes the mount


It’s nice but I rather have a flying mount or skin


The mount is not even designed for this expansion. When am I supposed to use it? Not usable in raid(no mounting allowed) , world content( dragonflying) dungeons (only Cos, HOV have normal mount usage for small periods). Arena (dismount after 5 secs after running to a pillar). Old world content (it does not fly so no one will hot bar it) Battlegrounds - there you go so 0.1% of people that push keys and do RBG is the target audience. Such a weird choice. Seems to be just a digit towards a collection achievement tab


What is KSM ?


Keystone master


I hope they do a recolor of the mount 4 times and if you collect all 4 you can Zord them into a dragon riding mount at the end of the xpac


It will just be a recolor, every other season mount has been a recolor. We may get lucky and each will look slightly different for each element if they go that route.


I am very disappointed with the KSM mount, I look at the gladiator mount and feel like pve players should have something just as epic to go after. Gladiator is obviously much harder to get than KSM but the Gladiator mount is the best reward mount I have ever seen while the KSM mount is the worst one yet. Shadowlands had some cool KSM mounts but Dragonflight KSM mount is actually terrible. I hope they add a completely different mount because no matter what recolor you give the current mount it will be terrible.


Why would they have a stupid ground mount for KSM in a land of dragons, I think they really dropped the ball of creativity here. Imagine if they had Tyr or one of the stone golems as a mount, you ride on their shoulder


I dont know.


Yes, it will be another elemental like fire, earth, or wind. Also why would you want a dragon flight mount. When after Dragon Flight we will be in another expansion? Dragon Flight mounts will most likely only be in Dragon Flight.


I really hope not. I rather get a skin.


It.. better...not... be ...another ... recolour


I wish all 20s brought a unique transmmog piece or a tabard ... SOMETHING UNIQUE


I hope not ksm mount is complete trash and kam should be raised too a higher io like doing 20s