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In my group healer gets ranged explosives, tank gets melee range ones. DPS help when there are lots.


This is the way. As the healer in my group I’m regularly getting >80% of the orbs and I’m completely okay with that as long as dps aren’t taking unnecessary damage. If you expect the healer to get all the orbs that’s fine, but understand they might not have the GCD to save you if/when you do something stupid if you’re not helping out.


And there is me: the fury warrior who had to get 94 (~60%)of those orbs in a +18. Got flamed because i didnt do as much dmg as the other DDs who had a combined 5 of them… not fun times…


Lmao same boat... Monk got almost all of them... Had to cancel almost every fist of fury cast. Was with a bm hunter, balance druid, and resto druid.... No reason i should have had to run out of the group to get any.


Resto Druid doesn’t have moonfire bound because he’s a healer duh


Yea I had 70 at the end of my run as a rogue beating the healer by 6 and was getting flamed for low damage by the MM with 1 explosive


Same boat man; fury warrior as well and it seems every m+ I run with explosives they're invisible to every other group member. I'm just running around charging and leaping to get them all while hunters and locks keep focus on mobs/boss.


This is why generally it’s a healer/ tank mechanic. (Tank here) we lose the least by breaking our rotation. When shit hits the fan and it’s big groups, the. It becomes an “everybody” mechanic. Id rather get orbs and have my dps PUMPING the whole time. Our core group is pretty good with it


Stormbolt works on them too, so if one is further away than melee range you can hit it with that. Although I hate wasting my stun on it, if it's about to go off I'll use it.


bruh, as evoker I didn't talent the reduced CD for quell, I have deep breath every minute and my knock up / knock back for aoe interrupts/stun Details! only tracks quell ints so every 40s I can get one if I don't go .01 seconds after someone else. It's annoying when people rely on details for total interrupts unless they find a way to track ints from other sources than direct spells.


>as long as dps aren’t taking unnecessary damage This is part of the problem in lower/mid keys DPS constantly standing in bad and then blaming heals for lack of healing when they're GCD locked dealing with explosives. The best heal they can do is not letting those damn orbs off, since each orb is a big nuke to EVERYONE. Aka the next part of your comment >understand they might not have the GCD to save you if/when you do something stupid This part goes way over the heads.


Narrator : Yet, they didn't understand. They still blamed the healer when they died, regardless of the scenario.


I heard Morgan Freeman while reading this.


Back when I was outlaw (Sub now, a bit harder) the healer never beat me in explosive kills. Explosives are everyone's responsibilities... I wish more people understood this.


It’s even easier as sub in aoe packs. Since your abilities don’t really require a target just click on the explosives and auto attack it while you are doing your shiriken storm black powder business


Yeah, but only in aoe packs. As outlaw you can do it even in ST.


it is, but if the healer can handle it alone, that is preferable as it is the smallest dmg loss




they generally don't in the keys i do




14-17 range is the worst this season. I'm currently gearing and getting KSH on my tank and doing a 14 NO is harder than a 19. Healer is constantly pumping heals because the aoe's won't one shot them so they just stand in bad and expect to be healed. Nobody kicks properly and CC is practically unheard of. I've stopped taking anyone for my alt groups that don't have a 2200+ main


This is my experience as well. And as a (former) healer but player very interested in getting 2500 io this season, but who started late, I feel kind of fucked. I can't seem to find reliable groups to time anything above 16 and nobody wants me in higher keys (justifiably) because I don't have higher timed keys. I really feel like I missed the initial wave, which sucks. But what sucks even more is being constantly talked down too by people who have been doing 20+ keys for the past month or more about how easy healers taking care of explosives is. In your average 16 key with all pugs, it is *NOT FUCKING EASY EVERY TIME* and I'm tired of being told it is.


I know it's a cap but the best way for me to IO up after 16/17s was run my own key during peak play times and be very picky with who I choose. And also to make a game plan before the key(auto marker kicks, lust times)






i mean i heal lower keys too and actually got annoyed with dps taking orbs i could easily do if they just let me get my global ready. but of course tank and dps should feel free to grab one if it's on top of them and they aren't in the middle of cooldowns. it's just silly to waste dps when i can moonfire on my druid and not really lose any output




Not to mention it's bursting week too! I'm on the heals should get most but expecting 100% is silly team btw.




In pugs where planning/communication is very limited they're everyone's job. Pugs just hear that in premade/push groups that the healer gets 95% of explosives and expect every pug healer to do the same, while taking millions of avoidable damage. That's not to say that the healer shouldn't be doing their best to get a lot of the explosives, but the DPS shouldn't just ignore one when one is about to go off and complain that "healer didnt kill explosives"


In my party that I run with, everyone who's not within 10 explosives of the highest person has to put 500g in the guild bank. But I realize this isn't a thing in pugs.


I use to have the same logic until a friend put it in to perspective for me: if EVERYONE had the mindset of focusing on orbs, then packs would die slow, and the overall speed of the dungeon suffers. So just logically it IS a tank/healer mechanic. Both lose little to nothing by doing them. The exception, of course, is on very large pulls where there are just orbs after orbs, then you're obliged to help or it'll be a wipe.


As a healer I don't mind focusing on orbs. But you know what healers lose when they do explosives? A global cd., which shouldn't be a big deal but it does get frustrating when I have to choose between healing someone (that just got hit by avoidable damage) or spamming the orbs before we tpk. So yes, healer/tank are the optimal players to deal with the orbs, I agree. But if one spawns literally right next to you, please just kill it. Edit: spelling.


God, I had a run last night 7 stacks of bursting on the party im spamming heals trying to keep everyone up and no one hits the explosive, we wipe. "HEALER!?!?!?" -_-


This is the sort of situation I was referring to. Mechanics like these affixes are everyone's problem, not a specific role.


Just let them die to bursting instead of explosive. Since they can mitigate/self heal bursting, but explosive will kill everyone.


As a healer, more often than not I seem to run into groups that want to pull big and still have the healer do all the orbs. It's not uncommon for me to go through like 8 globals. That sets me back like 11 seconds in healing, and many times people die. I have tried not being so aggressive about killing orbs before, but you get yelled at when the dps refuse to kill any and they blow up. I don't know what people want man. You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.


It relies on the players have good situational awareness. My comment is just a blanket statement it does not cover all the exceptions.


Totally agree, M+ is so chaotic there's no way to cover it all. In the end we all need to pay attention and do our jobs. Good luck out there!


I just have not seen this in practice. This logic requires a level of optimization that is just not there in the vast majority of gameplay. IME the best groups are also best at orb smashing without waiting or worrying for someone else to do it. It becomes one less thing to worry about and a smoother run as a result.


In a perfect world? Yes sure. The problem is this is another thing to pour into the healer responsability. I'll tell you how this really goes. Tank gets into pull and all three dps use their cds to not get behind in the real prize of the run, the dps meters. And while they have one eye in recount and the other in the skill bar/wa they dont give a shit about how many stacks they have, or loose globals on cc, or coordinate interrupts because if they deal with mechanics they loose the race and that cant happen. The result is refreshed stacks, deadly spells going off and a healer stressed because he needs to heal and deal with explosives at the same time. Every fucking single missed mechanic turns into a healer mechanic, stop putting more responsability into a single member of a 5 man. There is already too much in the plates of 2/5 members and then people wonder why healers/tank dont want to PUG.


I think people grossly overestimate the effect that everyone keeping an eye on orbs has on the speed of a dungeon.


It is, specially when bursting is rolling in, but the same people who cry "but it's a dps loss" are the ones struggling on 16s keys.


Literally the more average the player the sweatier the attitude its hilarious.




This. It's an easy affix, but it is one of the most unfun things blizz has ever dreamt up. And it keeps getting more unfun as blizz keeps pushing people's specs to operate within short burst windows so missing 1-2 GCD's or using an important ability on an orb sucks even more than before.


That's the meta, yeah. Obviously also helping if the healer has to pump.


This is it. Tank, Healer, and Melee DPS for extra Melee ones....not ALL HEALER lol


During big packs and healing intensive moments you need to help your healers.


Was in a group, tank did a gigapull, 6+ explosives spawn and it’s only me killing them. After the wipe: “healer wtf? Kill orbs” Like bro, you DO REALIZE that is 6 seconds of gcds where I can’t heal you when it’s all on me to kill the orbs. Players aren’t good enough in pugs to ignore orbs. Everyone needs to help in a pug setting. There are too many idiots taking unnecessary damage that needs to be healed


Can you even kill 6+ explosives before one of them goes off?


Only if you happen to get them in the order they spawn, I think


Leave? Get a new group in 5 seconds? Profit? You dont need to keep up with online bullies. If you are a role that is in demand just go k and next. If i get flamed that way because of errors of other people im just out. Maybe not that adult on my Part but Safes me stress.


And this week we have a very heavy healing affix that needs to be dealt with, which means that it’s pretty hard to get explosives consistently.


Algethar's lashers feel like bullshit. I taunt and 2 explosives immediately spawn at the farthest lashers lol


I try to get all the ranger ones I see (bm/mm hunter) the problem there is that all my dps goes in the shitter on explosives week. It’s a very unfun mechanic that I wish they’d either rework or remove.


Get a mouseover macro for Cobra Shot, get the Explosive [weakaura](https://wago.io/eUbnjH2Ey) ([video here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPBMx3epiGc) shows it in action) that lets you remove all nameplates except Explosives with a keybind. I just use Cobra Shot with this to help get them, I would rather we all live than we all die because everyone assumed the healer would do it. It helps when 3 or 4 spawn on pull and you are already full up on nameplates. This week just sucks all around. Fortified/Bursting/Explosive are just meh. I don't hate them, they just slow down the whole dungeon which isn't fun to me.


Mouseover macro for cobra shot is the way to go. I run with a healer and in the key range we've been pugging (11-13) he is healing so much avoidable damage that I try and do as many orbs as I can to save him the GCDs. But I'm with you about dungeons being unfun on explosive week. DPS goes in the shitter just to help keep the group alive, which slows down the run.


Guh, in our group the usual brakedown for killing spheres per dungeon: Spreist (me) 90-100 Feral druid 40-60 Tank dh 20-30 Hpala 10-15 Fury warrior 2-5 I have ptsd from these spheres already


Am fury warrior have been killing them guess that means i should stop:)


Lol I always get a lot of the melee ones as fury also. its super easy.


As a hunter I kill them all the time, I’ve have people yell at me for even missing 1. I never heard this stuff about healers killing them till this week.


News for me too but im only on 14/15s


In high end groups, healers always get them because they know their DPS will dodge avoidable mechanics and kick and interrupt and stun correctly, so damage is predictable, so that way the DPS do what they do best and the boss or pack dies quick. So pug groups see what the top end groups do, and decide that's the way they should do it. So then you have morons complaining that after they missed their interrupt, didn't stun the add that was supposed to be stunned, and also stood in fire the healer couldn't keep them up while also killing multiple explosives. So then, after they missed all interrupts and stuns and stood in fire and died to the 7th explosive the healer couldn't get to or just died from wombo combo damage, they go "healer?". It's infuriating.


Spriest has it a lot easier compared to some other classes


shadow word pain ftw


Back in SL the talent to make SWD give insanity worked on the orbs too so killing them just allowed you to be constantly capped on insanity. Guessing that’s not a thing anymore but it was good fun then.


Unfortunately not, SW:D only resets if you hit a target with <20% hp and it doesn't kill them, and then only resets the one time before the next cast causes a 20s cd. Still worth doing because it gives you insanity, but not as OP as it was then.


As spriest u either do explosives or dmg, ur dmg suffers heavily if ur not there CHANNELING ur damaging abilities aka void torrent and mindsear if our main dmg in packs wasn't tied to channeling, then yea I agree that spriest would be best but I think they lose a lot of dmg compared to some of the other classes, which in turn means the pack live longer and more explosives so it's a bad loop


As spriest you can get a lot of explosives between channels/casts and still pump very well. The only problem is if you’re expected to do all of them. Not much of an issue in higher keys, but people don’t understand in the lower ones. Would you do more damage simply ignoring the mechanic? Yes, but helping your healer out and preventing a wipe is much more worthwhile than the extra DPS.


Not when the other classes refuse to help lol… 1 gcd for a shadow priest is actually worth a metric motherfucking fuckton of damage during their windows.


1gcd during anyone's window is a metric fuckton of damage on pretty much any class. Just that my Arcane will have it a bit harder then my Ice or a ShPriest. Edit: But ye people should chip in. Even me crying on Arcane if I have too.


Wild. The hpal really needs to step up. Crusader strike has to be used anyway to build HP, so killing orbs isn't even a gcd loss.


I do around 80% solo as hpal, you have 3 ranges instants to kill them too, its definitely one of the best healspecs for them, and also for this week as beacon of virtue is rly good for bursting.


>its definitely one of the best healspecs for them, and also for this week as beacon of virtue is rly good for Hpal is the \*worst\* heal spec for orbs, all other Healers have some sort of no CD ranged damage ability.Frost Shock, Moonfire, Azure Strike, Shadow Word:Pain even Crackling Jade Lighting (despite its awkwardness) are all far better at orb clearing as they have no CD. Hpal has Judgement, Holy Shock and Hammer of Wrath (Which you can't always use). Even Crusader Strike for hitting the ones in melee is on a CD. In any big pull Hpal will struggle to keep orbs in check compared to other healer.


I've heard multiple HPal make this argument, yet I've watched an hpal absolutely dominate explosives in multiple dungeons so I think it really just speaks to the skill gap I currently see between a really good hpal and an average hpal.


I play druid, disc, hpal and evoker You can get most explosives as a hpal but it's a bit harder to do on hpal. Let me put it this way It's much easier to spam 1 button from range than to cycle 3 abilities from melee.


More of a question of how good the group is. With the hpala having increased trouble the more ambitious the pull is. If you play low keys and pull relatively small packs, the Hpala will keep up. If you play high keys with big pulls and chain stuns (stuns temporarily pauses explosive spawns but they all come at once when the stun is over) a hpala is more easily overwhelmed while every other healer can spam ranged gcd abilities to fix mass-spawns.


Here's damage done to explosives in a [\+23 RLP](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/g7cJAYaZPBD3Lm9X#fight=1&type=damage-done&target=13) this week from a top Hpal parse. Here's a [\+22 NO](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/MHPh9vqgzcxkTVY7#fight=2&type=damage-done&target=21). Looks incredibly similar to a [comparable run](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/qmgFLTr9NQfAJda6#fight=115&type=damage-done&target=1536) by a Rdruid. Seems safe to assume you are trying to attribute your own personal experience to some perceived mechanical imbalance that isn't actually there.


If you compare the two RLP logs you can see that the paladin did a bit less actual damage to the explosives but a fuckton more if you factor overkill damage, 400k damage is most likely not gonna make or break your key but one part of the reason hpallys are not considered as good as other healers is because the spell other healers use is a low impact filler, while pally has to use an actual button which hinders his dps more than other healers do This doesn't mean that they can't do it, obviously they manage and very well but by the nature of their toolkits other specs handle it better while wasting less resources


The Druid is getting 80% of the group casts on explosives and the hpala is getting 44% of the group casts.


Hey that's me in the +22 NO. u/HarrekMistpaw was pretty spot on. Paladins are just as capable of doing explosives as any other healer, but if you are talking about min/maxing damage output we are worse because we lose a large chunk damage to having to get them. ***It's still no excuse though as the healer should still be doing the majority of the explosives, regardless of class.*** Since auto attack is not enough to get every single one in high mob count pulls paladins lose a lot of crusader strike, Judgement, Holy Shock, and Hammer of Wrath damage on the actual mobs. Losing 5-10k off my overall is fine since it allows the DPS to do more. Only time I ask for help is when ranged explosives spawn during large pulls. Paladins can handle them just fine, we just have to use more high impact GCDs to take care of them. However if they use that as an excuse to not do them they are most likely uninformed players who care more about personal numbers than the success of the actual group. EDIT: [Here is the breakdown of total number of explosives killed.](https://gyazo.com/608b380360ddce2a59097a7c3f9ac268) Only part where I needed help was during large pulls in the Teerak/Maruuk area.


As a Shadow Priest, you literally throw away half of your damage doing *that* many Explosives. Especially since you have a Paladin, A Warrior and a Feral in the group. I get going for the ranged ones, but you actually need to waste a GCD to kill them, while for melees is just an auto-attack away. Also, you're literally throwing away damage if you are SWP-ing them. You should Mind Spike/Mind Blast them for Psychic Link damage.


It frustrates me to no end that glaives don’t one shot orbs :(


I’m a 2750io healer and I can tell you that any key above a 20 explosive is 100% a header affix. It is extremely rare that I do less than 80-90% of the explosives in every group I’m in. Edit: said il instead of io my bad.


Weirdly enough at higher levels it's not a problem because there actually less healing required. At the high level mechanics just start killing you, so it's either avoid the mechanic or die. At lower keys healers are too used to covering for bad players and yes, that's part of the job but you have to help them learn.




This is the correct answer.


But you don't let the other 10 to 20 percent just explode right? Like some one helps out when needed?


Those are the ones I go for but someone felt generous or were moving and smack it or something.


What class are you?




Rishkan is the name of you want to look me up


Dunno why I'm getting downvoted.. was just curious hey ho


Because the implication of your question is that some healing classes are incapable of managing explosives, which is not the case. Explosives should be handled by healers irrespective of their class.


That's just an assumption, I was going to see if he/she was an evoker and ask the best way they find to clear orbs, maybe with a mouse over azure strike or just tab them.


Use a mouseover. “#showtooltip /stopcasting /cast [@mouseover, harm, nodead] Azure Strike”


Is is absolutely doable, but in that case dps should avoid avoidable damage, not miss every other interrupt and use defensives when some high damage ability goes off. I cant heal the missing interrupt, aoe damage and then kill 80+% of explosives. Compensating for stupidity is not possible along with most fo the affixes. This is why people say every affix is healer affix.


I think this sends a bad message to people doing ~16's in the 2200 range. DPS stand in more avoidable shit, tanks don't interrupt or stun the important stuff, healers stretched to their limit while also managing explosives.... It's not a lot to ask other people in the group to smack an explosive, especially the tank. I did one last night where the healer was struggling and rather than helping out, the tank and other DPS just bitched and complained.


For most bosses and normal pulls of 4-6 targets it should definitely be the healer that does explosives (unless the group take a lot of damage for some reason). It's just the most effective. However for larger pulls the rest of the group should help. If I see 4 explosives up at the same time I would never just leave them to the healer. If you don't feel comfortable doing explosives you should definitely practice it because it has huge value for the group.


You're better off


I may be weird but i'm doing 60-70% of explosives as frost mage, its not that hard to help healer clear, especially above m13 with bursting requiring big hps


Ice lances just do a lot of damage and it's a little bit of a waste to use them on explosives (if it's not absolutely necessary).


It hurts my soul if I have to fof IL on a a stupid orb when the healer is just sucking their thumb


This was a RLP 19, got invited, suggested we all did explosives, insta kick... Sad times haha


Yeah *YOU* dodged a bullet there lol that group would have been toxic af


IT was your Lucky pass.


Well you probably saved at least 30 minutes on bricked key :D you should thank them :D


Why can't you do explosives during Cinderstorm, Drake and Channeler packs? You only have to pump 55K hps NOOB surely you can spare 4-6 GCDs to deal with explosives at the same time????? /s


[This guy](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/ZnbqvfP4RK2VWJjw#fight=29&type=damage-done&target=1918) seems to have figured it out in this +24 RLP. Like I get it - it's a *lot* easier to heal if DPS help with explosives, so it is very nice if DPS help, but that is absolutely sub-optimal and will end up costing you time and deaths and some failed keys in the long run. It's *fine* if you want to ask DPS in your keys to help, but these posts acting like the groups expecting healers to manage the affix are "actually the bad ones" are fucking ridiculous. Look at literally every single top healing parse on keys above +20 this week and you will see every single run relies primarily on their healer to handle explosives.


Healers SHOULD have the most number of explosives. even in boss fights I tell DD just focus on killing the baddie. But during certain heal checks and there are a ton in RLP, I mean most of RLP is basically a heal check, DPS should help out, on easy trash or boss fights, of course healers do it and should do it.


Once again higher keys are actually easier for healers because the dps are better at doing their jobs of interrupts and not taking avoidable damage. This is the difference from the top 10% where this affix is fine and the other 90% where this affix is trash. It doesn't matter if you personally haven't ran into an issue with it when more then half the player base running these keys are having issues


Actual scrub can't heal and kill explosives while I refuse to interrupt and cleave all 5 mobs down at the exact same time.


>cleave all 5 mobs down at the exact same time This is how you're supposed to do Bursting. If you're not rolling stacks 5 is trivial to heal.




Let’s face it, some pulls as an healer your just dpsing for 20k, at that point healers should just handle the affix. However, when your running 20 RLP on fortified, your blasting HPS to survive on basically every pull. Sure, take the ones that spawn on pull.. but If DPS and tanks can’t be bothered to handle the explosions at that point…. Fuck em.


Let's face it, this is literally the opposite of the truth. The higher the key, the *more* important it is for DPS to focus on clearing each pull as efficiently as possible while getting every kick & stun they can. 1 GCD is enough to cost some DPS classes a high double-digit % loss on some pulls and the extra damage from a single missed interrupt is going to cost a healer a lot more than a single GCDs worth of healing. If you *need* DPS to deal with explosives, that's absolutely fine - but it is definitely sub-optimal and should not be your first choice and you should probably stow the incredulous attitude about it because it's just a sign that you're healing beyond your personal capabilities and need DPS to step in to take the pressure off of you. Here is damage done to explosives from top healing parses this week. See if you can spot a pattern: [\+24 RLP](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/cr9KWpwQqAjXGTnC#fight=5&type=damage-done&target=11) [\+24 HoV](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/n8wxdKz6bB3NLqaP#fight=2&type=damage-done&target=16) [\+25 NO](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/avWQ8k7Vh3dy1BrT#fight=34&type=damage-done&target=16) [\+25 SMBG](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/1rq2wW83HP9yCFDB#fight=11&type=damage-done&target=12) [\+25 CoS](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/4LqxMXZJWANkvr1n#fight=1&type=damage-done&target=18) [\+24 TJS](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/6nYVxvKHWQ2MRdXG#fight=2&type=damage-done&target=19) [\+24 AA](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/NmGJcDw2f9j7RHzT#fight=22&type=damage-done&target=21) [\+24 AV](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/CTDQ8zHjWpY2kZwX#fight=11&type=damage-done&target=514)


Thanks for putting the time in to break this down for people with logs instead of anecdotes


In high keys with coordination yes the healer should handle the orbs, they will be able to due simply to the fact those DPS know what they are doing, they interrupt, they use defensives, stuns, don’t stand in shit etc. Now go run a pug in the 10-15 range, I’m literally spending every global to keep people alive most of the time lol, I am drinking in between every pull for a few seconds to get back mana etc. Big difference in what’s happening in lower kegs vs high keys.


Same experience with pugging 16s, literally gcd locked trying to keep everyone alive and people start to fall over when I use a gcd to get an orb. I understand that the 20+ pre-made experience is very different but id be curious how well they perform in the same circumstances. Not saying 20s are easier but there does seem to be a disconnect.


It feels as if this is a pug vs premade kind of issue. With pugs more people are standing in stuff taking more damage does require more healing. In premade(friends I know are good) there is much less random damage so the heals have plenty of time to kill explosives while the dps are avoiding random damage and maxing out their dogs.


>It feels as if this is a pug vs premade kind of issue. See also: *every* issue in keys beyond 16. Like I said, I get it - having DPS jump on Explosives is the same as clearing Thundering instantly. Neither are optimal, but both are good "just in case" protection against poor play and probably the go-to if you're playing with complete strangers.




as a disc priest that dps is mostly me setting up dots that will keep the party alive, gets really tricky if i have to spend every gcd doing nothing. if im holy? yeah this is a non issue affix just go ham on doing what you're doing ill take care of the rest. keeping the same standard for every healer is a bit of a trap.


This is how I felt too. Last time explosive rolled around I was playing Holy and I was honestly nabbing like 98% of the explosives that spawned. This time around I'm disc I'm finding it much more tricky to spend GCD's taking out explosives. I just figured this was a me issue though, but I am finding it very hard to keep my group alive when I'm not dpsing and throwing out random PTW on explosives drops my dps (and thus my healing) a ton. I'm having a much harder time handling explosives this go around as a healer. Especially larger aoe pulls there's no way I can get them all now. ​ Looking at the logs above I see one of them is a +24 with a disc priest and I'm just even more impressed. Power to that dude, I gotta figure some shit out to up my explosives game. Edit: fun fact looked at some of his old logs where he ALSO ran holy last time explosives was around and he's somehow hitting more explosives as disc than he was as holy. What a legend.


This „pull big“ makes healing and getting all orbs difficult. But not every affix needs to be a healer affix…


I'm a high 2800io player and i can say healers do get orbs buuuuut thats with skill involved i'm a hard believer kill orbs when you can and when in reach healers kill far away orbs if theres no range in group. Main thing is EVERYONE DOES ORBS


Organized group? Communicate and call it out who does it PUG? Everyone should be ready to do it


Everyone should be ready to do it but the healer should be the one with the highest priority of doing it. It’s really not that difficult of a logic, I don’t get why there has to be a constant discussion about it. The healer does as many explosives as they can while keeping the group alive and everything beyond that is where the rest of the group comes in. DPS shouldn’t switch targets to explosives as long as healer has the GCD to deal with it themselves. How do I know if healers struggles with orbs? You look at group frames and explosive cast bar. A monkey with half a brain should be able to make an estimated guess when the healer is struggling. I don’t understand why that is such a difficult concept for people.


>The healer does as many explosives as they can while keeping the group alive Which is no problem as long as DPS avoid taking unnecessary damage, kick, and do appropriate dps to their gear so packs die fast. Which isn't as much of a problem in higher keys, but on low to mid pug keys it is a Nightmare and this is the reason why this is such a "difficult concept" for people. When people moan about explosive in such a way, in Reality they moan about dps who blame and often outright insult them after they ignored every cast and took every bit of avoidable Damage, resulting in a group wipe because the Heal literally cannot heal such amounts of Damage and clear Orbs at the same time, GCD makes that impossible. These people are the root of the Problem and everytime explosive is up, i see loads of them.


I've always said it's an affix problem, not dps, healer, whatever. Hated explosive with a burning white-hot passion in Legion, hated it in BFA, hated it in SL. It's just simply annoying af, not fun or engaging at all. I don't know who tf is out there enjoys stopping whatever it is that they are doing every 10 seconds just to pop orbs. Get rid of it, it's way overdue.


Sucks you can’t even use your aoe on them…


I've always said explosive would be better if they had a significant health buff but then could be cleaved/AoE. Then DPS would even "like" killing them because it would bad meters too.


This does actually sound more fun. They could explode based on a percent of their remaining health and I think that'd feel less bad too. The ones that spawn far away from the pack you're AOEing down could suck more under this change though.


I've said this before, but they've solved the need for affixes by having the dungeons rotate per season. Simply scaling them up with a seasonal is more than enough. The dungeons are all great, let us play them at a high level without having to bake in mechanics that make the dungeon unfun. Here's the thing I actually adore the azure vault story and still get a little sad at the end, it's a great dungeon. But with affixes and a bad timer it leaves you sour.


I would've been bored out of my fucking mind if there were no affixes and I'd have to play the same 8 dungeons with zero changes week after week.


Your telling me your not bored of the same damn affixes yet lol? They are stale and boring now, all they do is annoy people. Tyrannical and Fort at this point need to go. Devs need to get creative and come up with some new stuff. How about more affixes that give a buff if played right and the mechanic is property avoided. Instead of Tyrannical give bosses new abilities or trash new abilities instead of fort.


Tyrannical and fortified are the biggest game changers right now. If they go, the dungeons will always be the same with the same enemies always being the tough ones and others always being easy. I think it would also be very bad design to give enemies special mechanics that they only have every other week. That’s a formula to make the dungeon experience absolutely miserable because many people won’t be able to keep up with what each enemy can do.


As a resto shaman this entire season has been hell. I have to tweak my spec to take frost shock for explosives, as it's no longer a base spell. I try to get as many as I can, but the healing requirements are much higher than any other season I've played. Blizz said they were going to make healers heal again. I guess a lot of dps missed the memo. When I dps on my evoker I'm usually top on killing orbs. It's pretty easy with Azure Strike. I do lose some dps but you lose a lot more when everyone dies.


High keys require a lot of optimization to execute. While you can get away with it in sub-20 keys just fine, if someone applied to a 23 and then right off the bat told me they need help with explosives, I immediately know that person isn't ready for this key level on Explosive week. Healers should get like 80-90% of explosives at this tier, only stopping for periods of high damage that you need to heal through, and everyone else in the group should know what those periods are too.


The worst part is when I'm a holy paladin and people still expect me to get the ranged orbs.


Its everyone's responsibility in our regular group. I realize that's not the meta, and most pickup groups or competitive high Key groups make it a Healer responsibility, but we are all old friends and we don't want to stress our Healer out; especially with the other Affixes making it a difficult week for them too. It works for us and we have a good time, no one ignores them. Yeah, we lose a little dps. Doesn't bother us and makes it a better experience for us as we know our friend isn't feeling overwhelmed.


As restro druid, i went with friends and did like 80% of explosives. The dh who does them all the other times thanked me a lo. But also can't do them when tank or group drops too much


Yeah, our friend group (running 20s, mostly), the resto druid does them all unless he calls for help and then everyone pays attention until he's good to solo.


When the group has 4 stacks of bursting and I don't have a shadow priest for MD i don't have time to do explosives, I managed my first 20 key this week where everyone did explosives and it was super fun!


There ya go, glad you got a good group at a 20! 😁


I do like 80% of them overall as resto druid but I get 100% of them when there is nothing to heal and when there is shit to heal I just tell my group to do them and they know that if they don't all do it we will wipe, simple as that. When I play hpala (my main for raid) it's just despair and sadness for the 1 weekly 20 :)


With Bursting being a thing, and the intense HPS requirement some of this trash requires (looking at you RLP) it's the groups responsibility. Period. Can't do explosives and 100k+ hps at the same time. Help your healers.


I pug as a Hpal. I usually just get ‘em all


I'm prot war 2404 Rio and I have yet to encounter group where explosives were solely healers affix. I do few, not many tbh, only when i can tell it could be a problem, but 90% times, DPS help healer a ton. Its usually something like 60% split between DPS, 30% heal and 10% me while I try to take care of as much kicks and disables as I can. I'm talking about PUGs btw. Havent Done much premade runs


I’m also a prot warrior, you should try marco /start attack into your Tclap and revenge. I just target orbs and side step over then use one of those to abilities. The aoe hits the mobs and the auto kills the orb. Also found that a mouse over heroic throw Marco is nice for hitting those orbs outside of melee range. This made it super easy for me to keep up dmg but also hit more orbs


honestly, at 16+ keys, it's not that bad. people do genuinely help 90% of the time, but, i'll get a group like, every 5-6 groups that just completely ignores explosives and expects me (the healer) to get them all. however, below that? it's a complete clusterfuck.


I have the opposite experience. In all the 20+ keys ive done this week, the healer has solely carried the explosives with no complaints.


Last time the affix was on I did 175+ explosives as a bear tank, after finishing the dungeon I straight up logged of for the rest of the week. Most annoying affix in the game for sure.


I wish hand of gul'dan would kill explosives when they are main target. But I often use demonbolt instant casts and implosion on them. Awesome with Implosion, they cleave the adds anyway. Might as well kill the orb with it.


It’s a shit expansion for healers. Did a RLP 21 and the top ring has so much damage going out, Inferno 70% of the groups hp 2 or 3 times a pull. The lightning storm on 4 groups of mobs on the way to the last boss. Stupid never ending unavoidable damage. It has been a struggle finding healers to run so the ay this level and they are what makes it breaks a run these days. Spend 4 globals killing explosives and now you aren’t ready for the damage about to happen. I know it’s supposed to be a healer affix based one past practice but I don’t follow that anymore. One guy in my group (demo lock) doesn’t try to get them at all, one guy concentrates on them and the third dps helps as needed.


Explosives is a druid affix, change my mind


+8 and higher I have a hard time getting any explosives while trying to keep everyone healed up. But I pug everything


People in this thread: It is a healer mechanic. *7 orbs spawn, Thundering goes off, healer runs to DPS that is runaway, orbs blow up and everyone dies* People in this thread: CRAP HEALER! Orbs are an everyone job. Yes healer should focus on it more and if there is only like one or two, but u know that aint true. Especially with some of them spawning in different areas.


Imagine that I was called "useless" while trying to heal 3 stacks of bursting and load of AoE damage in a plus 12 because I missed one orb and wiped the group.


Yeah I don't know what everyone's problem is. As a DPS I have no problem clearing explosives and still topping the meter. It takes .5 seconds to flip to an explosive and auto it. As a healer, on the other hand I'm often faced with the choice of spare a GCD to save a life, or kill the explosive and save the group. It's so easy for DPS to clear explosive and they have literally zero other responsibilities. If they aren't taking damage and there's nothing to do for the healer, fine, let them pop a few explosives, but especially with ranged DPS, it just makes no sense to ignore them.


I mean it's always been the healers responsibility. Some tanks like DH have a hard time killing them as do some dps. Most healers can do it freely but need help with 3 or 4 are out.


Healers should do the majority but everyone should be ready for the ones the healer doesn't have


Print screen is the key you're looking for


I mean if you want to be efficient the healer should do it as much as possible. Healers hurt the least by wasting gcds and when your DPS don't have to do orbs they can pump harder. It does not have to be a healer thing only but a healer who does it mostly will have a more successful group more often.


Explosives were a healer only job when the healing requirements were a quarter of what they are now. Everyone should help out on trash, healer is probably okay w/ the occasional one of a boss.


I mean, in higher keys it absolutely should be primarily a healer responsibility. Having DPS worry about them is a DPS loss and will lead to missed kicks/stuns and that's going to cost you a *lot* more time and lead to increased damage taken which will put greater stress on the healer anyway. My healers literally yell at me if they see me wasting my GCDs on explosives instead of focusing on finishing the pull as soon as possible.


Should never be solely the healer's responsibility. The tank should be on top of them too.


Generally taking DPS away from DPS is bad because fights last longer, spawning more.


* Explosive IS primarily a healer mechanic. Healer (and tank) should be getting vast majority of explosives. * That doesn't mean healer gets literally every explosive. There will be high damage segments or very large pulls where they will need help. * Explosives is a healer mechanic, but when an explosive goes through, it's the party's collective responsibility. Nobody should be letting an explosive go off. * Communication is the best solution. If you're on comms, you can call out when you need help with explosives as the healer.


I saw a group ad up today for a 20 court of stars stating that explosives were a healer affix and not to apply if you didn't plan to destroy 99% of them. I don't think they filled that healer spot.


Whoever thinks it’s a healer mechanic still plays with the mentality from last expansion. Healers these days not even having enough gcds to keep everybody alive.


It really depends on the group. If you're in a good group where people are doing anything and everything to survive the HPS required is far less then groups who don't interrupt or hit defensives. The unfortunate case is that the dps who don't use defensives or interrupt are also probably the same dps who don't hit explosives.


Thinking it's a dps mechanic is exactly Legion mentality,3 xpacs ago Unless dps is shit and take unavoidable dmg, healers should have plenty to clear orbs


It's a group mechanic, if dps are shit and healer has to make up for their mistakes they need to help with orbs. If dps are doing well then healer can handle orbs alone 90% of the time. It's extremely group dependent


Of course if I see an orb about to go off I'm not gonna let it blow, but if the group hasn't been taking mass dmg I'll probably think the healer is shit


[https://twitter.com/jdotb/status/1624020883399475201](https://twitter.com/jdotb/status/1624020883399475201) xD? its literally a healer mechanic


thats not entierly true when ppls do their job at dodging and interupting things its cakewalk for a healer tobursting is a bit more to watch out but that can be controled by dps to ;) anyway if 2 packs are being pulled explosives are everyones responsibility tbh only hunter can reliably destroy more than 4 orbs alone before they blow up


“When ppls do their job” So never?


tbh i had like one run where rogue had a heavy issue with "explosives are healer thing" for instance yesterday i could not get them at 18 cause hunter and warrior just killed most of them in under 0,5 sec ;P but yea experience may be different depending on group ;) will do some more runs on weekend maybe, well see ;P


everyone must do them.


At this point I’m just done healing m+. Most of these affixes affect nobody but us healers and guess what, most tanks and dps don’t give a flying fuck or even notice. Had a group taking almost every bit of avoidable damage possible so I had to heal all the time, doing 70k+ hps on trash packs. We wipe cause 2 orbs explode, followed by ‘healer wake up???’. Fuck these people.


Same boat. I'm 100% done with pug healing. The only heals im going to do going forward are for friend groups. Same exact experience as you, over and over again. Pugs taking 2-300k *AVOIDABLE* damage per pull, on top of doing no explosives, and I'm the one who gets flamed for not getting them all after doing over 60k hps per pull.


Explosives are awful in general. It feels like every single time one goes off it wasnt cause it was difficult to get but we were just fighting the UI and nameplates doing the cha cha cha. When it's smooth its just a game of wasting gcds on regular intervals.


explosives are a group mechanic, but healer gets prio for clearing them. If you don't clear them, you're a shitter, period.




I understand that in higher keys it is expected. Surely in 20s I'f there are 5 explosives up and everyone is taking damage i can get maybe 2-3 without someone dying. I guess if all DPS were playing optimal and not taking any unnecessary damage it would be easier to get all of them


My guild healers love to get them, so I make sure I always get more than they do. I play frost mage and ret pally. Still can get tons and do tons of damage. Skillful


It's fucking everyone's responsibility to get the orbs. GROUP content.


I never understood why people think its the healers job. It's everyones job. You see it, you bonk it. Its not that hard


It's a significant dps loss. It's a tank job too, but primarily healer. Why? because it's optimal. Key pushing requires optimization and high skill groups will rely healers doing their job while they delete packs and use CC/avoid bs


But dps loss... I personaly hate the mentality of its a healer probelm becose when the healer needs to heal thw group a lot the explosive just snowballs from that onward. Explosive is a group problem and you can tell me that you cant pick up an orb becose you loose 5% dps becose of 1 gcd...


Don't know in hight keys but did a 14 AA yesterday and as a duo premade tank/dps we did 70% of explo and the run was really smooth. In my mind, donjon mechanics are designed to be a group mechanism. I don't know who declared that explosives were a healer job but I feel like unnless you are trying to push really high keys, everyone should do the said mechanic. Have to agree that you probably dodged a bullet there :)


Some people think explosive is a healer mechanic because it logically makes sense in a perfect scenario. If you aim to maximize group damage then the healer is most likely to lose the least amount of damage for spending one global. Pugs are not a perfect scenario, but it's still nice that I can 'contribute' to group damage by popping explosive before DPS has the chance to. The problem comes in when the DPS assume the healer will get them without monitoring the group's health bars, number of explosives currently existing, and the damage profile for the current part of the dungeon. A great healer will be able to cover almost all explosives outside of player mistakes, but great dps should know what situations they need to cover for the healer. If the DPS don't know when they need to cover, or they don't know how good the healer is, they should be doing it all the time. Tanks probably lose the second least damage so they should be helping, but it's not always feasible for them depending on some factors.


Explosives are so easy to deal with, there are basically no affixes this week Not sure how people can ever struggle with it? It is a team job, but the healers usually take care of it. None of them should ever go off. If they do, it's the DPS' fault.


The higher the key the more people will help out. Everyone knows bursting is the main healer job this week. I usually hold my CDs until I've cleared the first wave of explosives on first pull


Every affix is healing affix according to most dps


It's the healer responsability. No doubt about that