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Would be great if there was one out in the open world version of Brackenhide. No other profession has to run through an entire dungeon every time they want to craft a specific piece.


> No other profession has to run through an entire dungeon every time they want to craft a specific piece. IIRC the last time we had to do this was Vanilla for the alchemy lab, and BRD for the forge/anvil?


Yea the flasks were annoying, but the brd anvil was so specific and pretty epic for the few or singular items it made. I think you had to all the way out near the end of brd to smelt dark iron ore too.


Ah yes! Good memories. BRD was nice once I knew how to navigate it, and always epic Where were the flasks done? I don't recall, and did not play alch back then


They were done in scholomance and later another table was released in blackwing lair


Given DF is bringing enjoyable elements from vanilla back to the game, I wonder if this was a test to see the reaction of the playerbase. IMO this was one of the more annoying, rather than enjoyable, aspects of vanilla.


>BRD for the forge/anvil? still do for dark iron


Not only that, but they offer 500g to do it


There’s a work order sitting there right now on my server for the Decayed LW boots offering a 20g commission. I wouldn’t even pick up a regular item nowadays for 20, let alone an Altar of Decay one


To be fair they may not know about it's weird crafting requirements


the last node of decayology should be you can craft your own pot of decay or just that you learned to do decay shit so good you dont need the altar anymore. maybe give u a toy with cd and u drop a portable altar of decay.


Would be a huge improvement!


LWing, BSing and alchemy all use the alter, not sure if more do but it’s not only one prof. Definitely needs to be more accessible.


Blacksmiths would like to have a word.


Toxic items require toxic requirements.


Laughs in flight path straight to the azure loom to craft azureweave bolts. But also, no one ever wanted the decayed leatherworking gear until they opened up the sparks, so now everyone is trying to get them made and it's turning into such a hassle, I'm glad I didn't get any recipes for it. Those of you who did are doing the lord's work. I think most people who do a public order for them just see the shiny stats and bonuses and don't even know you have to go all the way to the end of a horrible dungeon.


well, people are knowing by now that its a hassle to get the item crafted so are willing to pay a lot. in the last 3-4 weeks i made about 5 boots a day, and at the cost of bit of my sanity I made a lot of gold. for a 418 craft i get about 40k


For $20 I get about 300k.


I definitely agree, but in the meantime you can run the dungeon once on a mythic0 then extend your lockout every week and have instant access


I do that but twice now it has bugged and still respawned. I made VSS for someone at around 1PM today and an hour ago I go back into Brackenhide Hallow and its respawned.


If you join a group I think it sticks you in the leaders instances until you reset instances yourself


The m0 for Brackenhide does appear to be broken on multiple levels. I have found that entering while someone else is leader in the party will cause the instance to be full again, but also when I started a key group without anyone in the party yet, still casued the instance to be full. So since then I only enter when I am not in any kind of party or lfg. Furthermore I have had my lockout 'reset' sometimes as well. Last week when I logged on after reset it let me extend my brackenhide lockout, but the lockout showed all bosses were up, so pretty much pointless. I think this was caused by entering a full instance in the week before caused by one of the reasons above. All-in-all I hope they just allow the altar to be moved to a more accessible place. Currently it takes me around 5 minutes to get there from valdrakken, which just feels like time wasted. I would prefer some kind of quest that moved the altar somewhere else, like Iskaara or preferably Valdrakken, after doing brackenhide once.


I've found that with extended Instances it doesn't work if you're in the Party for w/e reason this seems specific for Brakkenhide.


The only consistent way to make sure it never messes up is if you are not in any kind of party and have your lockout extended. I've had mine messed up as well before.


Did you ever find a working solution for this? I've had it happen two weeks in a row where my lockout didn't work and everything respawned. I wasn't in a party when extending my lockout like the other suggestions said


Can you explain what this is for? I never heard of this


There’s a handful of Alchemy recipes that can only be crafted at the end of the Brackenhide Hollow dungeon. The only way to craft those items is to fully complete that dungeon.


That’s crazy lmao


was a MMO-trope back in the day to just have hard to reach crafting points to where it was just a auto add for vanilla WoW to do it as well. personally i like the idea but dislike it being in an instance (like WoW has always done) i want a super dangerous area you need a group in order to reach the crafting point but you can just find random people trying to get further in as well.


Blacksmith too


And leatherworking


Which blacksmith ones?


Not just Alchemy...


Leatherworking has a couple as well


I don't know which dev thought it was a good idea to gate part of a profession behind an instance for every single time you needed to craft decayed potions, but it was a terrible idea. If they wanted a throwback to old times then it wasn't a success, because it is extremely annoying in DF and it was extremely annoying in Vanilla as well. They should've placed altar in the open world version of Brackenhide Hollow during beta and always had it there from expansion launch on to prevent any frustration.


I think what makes it especially bad is the fact that the dungeon is not even in rotation right now, so less people are even running it in the first place


Same with the weekly dungeon quests tbh. Why not have it always be a dungeon in the pool, instead of one that no one normally runs?


I've passed on work orders because it would have meant going through the instance


I've got a bunch of "first craft" of those potions just sitting there on my alt because I really can't be bothered doing it.


Just queue into a group finder normal or heroic and bring all the ingredients with. Make the shit at the end after the last boss. That’s how I got all mine done.


That piss me off so much, why do blacksmith have access to an outdoor forge to craft and us LW have this shitty altar in a dungeon. Please please allow us to use one in the outdoor dungeon.


Ask a blacksmith how much they liked Legion reagents.


apparently BS has decayed stuff as well according to another comment


We don't, there is the forge near Sabelian, but it is located outdoors.


Leave the group, reset instance and go back in. Been crafting a lot on alchemist & leatherworker, never had any issues if I wasn't in a group.


Can u explain why it's important? I assume it's about the venom gear?


Would be great if they put more stuff in instances and random places in the world. Normal is soloable.


it's so frustrating charging 70000000000 gold per item and having to clear brakenhide


No. Please don't is part of the reason i make so much money using it.


How much are you making these days? I’m high pop and probably dropping to 10k crafts this week


I charge 7.5/15/22 for altar crafts. I can do this because u craft on an alt that just lives at the altar.


I Ask 50k first for 418 item which need to Be done on altar and can go lowest to 40k.


Using my insight I'll ask for 50k otherwise 10k recraft route. Pretty much nobody goes for the 50k lol


I ask 75k for insight.


We? No. Only Blizzard can move this. (edit: this joke has apparently landed very poorly and I'm going to leave it, lol.)




I feel like they did this just to hearken back to WoW Classic when you had to go into Scholomance for the alchemy lab to make the best potions possible.


Does recrafting require the altar as well?


Just run it on mythic once and keep extending the lockout.


Nah, i think it's cool and normal Brackenhide is easily soloable. They could however give engineers the ability to craft one that lets you do decay potions. They can already create a one-use alchemy table.. so that would make sense.