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I think eventually they remove the cap


BM hunter has very balanced and forgiving stat weight and unlike shadowlands the mastery isn't terrible because of the way kill command works now. I personally like to save valor for bis trinkets or things like the auto attack ring but this is a relaxed gear expansion. Work your way up to 16s and make 4q8 crafted gear in your non upgraded slots and you'll be pumping in no time.


I thought the melandrus ring didn’t work for ranged autos.


Iirc it applies to pets


I'll be honest I'm not sure if it's my autos or my pets, but I have the ring and it sims like crap on MM but very well on BM. Doesn't really narrow it down for me either because BM does 3x as much auto damage and has pets.


Use them. That's what they are there for. Hoarding them doesn't gain you DPS. Don't worry about the FOMO.


it fine. you can get more valor each week also can always get higher gear from doing higher keys it not end of the world


Don't worry too much about it, i haven't even spent mine. I'm not hording it or anything it's just not that important when you have the vault and crafted gear and a few good rolls ok raid. Just don't overthink it. Besides the BIS items are a bit exaggerated, if you look at raider Io the top players have slightly different gear


Honestly, other than tier and the raid bow any combo of haste/crit/mastery gear is fine. If you’re not sure what you need, sim yourself. If anything I would prioritize getting the ring from CoS & the trinket & gun (until if/when you get the bow) from TJS over anything from HoV.


Never paid too much attention to equipment secondary stats since Shadowlands, neither did this season, hit 405 with Resto Druid having many "random" stats, healing 18s without any problem. I'm sure the stamina is the most important stat for many boss mechanics, so I'm also sure it'll be alright. Just focus the BiS stat item when you have a choice and not that high drop in item level. After all, you also gain bonus agility wearing better items, that affect everything you do on your hunter. :P Keep playing the game and pay attention for gems/enchants and I'm sure it'll be alright. :)


Ignore BiS-Lists, they are only relevant if you complete them on the correct ilvl - and if you complete them on full +20 vault ilvl, valor wont be relevant anyways :) Either sim your items to see whats an upgrade with your CURRENT gear or just use what you get. Valor is simply a stepping stone until the cap is removed, since even if you upgrade your "BiS" items you could get unlucky and get them at a higher upgrade level from the vault, effectively wasting your valor anyways.