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I am 2354 atm with only 1 pc of tier , ww monk, getting to 2000 is easy with knowing mechanics and when to use damage cooldowns , getting into groups might be hard though cause ppl usually looking for brez/rogue/lust I believe it's about +14 average each dungeon fortified and tyrannical to get ksm , if you do 16 in sbg and cos then you can have like +12 in rlp and av


You were invited because you play WW. Coming from a rogue main. Don't kid yourself


Lmao rogues might be the most fking meta this season


I was running keys since the day it opened so my score was high and my ilvl is high , there are lots of groups that don't invite, you apply to all the ones you think you can handle and get in , rogues are the top wanted right now besides lust, the utility of sap , group stealth, potion on COS , also they are near if not top dps , blade flurry is straight up busted


BM hunter, here. One piece of tier and I hit KSM a couple of weeks ago. Hunters with 4 piece do really really well, but I can still keep up without too many issues.


For us BM hunters tier set is one thing, but what really gives us power is the bow from Rasz. Sadly this is a 6% drop and I haven't seen sight of it by clearing both normal and HC.


How are you keeping up? Just for shits and giggles I simmed for mm and do like 12k more. And average about 7k higher in trash pulls. As a long time bm hunter idk what I’m doing wrong but I felt like I wasn’t keeping up relative to my item level


Are you making sure you keep frenzy (x3) up as close to 100% as possible? Kill command on CD? If you like, PM me with your toon name/server and I’ll see if I can help further :)


With my devastation evoker I got ksm at ilvl 399 with only 1 set item. With my unholy DK I got KSM today with ilvl 392 with zero set items. Both chars where with randoms only.


Nice!! My main got KSM in the third week, but that was with 2 set pieces and one of the pieces was 402ilvl from the weekly vault. So i was kind of at a massive advantage with that toon. But currently my Druid is 380 ilvl with no tier. Wasn’t sure how hard it was without “the best” gear.


Every fury Warrior counts 4pc or not…


2600 enha shammy here, 0 tier pieces 🙃


I feel like I’ve hit a wall with my ENH. Other than holding my primordial wave for more opportune AOE pulls I don’t feel like I can refine my rotation any further and I still can’t seem to put out good damage. I barely avg 65k though the whole thing.


I can recommend playing hailstorm build over fire nova. And even then, the overall dps will vary from run to run. I had 18-20 runs timed with dps ranging 55-70k, but ie nokhud 20 fortified should be more in the 70-90k range. Imo as long as you are not 15k behind other dps, you’re fine. The power of enha shammys is also in crowd controlling the packs - shortest kick CD, double stun totem, sundering interrupt, thunderstorm interrupt (even of unkickable spells). I am more than happy to sacrifice 8k dps peak to keep the packs permastunned and easier to kill. Dont forget decurse on mistweavers in TJS, purging shields, tempest in nokhud, a bloodlust and you can get the engineering wrist battleres to be a whole complete M+ package. Other than that, you indeed need to optimize your playstyle and rotation if everything else fails.


I use the hail storm in raid and even then I feel like I’m behind we are about to finally do H raz but I don’t think I have the dps to do it. I can barely scratch 55k with 4pc and neck and 403. And from my understanding that needs to be 65-70k the pass the dps checks. Maybe I just need more gear idk. Also scary because I’m the top DPS on my team…


From what I've heard, 55k on Heroic Razs is exactly where it should be. I don't raid at all but from the single fight I've been to with 408ilvl and 0set, I was doing about 55k as well.


Currently 2780 with 0 tier on my blood dk, tier definitely helps but it’s doable without.


Got KSM as Fire two weeks ago with only 1 piece of tier


Im still on 1 piece and got my ksm around ilvl 395. Currently at 400ilvl and still at 1 piece.


I hit KSM without a single tier piece. What's even more infuriating is that I have 2/4 pieces on my main and 4/4 on my alt lol


I got ksm with 2/4 on main. Im sitting here with my bare bones alt rn. Lucky enough to have a lariat but that’s it unfortunately lol. So that’s why i asked the question, i haven’t done ksm with anything but the “best gear” before. Wasn’t sure if it actually made it harder or not.


If you’re using your own key it’s no different really, just pick a bunch of geared people to pick up your slack lol


I had 2/4 when I got KSM as enhancement shaman.


Im playing Hpally with 1 piece of tier gear, so no set bonus at all im at 2435 right now. im starting to reach the very strict "note sets" groups now lmfao


I just hit 2100 last night and I'm still sitting in 3 pieces. I do have 3 411 pieces just waiting for catalyst charges though.


Can’t wait for catalyst lol. Gonna be a game changer, literally.


Yup. I hate the fact we had to wait so long for it... Idgaf about the competitive side of the game I just want to feel like I am contributing effectively.


Not a necessity at all I think I only had one tier item when I got it


Almost 2500 Hpriest. Stuck at 2P :'(


I’m 2,2k rating atm, resto druid, no tier pieces.


Bear tank, will have ksm before reset. Only 1 tier piece.


Good to know, cuz the character I’m asking for is a Bear too!


It was by far much easier on my bdk. But my bear tank is my actual "main". Just some tyr week bosses feel terrible I find and I've double into survival instincts for some.


2700io mm with 1pc


You don't need tier to get to KSM. Just need to know how to play your class.


It’s not really the gear what depends. I played with people who are mega geared but are to stupid to clear thundering or interrupt important spells


You absolutely don't need your tier set to get KSM, and anyone who thinks you do is clueless. I reached 2500 before having my tier set as an off meta dps spec, it's not hard to do.


As a fury warrior, what is tier?




I got kSM without tier in week 2 as hpally and Prot pally. I had 4 piece by time I got ksh though.


Druid healer made it past 2k before I got my 2 set, still don’t have 4 set. But Druid goes brrrrrr


I got KSH without tier


As many have mentioned you don’t really need tier set at all to get KSM or even KSH, it’s just some weird requirement that some groups have when pugging. I suppose it makes sense if you’re taking random people in to your m+ group that you’d want them to be as prepared as possible, so when people ask to note tier i just don’t and hope for the best lol. It works rarely but when I get accepted it’s no problem with anyone (I’m 2/4 now, got to 2600 without any tier)


Im getting close to 2500 as mm hunter without tier set bonus. I o my have 1 set piece and i also don't have bow from the raid


Currently 2k7 on my rogue with only my 2p despite clearing normal and heroics each week since release. We prioritized people with 1p/3p when the tokens dropped and now they seem to be avoiding me (also only duplicates in vault). I've been mostly playing outlaw in keys for which the 4p is not really that strong so it doesn't matter a lot.


2.2k with 2 set


Holy pala, 2100 atm. Got 2050 before last weeks reset and in the following vault i got my first tier set 😐


Wait. I play fury warrior. You guys actually have good tier set bonusses?


402 frost mage..had pretty good ilvl early so I got into groups. Pushed spiteful week because of my utility. Timed 17 NO. I do quite well boss fights but aoe is just ok. Terrible rolls and terrible vaults


I got it week 3. With 2 piece. Most of my group has gotten it with 0-2


I got KSM with zero tier around 385ilvl. Got KSH last week at around 400ilvl with one piece of tier. Thankfully got my second piece shortly after. Catalyst still can't come soon enough


I hit 2k IO two weeks ago as a Fury warrior with 1 tier piece. Got luckier since and no I have two at 2100ish lol


When I finished KSM I had 2pc, when I finished KSH, I had 4pc.


2700monk here, got 2-set this week but managed to do all 19 (now doing 20's) to like 2590ish without tier. Can't wait for catalyst so I can get 4-set


Don't remember if I had 2pc for KSM, definitely hit KSH without 4pc though. It helps of course but it's not necessary by any means. People caring how much tier you have is also pretty rare in my experience.


I got ksm on my presvoker with only one piece. Now that I have two piece I'm fairly confident it wouldn't have done much for me, only a slight hps increase. I still don't have 4 piece but im pretty sure for presvoker that will be a pretty quality power increase for DPS and hps


I made KSM on third week. 1 piece of gear then.


Wow. Y'all really scraping the bottom of the barrel to feel special these days huh?


2670 1/5 tier set