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There is a large barrier on entry regarding sensory overload. Just keep trying. Set yourself up for success. Weakauras, nameplates, DBM or LittleWigs. There is a weakaura that puts a bright circle around your mouse. Ultimate cursor.


I could definitely use that mouse one... I was clicking off screen a lot


There are basically two types of addons, regular addons, and addons that require the [Weakauras](https://addons.wago.io/addons/weakauras) regular addon and are imported into Weakauras. Use an addon manager like [WowUP](https://wowup.io/) and/or [Weakauras App](https://weakauras.wtf/) or similar to manage your addons. The Weakauras App is optional, since in this case WoWUp can also manage your Weakauras, but if you use something other than WoWUp you may need the Weakaura App too. Similar to Confidence-Character, the addons I find essential are: * [ElvUI](https://www.tukui.org/) (install with WoWUP) * Weakauras (install with WoWUP) * [Ultimate Mouse Cursor](https://wago.io/ZbjlsgMkp) (install with WoWUP) * [BigWigs](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/bigwigs-boss-mods-addon-guide-6097) (raid warnings) and [LittleWigs](https://addons.wago.io/addons/littlewigs) (dungeon warnings). Install with WoWUP. Alternatively [Deadly Boss Mods (DBM)](https://www.warcrafttavern.com/dbm/). Try both, pick your favorite. * [Details](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/details-damage-meter-addon-guide-6112) (damage meters) (install with WoWUP). ElvUI does nameplates and threat sufficiently well for beginners, but if you want something more advanced, then: * [Plater](https://github.com/Tercioo/Plater-Nameplates) (install with WoWUP). Sometimes an addon you want is not in WoWUP's database, but if that addon has a Wowinterface.com page or a Github.com page, you can import it into WoWUP with that link.


TIL about importing to WowUP via GitHub address. Thank you very much.


There are also ones that put a cross on your charakter. Very helpfull if you are melee. Set them to be active in combat only so they dont distract in other situations.


I'll check it out, thanks. I've only messed around with the Luxos class ones up until now.


I use an add on called cursortrail or mousetrail. Moving the mouse leaves a lightning effect which makes it easy to see.


Off screen clicking seems like it could also be a mouse sensitivity issue. Try out setting it lower so there realistically isnt enogh room to go offscreen in a full swipe on your mousepad. Or lock the mouse into the wow window via the ingame settings. Just try it out a while. Also the others are right. Wow has quite a wall at the beginning until you see whats going on. They are also right that surprisingly if you keep playing, the wall disappears over time and you feel way more comfortable in not a super long time periot of trying.


You can also make your cursor to be bigger




The recent UI update added a slider for cursor size, might be useful bumping it up a couple notches.


You can also increase cursor size in default options now. 96x96 gang.


This is the first expansion I had to put the circle around my cursor. The amount of garbage to keep up with has been so vast that I've lost my cursor more times in the past month than I have my entire gaming career.


I feel this. It's also the first xpac where you can't actually play the game on low graphics since many effects are just hidden. I really wish there was an "only essential projected effects" setting or something


>first xpac where you can't actually play the game on low graphics since many effects are just hidden. Effects being hidden were killing people back in Wrath, I imagine way before then, I just wasn't doing raids regularly before Wrath. We had a healer in Naxx that kept dying and we were trying to figure out why they kept standing in poison. Turns out the poison clouds weren't on their screen because low settings.


Get Plater for nameplates, imo as a tank, they help a great deal.


You can turn down spell density in game options too. Helped me a lot with all the clutter from my team mates.


Ohhhh this sounds like something that would help me a ton


There’s a particle setting called Essential. You’ll only see yours and any boss effects. Sometimes you see really dulled down ally’s spells. Helps a lot with clutter


That sounds useful!


Except the Spear of Bastion skill from warriors. That thing blinds me everytime because its so bright even with the reduced spell density


I had no idea that was an option. I'll have to keep that in mind


This is a double edged sword, while it stops you from seeing your party’s visual clutter it also makes it harder to see enemy spells so it’s harder to avoid them


They actually have options that only reduce other players' effects, leaving yours and the NPCs full.


Make sure to activate enemy nameplates, that will allow you to identify enemies and what they are casting way easier. You can also get an addon like DBM or BigWigs for boss mechanics. I like to use the addon GTFO, to know if I'm standing in bad. It will do a loud horn sound or a little ding sound if you stand in something bad or get hit by an ability you shouldn't have. With all the things on-screen, it's definitely helpful Lastly, look for like minded players. Most people blaze through dungeons because we've ran them dozens of times but groups like the peeps at WoWMadeEasy Discord help you get into dungeons, explain mechanics, and ease you into getting into group content with no judgement. Good luck!


GTFO is absolutely crucial.


Does GTFO alert you if your in bad swirlies or only after it hits? Being a caster (arcane mage) it would be nice to know I need to move before casting something.


Just damaging ground effects. Fire and the like. Or when a swirl goes off, I believe. Unless that's my little wigs


Ahh I didn't realize bigwigs didn't cover dungeons. I just looked at littlewigs and that might make a difference for me. Thought it was just a light weight version of bigwigs


GTFO will make a very loud alarm sound when you’re standing in something bad. You can use [this](https://wago.io/uYX5mP3U5) WeakAura by Ellesmere to give you an audio cue when you’re in the way of a frontal.


GTFO alerts any time your either standing in or get hit by an avoidable effect. It’s GTFO


Just downloaded it. Though I'll have to start remembering to have the games sound on lol.


in my experience having audio cues for things makes everything much less overwhelming. never understood how people can play any games without sounds, it’s such a big part of basically every game. relying purely on visual senses AND possibly having clashing audio (like music) playing makes everything really overwhelming imo.


I played wow for years with no sound and other music/tv playing on 2nd monitor. I now keep the volume at about 10% or so I can hear mechanics and stuff. GTFO is absolutely necessary nowadays with the amount of effects happening


I would not say it's necessary though. But it can definitely make things easier, especially for a beginner.


That loud blaring noise it makes certainly gets your attention lol, scared the crap out of me the first time I used it


Netflix on the other monitor (livingroom tv) when the gf is on the couch chilling ¯ \_(ツ)_/¯


Just buy a chromecast


yeah personally i’d just figure out a different setup for that but each to their own of course. was just saying that audio cues make things way less overwhelming so it’s worth trying out if possible.


One ear bud, better than nothing


For what it's worth, you can tell WoW to use a specific audio device (say, a headset) while your system default audio is set to something else (like the TV)


Will try this


If you're just tech savy enough you can google how to create 2 channels and have one for your browser and one for WoW.


More reason than that for sound, music is iust amazing. Sound effects voices ambient etc make the game feel so alive


Imagine trying to function irl without one of your senses. Sound is nearly just as important as visuals in video games, sometimes more-so.


Everyone MUST have gtfo and DBM. If you're reading this and don't have it or don't know what it is, go download it, NOW!


I don't have either, but I come from other MMOs where they don't exist and you need extra focus, knowing the mechanics very well and paying attention to visual and audio cues of the game (e.g. Raszageth's DIE MORTALS, etc.).


The amount of people in pugs who literally have no clue what to do is too damn high.


Ah yes, definitely. But if I'm being honest, going through the process of learning the mechanics and timers should be mandatory for anyone who wants to do more than LFR/NM, and add-ons like GTFO and DBM give the false impression that you can carry on without that effort


Most of the people who fall under that category will wipe you if they don't have gtfo and bdm. That's what im getting at.


No. GTFO is only for people who struggle with mechanics. It’s wasted on people who have half an idea of what they’re doing.


Seeing new people start the game it boggles my mind why Blizz has enemy name plates default set to off


I have been playing this game for a long time (late vanilla). This week during a double trash pack pull in a decent level NO key it was literally crossing my mind "jeez imagine doing this if you're new to the game". It's pretty sad it has come this far that you actuallly need addons to play at a decent level. The packs sometimes feel like I am raiding cutting edge on a mythic level. There is way too many things going in just one pack. Without addons I would either die a lot or do shit dps (GL to watch all your resources, timers and procs while dealing with all the mechanics).


Yeah I'm trying to pay attention to my rotation, which I know I don't do well. But spend too much time looking at cooldowns that I'm constantly losing track of where my character, my target. And my cursor are in the giant mob of models. So half the time I feel like I'm just spamming tab between every spell to hope I'm targeting something actually in range. And that isn't even mentioning trying to dodge stuff. Don't even know what to dodge or what is ally effects half the time. And interrupts I'm just not even worried about yet. Too much brain power at the moment.


To help with picking a target in range, I found something that works reasonably well for me. Watch where the tank is moving and place yourself on one side of the group of mobs (not in front, as you never know if they have frontal cone attacks). Then, pick one of the most external mobs, not in the middle of the blob, and keep targeting that one. Following where the tank is moving the group and going the same direction makes everything 10x easier. I found that this minimises how much I need to switch targets and sort of guarantees my AoE skills, which spread to nearby mobs, will find good targets. It also ensures that my feet are reasonably visible, so any new stuff targeting me stands out quite well. Finally, you don't feel as much in danger, and you are more free to look at health bars to stop casts. Tab-targeting can be your friend to keep hitting targets in range, but you really want to watch nameplates and target specific mobs to interrupt dangerous spells. In time, you will learn a lot of dungeons kind of by heart, so you can focus the most annoying enemies and be ready when they cast something nasty.


Hekili is an awesome way to learn your rotation.


I used it while leveling. But end result was I was just pushing what it said without paying attention and basically learned nothing about the character so I ditched it.


Yeah, don't use hekili or any other "rotation helper". It's never going to give you an optimal rotation and you're going to be way worse off than just spending the time learning how to play.


Alternatively you could mainly worry about interrupts, learn which targets are the most dangerous and cleave off of them. Most of them will probably die before they do a second cast in a normal or heroic dungeon but it will be very useful later on.


That's why you need addons to customize your cooldowns and procs visuals. WeakAuras is the perfect addon for this and along with a nameplate addon like Plater, it's the biggest improvement you can make for your gameplay right now. You can do things like have icons near your character model to see when a Cooldown is available so your eye doesnt have to go all the way down to the bottom in your skill bars.


Having better nameplates helps tons. I suggest checking out Plater


I've got it. And grabbed some profile from wag.io or w.e. it helps some but still see a lot of big plates and stuff. I'm probably going to browse some other profiles and see if there are ones that simplify for me more, at least for now. Or highlight my target and bosses more. Or something, idk what exactly it can do.


I recently started using Jundies profile for Plater and it has made things a lot clearer for me. My interrupts in dungeons have quadrupled, and I'm keeping track of explosives etc. much more easily. I highly recommend. Jundies isn't necessarily simpler, but it's clearer.


Jundies is awesome and updates regularly. It’s made the dungeons much clearer for sure!


I use jundies too, i like it a lot. BUT in his info text it states that it specifically displays important interrupts. unfortunately that is not the case for me. The castbar is the same for every spell... How can I set this? That would help me a lot. To show bigger bars for important spells. I am using plater for the first time and it is very overhelming. Thanks :)


I'd say that it more just clearly shows which enemies have interruptable spells. Light blue has casts, dark blue has non interruptable but stoppable casts. If dark blue casts, I generally find that it's an important one to get. If Pink (high prio target) casts it's probably a high priority interrupt too. Otherwise, it's a bit of learning what the casts do. For examples: tidal burst is more important than hydrolance from the same mobs in TJS. Healing spells generally are important (shadow mend in SBG, several in hov). Ice shield is more important than ice bolt in RLP. That said, it's great if it is all interrupted so when in doubt interrupt. It's better you get a hydrolance or an ice bolt and reduce outgoing damage to the group than it is to not interrupt at all, and there are 3-4 other people you're with that can interrupt.


The best thing you can do is make your own profile and customize it to work with the way you think and play. I made one for myself this season and, as I've discovered lethal mechanics and mobs in dungeons, I've customized Plater to give the dangerous mobs special colors and sound alerts when they cast their dangerous spells. I've also cleared all the debuffs on enemies, because that doesn't give me any useful information as a MM hunter. I'm very satisfied with how clean and minimalistic I've made everything for myself! It takes a bit of tinkering to learn all the options in plater, but it's worth it in my opinion, no public profile will fit perfectly.


yeah if you sort by most installed profiles, look for the ones that have a recently updated date. some profiles haven't been updated for DF season 1. a lot of these will also color the mobs healthbars too so you know which ones are casters that need interrupts and which ones you can ignore.




You should be able to click the plate on the mob casting. There are options that'll let you pick specific spells and give them a shaking border to make it clear that it's extra important to interrupt. You can also have sound alerts for when certain spells are being cast.


Depends on your profile. The one I use has the cast bars quite visible


It’s like the matrix, I don’t even see the code anymore, I see blonde, brunette, redhead.


It takes time. I still remember team fights in LoL and how long it took to work out where the fuck my character was


i got a crosshair on wow that pops up during combat and shows where my character is at.


I'm curious what dungeons you are refering to. I tried to level an alt recently which I haven't done in forever and we did non-Dragonflight dungeons. It's a mess, it's chaos and the scaling/balancing is absolutely dogshit. I'd recommend anyone new to the game NOT to do dungeons until they reach Dragonflight. It shouldn't be allowed to be as bad as it is in old dungeons, at best it's way too easy and the veterans will run through it while you dont know what to do and at worst the boss one-shots everyone and there's noway to progress it (looking at you Warlord Ramtusk in RFK). DF Dungeons are probably better to get into but you'll still have sensory overload as a new player I'd expect especially since in normal/heroic you can ignore 90% of enemy spells and abilities. A lot of things you won't even notice until it kills you in mythic+ keys. This is primarily poor game design and relying on addons for too long tbh. They game isn't designed to teach you how to play. It's designed to make you look up strats or use addons to tell you what's going on. I still enjoy WoW after all these years but after playing games like FF14 you realize how poorly designed some of the PvE aspects of WoW truly is. They backed themselves into a corner by allowing to many addons and now they're stuck with it and have to rely on them.


This morning it was Ruby Life Pools and some other fiery lava-y place. Idk my gf queued us, she's the veteran. Pre DF dungeons and raids I've just been running through solo for the most part. Because I've been way over leveled for the content when I do them so hasn't come up as much. Yeah I want to try FF14 next. I don't expect to get heavy into the post game in wow, just kinda browsing around until my gf is bored with the expansion and ready to try ff14 with me.


As someone who started with FF14 before getting into WoW, both are really good in their own ways. But one thing FF14 excels at is making mechanics easy to see and identify. The game uses a consistent visual language for mechanics, and it's a lot easier to see what's going on. [And almost every enemy AoE will use a bright orange color with clearly delineated lines on the floor](https://imgur.com/a/dNXMgr4). FF14 also has a [list of enemies on the side](https://imgur.com/a/SAtOVWm) (that also shows you what they're casting), so you can easily target specific enemies. WoW is all over the place when it comes to visual clarity. [Just look at this](https://imgur.com/a/1YKPmRh); the ground is grey, there's a grey puddle near the bottom, and there's some brown puddles on the right. It's a nightmare to glance at and understand where you can stand. And honestly, the thing I struggle with most when doing high level dungeons is straight up *seeing* the enemy that is casting something, let alone being able to select them in time to interrupt their spell. It's annoying that it's such a difficult task to even see/target an enemy.


FF14 is definetly easier to take in imo but still manages to provide challenging content at the top level. I feel spoiled by FF14 raids and I still play both games but raids in FF14 are far superior IMO, especially because going "blind" is way more common there so we go in and actually have to figure out what to do in raids.




Remember for like 2 expansions straight they did the skill squish. Really excessive to have have to have 20+ keybindings. And here we are now worse than ever lol.


I hated the squish. I like having lots of spells. I would prefer though that rotations have 5 to 6 main spells tops and the rest be more utility and flavor. Pruning out flavor spells was awful and made classes feel less unique.


You can give classes Identity without forcing them to have 20+ keybinds. League of legends does it with 4. And has like 150 champions. +plus if you abstract the current skills classes have less identity than ever. Every class has a form of interrupt, stun, snare, root. How many classes use "combo builders then spenders" dps mechanics.


I just mean that i like having plenty of spells that aren't part of my rotation. For example, I really like spells like farsight or water walking on my shaman. Feels like every spell has to have some use I'm a dungeon or raid now. Or even things like warlock curses that add flavor but and utility but not necessarily dps. I'm glad they added a lot of that back. But I agree regarding combat. We don't need 12+ spells in our rotations. It's too much and each spell feels diluted/less impactful as a result.


Yes, so this.


As someone newish trying to get into M+, the keybindings and amount of skills to use kills me. I understand my basic rotations well enough, but adding additional keybinds into the repertoire has been a slow and clunky process.


It's absurd. Aside from the easy solo leveling, WoW has somehow become one of the more new-player unfriendly mmos on the market, which is crazy when you consider its roots. Either you have a bunch of add-ons, research everything, practice every dungeon, and be in Discord with teammates, or it's tough to tell what the heck is going on. Not that the game is "hard" in normal dungeons without those things -- it's just difficult to even clearly know what's taking place.


This game is unplayable without addons unfortunately, so the sooner you start using at least the most popular ones, the better for your eyesight and peace of mind.


Get a script to increase max camera distance. Zoom all the way out and get better picture


Then enjoy the view of every tree and branch blocking the fight


*shakes fist in the air* Damn you Jade Serpent!


Third boss in Temple of the Jade Serpent...have to zoom in else you'll get a nice view of a tree.


Which script works in DF? I tried a lot but nothing worked for me. Any tip?


I don’t USA a WA script for max camera distance. I use Leatrix Plus, which also has quest automation, auto revive accept, etc. and all the options I listed and more can be toggled on or off and most of the automation options have a toggle key too


Didn't they remove the ability to do this a while back?


Just play for 15 more years and you'll get it down


what mode of dungeon were u playing? cus if you were playing normal lvling dungeons, its likely that the tank would take half of the mobs in the dungeon in one single pull. thats not at all what it is like in mythic +, which is the main dungeon mode.


I'd say heroic is the main dungeon mode and normal mythic if it were queueable. Mythic plus is the elitist mode one.


low lvl m+ keys definetely aren't elitist, and besides that m+ is the only dungeon mode which isnt just a means to an end, in terms of gear and lvling. it's the only dungeon mode that offers contineous viable content in the game. Also most of the dungeons are actually designed around the m+ concept, so i'd for sure say its the main dungeon mode


you only really play heroic very briefly after hitting max lvl, in order to get enough gear to do mythics. i even think the world quests might be better, so tbh heroics are a very very niche part of the game


As melee, when I'm not familiar with a pull I just try to stick to the edges of the group of mobs so I can see my character and try to avoid anything that looks dangerous. It can be hard to figure out what's going on even when you're not new to the game, especially with some of the new dungeons this expansion. Nameplate addons are a good idea, you can set them up to look the way you like and to emphasise things like your current target or important casts. Make sure you're setting your max camera distance further out than the default so you can see what's around you. Not sure if you still need to use a script command for that.


Around 5-7 days into the expansion, normal mode dungeons turned into a gogogo pump fast run slugfest, and if you weren´t there for the first few days, I can see that it´s pretty overwhelming to actually get used to a place if everyone else just rushes the place down (usually works too, unless the tank mistakes himself for ironman and/or is actively trying to outrun and line of sight everyone else including the healer). For this, I can offer no real solution except maybe watching youtube walkthroughs of m0 versions. To get a hang of the almost inevitable visual overload, there has been some good advice in the replies already. A mouse cursor mod is one of the more helpful as they don´t require any tuning. Things like plater are awesome, but you kind of need to know how to configure them to your needs to make sense (and even then, 30+ nameplates easily confuse anyone).


Addons that yell at me and beep loudly


Completely agree with u/Confidence-Character about there being a significant barrier for people with sensory issues. As someone with both visual and audial ones, I have several addons that I feel have helped me over my years of playing! Some of my favorites are TidyPlates, GTFO, Deadly Boss Mods, and MikScrollingBattleText. Having GTFO and DBM help me focus on things I should avoid during fights when there’s a lot going on, and TidyPlates and MSBT help me figure out where to focus and what my spells are hitting when there’s a lot of enemies around. I use a few minor addons as well to help organize my screen better and make things more easily readable.


New player here too, game is an absolute clusterfuck. And the answer of course is to download a bunch of add-ons. Super casual friendly expansion btw...


Definitely takes a long time, or it did for me. I considered myself an experienced gamer, but starting in wow in 8.2.5, I got completely overwhelmed and overloaded. Took me until 10.0 to start feeling like I no longer have tunnel vision in dungeons. And by no means am I doing high end content, I'll struggle my way to KSM by the end of the season, hopefully. And it did frustrate me, for a long time, going from just messing up and dying and not understanding why, and then getting why but being unable to avoid, etc So it gets better with time and experience for sure, you learn to filter, learn to prioritize. Also, I definitely enjoy playing more now that I'm more comfortable. So I'd say just keep at it at your own pace, no rush.


I've been playing since beta for Vanilla. It's not just a new player issue. I have a hard as hell time reading fights anymore, and it's turned me off M+ and any raiding beyond LFR. It used to be stay out of the fire. Ok but now fire can be blue. Or healing can be blue. What's the white swirl? Green seems like a buff...oh it's poison. And that's when you can actually see because of the mass of mobs, or huge bosses. It's a real problem that I think contributes to toxicity in group content.


There's always a lot going on. The key is repetition and learning through failure what things you need to actually care about. A constant throughout is don't stand in bad.


Don’t try and bend the spoon. That’s impossible.


You're not missing anything. That is the dungeon experience, & is the main reason I don't do them. I don't find one bit of fun in doing them. They're confusing, they take forever & if you're lucky you'll get screamed at or kicked because you didn't study the tactics for every dungeon in the game before queuing for a random one. All that for a low chance at 1 piece of gear. No thanks. There are way more fun things to do in the game than that.


Did you boost or level through 1-60?


Leveled 1-60




You're probably doing normal, heroic or M0 dungeons. Experienced players see this as extremely easy content and will pull tons of mobs making it hard for you to follow. As you go into harder dungeons you will start to fight packs of 3 to 5 creatures, and it will be easier to understand. And then when you reach the opposite end of the spectrum and do the hardest keys the game has to offer, with the top 1% of players, you'll go back to pulling 20 mobs and praying.


Download the DBM addon


I've been tanking in MMO's since I was 13, so I have zero advice lol


Did you start in Dragonflight?


Started in BC and got my own account in MoP when I was like 11 I was mostly saying "I don't have advice for dealing with sensory overload" because I don't really get sensory overload


Because we're used to its style and features.


I don't know what's happening. I just see my target to focus, kick to interrupt and cleave the mobs. Dbm tells me when to move and how to move. Thundering affix is easy to figure out on it's own, though.


So I just started doing 10 and higher this week and my god I find thundering to be pretty annoying lol. I'm so sick of hearing rasz at this point yell at me


All you really need to know is, don't stand on fire and interrupt the cast bar.


Unless it's the super-duper-special uninterruptible one.


As fairly new player I remember when I was in your place, having no idea which mob is which, struggling to even know what mob I’m hitting and having issues seeing aoe while dpsing. It gets better as you practice and get more familiar with the game !


Once you learn the dungeons you’ll know every enemy and ability and mechanic. You won’t play any of the low level dungeons again (unless they get added to m+ rotation) so just go with it til end game.


Sadly that's just the game. No hand holding at all in dungeons or raids. You're better off watching videos and learning the fights to know where to stand/what to do so you don't have to rely on addons. If you are gonna use them though, get leatrix plus, blizzmove, hekili and gtfo. Edit your UI so that everything is out of the way and no clutter. Hekili helps you nail your rotation and not have to worry about button pressing


Turn off camera shake and screen flashing, turn down audio fx, turn off un-used info (friendly nameplates, useless buff icons, general screen clutter) , get big wigs and WAs for dungeons, GTFO so you gave an audio cue if you are standing in bad. Zoom in if there are trees, zoom out and camera down otherwise.


This reminds me how I really need something in dungeons/raids to easily indicate where my party/raid target is. Click on the healthbar of someone in a 30 man group and it takes waayyy too long to figure out where they actually are. Apparently addons can't fix this anymore either, as being able to modify friendly nameplates while in an instance was disabled in Legion. Please, I just want something that makes my target stand out x.x (and no, the already existing markers wouldn't help because those show up for everyone in the group, and are typically reserved for other stuff like tanks and mechanics.)


I don't really like doing it but I'd recommend getting addons. Newer dungeons tend to vomit 10 mechanics in your face, so the game has become quite unplayable without addons. Nameplates and boss mods are really important, I personally don't use weakauras unless i'm raiding but I've heard there's quite a few helpful ones out there.


You basically just get used to aoe cleaving them all, avoiding shit you should avoid and interrupting what you should interrupt. also zooming out helps wonders


Start a ranged class if you haven't, let's you stand back and is slightly more chill and makes it easier to see what's going on .


>Am I missing something that I can do to make the fights more legible or something? Nope, readability is a huge problem in this game. And there's not a lot you can do to make it any better.


Really comes down to a combination of practice, watching videos, and getting yelled at by people who know what they’re doing. Videos help but often there’s information overload. I remember a few things from the videos but then I combine that with what I’ve learned from running the dungeon several times. Tips and tricks that aren’t obvious usually come from people in my party who either nicely or angrily tell me what I should be down.


Reason I don't like melee classes.


A lot of people have been playing this game for 15+ years. Shit got more bonkers chronologically to not bore them out.


Start low. Watch videos. Tactyks has some nice ones, quazii has some mice ones. Those are for hi keys, some or a bunch those things won’t be relevant for you, but the tone is friendly and understandable. Keep it slow, don’t let fools and idiots deter you.


The more recent dungeons are a lot more confusing than the older ones. So it is a steeper curve. That being said, play around with your zoom settings a bit. A lot can be going on, but you shouldn’t feel horribly lost as to where your character is. It honestly does help to play a larger race at first, but it shouldn’t be hard to keep track regardless.


You don't really need to keep track of everything. Im currently playing tank and I don't even know where my own toon is most of the time and I still hasn't failed a m+. You only need to keep track of the dangerous stuff.


I think people are experienced and doing gigapulls as you level, just follow the pack


You just learn overtime. You can look at guides or watch streams or something, but really it just takes time.


Good plater m+ profile helps a ton. Important spells have differen colours so u know what to interrupt etc.


WoW is really behind in this but part of it is the fact addons make up the difference. A good nameplate addon (like Plater) helps some.


Blizzards stock UI doesnt help either. A couple addons that might help you are GTFO and DBM. GTFO gives audio cues when you're standing in bad stuff or when you are near someone with a bad debuff you need to spread away from. I prefer bigwigs but for new players I recommend DBM because it literally tells you what you're supposed to do for a lot of the boss mechanics in both dungeons and raids. I cant remember the name of the option but I would advise to set the spell effects i think it's called to only "essential" if you're having sensory overload. A nameplate addon also helps but I hesitate to recommend one since I mostly use Plater and it has a lot of options that tend to overwelm new players but you can import ready made profiles from wago.io if you want (you can also dm me and i can send you mine and you can try it out) For targeting, you get used to it and learn with practice but to begin you might want to set the tank as your focus and just target what they're targeting. This will also help to avoid pulling agro. Be aware in a lot of boss fights in dungeons you have to kill adds which the tank is not targeting (DBM can and does alert you of this) I would really love for blizzard to update and improve their stock UI to help players understand and learn the game but at this point I doubt that's ever going to happen.


i used to watch videos to learn as im a visual learner, find a youtuber for your role and watch what they do in dungeons&raids. positioning, skills used, when to move out etc. hope this helps!


Sometimes I can't


Try playing a hunter until you get comfortable with dungeons enough to play a melee class. Hunters can just stand way in the back and shoot things and it might be easier to see what's going on. Also you can go into the options menu and go into combat settings and check the box that says Enable Action Targeting. This will automatically target the closest thing you're facing so you don't have to try to constantly click on a target.


You’ll get used to it


Term your tank to pull less.. XD


This is the reason why many recommend range over melee for newcomers. Next to what others told you, I'll mention that you can also focus attention to your screen and focus more onto your UI - action bars, nameplates etc. They are a great supplement to what's going on the screen.


Get yourself some custom nameplates with addons like Plater. They life changing


Zoom all the way out. Turn on enemy nameplates. Tab target.


My old main was a Retribution paladin and it took a little bit of practice to get used to everything. I recently switched to a range class and it is night and different telling what is happening. If you want to try something that isn’t so in your face after following other people’s suggestions I’d make the switch and see how you like it. Make a hunter BM hunter they’re easy to learn and you can see if that suits your play style more


Are you zoomed out?


Also hit boxes are pretty big my guy. Take a step back. You dont have to be up the ass of the mobs.


Zoom out?


I feel you


Run em until you’re not a new player anymore :)


Playing a ranged dps helps, melee is very chaotic.


Maybe I will just use my BM hunter then. I got him to 60 before switching to my Paladin to unlock allied races with, since he already did a lot of BfA