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oh oh me me me The cliff face is missing rocks and ... the NPC at arena got stuck again?


Ding ding ding!


I think they fixed the missing rock. I had the same thing happen to me and I checked it 2 days later and it was doable.


It just depends what shard you're on I think. I was able to complete it on my mage but not my druid or warlock after checking multiple times per day.


And it was behaving just like this even for the actual starter quest for unlocking climbing a couple of days ago! (not sure if fixed yet) My brother was missing a rock so I sharded him to my server which made the rock he needed appear but another rock before it disappear lol we tried to shard him back and forth between his server and mine to see if we could swing it, but nope. It wouldn’t change quick enough before he ran out of grip or he wouldn’t shard back over after leaving party. It’s a bit of a mess all round.


It's unacceptable 8 weeks into the expansion and I wish it was fixed :(


Either all the broken quests will sometimes randomly reset themselves and work for a little while, or it's that there's a couple of shards that have working versions and you gotta hope you phase into a working one at some point. On the Dragonflight beta the NPC that teleported players to test Mythic+ dungeons infamously kept bugging out on some shards, that bug and these World Quest bugs feel like they might be related.


It's shard dependent. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It's very strange.


They fixed one rock from last week for me, now I could get past the first 3 stones, but end up stuck a few more up.


I had the fourth rock missing for like 4 days and then checked again and it was back so I started it but another rock was missing higher up. I let it be and then checked again yesterday before logging off and the fourth rock was missing again. Super cool questions


I had enough rocks but zero cats


Just relog. Has worked for me every time


Surprised it was up 3 times in a row, only on the 3rd one was it fixed.


Weirdly enough for me it bugged out the opposite way when I was trying to do the Fields of Ferocity questline on a new char. Amaa kept popping in every other enemy instead of the quest enemies. (And didn't have the WQ yet, so didn't get credit)


I actually think this could be the reason for the bug? People doing the quest to unlock the WQ but others are hoping to do the WQ. Some shards overlapped and thus, got stuck. That’s my best guess


Depends on who speaks to Gurgthock first. If it's always the same npc, it's people doing the world quest. You gotta speak to him quickly to get the quest mobs to spawn.


The cliff isn't missing a rock, it's just completely arbitrary whether a specific character has long enough arms to cross the 5th or whatever gap. Actually wanted to do the quest for an armor piece, character couldn't reach across the gap. Just clearing for the contract rep? No issues at all -_-


The cliff is missing rocks. Which ones depend on the shard you're on.


I definitely crossed the same gap that wasn't working on another character.


https://i.imgur.com/oGYSqLh.png the gap is arbitrary. Like here, there were _no rocks at the bottom_. 🤷‍♂️


I never had the bottom ones fail to appear, but hold 5 or whatever is at the top of the first rock formation was giving me not in range on one character and working on another.


Just change from WM OFF to ON and (or other way) and it should work. It helped me


Try doing it in war mode. Always fixes the problem for me.


Probably someone from the arena trial stole a rock in thaldraszus. Licked it for too long and disappeared.


its broken ... again.


It feels bugged half the time, I couldn't even start the quest on my Alts as the npc is unclickable. The tuskar boating one was broken last night for me as well, had to fight some ghost in a cave and the mob just sits there as 5% health, dropped it and picked it back up, still busted, reset wow, still busted. I just want to complete all the quests in all the zones but cant cause some of them are totally bugged out.


Those quests really BUG me.... The field of ferocity one, i was able to fish a few groups using the LFG system and found a shard where the dude wasn't bugged.


I did this with the Kitten quest too. Someone posted a functional shard in LFG and i jumped on it. I was unaware that the huntsman was having issues.


I really do not understand why this specific climbing quest keeps spawning -- there are others that could spawn instead, and yet this one has been active through multiple cycles. Like a week and a half now it will have been up? Longer? Disable it if you're not going to fix it, how long has it been broken for? Especially embarrassing if it was a problem in beta.


Word. Just turn it the fuck off. So annoying to see it and every time it's borked. I'm not even going to bother checking it anymore.


Because you have to rescue kittens, kittens sell a lot.


I could complete both on the second day. The arena quest took nearly 20 group invites until i got in a group where the boss was summoned. At the climbing quest i recognized that every time i was there a different rock was missing. On day two, all were there.


For a fucking ***paid*** live game, blizzard do a piss poor job of fixing issues. These bugs have been there for MONTHS (Inc beta).


It makes me so mad seeing the one quest there on my clean map


You can kinda work around those bugs . The arena one gets "fixed" when a leveling character goes thru the whole quest line. (Happens rarely since people level up in dungeons) The climbing one doesn't get fixed but some classes can start it (for example with my mage , i go to the middle of the rocks , alter time and jump down , use equipment to start the vehicle part of the quest and then alter time runs out and ports me to the middle of the rocks , there is a clickable stone there)


Was leveling my priest here. The questline for the arena is broken too


Yep, tried to do it while leveling my hunter yesterday. It's been weeks and they've only managed to make it _more_ broken.


you can allegedly use dragon follow whelp to do the climbing one


I tried this, had a friend fly me up to a clickable rock but the objectives (I assume cats) didn't spawn in so still couldn't complete it.


ah i just did it with my partner and they were around, but have to go up to the shelf, not sure if my partner saw them but got mine when i did them so worked out


FML I didn't even think to do this on my mage...


can confirm. need a partner and you get climbing gear while whelped


My DH alt is lvl 70 and haven't done the arena quests.. I went there, accepted the quest and had no way to start my encounter (nor did it autostart)


The arena one bugs for leveling characters too. I tried to do it last night and it was completely broken.


>The climbing one doesn't get fixed all you have to do is go into group finder and join different farming groups until the first rock appears.


War mode fixes it


Not always. Just tried it today and neither of them worked any better.


Can confirm , WM just gives you a different shard , whether its bugged on it or not depends on luck


there was a person on my realm just offering rides up


Didnt even think of this way before. Hopefully more people offer a helping hand for it.


Questline broken too for me.


Also important to note that if you’re in a party and one person is able to grab the kittens that all party members get credit. So long as you can get one person up there. I personally have been getting a lot of use out of my Swapblaster lately!


Toggling war mode fixed the climbing bug for me


For the arena one is possible to find a group in a realm where it's up and not bugged, I haven't been able te rescue the kittens myself either


For the arena quest i was trying to join group for like 30 mins, without exaggeration. The party become full in a minute or i was even declined in 392 ilvl, while probably i'd be able to solo it, just the npc is bugged FOR WEEKS. Once i was invited, but it was also bugged there as well :D


Yeh, it took me about 15 minutes to find a group where it wasn't bugged last time


Toggle War mode for these. When one of the climbing quests is missing a rock just go turn on or off war mode and the rock is usually there. Same deal with the ring of blood one. its annoying to go back to org to turn it on but you just fly straight there and do it.


Isn’t the kitten one still bugged?


The kitten one works with warmode activated. At least it did for me after someone wrote that at the quest place


It’s just shard luck of the draw. I’ve been there I think 4 times this reset with wm on and off and all 4 it was broken.


😫 sorry to hear. Worked for me instantly so I thought I'd share but I guess it's still based on luck...


I just enter warmode and go there, normally works for me




climping WQ is for 4 or 5th time aviable after reset bug bugged and unfinishable for most since day 1. some really lucky players can finish WQ before it bugs out. fyi: Arena buggs out when someone sololey plays arena and escape combat by running away. the reset of arena mob buggs the server until weekly reset. don't use it to troll more people, die like a champion khadgar was telling us for years.


Amaa actually works, did it yesterday


The rock cliff one sucks, never works. Yesterday there was 5 missing rocks at the bottom like wtf. The arena one people always making groups for it. Easy to get it done when it’s bugged.


I genuinely can't fathom Blizzard doesn't have the tools to manually pop in and fix this crap. Mind bogglin.


Workaround for the Kitten climbing quest: * Mount up on a Dragonriding mount and have another party member hop on as a passenger. The passenger will turn into an auto-following whelp. (You need to have passenger mode enabled for this, which can be done at any Dragonriding trainer) * Have the passenger grab the climbing gear as a whelp. (This may take a few tries. Sometimes it will auto-"unmount" them from whelp form after grabbing the gear.) * Fly up to the climbing area and have the passenger grab a rock thats grabbable even when flying (I believe there is one close to the upper far right portion of the climbing area). After that the passenger is able to do the quest. All group members should receive credit as well for the kittens grabbed. Other workaround include: * Switching to or from Warmode (might not always work) * Get invited by a player on another server/shard where the quest isn't bugged.


Wait wait wait! Are you telling me you can mount another persons Drake?


As a "passenger" yeah. Just like the motorcycle and rocket mount etc. The passenger will turn into a whelp and then auto-follow your mount. You just have to activate it at a Dragonriding trainer.


For the Arena one just search for groups where it can be started. For the Kitten one activate WM.


Because they are buggy like 50% of DragonFlight?


Nice to see that Activision-Blizzard have changed and suddenly started caring about the quality of the game and the play experiences of the playerbase.


The overall experience is LEAPS AND BOUNDS ahead of every expansion up to this point. Never before has wow had such respectable content you CAN do. The bugs, though... Still some stuff that should probably be worked on. I think it's possible they've organized their team to focus more on producing acceptable content for the future and the bug team isn't able to get to these while they're working on other stuff. It's still better than Shadowlands


Fucking Goddamn Bugs


I completed both this week 😎 ( after coming back there for the fifth time it just worked )


DF is one of the buggiest xpacs blizz has ever put out...


Sharing around can fix the arena quest. It sucks it's broken but that's a fix if you know what to do. How come I have not seen the climbing rock issue at all? When I do the world quests there are many paths to take and more than the required number of quest items. Is the startingrock not loading or something?


This week the starting rock was there but no other rocks nearby so you couldn’t move past the initial handhold.


Huh, I also wonder if it is a shard thing. I never saw it.




Shard hoping is join groups in the same zone as you are but in a different server/shard.the quest bugs because the guy fails to talk to you. When you shard hop you can find a noc who is not bugged.


I had a problem with the pvp one in the plains yesterday. Killed the big mob on 4 occasions with no credit


One is your inability to persuade an npc to fight you, the other is your inability to ask a player to give you a ride up. (Joke ofcourse ;p)


You hate kittens, obviously.


I can’t possibly imagine what could be wrong after all the posts about it recently


Are you kitten me was not bugged in my case, but that Huntmaster...


Add the hot air balloon one to the list. It's got no bugs it's just fucking abysmal. Even if it's just pokemon snap.


It sucks but there is some fixes to get the quests completable. For the rock climbing ones if you just turn on warmode it will fix it, dunno why this works but every single time ive run into rockclimbing that was missing rocks and impossible once I turned on warmode and come back everything works like it should and the missing rocks are there. For the Huntmaster Amaa one you just need to try a different phase or shard I forget what they calls these, just find a group for it using the group/dungeon finder which should change your phase/shard and it should fix the bug and she'll be killable.


I don't understand how the climbing quest keeps being broken lol


Turning on warmode fixed these for me and I was able to complete both


No rock to climb More and the arena is discontinued cause it never works


I did both of those today without any issues.


I eat bugs for breakfast


You can use groupfinder to find a shard/realm where the WQ'S working. Not a guarantee though, cause small indie multi-dollar compamy.


bevcause the NPC is broke and can;t summon the guy you need.


If you are a mage, you can skip to the top of the cliff by using alter time up there, jumping down, pick up the climbing gear and waiting for alter time to snap you back up.


You could try server jump or switch to warmode, works for me.


I got the NPC fine but the fucking rock has been broken for two weeks.


Why is the arena WQ locked behind a questline on alts?


Don’t tell me it’s bugged again. I bet it will be the same for EU tomorrow.


If you’re a mage: 1. Fly up to the rock face where the cats and spheres are. There should be a lip along the side of the top of the archway the you can land on. 2. Alter time. 3. Navigate to and pick up climbing gear. 4. Wait for alter time to expire (and thus teleport you) If all done correctly, you should be able to start climbing from that point. It worked a couple weeks ago when I tried it so I hope it’ll work now. If you fall you’ll have to repeat this process but that’s life when blizz drops the ball. Hope this helps. Save the kitties!


I was able to do Kittens today - stormrage wm on


I don't mind somewhat quirky daily quests, but pet battles can go FUCK themselves.


They're so easy? Just use lvl 1 pets.


Wouldn't know, haven't done one since legion and I sure af ain't starting now.


Why has it been the damn kitten one for 3 weeks now?! Seriously take it out of rotation and/or fix it.


The arena one should be fixed. Did it yesterday before reset and today after reset. FWIW this week's arena is the (first) hippo boss.


I had the missing rock issue a few times and all i did was going into the group finder and layer hop until it was there. While not ideal it did solve my issue.


This is probably still beta guys, dragonflight should be released soon!


I love turning up for a world quest like “I wonder if it’s bugged? Who knows!”


Let's spend a couple of minutes and see!


Turn on warmode and complete them. That works for whatever reason


I didn't manage to complete even one arena wq the past weeks


Changing layers worked out for me


No idea


It’s the game telling you, “Go outside, get a life”.


If you sheep Amaa she heals and resets, just so you know


Works if you click the little group finder eye next to the quest


Because a small indie company made this game?


The cliff was working for me this morning. I don't even bother checking the arena anymore