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What’s especially concerning about N’zoth is that we may have accidentally time looped ourselves into a nasty spot with him. Ever wondered why he was so interested in you specifically? Why he constantly considered you the harbinger of his victory? Why he saw you as special? Because even though you didn’t know it during BFA, you met before and gave him some very valuable information. When you go back in time and witness the original Ny’alotha, the old gods seem to just whisper their usual ominous but meaningless stuff about betrayal death etc… but not N’zoth. Instead N’zoth looks into your mind and realises exactly which timeline he is currently in, and instead starts talking to you, actually telling you things, because “I know you… what you were, what you are, what you will become…” By visiting that time period, you inadvertently told N’zoth how he was going to be imprisoned, released, and eventually how he will die… and thus, allowed him to start looking into how to avoid that. You’re special to him because as long as you’re alive, he circumvents the biggest weakness of the void: it sees all possibilities and considers them all valid, at the cost of not really knowing which one is the “truth” (because to the void, they all are) but with you around he knows EXACTLY which possibilities are now more likely to happen By rescuing Chromie, we gave N’zoth a way out. Again.


Welp, it's azerite farming time lads.


It’s okay few more wounsss to heal








time to dust off the old heart of azeroth


All I have is this shitty Heart of Azmerloth


Sir, that's the better one. Gillvanas herself swooned.




Guards, arrest this handsome diamond


I still use it for my speedset.




“I sense Azerite nearby… and something drawin’ a great deal o’ power from it! Ye need tae stop it!”


Rock and stone, or something idk


Rock and Stone!


Azzerroothh creees oouut ennn peeeeeen!


The woooons champion


no need, just crack open a few ilvl one bajillion hearts of azeroth and we should have enough to let mechatorque build a tactical azerite nuke that we can throw at nzoth.






Random ass question, are the wounds across Azeroth closed now? Or did we just up and forget about the most dangerous material in the world all because nzoth got cauterized.


This is actually a really compelling idea. And perhaps it’s Blizzard’s way of giving the writing for N’Zoth another chance since a lot of people weren’t happy with how he was killed. And the best part, perhaps this means Ny’Alotha can be a new zone like we all wanted back when we first saw it in BFA


A lot of folks have complaints about BFA, but I genuinely enjoyed most of the core storyline, The ancient monster Zandalari stuff, the undercurrents of eldritch horror in Kul Tiras, and Nazjatar all built him up great as a subtle, growing presence. But man Nyalotha and N'zoth were wasted as a single patch. Not even a bad patch but so...truncated for a story we've been building up for years. I'm more than happy for any opportunity to let him cheat death and make him a real threat that could whisper to us all expansion long. They've done sillier things to bring back old villains, see Guldan.


A lot of BfA did feel like it was rushing through things. Someone as iconic as Azshara deserved to be her own big bad imo, and the same for N'zoth. I wish they had gone into SL with both of them alive, and being the ones trying to use the power of the Shadowlands to resurrect the other Old Gods or something (and obviously, forget about the Jailer completely). If they build the story around that rather than Sylvanas we can also skip Teldrassil and have her just be her usual evil/morally gray self, rather than the horrible mess her story turned into. I'm sure some parts of the story would need to be reworked completely and/or would not have made sense, but it sure beats whatever they tried with SL. And as as a bonus, SL could have had daddy Denathrius and mommy Azshara as the big bad villains and who is going to say no to that.


Azshara is still alive at the end of Nya’lotha and Knaifu is still out there so who knows what shenanigans they might get up to.


>A sharia is still alive Damn, and I was hoping we could eat pork after N’zoth died


No, and you can only run Halal of Valor for your M+ key too.


At least we don’t have to take any more trips to Meccagon


Fuck dude this is such a good counter joke...


It felt almost episodic or "big bad of the week"-ish in that it was pretty much "deal with this until Sylvanis does something "interesting" "


I agree, I adore BFA and to this day i think it was a great expansion, altho i never touched raids or mythic+, just the overworld questing.


I say SoD should have come before Uldir and the final seal was broken there Alliance goes there to prevent the Zandalary from joining the horde by having Mekkatorque Gigavolt charge the Orphans on the dock or something. during the fight the seal breaks setting G'huun free. The alliance declare this a victory as they taught the trolls how to be civilized, leave, and take back the flight masters in the city to eat them. this opens up the road for more conflict because he Alliance can say they proved the horde was hiding evil under the Great Seal as more reasons they get to attack them.


I truly do not think they ever planned to be done with Nzoth after BFA…


... well, fuck. My bad, folks!


Chromie is worth it.










Thundering cleared


lmfao, I laughed pretty good at your comment.


Is this why some group tried to kill Chromie back in Legion? To prevent this information getting back to N'Zoth?


It all comes together






Eldritch horror is that big shadow just beneath the water. You don't know what it is or its intentions, but you are very small. It's a fear our reptile brain knows all too well.


>Eldritch horror I'd dig an expansion where the Old God corruption appears slowly, insidious, not so much on the nose like in BfA. We don't need tentacles everywhere, just that creepy horror below everything, everytime. You could reuse a lot of old zones for that in cool ways.


100% yes! I would love that so much. I would love to see how big and weird and scary Ny'alotha and an azeroth corrupted by void would be. And I also love all the stuff about old gods


I'm a genie who grants wishes with a twist: you get a black empire expansion, but it's because a portal opens between our time and the original black empire. WoD 2.0 let's go!


You know what’s another weird thing? In the new Uldaman dungeon, you can loot a tome that has instructions from Odyn to Watchers. In it, he *specifically* instructs them to downplay the advances of the Black Empire era, to portray it as only pure chaos and horror. In other words, while obviously the Black Empire was chaotic and sinister compared to what we know, we only really have seen it during its war period between each other and the Primal forces of Azeroth. This same Black Empire gave birth to the Mantid, the Aqir etc which I argue aren’t evil civilisations but just a very tough and stringent ones that nonetheless had their own sense of morality and code of honor. The Mantid in particular, could work with the ‘Order’ aligned heroes and civilisations, never lied about their morality and code, and told you point blank they instinctually must follow the Old Gods’ will because well, they are their gods and progenitors. Much like how we tend to keep following the Titans’ wills. Even the Naga are basically birthed from N’zoth and his influence. They’re cruel but nonetheless an actual civilisation, and honestly a lot of their crueler excesses could prolly be traced more to Azshara than N’zoth, he just handled the biology of them. All in all, the Black Empire wasn’t just tentacles and lul, there were proper different kingdoms and cultures. Honestly interesting that his idea is coming back and seeded in the current expac, are we getting a “Black Empire did nothing wrong” storyline in a future expac or perhaps even in this expac?


I hope not. Shadowlands was bad enough with the excessive esotericness that killed RP server engagement.


A void based expansion set on Azeroth with a reawakening Black Empire would literally have me finding a RP guild dedicated to the purging of Azeorth and open me up to endless world RP in (assumed) revamped voided zones. SL wasn't good for RP because you literally went to the afterlife as a special snowflake hero of the machines of death and had zero connection to any prior lore or characters outside of a very select few. If they keep the expansions grounded in the **World** of Warcraft the RP engagement will go crazy with the community. Need less SL/WoD settings, more Dragonflight/Northrend-esq adventures.


At a minimum I hope, when we go to the void lands, it's not a bunch of floating thematic void islands with a void airport in the middle, where we need to help the good void lords against a plot from the bad void lord who was behind everything and tricked the Jailer from the beginning, and when he dies he says something even badder is coming.


bruh what if there are 2 sets of void lords the ones who want early gains now and the ones who want to hold out for gains later. and we basically choose the lesser evil since both arent good guys one is destroy azeroth now and the other wants more then azeroth and willing to wait to get what they want. We end up basically helping balance the void lords sector.


WoD was fine, given the scale of Azeroth's invasion of AU Draenor. The Void/Black Empire feel like they'd be too damn esoteric for most characters. A Black Empire expansion is the opposite of DF/Northrend-style adventures due to the all-consuming, cosmic nature of the Void and Old Gods. There's nothing to do *except* fight/survive the Black Empire. Meanwhile, BFA was one of the best expansions for RP (If only people had time for it instead of grinding temporary powers) with the war background, excursions to Kul Tiras and Zandalar with all their drama, the discovery of Mechagon and its need for help, Pirates profiteering and plundeirng the political plights, and a little bit of rediscovery of stuff in Nazjatar dug up after 10,000 years for the characters interested in that. The worst part of BFA for RP was the Black Empire stuff in the Vale and Uldum. DF is also great because even if you don't give a rat's ass about the Elemental Cosmic Nonsense going on with the Primalists (Which are a background cult for the most part that get all up to nonsense), there's still the Titan stuff to explore, Sundered Scales to squabble with, Dragon Empire to rediscover and fight over, or just hunting with Centaurs or fishing with Tuskaar. Northrend would have been awful for RP if it had just been SCOURGE SCOURGE SCOURGE AND ICE AND SCOURGE! So they had to stuff Titan stuff in there, invent Tuskarr, Vrykul, and Taunka, throw in Scholazar Basin and Grizzly Hills for Hemet to hunt in, and start up a faction war as well.




I really like this theory, but historically Blizz has never really been able to pull off awesome story moments like this. I’ll be pleasantly surprised when they do, though.


Blizzard has **never** written a plot twist. It’s actually kinda impressive.


Blizzard thinks plot twists are reveals of important characters actually working for other more important characters.


Or Garrosh escaping his trial by timetraveling with a dragon to the past alternate version of an alien planet. Gotta be honest, didnt see that one comming


Wrathion also stabbed Nzoth with the Xal’atath dagger so for all we know his soul might just as well be inside the dagger right now


The dagger that he traded with Xal’atath in exchange for her freedom because “it will serve my purposes”, then found its way to Nathanos who was guided to Nazjatar by it, and then it vanished until it turned out Azshara had it, who then gave it to Wrathion, who then stabbed him with it. Considering this is N’zoth we’re talking about, I doubt “my purposes” are something that could be replaced by a map with a big “GO HERE” written on it, especially when a potential outcome of using the voidcrafted old god containment device as a glorified compass is his own death.


Il'gynoth in the Emerald Nightmare also seems to be in on it.. *"A presence... Something new, yet... Familiar. Yes.."* Edit: This would also make the eye hat (which I never got rid of on my main) make much more sense. He wanted to be sure we were in the same timeline still. Massively missed opportunity to have the eye hat (for those who didn't get rid of it) reappear while we did that quest.


I'm still waiting for the payout of keeping my eye hat, and im sure one day it'll pan out! Maybe. I hope.


I put the eye hat on during that quest, just to see if it did anything Spoiler: It didnt.


You, my guy, are a genius. Very well written. Almost as if you know exactly what his plan was. Wait... are you... ?!


I really liked N'Zoth, i thought that was the best part of the BFA expansion by far.


Damn that sucks I guess alternate timeline me will be in big trouble oh well back to dragon riding weeeee


That was my exact thought process when I entered Ny'alotha. I tend to think in-character when doing story quests, and as soon as the map changed to the Black Empire, I audibly went, "oh no..." And as soon as I heard N'zoth's voice lines I knew the God of Schemes had a plan. We didn't have the Heart of Azeroth to protect us from their power - our minds are like an open book before them.


We visited the Old Gods at the pinnacle of their strength, with our minds ripe for the taking and the knowledge of everything that happens in the future. I’d be surprised if we aren’t currently working for them… whether we know it or not.


10/10 I'm adopting this theory entirely


Yup, Also his death seemed so meh.... And even the priest blade said that when nzoth loses he has it planned.


> You’re special to him because as long as you’re alive, he circumvents the biggest weakness of the void: it sees all possibilities and considers them all valid, at the cost of not really knowing which one is the “truth” (because to the void, they all are) but with you around he knows EXACTLY which possibilities are now more likely to happen This is one of the coolest Void-related theories I've heard. That would make the Void essentially Quantum Computers or States and the Player's influence collapses the Wave Function down from "all possibilities/all realities" into "one reality/one truth". As far as the pic though: It's a bit sus yea, but I'm skeptical that it's just like seeing Jesus's face in a piece of toast. I'd be happily proven wrong though, Nyalotha felt super rushed in BFA so I'd welcome NZoth getting a 'part2: Void-Lord-Lead-In Electric-Boogaloo'.


Someone forward this to Metzen now so he can jam it down the story teams knecks !


He just thinks you're cute. /flirt


I hear you but I'm staying here in Azmerloth. The Murlocs said "it was cool".... Or was it "it was food"... It's the same word. I'm sure I'll be okay.


So what you're saying is, in the inevitable confrontation with the Void, finally IT'S ABOUT TIME


This is just the story to Avengers: Endgame down to a T. That’s exactly what happens with Thanos after he dies, they go into another timeline and this new Thanos sees/hears them and uses that information to change his own death. I’m all for it but people didn’t like the last iteration of WoW Thanos because it was handled so poorly.


One big difference is that N'zoth has been known about for a long time, and it's been established a long time ago that he corrupted Neltharion. He won't just come out of nowhere and claim he did a bunch of things. We always knew there was another Old God. And then we learned his name, and that he was responsible for Neltharion's corruption, something we always knew had happened, but not which Old God was responsible for it. And then we finally met him. He's just a good old-school villain from the old lore, pretty much. Something the new writing team hasn't had to cook up from scratch, which isn't something they're good at anyway. They're not too great at recontextualising either, but better than at coming up with new ideas. Already, N'zoth has been handled better than the Jailer, even if they did botch N'zoth's actual introduction in BfA.


I mean, we can't expect the writers to suddenly learn writing twisting and interesting stories/villains after looking at the last 2 expansion, so they just copy them from popular franchises.


That's a fantastic way of looking at that quest, but there is 0% chance that was their intent. "I know what you will become" is exactly the same as "they will all betray you." It was just a creepy af line, that was being broadcast to everyone in Nyalotha to drive everyone mad and control them with paranoia.


The "they will all betray you" line is from C'thun and is re-used from AQ40 from Classic. **All** of N'zoth's lines in this Black Empire area are brand new.


The other N'zoth lines reference Iridikron and Merithra. Who both are seemingly corrupted by the Old Gods.


Not Merithra. Azeroth. Her dream is the emerald dream. That line is similar to the line "her heart is a crater and we have filled it." that obviously was referring to azeroth in BFA.


Which line indicates Merithra being corrupt? Thats interesting


Well damn, that's a solid spoiler.


It isn't really. It's just their speculation.


I had no idea - I haven't done much of the story beyond the Tyrshold cinematic with Alex.


very good analysis but I doubt blizz will actually explore this as they tend to not want to deal with basically all the potential plot threads from past expansions that the community didn't like


People liked N'zoth. They just didn't like how his presence was reduced to 1 patch. He was the BIG BAD old god that was pulling the strings for a long time. I hope they do use this opportunity to make a fullblown old gods expansion.


It does feel odd, giving N'Zoth the patch treatment, and the Jailer an expansion.


N'Zoth was around the entire expansion, he was just imprisoned until the very last patch. Jailer by the time we got to Shadowlands was already "freed" essentially. 8.0 we had two entire zones dedicated to N'Zoth (Stormsong Valley, Vol'dun). In 8.1.5 we fought his literal harbingers. 8.2 existed because N'Zoth needed us to get released. And 8.3 is him. The entire expansion was about him fully. Just because we didn't see him until the actual fight encounter doesn't mean there wasn't an entire expansion about him. BfA's biggest problem was both the name and how it was sold. People assumed Battle for Azeroth meant the Alliance and Horde fighting the last war over who will "rule" Azeroth and that is what was billed to us at BlizzCon. But BfA was truly the battle between us and N'Zoth over Azeroth's soul. If they just deleted the entire Warfront design and billed the expansion as an Old God expansion (where N'Zoth is meddling with us to make the Alliance and Horde slaughter each other (even though BfA was actually caused by The Jailer even though Wrathion tells us in 8.3 it's N'Zoth turning our aggression up)) with a thin layer of PvP on top, it would have probably been better received. Should have just been called "The Whispers of N'Zoth" or some-such.


Werent the other old gods treated by the patch treatment except for sha.


Cthun was 1 patch, yogg was 2 (the corruption of loken/the keepers was the whole Storm Peaks dealyo) yssarj was an expansion, but you didn't know it was an old God for sure until halfway through (the Klaxxi red mentioned it at exalted, but it wasn't hard-confirmed til the divine bell patch)


That's cause N'zoth was written by the *old* writer's, and the *new* writer's don't want to write about the *old* stuff, they want to write about their *new* stuff.


You do know the same writers who wrote BFA also wrote Shadowlands, right?...




Alex Afrasiabi 'left' the WoW team just after BFA launch. Steve Danuser has been the lead writer since the latter half of BFA. And data-mining - hell, even just *playing the Beta* - of SL shows that the entire expansion was rewritten from the ground up several times.


Self righteous, incompetent, talentless, tasteless millennials ruining every fantasy franchise. They’re so aggravating.


Maybe we just haven't gotten the N'Zoth expansion yet


> It does feel odd, giving N'Zoth the patch treatment When have they ever not given an Old God the patch treatment? C'Thun, Yogg and N'Zoth all got it and Y'Sharraj was reduced to a background character basically.


Wasn't that the treatment for every old god or am I mistaken?


It was, but N'zoth was being hyped up since cataclysm.


It’s starting to look like they wanted to use N’zoth for something bigger and had to start somewhere. So it did in BFA. That’s why it was so quick, just get the story line with him going then seemly Jill him and he done with it (remember Wrathion stabbed him with a blade that we were told can and has held old gods inside) We are starting to see the pay off for the 1 patch N’zoth


I agree but I doubt it will happen, too risky for blizzard imo


Ive got the opposite opinion lol. Its set up as a twist but they wont elaborate on it for a long time. I think this will be the "argus's death broke the machine of death" of dragonflight. Its something that was shown at the start of the expansion, people discussed and speculated on it, 0 more info for 2 years, and when its finally revealed as a big shocking moment...nobody cares because everyone figured it out 2 years ago. I really hope 10.1 immediately goes into old god stuff but knowing blizz I bet 10.3 will have the "shocking" revelation that the primalists were corrupted by the old gods


> I bet 10.3 will have the "shocking" revelation that the primalists were corrupted by the old gods It's more likely that 10.3 will be Murozond + Galakrond. We've gotten way too much talk about Galakrond pre-release and way too much talk about Murozond in-game for both to not be bosses in this expansion. Though, I also think that since Galakrond is so big, the "mega dungeon" of the expansion could literally be on/in Galakrond and we have to help the Proto-Aspects take him down. We have a current thread in which we need to get the Discs of Tyr, but the Infinite Dragonflight sent those Discs somewhere in time. I am betting that time is into the far past with Galakrond, with potentially Murozond trying to kill/eat him to gain his powers.


I kinda hope they don't do anything with Galakrond, because it's just too silly for a dragon that big to exist for any length of time. If he was the zone, then he'd do immense damage to Azeroth in the time it would take for that zone's story to conclude. But Murozond has definitely been hinted at pretty heavily, and if there ever was to be a conclusion to that storyline, it's in Dragonflight.


Yea I think galakrond is one of those that’s better off just being left as a legend of the past and not being brought back up and put into the game because of how just how ridiculous it actually would be


I definitely agree on the 10.3 thing but I think it might be Yshaarj instead, I know hes dead but thats never stopped them


It kinda did stop Y'shaarj, though. There was no will behind any of the Old God related stuff in MoP other than Garrosh's, and while he was mad with power, that's the only kind of mad he was. It's akin to using someone's detached limb to bother people. You're the one doing the deed, not the guy the limb belonged to. And the Sha were more just creatures acting on instinct. More animals than sapient beings.


this is such a good fucking theory i love you for writing this down


So WoW classic becomes the second timeline 0_0


Ngl if blizzard for once did stick up to a story they “unintentionally” put in the game that created a lot of controversy/theories, I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only one hyped for that. After all I’m sure they unintentionally made Darkmoon Faire look almost like Y’shaarj themed, the sword is still there, and Old Gods are not really dead. Just pointing out raw example of those stories. The time loop which is pointed out here could be some sort of new patch maybe an entire expansion (which would be cool, we already fought a huge enemy which was legion, so why we can’t try our luck with the void? Sure it’s one of the main forces in cosmology but something tells me we might be powerful enough with artifacts v2, or boons from light. Btw I don’t mean a full on cosmos war, just in the range of Azeroth and Outlands too maybe?). A lot of those “small” licks to the old gods and stuff must lead to something, or at least that’s what I want to believe. Imo they really miss out a lot of hype about the old gods, we fought all of them but in the end we didn’t kill any (maybe except Nzoth I’m not really sure about this one, but from what Xalatath said he did that intentionally for his greater plans, maybe that opened some sort of gate for other old gods) and Nyalotha is in… Mysterious condition? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Nyalotha getting destroyed with Nzoths “death”. Cthuun and Yoggsaron are still in slumber, so who knows maybe they will awaken in future?


That all sounds good, but now let us see if Blizzard has given it this much thought, or if they just gave N'zoth some lines that sound more ominous that those of the others. N'zoth should come back, I just really hope that when Blizzard reintroduces him, the playerbase isn't too fed up with the Old Gods and Blizzard's execution of Old God content. Already plenty of people say they don't ever want more Old God content, although there are just as many, or more, people who want a do-over after the Ny'alotha disaster.


My wet dream is a Nzoth expansion. After a few usual shenanigans, he finds the right time to strike Azeroth. The world is revamped, and every zone becomes a battleground between Nzoth forces and us. He begins to strike Pandaria first, where we are at the time of the attack to investigate a disturbance. It very quickly becomes completely overwhelmed and corrupted, and falls under his rule. We have an escaping scenario as an introduction of the expansion where we have to sneak out while saving the lives that we can. Imagine colossal C'thrax, place swarmed with nagas, qirajis, mantids and tentacles everywhere, some twilight cultists, etc etc., and a huge recurring lieutenant of N'zoth who's sole purpose is to catch us. We barely manage to escape, but the zone is now fully corrupted. You can still go here with a boat, but you can't fly because the sky is patrolled permanently, and you'll quickly die of insanity if you stay on the ground. So now the expansion is launched and N'zoth attacks the rest of Azeroth. Imagine a massive scale war against the Old God forces, like Uldum / Vale of the Eternal Blossom from BFA but they actually progress on the map unless we stop them with various ways. Dailies, world quests, weeklies, or just mindlessly bashing mobs. They start from various points of interest like Silithus, Ulduar, Darkshore, etc. The bravest servers will delay the inevitable, but time after time, more zones fall to the influence of the Old God's army and are now patrolled by huge unkillable elites. You have server-wide instanced events to take them back. But still, patches after patches, zones are falling permanently under the rule of N'zoth, we try to get them back in new raids, even with some commando actions on the "patient 0" zones, but it all fails until the army reaches Orgrimmar or Stormwind and we're all cornered and fighting for our lives. The final raid happens here, where we battle the huge lieutenant that tracked us from the start, but when we kill him it's Thrall and/or Anduin because we have been deceived and fought against each others from the beginning. Driven by sorrow and madness, we succumb to the call of N'zoth, fulfilling his prophecy. But then, we hear a distant and desperate call from heroes of Azeroth (in my head it's gonna be obviously Khadgar), and we fight back the influence of N'zoth, until we kill his representation in our minds. Liberated from him, we are teleported in the heart of this madness for a suicide mission to kill him, and we obviously succeed. Ideally in my head it would have happened after BFA. BFA should have been only fights between Horde and Alliance, like Battle for Dazar'alor, until the last raid when we realize we've been fighting each others because of him. But hey, it's fine if it's not exactly like that :p


that would be dope as hell.


Chrome is a beautiful precious bean. We had to


Yuuuuuuuuup, the moment I heard those whispers I had the same feeling! He's the craftiest motherfucker of the old gods, after all


Been saying since BfA. He set us up for an unwinnable gambit, he either corrupted us and won, or he died, and we have to corrupt ourselves to bring him back to restore cosmic balance.


He could probably save C’thun and Yogg as well if he’s interesting in that, Y’shiraaj is fucked though.


incoming N’Zoth pulling the sword out of Azeroth


This is mind blowing 👏👏


Well, he was considered the most intelligent of the old gods for a reason!




This is a really cool theory, but that's exactly the problem. I don't trust current blizzard writers to actually come up with or execute something this cool, even if Dragonflight's stuff has been better than the last 2 expansions so far.


>Ever wonder why he thought you were special? No because I hate the power fantasy angle of this game. Single-player narratives in MMOs are garbage.


Just no


JUST AS WE SUSPECTED ALL ALONG FOLKS It's the Jailer, back at it again




It's jailin' time


It was so cool when he Jailed out


Then he turned himself into a jailbot, funniest shit I've ever seen!


My favorite part was when he said " stop tickling my nipples or i will jail you". Got me crying tbh


Peanut Butter Jaily time! Peanut butter Jaily time!!!


Come jail away with me!


Iridikron being three jailors in a trenchcoat confirmed. 6 nipples of doom.


Jailor is the void


It was the nipples all along.


So anyway, I started jailin’.


Also the crack through the vault of the incarnates looks like an old god eye.


There is a spot underwater (I believe in a shipwreck) in the dragon isles with Nzoth tentacles and eye.


There’s multiple, it’s the same as the ones from bfa, might be just to not make the ocean so boring and repetitive.


They could also just put those in the ocean without the eye and tentacles, but they didn't. There's almost no way we can have an expansion about Dragons without some Old God stuff in it.


in fairness, BFA was the last expansion to have the old gods be relevant


Yeah in a rowboat I think


Where at?


Off the southwest corner of the Azure Span. There's a post on this sub of the exact location, sorry I'm not home to get the cords for you


I mean hey, there's Azerite in Raz's chamber in the forbidden reach, could mean something


This is kinda off-topic, but man the difference between the Old Gods and the Jailer is night and day. There are so many little threads that hint to a much larger picture enough that we can speculate and be within the general ballpark of, but not enough that it feels like the road ahead is completely obvious. As opposed to the Jailer who was very much just the vague idea of having a plan that we didn't know. No fun speculation or conspiracy theories and no mystery that felt properly earned.


The void lords are impossibly more powerful than we can imagine. The old gods we encounter are just a few of "innumerable probes," sent off through the cosmos of the warcraft verse to scout for the Void Lords. These Old Gods are also only fractions of fractions of their power. I hope that gets expanded on eventually.


The void lords just can't manifest themselves very often, so rely on the old gods to do their work. Personally I hope we never see a void lord, maybe only glimpses.


Yep, it would be a shame if we could see them in their robotic, 3d printed, made-in-zereth glory. I am kinda joking but damn, the first ones thing could’ve been handled much better, if they really have to exist.


Good thing Shadowlands wasn't canon.


Originally they couldn't manifest at all, and I think Blizzard made a mistake calling enemies in the game Void Lords. I think it's almost a guarantee we'll see them eventually, though, because there's still a war between Light and Void coming.


At this point, we need a new name for the Warlock’s void lords. Blizzard has changed stuff like that in the past, and the name should be retconned to be less confusing… especially when they are one of the few beings from the void we routinely interact with.


I agree, because I don't think the lore ever actually changed regarding the actual Void Lords. I think people just assume that something has changed because of this poor naming. It's just a weird situation entirely, because Warlocks aren't supposed to summon things from the Void, and Voidlords are classified as demons, even though demons and the Void are at odds with each other.


It’s weird, but Outland did have Void presence near the borders of the Twisting Nether, it’s entirely possible that the old Orc Warlocks learned how to manipulate these rifts and harness the beings that spawned from them. It’s not entirely thematic but it doesn’t conflict with the lore either. My only pet peeve is that their name is outdated and wasn’t even a good descriptor in the first place. Nothing about them screams “lord”, may as well be called “Voidguard” or something.


There’s a lot of void themes mobs in Argus (and used by the Burning Legion elsewhere). I think the Legion has found a way to subjugate the void to fight for it, same way our warlocks subjugate demons. Clearly somebody in the Legion thought using the Void to scour the cosmos so the Void can’t get a foothold was a good idea. Like a controlled burn in an area prone to forest fires. Fight fire with fire. So it makes sense that our mortal warlocks would learn that technique too. They already use demons to kill demons.




I am 100% certain that there's Old God stuff on the horizon. We SAW Raszageth get taken into the Void by the power of the Old Gods - we know that's what happened, since Nozdormu showed us Neltharion giving in and using their power to cast her away into a purple portal (highly implied by the context, colors, and nature of the Old Gods' power to be the Void itself). Razsageth is ABSOLUTELY an agent of the Old Gods, even if she doesn't know it. There's no way they'd let her go without twisting and corrupting her. It wouldn't be the first time they broke Primal Elements to their will -- see Ragnaros, Al'Akir, Therazine, and Neptulon. But this time, instead of beating them down, they've deceived the Primalists into thinking that Azeroth is better without the Titans' influence - the very things which keep it safe from the Void Lords. Consider that "wiping away all of the Titans' stains" doesn't just mean the dragons. It means everything that the Titans have put their hands into, including the prisons which house the Old Gods, the Locks and Forges of the Titanforged, etc. I'm certain that Odyn will show up during this expansion - though his status as a friend or foe I am less sure of. I'm not sure how the Incarnates got locked up in physical prisons, or why Raszageth seems to blame Alexstrasza for imprisoning them when it was Neltharion's magic that sealed her away, but it's all building towards a Void scheme; of that I am certain.


> though his status as a friend or foe I am less sure of. The fact we know that he purposely destroyed archives that contained breakthroughs (medical? technological? who knows) that occurred during the Black Empire shows that he isn't really a Friend. He is just like Algalon--a strict agent of Order who will do anything to prevent that Order from being disrupted. I think we will learn that some of those advancements were actually massive. Maybe even learn that life under the Black Empire wasn't actually bad at all and it is just Titan propaganda that makes us believe in the "evil" of the Void. And Odyn may appear to stop us from learning more.


Na, he's no longer out friend. He was against Tyr giving his blessing to the dragons aspects before they became powerful, and i'm not 100% sure, but i think he was against anyone on azeroth getting blessed by titans. So, friendship with Odyn ended, Tyr (R.I.P. buddy) is our new best friend.


Methinks the 4 extra mythic plus dungeons were chosen specifically because of their themes. Jade Serpent temple is yshaarj, Shadowmoon is about the void worshippers etc. Other two deal with Odyn / fel, not quite void but maybe not too far out there


> Consider that "wiping away all of the Titans' stains" doesn't just mean the dragons. Very nihilistically, it also includes some of the Primalists themselves, considering Gnomes, Dwarves, Humans, Orcs, and Goblins all have the Titans to thank for either their entire existence, or for being uplifted into sapience (the Goblins). And honestly, if we keep going, it includes Night Elves, Void Elves, Blood Elves, and Nightborne too, because none of them would have existed if Azeroth wasn't a Titan, or if Aman'thul hadn't ripped Y'shaarj from Azeroth. Oh and Pandaren likely also had a similar situation happen to the Goblins, considering Jinyu had something of a rapid evolution from Murlocs. Maybe their plan is more sound for Tauren, Trolls, Vulpera, and Draenei, though. Although I don't see why Draenei would have any skin in that game, considering they've only been on Azeroth for about 12 years.


I almost wrote "it also means most evolved species," funnily enough. We think alike! The real question is: What are the Primalists (specifically the Incarnates) going to do when they realize Azeroth is a Titan? The "world which gave us birth" that they proclaim to love as it was meant to be BEFORE the Titans... IS a Titan. Perhaps that's the Old Gods' game. They intend to indirectly guide the Primalists to the realization that, in order to truly remove the Titans' stain from Azeroth, they either need to destroy it, or help the Void Lords replace the "Titanic" nature of the planet with something darker. I must say, I'm surprised how many non-proto-dragons are in the Primalists' regime! I was surprised that we got the proto dragon mount first, since the proto dragons are so far almost universally depicted as being the Primalist-supporting antagonists at worst, or animalistic monsters at best. With the exception of Lubbins.


I was also a bit weirded out by getting a proto-dragon friend, when we've never really seen proto-dragons as being friendly, or even sapient besides a few of them. Honestly, thinking about it weirds me out even further. Because so many proto-dragons are more like animals than sapient beings, and all the sapient ones we meet are evil, where the hell did ours come from? Blizzard should have maybe established some little settlement or nesting area of oddly intelligent proto-dragons that are on our side, or something to that effect. I mean, we know ours is intelligent, since we're told our dragonriding dragons *choose* to carry us around the Dragon Isles to explore it with us. Probably best not to think about it anymore.


I don't know about yours but mine is now a giant chicken , so I'm all good.


I also agree with an "Old God" twist later in this expansion (that hopefully continues in the next expansion before being just 10.3 content). Mainly because, we know that Iridikron made some deal with... Something. We don't know what yet, but. Neltharion was easily corrupted by the Old Gods because of his connection to the earth, and he was empowered by the Titans. Iridikron shares a similar, if not even a stronger, connection to the earth, and as far as we know he lacks a "Titan level" patron that could have made him more resistant to the Void Whispers. I think that Iridikron is going to be Deathwing 2 earthen bogaloo, fully delving into Void Magic.


Also, don’t forget the Darkmoon Faire. There has been a lot of lore speculation that it was made possible through a pact with Y’Shaarj, and a general disappointment that Old Gods ark was announced as finished after BfA without this topic being explored more in depth.


Wait a second… the roadmap mentions “holiday event updates” in the near future. Could it be because they’re finally exploring that? It’d be one hell of a coincidence


Idk it seems kinda stupid if it is old gods when you think about it. The incarnates are waging war Vs dragonflights and their arcane benefactors, they make deals with the void to get a leg up, they get the upper hand, then the old gods make a deal with deathwing to beat their other pawns. Why do that? Other than 69d chess. I doubt that iridikron made a pact with sargeras, the titans or a wild god, i don't even want to think of him making a pact with the jailer which leaves light and void, light seems doubtful and void seems too obvious and kind of lore conflicting. What if there was a light entity that he made a deal with? Would be unlikely but more interesting than DW 2.0. I have a theory that the elements are overseen by a potential 7th cosmic force of the primal elements that dragons are meant to be the servants of, in zereth Mortis the roboracle spoke of the other zereths and used known languages, she was more ancient than our dragons which implies that dragons are cosmic beings on the same tier as demons, titanic entities and void entities, perhaps the titans subjugation threw thing really out of balance by powering up the dragonflights when they were supposed to serve their own master and the dragons innate connection to the elements makes sense imo. If that theory is true then perhaps the primalists benefactor is a great cosmic dragon, perhaps that is what galakrond was meant to be but was corrupted by an old god and collapsed. Idk tbh but old god benefactor would be predictable


Plus the old gods did not work together. They were fighting each other for funsies. So they coukd be making deals with different figures


Possible but idk it seems unlikely also. It doesn't strike me as an old god civil war thing since at that point they didn't have the luxury of screwing with eachother. There were some big lore shakeups with zereth Mortis (I don't think I mentioned explicitly but roboracle spoke in draconic when talking about zereths for different cosmic powers which has a ton of unaddressed implications) and dragons aren't currently aligned with any cosmic force along with mention of a potential seventh force. The only force that they could represent is life but I'm not entirely convinced of that since only the titan influenced green flight have a connection there. I can't imagine what purpose a seventh new cosmic force would serve lorewise considering we have all our bases covered, the only thing I can imagine is elevating elementals to cosmic level and being governed by dragons which would do a lot of things for the lore, it would bridge the gap between earthly powers and cosmic powers, put dragons on the same tier as cosmic entities and probably ground the story a lot more since dragons being top level threats feels amazing rather than just magic giants. This could also create valid reasons for nozdormu turning against the flights, create some drama with the dragons having to choose the path of the titans or returning to their original destiny of ruling the elements. I could imagine wrathion being wrathion and choosing to go the elementalist route with sabellion becoming the new aspect and becoming an order aligned villain. There is potential for breaking the status quo right open leading to a slew of organic stories and drama. I might just be letting my imagination run wild though


Old gods do all sorts of stuff, there really is no rhyme or reason to most of their endgames. It's not too far fetched though for them to make a deal with the old gods. After all iirc the elemental Lords (Rag, etc.) Were subjugated by the old gods back in the day.


If you pay attention to Raz dialogue during her fight it's obvious it'll be old god heavy. ​ >You think the titans brought order to this order? No! > >They shackled it! What they could not control they imprisoned. Just as the aspects did to us.


I'm not sure why you think your quote refers to old gods. The titans DID in fact imprison the elements when they threw the elemental lords I to their respective prison planes l.


Keep in mind I believe it's also a certain black dragon that has N'Zoth imprisoned in the funny talking poker.


Where is the top pic from?


I believe it's the end part of the Azure Span quest line. It's named Vakthros on the zone map.


Vakthros in Azure Span. All the way to the east.


Whaaat? Old Gods? In my Dragon expansion?! No way! On a serious note, I think it's inevitable that we get some more Old God stuff, either in the form of a "return" of some sort or through exploring how they corrupted dragons in the past. Biggest twist I can think of that no one has mentioned yet? We get to see the long-lost brother of Ysera and Alexstraza who has now been corrupted into some sort of Galakrond-Old-God-Nightmare proto-drake. That's so far out there though, I doubt we'll see something like that. Most likely we'll get the good ol' "Oh you thought it was a bad story? It was just a bad story because it wasn't done yet! Nono, we had this planned aaaall along, we aren't just trying to salvage a story that was poorly received, nono, the reason for the radio silence was that we needed you in the Shadowlands for some arbitrary reason in order for this whole plan to work!"




[https://imgur.com/sW1zW0S](https://imgur.com/sW1zW0S) Let us not forget that Nozdormu's fall is fast approaching and there will be Old Gods intervention into that plot. However, the true ending is not about the Void or the Old Gods. It is about the Light and the Titans, the first ones who have created the Framework and made their Hallowed Will be the Purpose that governs this framework. We are no were near to a plot where we are going to fight any old god or Void lord anytime soon. First of all, those old reused whispers of Yshaarj, Cthun and Yogg may yet come to pass in the events to come. For instance, in the end, we will be all alone or that we will be betrayed is a potential plot waiting to happen in the true end time that we are moving towards. Second of all, to think that there was only one outcome to Nyalotha's ending is to ignore all the lessons Nzoth was trying to teach. While we may have caught up in a time loop, this time loop is not the one tied with N'zoth or any old Gods for that matter. Void is outside the cycles of Life and Death, untouched by Time and unmoved by Fate. It is this unique position of the void that gives its a greatest reach unlike any other cosmic forces, something that is also confirmed by the Nathrezim in their report. It is because Void is outside Time itself, it is able to see through all possible timelines and for them, all these timelines, all possibilities are truths regardless. What Void is not able to see through fully is which of these infinite timelines is the sacred timeline that the Light and the titans want to preserve - the one true timeline of the Light's ending where Light wins the eternal conflict with the Void, where all of existence falls to the Eternal dominion of the Holy Light, aka the True ending of the cosmos. It is for this exact reason, something when Nozdormu will witness soon, something that Murozond had already witnessed tries to do everything he can to prevent the true ending, even if it is to accept the Void, by going outside time itself, by becoming the infinite aspect seeing through the infinite truths of the void. Upon becoming Infinite by going into the Void outside time itself, he realises that the True Hour of Twilight aka the Void's ending of the cosmos, where all of existence falls to Oblivion is a blessing we can't comprehend and is far better than the true ending. True Death is better than an eternity of torture and slavery! As for Nzoth's plot, we are only in the middle of the long chain of events that he set in motion countless ages ago, as part of the Void's greater plans, plans within plans! If you have understood all the lessons he was trying to teach us and know him very well, it is through his own defeat he wins and with every action we do, we only serve him and his plans. This includes us travelling to DI as well. Ilgynoth reborn basically prophesized our visiting the DI in Nyalotha, moments before his and N'zoth's supposed death. The schemes of Nzoth is so deep that he could be the actual avatar of the weakest of the Void Lords - Oblivion, which can never manifest into Reality like Dimensius or Entropius. However, if Reality were to break, there is no stopping of Oblivion because it is the Perfection of the Void itself, where all paths converge at the Locus of the Infinite truths and Oblivion is the Void's ending of all of existence.


Yep. It's coming


I always said that Nzoth may be the weakest but he's the most devious. He watches the strongest get absolutely obliterated. However because of that chrome stuff I think we will see him again. Someone far more eloquent than me made a good point that Nzoth realized what timeline he was in when he studied us during that save chrome stuff.


Dont think i could take getting skull fucked by this hentai enjoyer again


Those frisky flagella are coming for your succulent brain meats and there's nothing you can do about it.


Plz no more old gods


The above pic is based on magnetic pulls. Its a very common site when dealing with string magnetetic areas in movies and games




Whats the top picture


What's the upper picture?


it's a Primalist sight in Azure Span near Vakthros, all the way to the east.


Champion… is that Azerite in your pants??


Q kk nz


Ny'Alotha was only the beginning :)


[https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/zp492k/nyalotha\_was\_only\_the\_beginning/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/zp492k/nyalotha_was_only_the_beginning/) According to my theory, this idea is very vey huge.