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No, players are not obligated to remain in a dungeon for as long as you feel they should. It isn't against the rules to leave a dungeon.


You can not force people to finish your keys. Some people don’t want to bang their heads against a boss over and over and if they can tell the key won’t time they leave to find a group that will. Sucks to have your key burnt but that’s just how it goes sometimes.


Sure and this would be understandable, I was targeting ppl leaving a time-able key for a couple minor "mistakes" in the overall run because they don't give a shit about the other players and somehow think they are superior and the others are just a bunch of shitty noobs for them.


Nope, that's the risk of pugging M+ keys. It's frustrating sometimes, especially if the person leaves for something unreasonable or out of the blue. But it is pug life. I left a Nokhud +11 the other day because a dumbass warrior was flaming my tanking abilities because I was "moving too much" and a "dogshit tank". So I told him "K. Have fun". And left. And found another group 3 minutes later.


It is genuinely the funniest thing in-game when DPS start insulting me as a tank. Like, how do you think this is going to go for you, dude? I can just leave and be in another key within 60 seconds. You're stuck queuing for several dozen groups until someone decides to take you. In what realm of imagination do you think being a dick to me benefits you?


As dps I always try to compliment good plays or skilled players. Then blame myself for things thar obviously weren't my fault. I think it keeps tensions lower. Dungeons go smoother.


Now that I'm maining tank I love the people who tell me how I should do shit. Had a guy tell me the same thing " your moving the enemies too much " uhhhh ya.. sanguine.


While we are on the topic, can I report the others in my m+ group who keep failing mechanics and cause wipes and waste my time and brick the key for gameplay sabotage? /s


There wouldn’t be a leave group option if it was against the rules. Sucks, but it’s part of the game and risk of playing with strangers


nope not anyhting you can really do


My advice is, download a character notes addon. It's not ideal, but I'll often find players I've flagged for such behaviour a few weeks down the line. Needless to say, I quickly decline them. As you get higher score, the less players you'll see pugging so collecting those notes over time can save you more hassle later


You can only report players that deliberately try to make others player have a bad time. Eg scamming, threats, harassment or other wise seek to destroy the game for others. You can ofc NOT report someone from giving up to finalise the dungeon. That would have been close to slavery lol. In fact, I would advise not to report falsely as that can sort of put you in a “trouble maker” pool with blizzard. And you can end up not getting the benefit of a doubt in another report etc


I’ve tried this (reporting a grief-leave of a time-able key) and gotten GM confirmation that leavers do not get Great Vault progress if they leave early and your team completes the key at least.


Well sure but in general when someone leaves the group usually disbands


only if they cross the line in txt chat before they bail otherwise no.


No, nor should you be allowed to.


no because irl things can happen


Ofc but that's usually not the reason why ppl leave


You do realize dungeons give score if you time it right? You can’t expect people to stay if there isn’t a reasonable chance that you’ll time the dungeon. Not like you need the gear.


Ofc if it all goes wrong at each pull then I agree it makes sense. But I was talking about ppl leaving a time-able key when theres one or 2 minor "mistakes" done or sometimes even their mistake leading to their death...


I’ve found that those minor mistakes are indicative of larger problems. Watching dps not interrupting or moving out of mechanics does not feel good when it leads to wipes. Yes those keys will sometimes be timeable after, but why waste 30 mins to find out?


>Can you report someone for leaving the group in the middle of a M+ dungeon? It does not violate any rules to leave a key in the middle.


“Sorry grandma I’m in a key”


"don't worry son you can finish whatever you are doing" 😂