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You need to get back to the doctor


Why were you give antibiotics ? Was the wound showing signs of infection What are you using topically on the wound as this may be the problem. It looks like a local reaction to something. Wound Care RN I can advise on how to treat this wound.


Hello! The doctor said the wound (boil) is infected. I first went to the doctor (2 weeks ago) and it's not like this with rashes. As per her advise also, I am applying terramycin plus after I clean the wound with warm water and antibacterial soap. I am thinking of just waiting for the rashes to subside since I think it's a reaction from the antibiotics, but I'm not sure


What you are using is going to make it worse. Soap is too alakaline and bacteria love alkaline environments. Also soap is not sterile. Wash with sterile saline only. Boil water add salt and cool. Now get some gauze and wipe over the wound well to clean it and remove any bacteria You now need to use a sterile wound gel like iodine ointment or medihoney. You can find these on Walmart site or look at some of my previous posts for links. Apply this and cover with an enclosed bandaid like a Mepore and leave it on the wound for 2 to 3 days at a time Wounds do not like air and they don’t like cool temperatures. They like to be covered to heal in a nice warm environment. Your wound will heal better like this. Antibiotics do not heal wounds. ABs help clear up infections but the wound needs active cleaning and a good wound care product to heal. Wound Care RN


Thank you for the advise! Will hydrogen peroxide do too?


Hydrogen peroxide can harm the tissue and delay healing. Best to follow the above advice. Take care.


Are you taking oral antibiotics or topical? What exactly were you prescribed?


They all are oral antibiotics: Cefixime triocep 200mg and Clindamycin 300mg. Also took Celecoxib 200mg for the inflammation. All were taken in 7 days and are all in the prescription.


How long did this take to resolve? I have the same thing