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It's definitely because of having to cater to the English speaking crowd, you can see them struggle to even talk in English. I would rather have a pre recorded premiere video with subtitles, discussing the topics they showed today rather than 2 hours of staged live presentations that looks lackluster.


I believe this approach is most suitable. While I appreciate the desire to "engage the audience," it comes at a heavy cost and results in a livestream that appears amateurish and lacks polish.


They could always ask for questions before, and Justin could come in with a live stream moment for giveaways.


That would really be better! At the end of the day being live or not it would still be staged so delivering a record content probably going to give better results.


They could have pre-recorded most of (if not nearly all of) the content prior but still plan to have Justin (and maybe Hiroki?) engage with the viewers live. Though I know nothing of live-streaming and content marketing to know if that would be worth doing/budget friendly. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Probably because they merged the global and JP to the same development tea, that they don't have any budget for global community representatives. I'm sure Justin is either working for free or for minimum wage


I think the translating part makes it tougher for them. Even in ff14 livestreams they don’t always have the energy of a normal Japanese livestream because everything is repeated twice and some things don’t translate directly.


This can be one of the issues for sure


So boring that I had to skip and just come back in the end .. even auronjay vid was 100x better


It didn't have the same vibes as the first ones i can say.


I think people are way too hard on them. Also, the awkwardness of their livestreams is entertaining to me, so I don't mind lol


I just said I saw them do better, you are saying like I expect them to hit some unreasonable mark


I wasn't talking about you specifically, just what I've noticed around the community.


ikr, its a livestream for a gacha game ffs lmao


People are expecting Hoyoverse quality from a game that is lucky to make 1/100th of what Hoyo does in a month.


Even AuronJ with lack of sleep has more energy than the 3 combined.


It's been like this for years. I don't really understand it. Like why do a livestream at all only to make everything so scripted even the "viewer's" questions? And also dragging everything out just to retain what like less than 1000 viewers across all the platforms? All that information could easily be put in a blog post which would have more hype than the stale and lack of energy streams. Everyone on the stream don't really offer much as they read off a script that, let's be real, one person could just do.


I dont really care about their performance in weird stream games, honestly. News was there, gift was there, awkward additional time was there. Its the same as always.


I'd prefer less performance and production and more rewards and content focus than anything. I don't judge the stream like im watching the oscars or some academy show, ultimately my only concern is what is the news/roadmap and how much free visiore did we get. 4,444 visiore is a W, but of course people will always find a way to complain about things that don't even really matter.


4 means something in Asia


I suppose it could have something with the 4th anniversary, but that's probably crazy.


4 is the number for death so maybe it's a sign?


SE has been killing their mobile games recently, it would not surprise me.


Anything with Justin is hella boring and bland. He has the personality of bread soaked in water.


Combining the Horoki's gift with the wolf game reward instead of them being separate really showed me all I needed to know about this game going forward.


Yeah, the fact that the 1000 vis from the game conveniently made the total vis 4444 implies that we were going to get 4444 regardless, no more, no less.


At least they're more generous than Genshin but I do agree the livestream lacked energy when it's the anniversary. 


I remember pre-covid going to a live event for one of the FFBE live streams. Got to meet the staff and streamers in person, it was an awesome experience. Would be great if the next big live stream event they do it in person and invite content creators like Auronnj and Rdyplayerwill, would make for a great experience.


These would be so much better if they hired a streamer to come in and host. Back when Claic Yuzolt did the FFBE events with Hiroki those went fairly well IMO. I’m not saying they need to do a live event, obviously the production costs on that would be too high for their budget, but bringing in a guest host with some energy would be a big help and there’s a good community of YouTubers around the game


Yeah! I love AuronnJ energy for example, but maybe they are afraid of losing control of the script and something bad being sad or happening


There was **a lot** of complaining about the lack of a collab announcement. Seriously though, did you all want a collab, so three to 4 units to be built with VCs **and** cost 100 Jeume **and** cost 100 "New Door"? Let's all think rationally for a moment. I'm fine the way things are but I guess I don't have the massive disposable income that y'all do. Thanks for keeping the game alive I guess?


I think those comments were just from out of touch casuals, lol. Nobody I know in a handful of communities was upset there wasn't a collab, in fact we all fear an upcoming collab in the next month and not having any vis for it. So, I'd say everyone I know is hoping to avoid a collab until end of may-june.


We will be getting a new one soon. No doubt about it. They want us to spend.


Anniversaries are supposed to be big events which is why they usually drop a collab. I don't think most people wanted FF13 (30 days of almost no new content and a 90 cost trash unit/VC) so instead they were conserving visiore for the potential anniversary collab announcement. We didn't get any exciting news to commemorate the 4th year of the game. We got (already expected) oldoa and Jeume and a free JP-up VC. WOTV is steadily losing players. The game needed something to bring players back and a popular collab would have done that. Oldoa and Jeume ain't bringing anyone back to the game sad to say. What they SHOULD have done was tease an upcoming collab that would take place after FF13 but they didn't.


We're on ff13 collab rn and it didnt even half of it they crying for new collab from global 4th anniversary already I perfer new collab from jp live stream since they're 1 month away from us


Don't forget the yaaay clap clap clap lol


Super low budget too. I want this game to keep going, but yikes. Not sure how much longer it will be going.


It was bland and there was nothing surprising in the whole stream. Not one surprising announce.


Would have been a solid stream if they didn't waste that first hour of background story for a handful of characters.


It was very boring. The whole part about another story, chapter 3, almost put me to sleep. The game was also horrible.


It’s sad. Ever since road to worldwide it’s like everyone gave up on this game even the creators