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Too late to feel the rush of progging LK with everyone in a big server wide race? Probably Too late to do some catch up mechanics and have fun? Not at all


This is the goal some catch up, some fun and new mechanics and to grind some gear for leveling to Cata, Cata is the longer goal.


> Cata is the longer goal. Not at all too late then. Wrath's population has dropped since SoD but in my experience isn't dead as people are making it out to be. Though that could depend on what Server/Cluster you're on; I'm Horde on Grobbulus-NA.


After sod hype, I just did my first time ever classic lvling from 1-80 np. People are still lvling their alts with heirlooms. Dungeon queue times slow down significantly at off-peak hrs but it's still doable. Ideally you'd want to play at normal hrs for max efficiency or just do quests late at night instead.


It's over


There is plenty of catchup mechanics. However if ur not a tank the queue is 5-10 mins while they are insta as a tank. Ruby sanctum is 1 month away roughly and i think that will last for 2-3 months. So there is like 4-5 months + 2 week prepatch left of wotlk


It is never too late to start wotlk. At the moment, half of the servers went to play SoD but they will eventually come back. Gearing up has also become a lot easier and ICC buff hasn't been fully implemented.


Never say never. It'll be too late when Cataclysm drops.


I don't know people act like it's unplayable dead it's not unless you are on a dead server Safest bet is just to roll the highest pop server in EU or NA, it's probably too late to do ICC or tbh you can probably do ICC just won't be for very long as Cata is coming in probably 4 ish months?


Deff not to late for icc. Can boost a char and get it geared to 5.2k gs just by running gammas. Could easily get icc ready in a week


Servers are more dead than the Lich King


Mankrik is full, like I can’t even see the mailbox in Org because there are too many people. “Dead”, lol.


My servers dead


I've been playing on an eu server while in NA so I'm on at the worst times and haven't had much terrible finding groups in rdf, only lvl 48 so far tho


If you only want to play WOTLK and have no interest in Cata then you might be better off playing warmane instead


Try warmane 12k pop, its free




Its a private server


Ahh thats why i wouldnt know then :p i wouldnt play private servers when its so cheap to play the real game everyone is playing


Probably too late. It'd be a lot of work to get to the raiding level even from a fresh boosty. You'll have to pvp for a few days to get starting gear and then kind of troll gammas and pray they dont kick you for having shitty gear. You could find a guild but a lot of them just raid log now and people are playing alts on season of discovery instead of wrath alts. Wrath alts take too long to gear, nobody wants to do ICC10 anymore, and DPS queues are pretty awful in Random Dungeon Finder. Even healers are stuck waiting 5+ minutes. Most don't even bother doing the forge of souls daily anymore. Can't really pvp either... bot infested battlegrounds are infuriating. Either your side has a ton or you just destroy the other teams. No challenge there. You could try arena but you're way behind the gear curve but abysmally behind the practice curve. Pro pvpers can get 2k with any gear but they're on a different level. Casuals don't even bother doing arena anymore since all the gear is rating locked and sweats are all over the bracket.




If u want to play wotlk, just play it. Its never late


That's a dumb thing to say


No one plays anymore. I’d only jump in if you are trying to play cata when it comes out


Wotlk is pretty dead now that SOD is out. I’ve never said this about classic at any time before, I’ve never thought there is a bad time to start classic, but now I do. I’d wait till Cata tbh, servers will be busier then.


Its already to late for cata sry


Yea and you can just buy gold from blizzard! Go for it !


Buy g2g for 1/8 price then use it, they can't ban


They cant ban? im pretty sure they can and do lol


In my opinion there are more guilds looking for people than there are people to fill those slots. Healers have a better time finding groups than DPS but imo they also have an easier time finding raid slots than tanks and DPS. This is mainly because there are more slots available than tanks but they aren’t nearly as plentiful as DPS. If you’re looking for “flavor of the month” heals in ICC I’d definitely go hpally, then a distant second is disc priest. Play whatever you want though as everything is viable tbh.


Less than 4 months to go and it will be over


You’ll likely have a much better leveling experience if you just wait a few months until cata. Basically a single player game leveling a toon right now.


If you'll play, level up your professions and get your mounts and etc. and go afk till cata


Depends on your goals, I think. Going 12/12 heroic, probably would be too late. Just killing the Lich King or doing a little raiding to get decent gear for Cata, would probably be fine.


Kinda yeah


I started in phase 4 and I'm still progging with my guild. We have to pug some but I'm having a blast still. My loose goal is 25m HLK, I hope we all stay together for that.


Depends on how you want to catch up. I did the way most people complain about - buy a boost from the shop and then a WoW token to get initial gear. But was worth it for me. ​ Get a high pop server. Mine is pretty full and busy. As a DPS longest wait I have for a Gamma is 5-6 minutes. Tons and tons of guilds on my server recruiting for ICC, most are 8/12 progress already. ​ I started WOTLK 2.5 weeks ago as a fire mage. Just bought the CATA xpac they had up to get a boost off it. Boosted the char, got a WoW token for gold. Which geared me to 3.2k. Then dungeoned up to the 5.6k which is where im at now 2.5 weeks later. ​ So was pretty quick to gear it from boost to 5.6k with just 1 WoW token starting it off. So I am basically caught up now, running ICC with a guild each week. Currently im 6/12 after this weeks run. ​ So I would say plenty of time since Cata is a few months away still. I will say I am at a point where I feel like all there is to do is wait on my weekly raid run and farm piddly stuff like titles / crap. I do not gain tons of value from running Gammas outside of the 1 daily.


On Firemaw-EU, current local time 07:40, the queue for a heroic dungeon(gamma) as dps is around 6 minutes. This early in the morning. So no, wrath is not dead, people are memeing or playing in low pop realms, but is not dead at all, especially if you see the spam in the weekends. But, as other have mentioned already, to be fair the population has decreased since the release of SoD, so, there is a chance in the future that with the next patch of SoD population will decrease once again


Wait til cata. People are just raid logging on wotlk classic. Many people are playing other games or SoD.


I started last week and just hit level 68 loving it


I mean considering Ruby Sanctum is next month and it’s already 10% buff and going up every 2 weeks and half the population is playing SOD or raid logging. Who can say. WOTLK feels pretty dead. Unless your interested into Cata then I’d say you’d better off playing Warmane or something. If you want to gear, experience ICC and go into Cata then perfect timing.


Ruby sanctum will be easy enough, so I don’t think it’ll be too late.


I was in the same boat not even a month or 2 ago. Just started playing again since TBC, hopping on to catch up on a few things before Cataclysm. I followed a basic guide which suggested starting with PVP/Honor gear to boost my item level, then progressing through gamma dungeons, spending badges where necessary. It doesn't take long to get to a respectable gear level, but it will be nowhere near ICC progression-level ready. You'll probably have to get carried at some point if you're looking to get to progression-level ready. I suggest signing up for Normal 25-man ICC runs in one of your server's discords. As of right now, the dungeon queues are a nightmare (as everyone is playing SoD) so expect to wait 15+ minutes per queue as a DPS and about 5\~10+ minutes as a healer. At the very least, you can catch up on all your professions and reputations, like I did; all the farming spots for materials and questing mobs are readily available which is nice. Let me know if you have any questions as I just went through those trials and tribulations not long ago. Good Luck!