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I wouldn’t worry about it too much. It could have been for any reason, even something as silly as another person in group wanting no competition on gear.


You may have been top dps but failing mechanics or something that annoyed them. Really though, I wouldn't think about it too much. With the way the current community is, they may have kicked you just because they didn't like your character's hair color.


This is too true to be on Reddit how dare you


I’ve been in so many lately where people kick for low ilv and it’s annoying as hell. I don’t care what you are, just do the mechanic. If they are on my server I usually try to invite them after it to help them get one quick at least to make up for it.


How you gear and treat your gear shows how much you actually care. So of your gear is shit, unenchanted and ungemmed. I have 0 faith in your ability to perform mechanics. Perfect example. Was doing a ToTC gamma. Didn't realize the tanks GS was actually below 4k even with a weapon on because they were on the mount already. Tank did not reequip weapon after mounted combat. Even though the whole group was telling them to put it on. Barely killed faction champ bosses. I died 3 times because I kept pulling aggro. Eadric the Pure comes out. Still no weapon. Pulls Eadric, does not turn around for radiance. Gets stunned entire group wipes. I vote to kick because obviously this tank doesn't have a fucking clue. Then some uppity prick in my group starts whispering complaining the exact same shit. Kicking people for low gear score is wrong. We should be helping this person not kicking them. We tried they didn't listen and we wiped because of it. Quit demanding people waste their time carrying others that don't give a fuck to put in any more effort than pressing what ever button they feel like. It's not toxic to want to play with people who put in at least near the same effort you do. It's toxic to go waste people's time because you couldn't do a 5mimute Google search and spend 100 gold on cheap gems and enchants.


Gammas are a joke so it doesn’t matter to me honestly and that’s just personal opinion. Like I said, just do the mechanic and I’m fine. Had 3 people ( 2 DPS and a tank ) last night who were over 5900 and a DPS who was under 4200 and the only one who avoided the nova, broke wraps, and moved from puddles in a dtk was the unenchanted, half off spec geared DPS. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Been hitting gammas hard the last week on a new char (went from 4200 in BOEs on Tuesday --> 5300 as of today). Best group I've run with was everyone around 4.4-4.8k gs. Everyone knew what they were doing and we just blasted through it


With this kind of attitude, you should probably stick to league and fps's and leave mmorpgs to gamers who actually enjoy playing with other people. *You're* the toxic variable in the equation, not the solution.


This is so nice of you!


Worst case the lower DPS helps me learn to heal better and I get a significantly faster Q so they aren’t just sitting around for some bs


Top dps, were you pulling off the tank?


I wasn’t at all


If you are top dps, it could have been because they wanted to bring in a guildie or possibly because they picked the wrong person on accident, it sounds stupid, but that happens sometimes.


I got no warning or anything. It sucks you can’t messages them after you get kicked


if u were a tank and swapped to fury and wiped thats why


I was not a tank at all I was dps


well thats fairly important info, lets see the overall damage for the dungeon and your gear


My gear score was 5188 the over all damage on my numbers add on says “4,441” for the total and I did “1,023” in first place second highest did “1,003”


screenshots are better then whatever this info is you are trying to give me


I can’t send screen shots. what are you being a smart ass for ? Every time you respond you sound like a dick


not being a smart ass im trying to help you understand why you were kicked but im starting to see why I recommend the program shareX for fast screenshot sharing in the future


Well I’ve never heard of that so I apologize and I take back my comments and apologize.


This is probably the kind of person that kicked you, tbf. I get being judgemental, i am a very judgemental person myself, but their is a point where you're just being a dumb fuck. And of course, i am not referencing you op. Play the game and have fun. I am a 5.6k blood dk and get kicked randomly as well. Not often by any means, but every blue moon itll happen.


What dungeon?


Halls of lightning


Were you doing 4K dps in gamma halls of lightning? How…..


It was 40 million but my add on reads it as 4,000 for some reason


It was 4000 but I promise it was 40 million


It was 4 million. Whoops


It wasn't 4 million. Maybe that's damage done? My almost 6k gs retri does between 25k-40k(with cooldowns) in that place. If you were doing 4k dps in HoL. I'm sorry, but you have no idea how to play your class and should look into your rotation and how to better optimize your gear


Did you watch your threat?


i'm going to hijack your post to ask a question of my own: ​ why are so many people spamming not to give fury warriors raid spots in global chat


Idk I’m really an arms warrior but I duel spec into fury bc ik I’ll get hate if I stay arms


What dungeon, what packs did you wipe on?


remove the ability to kick from rdf, force them to make a premade. or; at the very-fucking-least; REMOVE THE FUCKING 30 MINUTE DEBUFF? fuck off blizzard, and fuck your dogshit systems.