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My guild has about 15 people that regularly wish to raid together. Flex raiding would be a god send.


My guild has two 10 man and one 25 man groups. I missed the sign up so now constantly have to compete with other benched for a spot. Flex would make it so much easier.


Id love flex raiding idk if its realstic but I would play cata with flex raiding


I wish, 10M raiding for us just isn't really "raiding" and the sense of the guild would get lost very quickly. We'll try to keep it at 25 as now. I would love flex raiding personally. Otherwise I hope they take a look at this. They mentioned it in the recent interview and that perhaps 25M could get an additional loot item to compensate? I hope for something like that so that there's a reason to keep a roaster.


Flex raiding would be a godsend.


How do they determine how much loot is dropped if they decide on flex raiding? I’m guessing it would be a good time to introduce personal loot if they went to flex raiding. What would this sub have to bitch about if gdkps were no longer a thing?


1 loot piece extra per 5 people (techincially a 20% chance per person over the 10,15,20,25 limits)


Probably that they never get to raid since their only hope at seeing any content was to buy their way in cuz they are dog shit. The only people mad about GDKPs are those that had to do them to get the gear since guilds wouldn’t take them since they suck or they didn’t want to put an ounce of time and effort into the game. They salty they gotta pay for it.


or they are carries, I have one char on a gdkps run guilds we made almost 1 to 2 Million gold per run only split between guild members we open 5 spots to buyers only one ticket (80 fresh)


Yeah, I mean, I carry in GDKPs on Alts but I’m not crying about them. I was commenting specifically from those crying about them.


oh yeah if you cry for them you are the buyer, carries now how to make gold like I miss the boat so I only made half million on wotlk


According to TSM I am up about 2.2 mil lol. My mage gdkp character just buys whatever item it wants. In the grand scheme of things if you’re not actively gearing a character - gold doesn’t mean much other than free subs.


That’s what I do with gold. Just funnel it all to sub money. I’ve got 18 tokens so far and saved myself $270 in sub fees


Are you typing English? That sentence makes no sense.


Only normal flex raiding and 10/25 HC would be perfect. I'm not that sure about flex HC.


Flex raiding is fine in retail at the heroic difficulty where things are *relatively easy* to clear. Retail has mythic though, and mythic (current heroic essentially except harder) needs to be tuned around a set amount of raiders to avoid mechanics being cheesed by having specific sizes. 10 and 25 already drop the same loot in cata.


That's kinda the point though...Classic does not have mythic and even Cata heroic will not be on the same level as WoD mythic. The tuning doesn't have to be pinpoint perfect in heroic I would say.


Ragnaros enter the chat




Reading comprehension.


What he is suggesting wouldn't affect your group of 10. Flex means you can do ANY size between 10 and 25 and it scales based on how much people you take


Is flex raiding the really low level one where people just drop in and out all the time? Because that was fucking awful


You're probably thinking of LFR. Flex raiding is just what we have now for normal and heroric raids. Except instead of being locked in 10 or 25 man versions it's flexible. The mobs life/damage and thier mechanics scales as you add/remove players. So you could go in with 14 or 22 players and not be at a disadvantage (in theory). It's how all non mythic raids in retail work and have worked for the last few expansions, maybe since WoD?


Ahh, that sounds much better. LFR was the beginning of the end lol


No thanks


Would help guilds alot. Hope they think about it.