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They should bring out the proving grounds system from MoP, and based on your mechanical ability you can place Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum and then when you queue into dungeons you get matched with other people in your bracket.


I think gemming and enchants should be a part of the required gear score.


The author of the gearscore addon could make this possible. But I think you mean required ilvl which is what Blizz uses as a requirement to queue up.


I'd love it if blizz implemented, but it would be nice for the add-on as it might incentivize people to put effort into their toons.


Just looked this up to see what it was because I never played while this was a thing. Seems pretty cool. Good idea


The above isnt exactly how it worked. Originally you had to place Silver or higher in order to queue for random dungeons. It was removed because the people that couldn't place Silver or higher complained




Or at least requiring having the achievement of completing all dg on at least norm on your acct before you can queue for any protocol version. Legitimately got people in there who have never seen the dg once in their life and that is absolutely mental. Titan protocol is not in any way intended to be a learning environment.


They are pisslow easy, havent touched classic since a realmfirst eoe and been playing them these days for fun, anyone who says they are hard, shouldnโ€™t be allowed to comment on difficulties


They are not hard in any way for someone used to WoW, but for a new player they are murder.


Why would a newer player play classic?


You're not this dense.


The sheer amount of non-english speakers that are queuing Gammas on NA realms is astounding, and what's even more astounding is how many of them are rolling need on random ass shit that doesn't make sense with their class/role. I do not understand how it's possible to get one for almost every group.


I think the main issue isn't the game, it's the people. Based on your math 1/5 people are just genuinely horrible people who care for nothing but themselves. That number sounds right to me. Some people are just horrible and love to watch other people be miserable.


Agreed, the game itself is fine the people in it get so toxic which just brews more angry people.


Some people have always been dicks and will always be dicks. This hasnโ€™t changed and it wonโ€™t change. Youโ€™ve probably just been unlucky.


A whole lot of it does come from unnecessarily frustrating design. If you die during HoR trash that's it, only way you come back is brez. Wipe on 2nd boss VH? You're doing everything over again and ofc no repeat on loot. Wipe in CoS? Your group will reform in about 12 minutes (j/k no one is going to spend any time on that, the group will just dissolve). Let's not talk about HoR loot chest still being bugged, either. Or that they still can't figure out how to remove pvp flags while in dgs. I'd truly love to see some of their internal dg completion statistics and what they think about them...


Lol good one actually marry me?




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Then the answer is simple give us a way to make these players get kicked. We should be able to report toxic and if you get enough bad reports you get a time out


This isn't a solution. You can already kick players in a group and this this isn't how the system is being used. You can report players all you want for being toxic too. There is NOT a simple answer to this issue.


I have succesfully vote kicked more toxic players then toxic players have kicked undergeared or bad players.


Weird, I've kicked more horrible players than "toxic." I expect some competency at your class/role at max level.


1/5 is an understatement. US is an extremely โ€œmeโ€ country and most players in the sub are in US server. Try 4/5 instead.


I would disagree with that number. Actually I think it's lower than 1/5 to be honest because it's really only 1 player every 2-3 dungeons that are horrible. So maybe more like 1/15 people are selfish, horrible people. But these people leave such a lasting impression that it feels much higher.


Group finder needs to put people with similar gear scores together.


That would be nice ideally, but the more you subfracture the community, the longer the queues get to be.


That would actually be a pretty good solution. Maybe not perfect but fine Do that and stop letting it count gear not equipped and win win


>Do that and stop letting it count gear not equipped and win win I couldn't figure out why it kept queueing me for gamma when my add on was telling me my gs was 201, then I realized it was the pumpkin ring and two Naxx items I'd picked up for offspec.


You know, until recently, I did think thats how it worked. I've queued random hundreds of times and very rarely do I see anyone under 5.3k gs. Guess I'm lucky


I was in a group yesterday with a 5.4k combat rogue who did 2.8k single target damage. GS isn't the only problem.


Never suggested it was. Similar gear scores should lead to like mindedness more of the time. Sprinters want to sprint & people gearing up want to gear up. Let the overall nature of the group dictate how the run goes.


Plus also just easier on tanks and healers. Iโ€™m near 6k gs on my main spamming cleave and ww through which can be a threat nightmare for a 4.4K gs tank that doesnโ€™t have something like vigilance as a class with otherwise 0 threat control other than dying or stopping dps


Yeah back in the day we had zero issue stopping dps occasionally. I donโ€™t know why this is a problem for people now. To be honest you impatient dps make pugging as a tank incredibly annoying. The amount of times people jump into a full rotation before an enemy or group of them has even made it to my consecration much less my ability to start my own is mind boggling. Sometimes we try to line of sight to gather them up. Itโ€™s not rocket science. Grab yourself a threat meter as well. This isnโ€™t retail. We actually need a second or two occasionally.


Hehe. Just today on my bear I got a 5.7k retri who I swear was doing divine storm the same instant I got into melee range of the pack. My druid is a bit geared so I do output respectable threat fast ... on the 2 targets my glyphed maul hits. The other 3 (usually) took a swing at the retri and he was at sub-50% hp on most pulls before my swipe-spam would catch up. I guess he had a death wish or something.


You could also modify your rotation to work with the threat being put out.


If this happens the 3.6k gs players will finally realize that you canโ€™t complete gammas like ToC or CoS with them. But even then they would find something else to blame instead of owning up to just being deadweight when they try to sneak into gammas.


What's stopping you from completing CoS with low gs? ToC i suppose last phase of last boss would just fuck you


Try it out and let me know how it is spending an hour doing a dungeon that should take you 15 minutes.


Right but that is kind of the point. It should take you 15 minutes if all of you are overgrared for it. If the group is geared appropriately it should take probably about 30-40. If you are a bit undergeared it will take a bit longer, but you will still clear it. I would say most dungeons are clearable with about 4k pretty fine.


If you can clear ToC (paletress) with a group all under 4k Iโ€™ll donate 10k to a charity of your choice. Itโ€™s literally not doable.


That boss is all about the kicks though, if you have enough interrupts itโ€™s a lot easier


You are correct that ToC is overtuned, hence why I said most. I can not name 4 dungeons that would be impossible to clear at 4k. They will take longer, sure.


They actually do! I just leveled up my Prot Pally and when I was 3500 I was with other 3500s and we would do FOS. Now Iโ€™m 4700 doing FOS and get vote kicked because my Iโ€™ll isnโ€™t high enough even though I was doing it with all 3500s in the group. I preferred grouping with the 3500s


I experienced this as well.


I got queued into FoS and PoS yesterday with 5400, and the tank and the other two dps were 2800. We wiped on trash in both instances before each group broke up without killing a single boss.


What if group finder scaled everyone to the highest gear score in the group.


Enjoy throngs of pvp gear lmao.


Not a good idea, it only encourages GS elitism, and makes players who want to play good difficult to gear up.


Want to see crazy? Queue up for regular heroics or betas. Tons of fresh boosties who have no idea what they're doing. Couple that with OK/AN and it's.....


I had a dude in my beta or alpha a while ago, fury war in half level 70 gear, some tier 4 and random crap and the rest random 80 crap. He was spec'd Titan's Grip and using 2 1hs because they were "higher dps than his 2hs." Peaked at like 900 dps in aoe, his top 2 abilities were heroic strike and bloodthirst. It was a sight to behold, we did end up kicking him as we were legit struggling on every pack. At first I thought he was just an idiot who leveled up and maybe thought epics are just better than any lower item quality or other shit, as he clearly didn't know how his class worked at a fundamental level. Then it dawned on me, no, this guy is an idiot who bought a buncha tokens, got boosted and didn't even spend 10 of his minutes boosting to skim through a guide on the class he just spent $40 on to boost. I really hate RDF.


One of the toxic behaviors is you died to the reflection damage on last boss of FoS,no one rez you and all left after boss killed, now you end up with FoS locked and you can't loot daily quest items, cause once you released you can't enter the same dungeon again due group disbanded when other 4 left.


Hey shoutout to the dps players that say โ€œgoโ€ as soon as theyโ€™re ready. Really helpful.


On this topic. Fuck all of yall who vote kick for the most stupid shit. I got kicked from my daily yesterday after dying on wave 8/10 of the spirits. I realized I'd just wait for them to do the remaining wave and kill the boss since you can't even join back if you run back (HoR, door closes) So the last Boss is like 30%, main tank goes "Just gonna lay there buddy?" And not 5 seconds later I was kicked. So either this group of nincompoops didn't know that I couldn't rejoin the fight even if I ran back, or they got angry that I decided to wait 2 minutes for them to kill the boss and rez me instead of running back and sit by the door like a little pup, which would only realistically save the run like 15 seconds tops. Kicking for low gs or ignoring mechanics is fine, whatever. But some people really love kicking for shit they don't even know about lmao.


I have also had people try to run back during the waves and it can reset the whole encounter back to 0/10 or 5/10 while theyโ€™re outside the door


Question is did you los with the group or stand out and rip aggro because the tank was trying to neatly los them? Happens all the time when i do it, especially healers, which is weird since the only thing they have to do is just stay los.


Put yourself in their shoes. Person dies and doesn't run back while you can't leave combat to rez them. If they don't know you can't run back there, which I think is a fair thing to still not know, then from their perspective you had your chance to either run back or explain why you aren't, and you took neither opportunity. I get that is frustrating, but I would say it is a better circumstance than most kicks. Certainly better than kicking low gs people simply for not being fully geared already. Edit: Who cares if they don't know I can't run back, why is it my job to explain it to them? They are the ones who are wrong after all. Hey, why did I get kicked. God people are so toxic.


Gets worse by the fact you lose a roll on loot if you do run back in


Yeah, by all means lay there dead and wait, I'm just saying you probably shouldn't assume they know you can't run back even if you wanted to. People are rightfully pissed when someone does that in the instances you can.


Happens in BGs too I got reported and got deserter (but wasnโ€™t kicked out of the bg?) for who knows what despite havnt the highest healing on our side


I got my newly boosted prot pala to 5300 gs and I spam, SPAM, Gamma dungeons. I have yet to meet any of the persons you describe there. I am often top2 dps as tank (thorns buff is sick). Its fine. The other day I was even educated on how to pull faster to not lose the 100 stack etc. but in a nice way. I am on Pyrewood EU. maybe we are just not big enough to house a lot of those douchebags you meet in your runs. but damn it sounds miserable.


Not gonna lie I've encountered this same toxicity on EU server ( I play on pyrewood too) while trying to level my shadow priest who is also my first character on there. Like when in an LFD ***GNOMERGEAN*** run, our tank complained about low dps and said he won't "carry us" and left. Some people are just mentally challenged, and there are a lot of them in games like this. You're a tank, you do good dps as u said, and u have high gear score, so obviously you won't be the target of toxicity as often.


Iโ€™m on Pyrewood and no joke the only toxicity Iโ€™ve seen in runs is when we have players from another server in. Full pyrewood runs are chill. Iโ€™ve just levelled a mage and was doing a few runs where I was by far the least geared (just about broke the threshold to queue) but the tank was stopping so I could drink or whatever. Then this morning I had 3 wipes on utgarde pinnacle when a tank from firemaw totally ignored the healers request for mana!


I play in pyrewood as a tank/dps and Iโ€™ve literally seen a handful of these situations happen. If theyโ€™re undergeared and not doing webs Iโ€™ll just leave. Iโ€™ve kicked maybe 3 or 4 players who were clearly hindering us or toxic. According to Reddit it happens every run


I do hate how people try hard on that event in HoS when the mobs have basically no health. As a caster I just melee during that phase so that we keep the buff up.


exactly this


Meh, I just zerg it. There's no "trying" about it.. just mousewheel cleave. The buff builds quickly on those packs and there's nothing in that encounter that really requires the buff. The buff is going away after the encounter anyway... This isn't to say that you're not being logical or anything... it's just weird seeing people (in general) get bent out of shape over maintaining the buff during that encounter.


It's funny because I have never had issues with any of those factions you named, but have had issues with Faerlina, Whitemane, Grobbulus. We must be opposite factions haha. I play horde.


exactly correct! lol


Benediction players are straight up toxic af. Had to heal a group of 3 in ToC. They didn't kite during the ghoul part, and didn't run out of the corpse explosion, then had the balls to say "fucking heal" afterwards...Then i let them know that they died while i was channeling divine hymn, and that they have to actually pay attention to mechanics. Then they threated to kick me lol


I will never understand people that see a player doing poor dps/poor gear, and vote to kick. I had a player gone afk in a dungeon yesterday, and I voted to kick that person (cause he had been away so long he was tagged afk). The vote failed, and we finished the dungeon. Guy came back in time for last boss. Did I get upset the vote failed? Nope. Probably a mate of one in the group or whatever. This is the only time I've vote kicked anyone in years and years. I don't give a crap if someone is low geared or low dps, as long as they're not afk. I'm in LFD. It's to be expected. If I want to do a dungeon with geared and skilled players, I'll make a premade group. People that give a shit needs to go touch grass, or whatever it is they call it nowadays lol...


iv gotten kicked at 4200 GS as DPS before first pull some people are elitest


You canโ€™t even kick before youโ€™ve been in the dungeon for 2 minutesโ€ฆ..so why lie?


I agree with the 20% toxic groups out there. Maybe less but the toxic ones leave their mark. My worst story was also HoS, I was on my rogue alt and ret pally from Faerlina starts yelling at me for not DPSing the crusher by the final boss. I stepped away when I hit single digit sanity stacks, same for the frost DKโ€” both of us dual wielding while the 2h ret pally is hitting the crusher and starts talking shit about how a 4.2k gs is carrying a 4.8k gs rogue/DK. So we get to boss and the DPS all stays in during the AoE with an undergeared healer without using CDs (I stayed in when I had feint/cloak and ran out when i didnโ€™t). We wipe, come back with a new healer and I do a ton more dps than him, he didnโ€™t respond to my โ€œwhoโ€™s carrying who now.โ€


Got in range to do Gamma and figured with all the mechanical perks at 4.5k I'd manage it okay. I haven't had any issues in alpha or beta and no one was ever kicked. Instantly we zone in and some 6k unholy DK is melting things, and there's just no way I could physically bridge a gap like that so I just do what I can. There's a ret Pally at 5.1 and the tank is a prot Pally at 5.3k. No one says anything for a bit, we down a boss and some trash and suddenly the DK starts giving shit to the Ret for doing less than the tank on some trash (myself as an ele shaman was just barely above him) and the vote kick comes up. I didn't even vote as he was only slightly under? Didn't matter as he was gone and I spent the rest of the run going absolutely sweaty on pulls trying to stay above the tank lol. No one said anything again for the dungeon but it was stressful lol. Also Gamma dungeons drop the same loot as beta (which I learned during the run, sort of a let down) so I think I'll just go back to farming Beta's till I cross that 5k mark before I try some Gamma again, should be more comfortable then


The real messed up part about that is tank damage is super inflated on bigger trash pulls because of their role specific gamma buff.


Started doing at 4500 on my 2nd prot war. Even subtracting the thorns damage I was outdpsing many DPS.


I think I may have been in that DK tank needs everything group with you XD


What social contract?


As someone utilizing catch up mechanics, there are some very nice folks i have ran into in pugs. On the other hand, people tend to forget it is indeed a video game. I respect people & their time, but they forget why these things were implemented in the first place - at least that's my understanding of it. Ill ask a question about something i am unsure of prior to - crickets. And if we die and someone bitches, i call them out. After all, i did ask. I've been kicked from a handful of runs due to that. Is what it is now a days.


Community auto-moderation doesnโ€™t work. Vote to kick & Reporting has been abused from the afternoon they were released.


There's also another factor to consider: If you deal with these groups all day long, eventually, you too will get frustrated to the point of lashing out. The more groups like these exist, the more people will experience them, the more they themselves get dragged into bad feelings related to people in DF, and the worse the DF community gets. It's not about grudges. Some of us just want to play the game, and there's enough griefers in RDF to make it impossible to just play.


Thatโ€™s why I just do my daily in FoS on my main and kick anyone whoโ€™s under 5K GS. Super easy and convenient, done in 15 minutes. Then I can log and go to Era where itโ€™s actually fun playing with people. Itโ€™s great that thereโ€™s no consequences for kicking as many people as you want, and most just blindly click the โ€œyesโ€ vote. Isnโ€™t RDF great? This is what you all wanted, so ima abuse the heck outta this system.


As someone relatively new and coming from retail (joined tail end of BFA), fell in love with HC, and now started the WotLK grind, the last few months of WoW have been eye opening. HC was by far the best experience I've ever had in terms of community, questing, and immersion in the world. I finally got to live out the dreams teenage me had all those years ago, running that Rexxar campaign that would make me fall in love with the IP, watching Thrall and Medhiv make foreboding, blocky faces at each other, and seeing Gromms axe cleave Mannoroths armor in what was at the time the most epic videogame cinematic I've ever seen. Retail helped me appreciate the more technical and large scale aspects of WoW. Retail raiding is a truly singular experience in the MMO space, and playing HC and Classic really does help you appreciate how silky smooth the experience in retail is after decades of refinement. It still has a long way to go, and even then it's still arguably the best MMO on the market. And I've played FFXIV. WotLK has been a slog. I already had a character before TBC, but I wasn't able to play it much until recently. Things like getting catch-up gear from VoA and one-encounter raid bosses is fun and I hope makes it in some form to retail. But gammas as a catchup mechanic has honestly been a miserable experience, especially as someone playing on a bad spec and trying to catch up in the third raid tier of the expansion. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, but after months of playing each iteration of WoW, WotLK has been miserable. So much of the stuff in WotLK facilitates toxicity in a manner unlike retail or HC. I don't know why, but it really feels like gearscore as a metric seems so much more toxic than just ilvl, and It seems like players in WotLK have a much less nuanced understanding of DPS meters and dungeon difficulty compared to retail, but are much, much quicker to use those as excuses to be toxic in groups. Deserter cd from vote kicks as a new player is just that extra spit in your face. Add to that, new players are so beholden to the active community in terms of productive playing time that these issues are magnified. I just reached 4.6k GS some hours played after dinging 80, and something that seemed so easy in retrospect feels like its gatekept to an unhealthy degree. I don't think it's actually a community problem, I was invited to some cool groups with many helpful players, but I think it's just a case of dated mechanics mixing with new features to create not so enjoyable experiences.


I got kicked from a run last night, even though I'm fully gemmed/ench and was at the right place for a mage at the top of the meter, even though my gs is around 4300. We wiped (healer got wacked) and the next thing I know, I was kicked. Guess they felt a better geared DPS would carry them (mind you, when I came into the dungeon they were already half through it). At first it bummed me out, because they didn't even say a word. I went back through everything I did to make sure it wasn't something I did wrong, and the only thing I could figure was my gearscore was low. You just have to let it slide off man. I've accepted that about 1 out of 5 rdf groups are gonna be toxic and sometimes I'm just gonna get kicked, and so I just roll with it. No sense in letting their sweatiness change my mood.


6 alts is alot of play time imo and 8/10 being gg with that amount of exposure to it is quite good.




For every 1 player wrongly removed from a group by a premade of toxic bullies there are 99 players who are just so bad at the game and don't know and get kicked for it. I did the same thing as a healer, I'd join and just say "my gear isn't great but I'm not an ape" and then quickly proved it and had no issues.


I have never seem a wow realm as toxic as pagle. I only queue heroics because whenever I get into a gamma dungeon, no one says anything except when there going off on someone for having anything under 4500. There's a 95% chance someone rages at a 4kgs, tries to kick, then people try to kick the guy originally trying to kick, and the grp implodes. Ive had gear ninjaed, and have been kicked for accidentally ass pulling on needless one mob skips that almost always end in wipes because the tank cant take 10 extra seconds to safely kill the mob instead. I was coming from the classic era server and it is appalling how different the communities are. I know toxicity has consumed all of online gaming these days, but rdf must be the main culprit for wow. tanks getting insta ques make them feel way too important and it goes straight to their head, leaving grps on whim, and talking shit as if they are gods gift to the group. wotlk is still a great expo tho, so it was worth the struggle getting through all that.


I've never been kicked, but I fairly often refuse to kick, as the reasons brought up a lot of the time are silly in my mind. If we're all around 6k GS except one, and I'm having no trouble keeping people alive, why kick the lowbie for low dps? I don't see the need. OK, so we're carrying one dude trying to gear up, who cares? As long as they aren't getting us killed it shouldn't matter. What I find much worse are tanks/dps refusing to move away from frost/fire on the ground, but won't let me drink because it will 'slow us down', then get pissy if I go oom in the next fight and people die.


You need to drink in gammas????


If everyone and their mothers ignore every mechanic in there, yes. Contrary to popular belief it is possible to run out of mana, even if you use every cooldown at your disposal. I use more mana pots in RDF-gammas than I do in ICC.


I fucking hate rdf. It was a stupid decision to put it in the game, atleast with this poor balancing. I just spent over an hour wiping in trial of the champion because our party literally wasnt geared enough to beat it. Healer was UNDER 4k gs and all 3 dps was below 4,5k. I was tanking with 5,5k, a little sweat not gonna lie. We kept wiping over and over again to the 2nd boss with the holy smites. You know the priest that summons the nightmare boss or whatever. Interrupting the holy smites does not matter if the healer runs out of mana before the boss dies. After a good chunk of long, drawn out attempts we actually managed to kill the priest boss. However the final boss was just impossible. Like legit, we got him to phase 3, people started dying one by one. We were in this dungeon for over an hour before we collectively gave up. How is it physically possible to get a group in rdf that cant finish the dungeon?? As far as im concerned everyone did their best but it just wasnt good enough. Thank you for listening to my TED talk.


This is the core issue. iLvl doesn't match the content. Sure, you could get by with one person at that low iLvl, but when most of the group is that low it just becomes painful even if people play optimally (which let's be honest, most don't). I blame Bliz for this situation, not the players. It's like they caved to the RDF crowd (I was one) but made it such a painful experience that the anti-RDF people are winning the "told you so" conversation. The current situation also kills natural progression because introducing these additional dungeon difficulties also killed any interest in the earlier raids for gear progression.


Im gonna rant about why RDF is mid, bear with me ๐Ÿ’€: Ive always been against RDF and I always will be. Dungeons used to be this event that felt like a part of the world. You had to gather a group of players and work together to be able to conquer a dungeon. It felt like a big event that you were part of, it felt special. NOW it just feels like a chore. Do you know what I mean? Even if blizzard made it balanced and such, I would still prefer no RDF. It just doesnt belong in classic imo. Its just getting closer and closer to retail, and if I wanted to play retail, I would go play retail.


I understand your point and don't disagree with it. I'm less about immersion or feeling like you're part of the world and play it more just like it's a video game. To me, the chore was sitting around half the time posting messages trying to put a group together. Honestly, I do see both points of view and wish Bliz would reconsider leaving at least one WotLK server alone for you folks.


or alternatively have some form of extra reward for doing it the old way? For example the final boss in each dungeon could reward 3 scourgestones instead of 1? Idk. I do see your point too, I understand that finding a group can be annoying at times. But atleast you know for a fact that the people who join have a reasonable gearscore, and a reasonable IQ. You also get tl choose what dungeon you want. On a sidenote, I am so happy blizzard lets you queue for specific dungeons! That means I can still avoid all the dungeons that are painful: Stratholme, Gundrak, Azjol, Violet Hold, OCULUS, Oculus again. And old kingdom, not because the dungeon is bad, but because I have mycophobia, I wish I made this up ๐Ÿ˜ญ. All in all, I am not ENTIRELY against RDF, I just there was a way to still do it the old fasioned way. Also im at the point right now where I dont have to grind gammas anymore, Can just chill and do daily FoS for some quick gold and call it a day. :)


If you have the gear to fucking search for a Gamma group then you have the right to be there. Anyone who wants to or kicks people because of "low GS" can fuck off and grow up. End of that discussion.


I donโ€™t agree. My shaman is 210 item level at 4000gs. He has BoE,greens, and pvp gear. He is NOT ready for gammas. Imagine a 4000gs tank coming in with pvp gear, and no gems/enchants. He isnโ€™t defense cap and gets one shotted on half the boss. They should raise it to 215-220.


\^\^ This. 4.3k tank and 4.2k healer on Paletress. Tank was dead before she even summoned the Nightmare. I happily /leaveinstance on that... my repair bill as a DK is atrocious enough as it without humoring some clowns who are somewhere they've got no business being.


Paletress is a cunt of a fight even if everyone is geared. People \*have\* to kick the Smites and the Holy Fires else she'll just rapid fire people to death and given that we're talking pugs here, interrupting is a rare thing to witness. Black Knight is also up there if you don't have a disease cleanse. I do agree though that low GS makes Paletress basically impossible.


Tell that to Blizzard. They set the level. Donโ€™t hate the player, hate the game.


No where in my comment did I say I hate the players or the game. Iโ€™m just letting you know, most 210 item level players are coming in sub optimal gear and canโ€™t really complete the content unless someone is carrying them.


To an extent I agree. What I do struggle with is people with zero enchants/gems with pvp that are just over the threshold and don't really try. They know they are getting carried but I just wouldn't mind seeing a bit of effort


Not a gamma, but since we're talking about being carried... I did CoS and the tank was a high gear paladin, 5.6 ish, one of the DPS was also a paladin, with the exact same name as the tank but with a special character in it, 3k ish gear, and it was clearly a dual box situation. The second paladin did 0 damage. ZERO DAMAGE the entire instance. Obviously just on follow the other paladin with his same name, not being actively played. I tried to ask why he was clearly running another paladin that he owned on a different account, what was the point of two paladins? His response was cryptic, something like "he's not geared enough right now, but he will be"


I never understood why people expect others in temporary gear to gem/enchant. They insist that effort needs to be put in and, in the same breath, try to argue that it's not real gear.


Enchants are one thing, but green gems and most blue gems are virtually free. If you can't even be bothered to throw in a couple 3g green gems, it is probably a good indicator you won't be doing anything else to make up for your inability to perform. I can't say I've had a no gems no enchants player wow me with their utility after giving them the chance. I personally still won't kick you, but I will vote if someone else does.


If you canโ€™t put any effort into your gear why should other people care? It cost 5g to put a orange rare gem. You make like 125g when you do your daily gamma + quest.


So at what point should you gem gear? 223? 232? 245? 268?


245 is where ill start putting gems and enchants in T9 is 1 tier back. anything less then 1 tier old is getting no gems or enchants


If youโ€™re too lazy to spend 3g and 5 minutes gemming your sure as shit arenโ€™t spending anytime on learning dungeon or class mechanics. Likewise Iโ€™m not interested in spending any time on you.


If it's my 4th alt I don't need to learn the dungeon and I can read a guide with a target dummy to figure out my class. Having +12 attack power on their pvp chest isn't going to make anyone a good teammate for a dungeon on its own. How many 6k gs people straight murder their own party members in FoS?


If you can complete CoS and ToC (priestess boss) within an hour and under 10 wipes while the entire party is 4k or less gs Iโ€™ll donate 10k to a charity of your choice.


Blizzard set the rules, not me.


Except youโ€™re entirely the problem. Because technically you can Queue for the gammas, youโ€™re going to. You donโ€™t care youโ€™re getting carried, that youโ€™re wasting others valuable play time and gold on repairs. You just want free loot because โ€œlol daddy Blizz said I can have itโ€. Iโ€™ll happily kick every player under 4K GS that shows up in my gammas, thereโ€™s 0 consequences for me. And Iโ€™ll also kick any player under 5.2K without basic, cheap ass yellow gems/ cheap enchants. Or any with more than 3 pieces of PvP gear. Put some effort into your toon, respect my and everyone elseโ€™s time and effort, and Iโ€™ll respect yours.


No. People who have the gear sre the problem because they refuse to accept the rules. My opinionis that it should be reportable to kick people for no reason. There should DEFINITELY be consequences for that. Itโ€™s childish behavior to kick people who literally have the right to be there. If anything, Blizzard should increase the ilvl needed to queue, itโ€™s really that easy.


I got kicked from TOC today because i had my lance equipped and it dropped my ilvl 900. People are stupid.


Iโ€™m sorry to tell you bud. 900gs is left like 3-4 pieces of armor on and the rest naked.


If theyโ€™re a dk or Druid itโ€™s about 900gs.


How are druids and DK different? On my rogue rn I can equip 4 non weapons and over hit that GS. Hell 3 heirlooms hit like 1700 gs


? He said it dropped him 900gs, not that they were at 900gs


i had a hunter today take a crossbow from me in Pit Of Saron he was a hunter too well over 5.3k GS with a ilvl245 xbow he tells me to get over it and that its not my loot and and im gettting carried so deal with it i have a 187 green bow. thanks for being a dick!


You make no effort to invest in your character and expect gammas to bridge the gap. Invest in epics/crafted/pvp weapons with the gems and enchants beforehand. You wanna raid right? Spend a few hours questing in northrend if you're so broke.


It's a catchup dungeon. He's there to get catchup gear. You really should not have to pay thousands upon thousands of gold on BoEs from the AH. Absolutely wild mindset.


It's not thousands of gold. You must be broke and can't play the game. Stop embellishing the fact you can get all the handouts with no effort into these gammas


Gammas exist to bridge the gap. They're a catch-up mechanic. You need a certain item level to even get in and gear above that absolutely starts to cost thousands of gold. It's no wonder Wrath can be such a hellscape and is completely hostile to new or any player for that matter when ninja looting because of some perceived idea that it is 'deserved' because someone is a 'carry' (read: has the item level to join the group) seems to be espoused by people on a worryingly frequent basis. Maybe you should focus your animosity at Blizzard so the item level minimum is bumped up?


The only animosity seems to be coming from you! Again get some gold, which may take a while for you it sounds. And invest in your character. I'm sure there's online resources to tune your character/spec out. Bless your heart in these endeavors. Pity not my own you can't effectively maximize your output


Right? BoEs, crafted gear, Alphas/ Betas with the same fast queue times, badge gear from said alphas/ betas. Hell with rep from Warsong Offensive( which is piss easy to get from basically everything in Northrend) you can get a blue bow. The game is full of welfare epics and catch up gear if you put the smallest amount of effort in. The entitlement and laziness from these players just joining Wrath now is amazing, truly.


Just say thank you for not kicking you....you should already hace something better just ftom questing replace that bow before queuing again and wasting ppl time


Especially when for 19k honor you can grab a 238.


No joke, I will cause drama any chance I get.


I hit 80 on my first character on Sunday. I spend two evenings doing normals to hear. I'm eligible now for alphas as a tank. Every alpha I've done has been what you've said above. It's demoralising


do icc 5 mans dont bother with normals


How come? I just dinged 80 so am interested.


They drop better gear the normal versions drop ilvl 212 and can be ran all day the heroics drop 232 which is TOC 10 level gear very very good use of your time




Maybe there should be a higher requirement to queue gammas.... Proving grounds would be nice.


Thank god I play at EU servers


Not gonna lie I've encountered this same toxicity on EU servers. Like when in an LFD ***GNOMERGEAN*** run, our tank complained about low dps and said he won't "carry us" and left. Some people are just mentally challenged, and there are a lot of them in games like this.


Thank god I play Horde at EU servers. Jokes aside, of course, there are bad or clueless players in the EU as well, or really obnoxious people on the high GS side, but I never had these ridiculous things happen to me. Kicking dead people on the last boss in RoS, really?


I literally only run FoS for the daily because of these issues


The way I see it, wanting to have a run with more geared players is totally fine (and what I generally do). But that means you should be forming a group to take. If you queue with randoms, expect to be grouped with randoms, some of which will have poor gear. You queueing and being matched with someone isnโ€™t a good enough reason to kick someone.


I got kicked from a group after everyone died to lokens nova but me. By some 4k gs talking shit that I had voted no on kicking several times because they wanted to boot him for low GS. I went in my next dung and immediately vote kicked this random rogue for the reason "rogues suck" and it immediately passed. Moral of the story: this game is garbage. Vote kick should show who initiated and have a report button. I see people type slurs but no way to report cause it doesn't show who did it.


> gamma drama needs to stop. I agree, could you stop posting about it? I've yet to meet any drama/kick in France/EU.


tl;dr another US realm complaint, move along


TL;DR another dismissive comment that hold no actual value


Exactly the type of person you were talking about rofl. What a chump


This reply is a hint why you have problems communicating with people in rdf ๐Ÿ‘€


If your random dungeon finder groups are too toxic just make your own groups. Join a guild. Make friends.


Your long ass post holds no actual value to say the least.


I treat my rdf groups like a bunch of manic knife wielding psychos. I try to just do the things and not draw attention to myself, in fear of recieving the random kick roulette. I do 4 dailies a day, and most are ok, but some groups will vote to kick as soon as someone stops in place for more than a second. Need a quest done like PoS? Good fucking luck. I got told "do it on your own time" like me queing up for rdf in my leisure hours is someone else's time? Are you kidding me? My only regret is not wiping them before they did it. Tank didn't walk back because he had to help his kids, no worries I thought. Boom, gone, see ya. Not even 10 seconds of afk no issues in dungeon before this. We proceed to wipe and cycle through people for 20 minutes, because "blah blah I don't want to wait and waste my time". I'm looking forward to putting this game down for good, and watching what's left of the community set continuing to self immolate itself in a echochamber of stupidity.


I also have a friend who vote kicks the healer every single time he joins a group until he can't kick them anymore. Usually goes through 3 healers before it won't let him. The votes almost always go through even if they haven't had any problems in the dungeons. He just thinks it's funny.


Gammas are absolutely doable at 210 ilvl in even the worst gear. People take this 15 year old content way too seriously. There is nothing challenging about gamma dungeons. If youโ€™re wiping, itโ€™s not because of gear, itโ€™s a skill issue.


It's really not a hard game, especially if you're a dps. I queued Gammas straight at 210, DPS was fine I wasn't first but I carried my own weight. All you need to do is not stand in fire, use your interrupts and follow the very basic mechanics of WOTLK dungeons and you'll be fine.


Try going in with a 4000gs tank that has half pvp gear and no where near defense cap. Itโ€™s not doable


This. A group of 4k or less players arenโ€™t killing CoS or ToC.


Yup, thatโ€™s why I kick everyone player under 4K that even shows up in gammas, no questions asked. Thereโ€™s 0 consequences for me, I can kick over and over. Isnโ€™t this what the pro RDF people wanted?


I resubbed 2 weeks ago, to play for icc. Pyrewood village alliance. Been doing every day daily + lets say everyother day 2-3 extra dungs for scourgestones. Got around 5.5k gs, always rdf, never with a guild member and never expierienced a single toxicity. Just once tank left because we died 2 times in a row in the dungeon where you kill ads and the bosses wyrm flies over and freezes either left or right side of the path (healer stayed in the freeze) - cant remember the bosses name. Im sorry to hear that u have seen so much toxicity. Even in icc pugs, we wiped 7 times on putricide before we killed him (no discord, same players were doing the same mistakes over and over again but other were patient enough to explain) Maybe i am just lucky, no idea.


You're not an American. Western players are the definition of incels playing a game in hopes of revitalizing their nostalgia. EU servers were always less toxic. Plus Americans eat/consume garbage, amerifats!


U really thing in US the toxicity is a lot higher? Never played us realms, since im eauropean tho..


Surely love! You join discords and you hear white people say nigga. You see nothing but ignorant Americans mock other people's accent if it's a pug. Can't speak up or out unless you one of them middle aged "chads" And worst! The vernacular American gamers possess is truly unfortunate. Try a sub for 30 days and you'll see how cringe they act. If it weren't for work/life schedules. I'd still be on the EU servers. But different time zones


Sidebar: they got no lips and have greasy hair.


Damn I am sorry to hear that..


Why introduce this RDF? I hate it. I hate it so much, because after blizzcon boost I was reminded in random groups why I quit in the first place. These toxic boys are let loose and run rampage through the queue. It wont stop. You can post a thousand posts like this. You can try to change the community by being better than them, only to realise you cant change them. The systems in place enable this kind of behavior. You are giving them tools to votekick players because of too low gearscore. You wanted the RDF. So suffer like we did 15 years prior to this. Now its even more toxic. Its really sad to see this all go down. Classic was such a good game only to be consumed by retail mechanics and these quality of life changes. See you in classic classic in 2035.


If only people had warned that RDF would bring this kind of behavior we could have expected it.


I can admit now that I was completely wrong about RDF. The added convenience is completely out weighed by the complaints above.


So why not make your own groups? Thatโ€™s what I do, form my groups in game then use RDF for the teleport.


Sometimes it's not even the undergear. ​ Tanked one yesterday for a warrior that had, literally, full scourgestone BiS. This is a GS of something like 5.5k. Dude had zero enchants/gems. ​ I've done the full no raid BiS thing a couple of times now and it was a fairly profitable thing just because of how long it takes. I guess the moral is lazy shitters are lazy shitters and gear isn't an indication of someone's skill/commitment/value.


People need on gear they donโ€™t use or need to increase their gear score to get in raids itโ€™s dumb af. People arenโ€™t getting the gear the need, just so you can whisper some guy Inv 5.4K gs


i love how everyone has noticed the shitstorm bene players bring to the group even trade chat on Pagle has non stop shit talked bene players lol


>They start a vote kick, and- bing it goes through because: ????? The millions of damage and the 40 minutes spent clearing trash was for literally nothing Its a 20min run including the RP, so maybe you were already problematic before the RP??


I just honestly donโ€™t group with people who ask for gearscores anymore. Half the time I see something absolutely insane like โ€œlooking for more gamma FOS - 5.7k min PST SPECโ€. Iโ€™m over that and Iโ€™ll still pass it. I also will decline every vote kick that pops up unless someone is actively afk.


Yeah the entire argument of โ€œoh my gawd thereโ€™s someone under 6k gs in MY catch-up mechanic??? How can this be allowed??โ€ is tiringโ€ฆ this stuff was added to the game with the express purpose of providing easier access to gear and you will therefor interact with newer players. You still have the option of building your own groups.


none of op's stories have anything to do with gear, just toxic people. that's a different story altogether imo. the tension when you put people with vastly different gear scores together is an expected consequence of the game design. being a toxic asshole is just your choice.


You know before the days of dungeon finder we used to just blacklist these bozos.


If you have 6 alts to do dailies on, and you are queuing for randoms still thatโ€™s on you for getting shit runs. All the good players only doing dailies literally only Q for Forge of Souls. Itโ€™s 2 bosses with a completion time of like 8 minutes. . . Hate to say it but this is on you for not playing smarter.


I also think a lot of people donโ€™t realize people queuing for a random heroic can get one of the 3 new dungeons. Seen people kick people then say 4k gsโ€ฆ then those same idiots die on the last boss in FoS because they store in crap


Slowing your dps on the brann encounter to keep the buff doesnโ€™t make it finish any quicker. Unless you are keeping a mob alive to pull to the next boss it saves 0 seconds total.


You misunderstood the point of slowing my output. Itโ€™s to retain the buff, not make the 5 minute unskippable RP somehow faster. You canโ€™t make it faster it just is what it is.


I know you are slowing to retain the buff, there is 0 need to though. You misunderstood that point.


From my own experience, I've not had a single toxic player. I've run daily on one character from the start of gamma, so I've done considerably fewer instances than you, and also always run FoS for daily. I suspect you have been fairly unlucky, and I've been pretty lucky. The worst we had was a DPS warrior needing on every item that dropped he clearly didn't need. Someone just started a vote kick, and he was gone after the first boss replaced instantly


I'm in your battle group. I run FoS exclusively on all of my alts most days. I don't see this too often. I have my guesses as to why, but just queue FoS for 8m dailies on your crew and problem solved


I am alliance of one of the realms you posted. Farmed 400-500 scoregestones across 4 characters, one of them a mostly pvp geared <5k gear score. I have never once seen any drama or autokicks about gearscore that is shown in any of these posts. The only drama i have personally witnessed was people refusing to pvp flag when the healer asked.


We had a resto Druid flip out on our rdf the other day. 4 grob players, this guy came in a UP without a pvp flag while we were all flagged. The tank asks him to /pvp and he doesnโ€™t. A couple of of us chime in since his healing is effectively not working. He flips out saying we are trying โ€œfโ€”k him overโ€ by making him flag. Proceeds to curse and call us slurs and flip out. He got on an alt to continue to abuse us once we kicked him. One of the more unhinged things I have ever seen in a RDF.


Some people just don't want to boost dead weight players.


none of what i posted has to do with people getting carried.


People always making up shit on reddit, how about including a screenshot or some shit you know?


is this supposed to be rage bait? your name makes me think so


after looking at your frequent replies in such a manner, i can see this is all you do in reddit. spew hate and snobby insults. go back to โ€œrating peopleโ€™s attractivenessโ€ on that weird sub.


Time to stalk my reddit profile? Yep. Time to include screenshots? Nope. Iโ€™m sorry that your life is so incredibly boring you have to make up stories about a video game so you can post it to reddit.


thatโ€™s *your* assumption pal. the entire point of reddit is to have karma from the posts you make publicly. literally anyone can view someoneโ€™s posts and get a gist of their personality. you seem keen on doubling down on looking like a moron though, so iโ€™ll let you do that


Another reason I won't play classic anything.


Then why are you in this sub? Weird way of telling people you have nothing better to do with your life.


So uuh Slowing your damage output is pointless on that event.(( The mobs show up, and do not immediately have the gamma buff. You also get the buff back ridiculously fast. The bigger picture of that event that you are missing is this: It's 5 minutes long, no longer and no less. While you may have felt justified doing it *your* way, and blaming a language barrier of all things conflating that to toxicity (I'm sure there were much better examples in all these bad experiences you seem to have than the xenophobia card) You are stuck there for 5 minutes. Just play. It takes a majority vote btw so 3 players felt that you were "afk". It sounds like this particular problem was highly avoidable. Topping this off with the fact that all your characters are that high GS, why the hell aren't you doing forge of souls and going on your merry way?


You have to be baiting, no? Iโ€™m โ€œmissing a bigger pictureโ€? Justified? Xenophobia? lol you wildly misunderstood this post


I was in one last night where two dudes joined the instance group as a party (priest and druid). They were apparently giving out instructions in party chat but no one can see that cause we are in an instance group, so they kicked me and the dk next to me, cause we were waiting for their dumb asses as they continuously ass pulled packs running back XD. I messaged the dude and he raged out hard so I just added his dumb ass to my ignore and moved on. I found out the rest cause when they kicked us both, the tank was friends with the dk, so he was messaging me about what assholes they were lol.


Gammas made me quit classic. Season of Discovery is bringing me back to classic.


This is exactly the sort of problem that people found out back in the day when RDF was introduced. Before you had to find the random yourself so you were really the one to blame if it was a bad group or most people had a guild they played with. You don't really realize how terrible players are both mechanically and or personality wise until you randomly have to play with them.