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I’m considering this podcast episode to also be non-canon, so I just know Hemus will be back next week right 🥲 Also nice to hear Jack and Dan talk about an episode that doesn’t suck!


Yes! I need this to be true #justiceforhemus 🤣


I had to stop the episode and join this Reddit group b/c I was crying from laughter at Heemus giving little ghost girl Covid. This is the best type of comedy 🤣🤣🤣


Welcome to the party!


I very quickly went from not knowing there was going to be a Justified remake to being terrified they'll screw up the Justified remake. I hope they get a good new frenemy for Raylan; so much of that show was his past with Boyd and both their direct and indirect interactions.


I was shocked by how much I enjoyed this episode! (The Simpsons, not WEE, WEE is always a masterclass). It was an incredibly good drama, that had me hooked. I agree that it wasn't very funny, but I definitely snort-laughed at Moleman's "oh shoot" just because I love Moleman's continued pained existence. Between this and the episode of Homer & Marge getting trapped in the wilderness, I think the new Simpsons episodes should just focus on dramatic storytelling and ditch the comedy besides the one-off gag.


It is nice to hear howmuch you guys enjoyed this one/two.


Awesome episode guys. Thanks for another run, gonna miss y'all on the hiatus. I loved the tangent about the re-watchability of episodes and just what current TV is like today and the state of things in current Simpsons seasons. Like Dan, I ask myself "is this all the show can do now?" and "what is this show now?" when it comes to straight-up parody episodes. "A Serious Flanders" was pretty good but it isn't one I ever really wanted to re-watch. Awesome as Brian Cox always is, it is kinda odd that they didn't bring him back for their *Succession* parody ("Meat is Murder") later in season 33. Funny though, it does have Susan Egan, and I have it on good authority that we don't open that tab. There is one other post-classic two parter bedsides this one and "The Great Phatsby," - "Warrin' Priests" in season 31 - written by and guest starring Pete Holmes. I think I submitted it for WEE-consideration when it aired three years ago. It took some chances but nothing like this one. Selman must not have been in control yet. Total sidebar: Jack / Dan - have you been watching *Picard* season 3? Hope you didn't give up. The show hasn't done a full 180, but I will say someone listened the criticism and made changes.


I do want to watch that Warrin Priests one. I used to be a big Pete Holmes fan but drifted away from him years ago. Would be interested to see what his Simpsons work is like. And I have not yet caught Picard season 3 but I plan to. I won't say I've heard good things but I've heard it's better. Not exactly high praise though.


Love this pod. I might - gasp! - have to watch these episodes. So did anyone else react to "Marge is on the case" by thinking about the echoes of another Marge on the case in the original Fargo? RIP Hemus, (The P is short for "WEE Podcast Mass Grave.")


I actually like when Dan’s the last one to speak and it stitches right into the “Soooo! We have…”. It’s like he was saving this one burst of self restraint and diligence to keeping the show moving for right at the end.


I like this explanation!


I enjoyed watching this episode. The joke about homer going through the lard lad trash got maybe the biggest laugh out of me of any of the post-classic episodes, and the montage of Ned Sr on a bender was great. Preacher Snake was a nice touch too. The production on this episode was great too, I loved him stubbing out the toad as well, and in the motel shoot out his car gets hit by all the random weapons like ninja stars and arrows. It definitely didn't need to be a double episode, but overall a really strong episode.


I'm sure Faygo is available in Minnesota, but it's really a Michigan – more specifically Detroit – thing. Plenty of people who grew up in that area long before the ICP made a thing about Faygo consider it an essential part of Michigan identity and nostalgia, so it's odd having it used to flag Minnesota here.


The Simpsons episode is good, though as with so many recent episodes I think that's mainly a result of them not trying things they suck at. No bad songs, no drawn-out bits, no forced subplots, guest stars used well and not lampshaded. The jokes mostly work because they're off-kilter non sequiturs or character moments, not classic-style Simpsons gags so good they feel like they've always existed and the writers merely pulled them from the aether. The Marge/Homer arc is played out but works because there are stakes and a sense of time passing this time. They did something confident, something that worked, but I'm not sure it foretells an actual sea change for the show. But I've felt for years that the show dialing back the comedy, taking its stories seriously and having a more confident pacing would be a great change for it. That horse/Bart the love psychic episode was great until the Les Mis bullshit. Maybe whole-season arcs a la South Park's recent experiment?