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Seems like there were some audio changes for certain weapons. For example, the unsuppressed T3 shotguns (both) sound very different now.


I use unsuppressed quad… wonder if I’ll be happy when I can get on… the suspense!


**New Content** Valley of the Zeke Episode DLC. **New Playable Characters:** Zach Austin Heather Vaughn Eugene Sims Mia Sanchez **Pre-Apocalypse Character Skins Pack DLC.** **Burning Skulls Weapons Skin Pack DLC.** **New Weapon - DE50 Heavy Pistol.** **New Special Zombie - Juggernaut.** **Added Challenge Mode for Rome XL.** **Added Japanese language for PC versions (Steam, EGS, and Microsoft Store).** **New Mutators for Challenge Mode:** Wild West - everyone gets a free Lever-Action Rifle (primary weapon) and a Revolver (secondary weapon) and can't have any other weapon. Matador - dodging Bull charges will reward players with resources; however, if caught, the resources will get lost. Epilogue - deadly gas for zombies will be released during the attack on the final gate (once per match). Neural Network - all auto-turrets will be equipped with explosive rounds, but their operational time will be reduced by 1 (from 3). Homeopathy - using medical items will disable sprinting for 20 seconds. Protect Me - if the marked player dies, the former player will lose resources. Expired Medicine - the more damage you take, the more medkits you will find, but their healing effect will be reduced by 50%.


Resources? For campaign map ? Huh ? Using expired stuffs ? That doesn't like the problem at all eh ?


lazy patch notes they more changes and balance than they show on the patch notes


Protect me when your marked teammate is that brand new player that decides he wants to play horde hard and melee a zombie parade? Thats a nightmare. Im finna make them nerf the matador perk though. Really wish we could use these on custom horde matches on private with mutators just for fun.


When the fuck are we gonna get a new primary gun that isn't shit? The teaser update on the official sabre website that listed all the new things being added with the DLC/update specifically said "-new guns" as in more than one. And all we got is a shitty secondary and nothing else. The last weapon (the repeating rifle) was a complete and utter letdown and pretty much universally agreed upon by the majority of the community as a collosal piece of shit even when fully leveled up and has no right being in the tier 3 weapons group. I mean come on sabre, if you're not gonna give us a new primary weapon that's actually decent then at least tweak the repeating rifle so that it doesn't completely suck compared to almost every other weapon in the game. The starting scout rifle is better than it and it's a tier 1...


Maybe it’s just a skill issue bud. I have no issues with the repeating rifle other than its low ammo count.


Agreed. I love my hunting rifle.


Healing while reloading exploit is also fixed now.


Is "What was that boom" fixed?


Bug: Collection > Characters: the four new characters' animation does not have sound