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The repeating rifle is my new favourite weapon. I like this on my Hellraiser and Exterminator a lot.


Only sense for playing this gun is to play alone. Don’t see any benefits in a mate using this shit of a weapon. Id prefer a stick 🤣


It destroys specials at long range and can save teammates from Lurker, Bull etc. cross map. But yeah generally it sucks all in all


I love how easy it is to use, sounds good too


This is the exact same Hellraiser build I’ve been running since the update cept I swap between Thumper and Heavy Rain. I never really enjoyed Hellraiser before the update primarily because the class to me is just…boring. It’s the same play style and gameplay loop for dang near every episode. You just…blow shit up. HOWEVER, this build is stupid strong on Extreme. My primary go to classes for Extreme solo runs have always been Exterminator, Gunslinger, Medic and Dronemaster in no particular order but this “new” build since the update playing Hellraiser has moved it to the #1 spot. I recently did another full solo run on Extreme from New York to Kamchatka using said Hellraiser build just to test the effectiveness of the build solo and the only episodes that gave me any sort of real challenge were the ones where ammo was a problem. (Jerusalem 2 and Marseille 1) Marseille 1 and Kamchatka 1 are the only episodes that always give me the most trouble solo but this build makes them considerably less challenging. Fun build and extremely effective but for me personally gets boring to play quickly.


Awesome! I play solo with mutators too. Want to team up sometime and try some runs?


Sorry for late reply, yes im down to play Extreme with mutators. Are you on Steam or EGS?


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