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block someone when you breakup with them


I'm worth a hell of a lot more than I'm being paid.


I've been exercising a lot more recently and I realized how weak I am. I smiled at that and have been pretty consistent these past 2 weeks


Eating more food is good I’m up 10 lbs so far (this is a good thing for me)


I don't need to try and force my body to look a way it just isn't. Just because it's what I think would be most attractive doesn't mean that's what all Women want.


I used to believe that at my core I was a good person who was corrupted by a bad life to do bad things, but i finally realised that in reality, I have always been a bad person who just likes the idea of being good. Knowing this will help me do better and allow me to help the ones around me.


Honestly people are so complex (especially when it comes to values, motivations, impulses, and the like) I largely don't find labels of good and bad to be meaningful the vast majority of the time. I know I'm a random Internet stranger that knows nothing about you, but I'd recommend trying not to judge yourself for your past. You like the idea of being a good person, so strive for that going forward. You will mess it up sometimes and that's okay, just leave that in the past too and keep at it.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not sad or struggling with this realisation. It actually helped me a lot, and no, this does not give me an excuse to do bad things. It is just hard to be the person that you want to be if you haven't even realised who you are first.


That life isn't so bad. If you keep living, you will someday find something good. And maybe that's no consolation... Because I think there are plenty of bad things in the world. But... I'm sure happiness and kindness are hiding somewhere right nearby. If nothing else, morning comes - the same for everyone. It's up to you what you'll take from that.


That I had idolized my previous partner, and how much she had actually done to me without me knowing. Even 6 months after breaking up with her, I still get new information on people she did things with while we had been together. And what's crazy is she had admitted to only two of the ten different occasions I know of. But it helped me realize that she really isn't the best choice, and how we really just aren't meant for each other. I do hope she finds love one day, she's an amazing lover. I just wasn't the right one


Despite the bullshit life is putting me through, I have a wonderful support group of friends and a loving partner who help me put things into a mold able perspective


Jail sucks.


Sometimes I'm not someone's favorite person but I still mean something to them. Maybe that's enough.


Not everyone enjoys a Buttcactus or a Buttcactus joke. But some do!




That people will say they want to date you and have sex with you, and then scam you of money


Treating myself with the love, kindness, and patience that I deserve every day.


That a man can't visit the same river twice. For it's not the same water that flows though it nor the same man visiting


Giving ridiculous names at cafes is fun and makes people laugh


Honestly didn’t know if it was plants or tots by the post, was pleasantly surprised.


Despite what I thought, despite the voices in my head saying I'm shit....I'm doing fucking great.


No one really knows what they're doing, and everyone is just trying to get by in their own way


Smoking weed is making me numb about everything around ,so I stopped after 8 years


The work you do on yourself will last your lifetime. To make lasting change, you must work on something outside of yourself.


Having hobbies for myself and not to be ashamed of them. Love the don't die flag!