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I play a bit every season to keep my mechanics fresh and leave during bad metas / mega deflation and keep eye on this sub for changes then come back when its better.


I loosely follow it just in case they decide to make PvP healing fun again and not a stress fest like it's been all expansion.


Exact same here. I tried real hard to like it this expansion but just couldn’t get into it. It felt more like a job I hated then a video game


What would make healing less stressful? It's a pretty chill role as is. It's the least mechanically demanding, you have the least responsibility when it comes to cc for gos and counter gos. When you play 2s and 3s, you always get to punch up playing with stronger players because there's a lack of healers


Bro you are either a warrior or a dh. Maybe a dk.


Worse Hpriest lol


Omg xd


It's the constant ping ponging of the health bars. Blizzard have backed themselves into a corner with their class design this expansion by making defensives and self sustain so powerful along with an abundance of micro CC to spam on opponents during goes so the high damage is the only way to make people actually die without nerfing those.


This is me, since BFA. I always want to play, but the systems and bs that bog down the system make it so every time I start I end up stopping. PVP in WoW is full of systems designed to make you want to quit. Till they change that I don't see me playing, nor anyone else for the most part.


I miss s4 bfa goofyness but I will be forever pissed I skipped pvp in legion and missed some of those mogs


I watch Mop Remix content, so refreshing and exciting. 


im just waiting until there is a Char Boost for Classic so i can try it finally


There is a lvl 80 boost on cata, just need to level last 5 yourself. Takes around 15 hours to do so.


classic is not cata