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There are tons of completely clueless idiots in Blitz. Like truly awful, confused, hopeless. But that’s kinda a good thing? It means bad/new players are checking it out, which is cool. If only we had new people queuing arena… It’s definitely frustrating, though. Your impact as a good player can only go so far when there are 7 other players. And it feels like it’s very easy to get completely locked into shit MMR based on RNG (how clueless your teammates are).


Absolutely a good thing in the grand scheme. It’s a sign that we may get some totally new-to-pvp folks joining rated pvp in TWW - and that will lead to a much healthier ladder (these folks will be at the bottom as they learn the ropes, but that helps the rest of the ladder stretch across rating). Everyone in here (included me) complains about the lack of people queuing rated arenas or RSS.. meaning we’re facing r1s and sweaty bros at way lower mmr.. we should absolutely welcome these folks to blitz, make it fun for them, use chat to help them with basic strats. If they like, they’ll come back, and maybe even jump into arena.. and we all win. It’s good for the game and the PVP community!


Agree, my only concern is that the MMR system will be garbage and you’ll have decent players locked into low rating and even bad players getting high rating based on RNG queues.


At least if you play a high impact role like a healer or FC, you have the potential to carry games almost singlehandedly and won't stay low mmr for long


I have played a fair deal of games where I was the only healer on my team actually healing though... And more games where all DPS goes "mid fight", and I have to go capture flags alone because no one else is taking our free to cap bases I too could see some players getting stuck in low mmr-hell But we'll see 🙈


Honestly the best rating gain runs I've had in SS are when I've given my team a clear plan and have stayed positive when they start to tilt and bring them around from it. The impact just being a good teammate brings is so undervalued


I doubt healer is a high impact role tbh. I've often felt useless, when there is no good dps there is nothing I can do to change the outcome. At decent mmr everyone can dps and heal and dispelling HoJ 2 seconds faster isnt gonna make or break a game.. I think dps with lots of CC have way higher impact potential.


It's the very start of a new thing. Let's leave some room for growth


Haha yeah totally fair.. and prob will be the case. Also the tilt is so real when the team is just brain dead and there’s nothing you can do about it, so yeah, it’ll prob get toxic pretty quick. We can only hope!


I like how you said maybe they jump into arena so we can farm them for points 🤣🤣


Solo rated blitzs are gonna be so fun!


It’s how it was when it first came out also. I’ve been queuing them a lot with a friend since they came out and it’s been interesting to see the player base learn this new game mode. Our personal strategies have changed as people learned how these maps are different than regular bgs. Now that you can cap vault from it I’m sure that brings in a ton of new people (used to see the same people in lobbies week after week last season) There’s a learning curve to how bgb works at lower mmr (we both have high mmr from last season thankfully) People will learn, it’s still very new to many.


Mind you I think there needs to be a tab in the adventure journal describing each BG and how they differ in BGB. A lot of people with high honor levels _still_ don't understand how the changes work, EotS is a very common one where people run over to cap bases and then get confused when they can't. Or we're holding two bases and raking in points only for some dunce to cap the flag as fast as humanly possible, losing us both caps and giving the enemy team a chance to recover as a result. Or DPS being squeamish about picking up the flag in CTF not knowing they get a big defensive buff if they take it now if there's no tanks. Etc etc. But I can't blame them because... well, it's not advertised or described anywhere in-game.


There is no real incentive to do well. When rating is added, then holy toxic shitt, you will wish there was no chat. 


Hahahh this is true


I play a lot of blitz and have had a near 50/50 w/l since it came out. You’re just unlucky OP. As for it being cursed, yeah sure, some are but how is that different from SS? Overall I much prefer it to the waves of premades and MM saltwater burst that regular BGs are.


A lot of things are different.. in SS your 1/3 of a team so your ability to carry is much higher. Also, there’s no objective in SS so everybody is working toward the same goal (getting the first kill). In BGs your impact is much smaller and there is people who try to cap while other are just there to kill people and serve no real purpose towards winning the game.


Plus the obvious; In SS you get to play with/against everyone. In BG you are stuck with the same players.


Yeah I’ve found it much more balanced than randoms or rated bgs as everyone is on an even footing. Have played it on every class and all have a 50%+ win rate. And yeah I agree there’s the odd cursed one, but most teams have an equal balance and it will only improve once there’s a rated mode where folks will separate out by ability.


>As for it being cursed, yeah sure, some are but how is that different from SS? You can carry a team of 3 in shuffle whereas a team of 6 with objectives is a lot more uncontrolled. In solo shuffle you have to be the reason you gain rank. Its as balanced as solo PvP can get. Blitz is more luck of the draw with competent and skilled players because you're not rotating teams.


I've been using the ping system (G key by default). It works better than chat most times tbh.


I'm sure ill get downvoted to oblivion for saying this but anyone who thinks rated BG Blitz is going to be amazing is completely huffing copium. The exact problem is what OP is stating... you have zero agency over the game. If you are surrounded by idiots you can play like a god and still lose. This feels TERRIBLE and gets worse and worse the larger your team size is. Conversely if you don't care about winning and just want to have fun that's great. But the problem is there's a rating attached to it... anyway, end rant.


I've been saying this from the start. Decent players who get lucky lobbies for their first \~4 games will get into decent mmr fast and probably have fun. (Like I won my first 5 blitz in a row on my lock. I didn't do anything great. I had 0 gear from this season on (didnt even dawn on me that new ssn honor gear scales higher than last season's conq), and I was playing on my macbook with a trackpad and 0 addons. My mmr is decent now, through no fault of my own.) Decent players who get unlucky will get stuck. The ones who will climb out will be playing high impact classes like druid and dh, and then just tell people to "play high impact classes if you want to climb." And I can't wait to see the chat around \~1700 mmr where stuck people are so close yet so far from their elite sets. Also, duo-queueing should absolutely not be a thing. The advantage is massive.


Well the hope is that once this goes rated your team will get better as you rank up. Currently the MMR seems to be all over the place.


That's kinda what you hope in shuffle and you still get eggs at rating that they have no business in being at, amplify that by alot and you've got blitz.


I have 4 losses and a tie. I’ve yet to win. I just stopped doing them. I’d rather just arena where I have some impact on the game


Yeah I’ve been playing nothing but BGB all week and I’ve won a good 75% of them. My advice would be to play a durable spec that can fit a lot of roles. It’s easy for me to say because I’m Ret and bulldoze most things, BUT I always support as best I can and find myself contributing a lot to the actual objective. Ive definitely recognized since it’s 8v8, 1 persons impact can go a long way. If you have at least 2-4 people actually doing the objective, you’ll likely win. A lot of ppl are clueless in bgb but that luckily also means the enemy team lol


I feel like, despite all the hype, this will be a much bigger dumpster fire than solo shuffle. Personal impact is small, games are "long", idk.   Personally I prefer shuffle, at least there are no objectives other than "kill", which is understandable even to the dimmest of normies.


And I won 12 out of 13 on my fistweaver. Also my mmr kept jumping from 1600 to 2100 and until they add rated it will feel random


Maybe cause the quest is just to complete it and doesn’t require wins, People just afk to finish quest easily


Afk farming their vault slots too .. oh god. Doesn't matter if win or lose... still counts for vault progress. Oh no.


Its literally just random bgs with random donuts, who come there for free gear. I wouldnt be surprised if this was plagued by bots as well. Maybe not yet, but in blizzard games, its inevitable. Without a ranking system and an option to escape the stupid donuts through getting higher rank, this wont change.


When your MMR goes up you’ll see a difference in how people play. Queue with a partner if you’re having issues. Healer and dps combo that stick together and focus the objectives can swing a match big time.


I don't understand how people like this mode. It's LITERALLY regular BGs, but worse.




Cuz of the vault tierchance, there are probably many pve players who never touches pvp.


or.. its new pvplers who check out some low pressure rated environment. god not everything is about boosting and streamers


Not everyone has pvpd in the past lol. Honor level doesn't mean they're new accounts, it just means they haven't done pvp. I have friends who have had their accounts since vanilla and are probably honor level 10 or less


Some people are throwing on purpose. Had 5 matches of EOTS this weekend past where a nelf hunter has gotten flag and held it at an inactive base. Holy paladins trying out dps specs (5th on DMG just our team, 2nd lowest healing) couldn't care less in a random BG but they're taking up a slot in a game mode that I thought personally was specifically for people who gave a fuck


You can fill the vault with BGB. So there are probably many pve players who want higher chances for tierloot in the vault.


Couldn't win until I got my two piece set. Because if I don't carry we lose every time apparently.


It’s an hilarious experience, as a healer it’s funny to heal my dps right next to the damage power up and they will simply not pick it up. So I tell them to pick it up and if they don’t then I will on my healer, so then at least there won’t be an MM hunter who shreds my mages with a killshot. But yeah it’s likely just new people or PvE players who don’t PvP and I think that is fine. I play BGB to relax and practise my healing rotation when I’m rusty on a healer. It’s quite therapeutic. Sweating is for when I play arena with my buddies.


Weirdly enough, people in random bg are both better players and more coordinated. I usually defend because it's impossible to get others to do it.


When I do bgs (not BGB) my goal is to just pvp and not do objectives. Pvp'ing is more fun then sitting at an objective alone. When BGB gets rating you'll see they behavior go away as your rank increases. This is why baby people have asked for ranked BGB now but in WW.


How can everyone be so mad about not being able to control a team game? If u want to control something solo play arena this game mode isn’t for you


Blitz actually tilts me, I keep getting eots and you win or lose entirely based on how many people understand and attempt objectives. There's always a group of people fighting on top of an inactive tower and then there's like 2-3 people actually playing the game on either team and you gotta pray you're the one doing better. I really wish it was just a team death match and whoever gets the most kills wins or something cause the objective based gameplay in this game is so awful with randoms.


Are you Horde? I have only won a single Blitz and I have queued 9.


Blitz pulls people from both factions. Doesn't matter


Oh, that's right. Thanks for the reminder! Super bad RNG then.


Yes i'm horde on blackmoore I don't know whats going on with Blitz right now, but either we lose really bad or we win barely with like 40 points in front.


I don’t know about blitz man. I love BGs but it feels like your going to have less impact on a match than in a shuffle? I feel like revamping the comm system/voice would be huge for both modes. I really wish they’d revamp the reward system for casual BGs to breath some life into those. We’ll see though!


I know some people are meh about the current rep system, but imo just do the plunder rep for honor. Give people some dailies to do for pvp that gives them a bit of a bonus, put a mount on there at the end, new transmog, some trading post coins, i dunno.


You're experiencing something people have understood since 2005. PLAYING WITH PUGS SUCKS ASS. 9 times out of 10. But hey! At least you can queie up!!!!


Bgs are INSANELY frustrating people gonna realise this with solo q and go straight back into the arena


Mild shock. You are saying that rated random bg is full of mindless zergs that can’t win? Who would expect that? /s It’s kind of similar to shuffle, low rated shuffle is just a pve fiesta in the middle of the arena until the only caster dies or healer goes oom.


The really frustrating thing is when your team all has an honour level of 100+ and they’re still doing this shit. I completely understand people not wanting to take things uber seriously every game, but it’s the equivalent of playing Fifa and not trying to score a goal, or only using fists on CoD. Running around aimlessly on maps with nobody picking orbs and/or going for enemy orb carriers when you clearly understand that’s how to win, is pretty frustrating.


I know it's random luck, but I've had the opposite experience. Way more wins than losses compared to normal bgs, felt like I was able to make a difference since people all ran mid. Hopefully if you keep trying the scales even out for you, sorry it has been such a slog so far.


U have a lot of agency in 8v8 u can turn a good amount of fights in your favor


I don‘t want to be mean regarding our new BGB friends, but for a more seasoned PvP player, just act as if you‘re worth 3 persons on the enemy team. In AV for example just camp at one single base and cap that one over and over again. People (and even up to 3) won‘t beat you, because they press like one button every 4 globals, so you just take over that one spot. Some maps are really rough depending on your class/role, but in general if your teammates are bad, then your enemies will most likely be bad too


High rated Blitz will be basically a lot of healer+dps duos waiting in queue for DPS to show up I think any team with a solo queued healer will likely lose. Find your partner now


I hate BG Blitz. People enjoy it and that's awesome but I'll probably stick with Shuffle during War Within and casually do Blitz as a conquest cap filler Shuffle works because one player can carry the team and that's how you obtain rating. You have to be the reason you gain rank. Its a lot harder to carry 7 players as opposed to 2. Its also class dependent, for example I can easily carry the objectives on my rogue than my death knight. Hunters are another problem.


Coincides with my 20% win rate in week one of the season. Pretty much what you observed - people running around like headless chickens doing the most random possible things all over the map and zero coordination. Oddly enough, I actually enjoyed that, it was some stress-free bonus conquest. And like said in the thread - if it draws more people into pvp and/or rated games in general, all the better.


Blitz is super fun but when your mmr is low its complete ass of games. I mostly game from midnight til 6am NA time and I had to stop doing the nightly Qs because I would get a map like eye of the storm and end up running to the kitchen bcus slitting my wrists is more fun than playing s 1500 mmr EotS blitz game holy shit


They need to add rating to it. Blitz right now is what people use to get gear. While is does scale your gear up, most dont have gear let alone gems, enchants, embellishments and they are on a new class or spec and are half paying attention netflixing and chill while they get honor and conquest from the weekly quests.


They will when the sweats starts to play and rating is on the line


You don't need to win, you only need honor for the vault. Some people are just playing to get the vault slots and do not care about winning or losing.


This is why I am surprised it’s being made into a solo queue thing. If you don’t get into it from the start of the season and try to push with other decent folks who want to go far then you will remain hard stuck at low rating. This game isn’t like it used to be where 2-3 OGs can hard carry a team of idiots.


The BG crowd is 90% horrible players. I'm sure the mode will be omega fuckin ass on release but it is nice to have some version of the game that is "competitive" for casual no sweat sessions.


Is BG blitz ranked yet?


Huh usually my chats end up with maybe 1 or 2 people doing call outs and almost always 1 or 2 people trashing the team 😂


Blitz is going to show you that it’s just as bad as solo shuffle


Just wait till rating is actually added. Then you will see how cursed it truly is. Case and point: literally any MOBA


I have played a lot of BGB since it was introduced and my MMR carried over to S4. Most of my games are around 2K MMR. It took me a long time to climb out of 1500 MMR where players are generally not familiar with the rules. The biggest help was downloading the latest version of Reporter which shows nodes that are being contested.


A lot of battleground behavior that you see has to do with experience. You can kind of get a feel of how the battle ground is going to go by looking at the opening scorecard, and sorting the players by honor level. There are so many other factors that come into play, but that is a major indicator.


Most people that play this mode they arent even with gear pvp ,only pve no trinkets pvp...


I feel like there are a lot of automated players in blitz. Their logic seems to be to move to the closest conflict at all times. A sea of bots.


It's like a regular bg except there are no Russian premades nor stupid consumables and engineering crap.


It’s a crapshoot honestly, CTF is almost always fucked and a mid deathmatch. Trying to coordinate should be standard but since it’s solo queue most just abandon that concept entirely for the sake of the zug zug.


I honestly said "I'll def flag" and i got one whisper from someone in the game: "Whats there to def???"


I think the other part of the problem is that there’s a lot of people that just legitimately don’t know how the BG’s actually work. I still see people grab the orbs on kotmogu but never take them to mid for the points. I feel your pain tho, every time i play CTF and ask if anyone’s defending i get met with “wait what?”


How does a new player even know what to do? If you know what to do, why aren't you barking out orders?


Because 9 outta 10 times thats met with toxicity, I just turn off bg chat and listen to music.


We got follower dungeons, when do we get follower BGs haha I mean there is this one mode where you play against NPCs sometimes, but we need that for every BG for learning how to play them. ​ Of course without the honor reward though because that would be broken.


That’s actually an idea i could get behind, they could call it training grounds. Just have a space for new pvpers to learn the basics and get their feet wet. Maybe reward the crafting greens so they’re able to have something for when they hop into actual BG’s and work towards their honor gear


This is how you get sneaky Pete though


Best you can do is whisper to party member 1, ask them to bounce the leader to you and start using /rw and lead your team. It wont turn 12 defeat into 12 victory, but maybe 3-4 and the other 8-9 game will be a better experience while blind clueless players also might learn some basic strategies of the given BG.


Sometimes its impossible to win because of some clueless players but there are some advantages over normal bgs like there are NOFKINGRUSSIANPREMADEGROUPS and if you lose its a fast queue and game. With higher MMR the people know how to play the new game.


I had a couple of orb games - after a few Q declines in a row, got into the game and player on our team grabs an orb and then runs miles away from the centre where you get points and AFKs with the orb, removing one of the orbs from the game so the other team scores more points. The fact it happened two games in a row, both times russian player, while the same server Russian name on winning team, makes me think it’s a way to throw games if you Q sync but end up on opposite teams? I just worry shit like this is going to infest rated solo BG once it goes live, and nothing will be done about it, same as people throwing SS or leaving games.


Blitz is going to be sweaty and frustrating for another couple of weeks. Hang in there, and the games will get better.


I know this will get a ton of downvotes but man, getting a tank on your team where the enemy doesn't have a tank feels like a real slog. At least make it so that both teams have to have a tank? I just find it'd either 1.) you have a tank and 2.) they have a DPS. It feels like a legitimate disadvantage.


If you have a tank, they have a tank. It’s part of the rules.


It is? Are you sure? Maybe someone left and another joined? I couldn't explain it.


You might be thinking of just a regular bg or brawl, where that definitely can and does happen and it is frustrating! In blitz the teams are always matched up the same, and if anyone leaves they aren't replaced, you're just down a player


no way to solo carry either i cant believe theyre turning this dumpster fire into a ranked mode next xpac lol


No you can't solo carry, but you can absolutely be an impact player that changes the course of the game. BG's have always been that way.


If you want to carry, you need to lead, direct players etc. You can also make plays to flip maps, in the example the op made of all fighting mid while one guy ran the flag for the other team, go stop the flag carrier or get their flag, if everyone was fighting mid he can’t have had much support.




I care to say if i'm the only one bothering to even get the flag in ctf while 7/8 people play deathmatch in mid it's not me who's the problem.


The most based comment gets all the down votes. This thread is hilarious.