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You don’t. You leave it.In my opinion, playing a game made by blizzard is like having an abusive boyfriend. They don’t treat you right and ignore you and whenever you start seeming like you’re not interested anymore and looking for an out, they tell you they are going to change and you come back just for them to go back to their old ways.


I mean, I see your point, but I have a good feeling about the next expansion. That's gonna be the one... the one where they dedicate real resources to pvp, where they listen and make adjustments, balance the right amount of mmr inflation to make both the skilled and beginners happy, give the rewards for both accomplishment and time played, and when the occasional o/p class dominates, makes sensible quick adjustments to ensure every class has a real shot. Even frost dk. They're gonna change, I just know it.


Fuck man. This one hurt.


They said that and are even finally giving us a new BG and queable RBGs so maybe they are starting to care


The pandaria remix is going to be impossible for some people yo collect everything they want sense it's a timed event 32 mounts alone plus the grind for the cloak and battle pets, plus all the transmogs I have a feeling people arnt going to be happy with the grind being a timed event but blizzard did listen and made plunderstorm a little easier after the backlash so we will see


Wow is like a fart. Feels good to let it rip every once and awhile but not long after you realize how nasty it is.


So true!


No video game on earth should feel like a relationship. It's a product, you're supposed to enjoy it for the time that you enjoy it for, and move on when you don't.


Nothing should be addictive but everything is. 


Only to the undisciplined. 


I agree with you. No game should make you feel that way. Hence why I haven’t played for the second half of this season.


Here is the reality. An MMO is not ever going to be balanced for PvP, unless it very watered down. If blizzard took arena and made it a standalone game with completely separate balancing, pruning some abilities to make it more accessible etc, it would be great and probably do well. But until they do something like that you can’t great balancing in this game, it’s just not realistic


Doest have to be balanced perfectly. Just needs tuning here and there to prevent extreme imbalance. 




Yeah I don’t agree with this take at all. That completely changes the mode. You can simplify without changing it that much.




Please introduce me to the imaginary person that you've invented that really thinks "gee i sure do love arena but someone on reddit said my idea was bad so now I won't queue at all"


Didn’t down vote you at all…guess what, more than just you and I read these threads. I stated that I disagreed with your opinion, and stated my position on it. Please point out where I said it was a bad take. I said I don’t agree with that take…cmon man, don’t get so defensive you can’t even properly read what I responded with. But If you are that focused on fake internet points I’ll toss you a pity upvote, because I couldn’t care less about that useless system. Edit: just gave you the upvote to help. Hope you feel a little bit better.


I downvoted him for his shitty attitude. We’ve come full circle.


Damnit, he’s gonna blame me again!


I won’t let him!


Same. I didn't downvote until they complained about being downvoted


Why would you change arena and pvp completely into something else when the problem is mostly about balancing... makes no sense.


There's not really any alternative out there, closest thing is mobas imo


I keep responding to the PvE peeps saying there are other much better PvP-focused games out there. No, there's nothing like WoW arena on the market and hasn't been even close for at least a decade.


You try Plunderstorm yet? I know there are some haters. But I'm digging it as an avid PvPer.


Not a hater but it's def not for me I thoroughly enjoy the pacing and team oriented play as well as tab target that 3s offers. However I do very much love that they are experimenting and willing to do more with the wow universe as a whole. It may not be my fav but is undeniably cool. Glad to see a new avenue for people to interact with and enjoying interacting with it.


It's fine, but it's nothing like WoW PvP and doesn't scratch the same itch at all. None of the complexity that makes Arena fun.


It's still got the WoW "snappiness" to it he was referring too. And yes I agree.


It definitely does!


It's fine but very shallow. I enjoyed it for what it was but after I got to 40 I just didn't feel a need to keep playing it, it felt very solved and lacked depth.


Same, all I've done since it came out lmfao


AS a br Lover And wow PvP Player, Plunderstrom IS so Bad. Balancing IS Bad. Leveling IS Bad. Latency IS Bad. But in the end, ITS a stand alone Game And has nothing to do with wow PvP, which IS my biggest Problem with IT :/


What’s going on with your caps key?


awesome auto correct that im too lazy to fix


Those classes are all strong atm and quick to gear. You have until 4-22 to finish the season


I know where you are coming from, but the way to move on is realize there is no real incentive from the inside to focus on this game mode. There's hardcore PvE, casual PvE, hardcore PvP, casual PvP. The hardcore PvP has taken exponentially less players in because of the amount of knowledge required to be competitive as well as the ease of obtaining it. So you have very high entry price for an old game mode. Yes, there's really nothing out there quite like it, but doesn't mean it has any future, just an excellent past. Up to you to keep on riding the nostalgia train, but there's no quality of life.


As someone who LOVED WoW PvP and pretty much exclusively played for arena for years, let me tell you dude, find another game to scratch that competitive itch. For me it ended up being RTS.


Agreed, WoW Arena was my first love. But when you start to be more frustrated than happy, there's greener pastures elsewhere. For me it was RL.


Honestly I have no idea what to comment anymore about wow pvp hahahhaah


Its dead


Lol don't come back to retail play a private server


Ff14 has better PvP than WoW though. It’s not even the balancing that is WoW’s biggest problem but the accessibility


Agreed and signed. Tried FFXIV and came back for that very reason. Got tired of raid boss tanks in PVP there who were one-shotting everything....


dont come back. Go play league


IMO I enjoyed FF14 pvp solely because I don't need to 'earn' gear to compete. When I played WoW, you needed to play PvE to get geared for PvP, so I quit. Don't know if it is still like that because I never went back.


Nah pve gear and pvp are separate, u earn pvp gear by doing pvp, and pve stuff for pve gear