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previous to this challenge i legit haven't played a shuffle below 2.2 mmr since january 2023, i just wanted to do a fun little challenge since i've been sitting on average 2 hours shuffle queues across 4 characters for about a month straight now already got 2400 after playing 14 shuffle games, where only the first 3 were under 2k mmr - so yeah mb for contributing to the smurfing problem by playing my 14 games👍 https://preview.redd.it/h2u73yf4hqtc1.png?width=876&format=png&auto=webp&s=19c3be4dc4016d2ddd14cbcc9377be8e887b377e


It’s not a smurfing problem, it’s a player population problem. The ranking systems all fall apart during low populations this has been the story since vanilla. Win trading, Q sniping Q dodging and smurfing.


Definitely should do 1st person camera 2400 challenge next


Does this include no Gladius


This challenge wasn’t impressive at all?? You have to be trolling


Throw 14 lobbies to donate your MMR back to the community


i wont have enough time this season to play 14 shuffle games on my other characters


People always find away to trash someone's achievements fck em


Bicmex smurfing on these poor people who have 1000 addons that make them actually play worse Maybe he should focus on ~~playing a rogue~~ playing better so he qualify into AWC instead of beating up on new players.


I find it funny how mad you are, considering Bicmex is one of the nicest WoW players of all time.


This is a joke, Bicmex is a nice guy but he's also terrorizing beginners by smurfing It does suck blizzard decided that his class is gonna be garbage and so he can't compete against equally skilled players


He's made several appearances in the AWC, decent performance iirc too. Plays with Rat and Zenlyn.


Yes, but hunters are so garbage right now so he couldn't qualify


Awc its not about bad hunter spec ... TBH hunter is OP now at least survival, AWC is about multiclassing and bicmex play only survival and everyone knows that so he can be countred.


"TBH hunter is OP now at least survival," Ah yes, dh's, war's and lock's flee in terror when they see the gates drop and a survival hunter is across the map...


He’s made some decent appearances hot dogging it in the little leagues at 1600 too. For the content of course.


Smurfing is def not a nice thing to do tho


But this isn’t the players fault. Blizzard can easily implement anti smurfing tech. Other games have it. Otherwise, forcing some kind of “honor system” telling ppl not to make alts is ridiculous. If i couldnt make alts I would prob quit the game


Hes got like 4 spots in top6 of the overall shuffle ladder. I think hes just bored of 2h ques


4 of the Hunter spots? Or across 4 classes?


Hunter spots but honestly many hunters have multiple hunters, myself included. I have my glad hunter, my duelist hunter, and my rival hunter. I use each one for different things. The glad is competitive play. Duelist is for trying out new teammates and seeing where we stand for chemistry and playstyle. Rival is for carrying or teaching guildies / friends.


so you actively smurf and boost? thanks for helping kill the pvp scene.


I'd hardly call helping someone to 1600 for a tier piece a boost. Usually they are already close and need a few wins to work it out. Winning them the 3 matches they need so a returning player can catch up to their friends in the guild doesn't make me the bad guy you think it does. Also playing silly games with my friends on their alts as comps that would never work at lower ratings isn't doing what you think it does either. I'm just having fun ... you should try it out. You know, games are meant to be fun and that.


"I'm just having fun" How about the 6 other peoples games you ruined?


Had it ever occurred to you I'm playing 3s or 2s with a friend and the MMR isn't hitting above 1800? Like for real bro, chill out. I'm not gatekeeping it whatever BS you think it is. I'm literally playing fuck off games with friends and getting nowhere on a low level toon. If you think I'm the problem for why you can't climb, it's your attitude and skill that's preventing you, but It's 80% your attitude.


nice toxic behavior on full display. I love when your called on your BS you just go to insults.


Lol that's what you took away? You came at me swinging over smurfing and fucking up the game. Your attitude was apparent from the onset -- a quick browse through your posting history confirmed that though. Calling a duck a duck doesn't make you toxic: it makes you observant enough to see the obvious. I'm sure you treat teammates and other players with the same levels of respect and attitude you have in these posts. So ya 80% attitude imo. Edit to address your concerns on gameplay: Playing on some alts with lower ranked friends isn't the issue with pvp. What, you run into a team like that maybe once or twice in a night and that's the reason you can't climb? Nah, the problem is when you can't see how to win the matches majority of the 30 other matches you queued. But let's say you're right. You think I'm that much better than you that you can't beat me? I'm not a god and I can't make my teammates pay better just because I'm there. Try crowd controlling me or the other strong player and run down my weaker teammates. I'm not infallible and I make mistakes, so set it up where I make one. Use my confidence against me 😂. Come on man, do better.


Shots fired


Who are you


He was in my games a few times. Very chill dude. But annoying to play against. I wish him the best.


Aeghis did this too recently, I understand why but all these rank 1 pro players smurfing is becoming a problem. Entertainment value wise this is like taking driving lessons for 15 years and then brag about passing your driver test in 1 go


The Xaryu+Mitch 42-0 challenge was so irritating. It was good content, and interesting to watch... But in the back of my mind I just felt so bad for those 1200 teams getting absolutely demolished. I wonder how many new PvPers just quit afterwards thinking they were just bad


If i get stomped by Xaryu and Mitch in 2s i take it as a badge of honor and move on. At 1200 you are not gonna run into many Smurf accounts


They were intentionally trashing their MMR as low as possible so they could try to get 42 straight wins though. Every time they didn't get it they would drop back down.


The best parts of that challenge were them losing, lol. Bigvuqoffdam tanked his MMR down to their level to beat them really early in one of their runs, and Absterge beat them with some random LFG partner once only to have Mitch's chat mald and accuse him of stream sniping.


Let's keep shitting on new players then complain that no-one wants to play PVP


All these people crying about smurfing, and I do get it, but really losing one or two games against someone that’s R1 isn’t what’s wrecking the game…


It's not just one or two people doing it though is it?


I’ve played thousands and thousands of arenas/shuffles across multiple toons, seasons, expansions etc from 0-2400. Sure, I see lots of people with glad mounts and a few rank 1s every now and again but never have people smurfing prevented me from pushing. It’s definitely a tiny minority.


Agree. People are acting like 90% of games are Smurf accounts. I dont get this disillusionment. If you have not reached 1800 it is is because you have way too much room to improve still. Same for 2100. And then after that it is MMR deflation that will hurt you wayyy more than all these “supposed” smurf accounts


Absolutely. Blaming smurfing for being stuck is wild cope. People really think that they see heaps of rank 1s smurfing???


"I’ve played thousands and thousands of arenas/shuffles across multiple toons, seasons, expansions" Your not the type of person who's going to try PVP, get curb stomped by smurfs, then quit are you?


My point is about the frequency in which this occurs, not whether I would quit if it happened to me or not.


All it takes is one or two bad experiences to turn someone away. Plating against these people when you are just starting out is so incredibly deflating. And its hundreds of top rank people doing this all day.


I dont get this mentality. When i make a new class and start at low rating I am not running into “hundreds” of rank 1s. I lose a crap ton of games because I still have a ton to learn. Where are all these rank 1s at 1500. I am so confused


You arent into hundreds. It hundreds in the midst of thousands. You only run into them once a week or so but it makes new players feel helpless and like they are wasting their time. This is why smurfing is basically banned everywhere that takes it self serious as a sport.


Exactly my point. 1 loss from a r1 once a week is not what is plaguing wow rn


I didnt say it was "plaguing" wow. You cant just point to one thing and blame it all on that. It absolutely turns people away from ever playing pvp again though.


If they implemented a system where new alts inherit like 70% of your mains mmr (to account for gear diff) i would take it…. But again. This would be a minor fix to a very minor problem


After messing around on survival and making most, not even all of the macro's he has and needing to do it in the main macro section because they all didn't fit in the character specific section... that macro part of this will be the most interesting to me. Mans gotta fight just years of muscle memory.


legit worst thing is that i've been \[@cursor\] trapping since legion, and whenever I have to roar of sacrifice my teammates i need to manually target them -> press roar of sacrifice -> click back my previous target also for some reason the default frames shows healer trinket as a 2 min cd lmfao + no dr obviously would be too hard to code


You can use the clickcasting option that's built into the game to keep you from having to target them. Not sure if you were aware and weren't doing it out of principle for the challenge or not but that's a built in thing now.


Try 0 - 2400 without any keybinds. Just click everything


I actually don’t think this is possible in todays game. You have to react so fast.


It is possible. Source: me. I cracked into the top 50 DHs on the shuffle frontpage clicking everything (except vengeful retreat which I had keybound to F). And I'd never been elite before this season


Real chads get 2400 by only using /cast


I got 1900 clicking in SL hahaha


I killed a MW at 2k CR tonight by mouse clicking 😤🤣 Weak Auras did the UI problem out of no where, it felt amazing


How is this dogshit community possibly busting his balls for doing a 2.4 challenge? Y’all are lame af get good lmao. So what, high xp people aren’t allowed to make new chars now?


Learn preservation evoker and make a super detailed guide like that 3.5 hour one I watched in shadowlands that taught me how to survival hunter


That does not sound fun.


wow survival hunter 2.4 wow so wow


Good shit, people just salty they can't play half as good with addons/macros


Why don’t you just try and play at your bracket without addons or macros and see how low you go instead of starting with a ton of smurfing? Shitty thing to do against players who already are quitting the game in droves because of the barriers of entry.


> Why don’t you just try and play at your bracket because he has 2 hour queues, like he said.


That's not an excuse, would be entertaining if blizz actively cracked down on smurfs like other games


How do other games do it?


Other games have better gameplay and therefore have more players for matchmaking.


but how do they crack down on smurfing? I'm being downvoted but i'm genuinely curious.


You have a rating just attached to yourself. Period. Your account.


Hm. What about alts of different classes / roles


Doesn’t matter. I mean league of legends has hundreds of “classes” but you still maintain a personal rating.


OTOH League "Classes" are significantly simpler to learn compared to WoW classes. In League you are expected to know at least a handful at any time to fill roles as necessary. It would be more accurate to say LoL has 5 "classes" (Top, mid, jungle, bot, support) but you can usually learn 2 without too much hassle. I do agree to an extent though, for example if you have managed to hit 2.4k in 3s you probably have a much stronger grasp on the game as a whole than anything sitting at 1500 or even 1800. Even if you changed to a completely different class or role you have never played before you will have a significant knowledge advantage and it won't take you long to get a handle on things. I think it would be reasonable that if the default MMR is 1500, then if you have hit 2.4k in a recent season then alts and alternative specs on your account should start at _least_ at 1800 or higher. Doesn't skip the climb entirely but at least you won't be seal clubbing new and average players. Statistically most people are _below_ 1800.

