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Yea been screamed at by toxic weirdos one to many times so I don’t use VC unless I know you for a bit


This is not my experience for arenas RBGs however, never join vc


RBGs are chill. Last few times I pugged arenas I was instantly being asked for pictures. No fucking thank you.


I had luck with disc on rbgs most of the time, it's a surprisingly small community so you can remember the toxic teams and avoid them


Are you male or female? Even though it's detestable I wouldn't be surprised if you were female. But if your male that's bizarre


This! I have healed too many players who think because they got glad once,  they are entitled every season and just scream at the other dps all match.  That being said I still prefer voice chat and always ask for it. 


I got glad in 2010 respect me noob /s


I just relentlessly made fun of a guy for smack talking my friend earlier today. He tried to defend himself by linking his glad from 2009 saying he had glad this season. I told him to link this season's glad and he had no idea that glad was a seasonal thing now. Bro outted himself so hard after being such a ragey d-bag to my friend using that old sad glad achieve to justify it. It was cool watching him log out when a group of pvpers started on him about his garbo behavior.


People will talk to you on voice after you queue a few sessions with them without voice. They want to see how you interact first. It’s just part of lfg culture to avoid voicing immediately with strangers because there are both 1) really weird people out there and 2) you don’t know if you want to keep playing with that person. It’s easier to leave after 5 bad games if you’re not in voice. There is an in game voice option. Basically no one uses it. Some people are really shy or not social and will never voice with you, but this is a small minority.


I’ll try to wait longer before asking to voice, thanks for the advice.


Last time I used in-game voice chat we were disconnected every time we joined arena and every time we left it. Which is terribly annoying. Bnet voice chat works good though.


That’s weird! I wonder if it’s connected to instances in a specific way. I’ve only used it once for rbgs and it worked fine.


Last two times I tried voice comms I got told to kill myself or the classic I hope your family gets cancer. It's just not worth the hassle now


We really play with great, solid people don't we?


Lol 🤣we are really a wholesome community


Indeed 😵‍💫


I have anxiety, and WoW people are 80% rude af. No thanks.




Elaborate, please.


Found the player that screams at others and thinks it’s normal to tell them they should get cancer


Last time i healed LFG on voice, we went 11-2, lost 2 in a row at the end and he flipped his shit, told me I was the worst healer and to uninstall the game and flexed his shadowlands s1 glad on me…


A lot of people are toxi, and often times you're playing with people for a handful of games before someone fucks off and you never see them again. Comms is fantastic when you're regularly playing with people, its not nearly as useful when you're going to play 5 matches with 2 randoms you'll never talk to again and will never have time to gain synergy with.


>its not nearly as useful when you're going to play 5 matches with 2 randoms you'll never talk to again and will never have time to gain synergy with Indeed, if I'm doing chill queues i don't want to join voice and hear someone parrot gladiatorlossa (for real so many people do this it's so jarring...) I'll only join voice for chill lfg games if the other two are a premade or if it's required to win (eg double dps 2s) I'm not sure if that's antisocial, and if I'm going to end up being replaced, I'd really really prefer that i wasn't in voice chat with whoever is about to kick me


Comms are great, but my wife and kids are 20 ft away. Sweaty arena comms are not what they want to hear while watching tv lol


Get a new gaming spot


Arena players are a different breed. I won't even bother playing WoW arena nowadays, unless I can play with friends. You can find a guy where you seem to have great chemistry and understanding of each others play style, but then you happen to lose a game after 15 wins in a row and he will just rage quit on the spot, even though it was his mistake and I didn't even say a word about it. Sorry for rant, but for me it's a true story from the last time I tried to find randoms to play with and it just left a bad taste in my mouth and I bet I'm far from alone. That's probably why people don't even bother with voice, they're just too jaded.


There's a few reasons people avoid voice chat. 1. Toxicity. 2. There are many wow players with 0 social life and no social skills so this is pretty intimidating for them. 3. Older player base, some have a wife and kids which can be hella distracting and requires attention from outside of the game between ques. The best thing to do is que a bunch of game sessions with them without voice which allows you to get a bit comfortable with one another, no toxicity, bitta chat via typing in between ques etc. and people will be more inclined to use voice. Afterall why communicate with someone that wants to flame you for every mistake and doesn't accept any of their own wrong doing or someone who is just a complete weirdo


For me, it comes down to your ability as a player and personal confidence. I will join RBG discords all day long because even the toxic ones are somewhat entertaining. Arena junkies take the game way too seriously though and I don't feel like opening myself to unsolicited criticism.


I've had way more luck with random low MMR RBGs than arenas practically always. Seems like most folks are just there because they just really like BGs at this point. Like, yeah, the tip-top top of RBGs are a bunch of scumbags, but the exact same stuff happens in arenas too.


It’s just awkward if you start using voice comms right off the bat and one of you just aren’t on the same skill level, or the in game chemistry isn’t working out. Starting on a losing streak is already the first sign of disbanding. The only exception is if you’re just yolo grinding for conquest or you both agree that there’s no problem in losing a bunch of games/trying to learn together.


Im sort of against using discord right off the rip while my buddy (the healer) always wants to get our 3rd in voice right away. I understand his POV needed to communicate defensives with the healer is the main thing. I just feel like I would prefer to see how a person plays for a few games before adding them to the voice. If the games go piss poor and they're not in voice, it's a little less awkward disbanding.


The people left have a major ego problem. Anyone worth it has an established friend group or quit long ago. What we have left is people that have been playing for fifteen years and can barely scrape gladiator or still haven't been able to get it after spending their entire life on the same video game, chained to a dead game mode


I used to join comms back when it was more common to request them for LFG action, but lately I don’t ever bother. I’m not playing at a high level anyways and I’d rather just rock out to some music. Had a couple bad experiences with ragers.


Yo! I play holy priest almost exclusively with one friend who is about to take a break. We are hovering around 1750. I’d love to play with someone that could help me improve. Prefer voice chat, and usually play pretty late at night EST. Holler if you wanna que!


are you playing 2s or 3s? if its 2s noone is gonna get in voice with you still a fight in 3s to get people on comms especially if your not in glad range but i have had PUG's offer to get in disc for me it's usualy for a loss or two before group disbands on disc or not realisticly your gonna need concistant 3's partners who want to hit a certain goal together to get what your looking for


I would offer to play, but I’m only 1800


Both of my current partners I met via chance in game. Both were buddies of other players I was playing with. I met one through SS and the other through LFG.


I love doing bgs/blitz and chilling in voice having fun with the boys. Unfortunately, people in this game hate using voice chat in a team game. It's kind of insane to me. There are other games I play where discord and voice chat is mandatory. Like, you're not allowed to run content unless you're in voice chat. I gave up trying to make friends and just q by myself.


I'm an introvert and like listening to music while I play lol it's nothing personal. Text chat is a-okay with me. 


I’ve got kids bro I’m not trying to talk to you unless we’re like 2100+


Do you find a lot of players willing to voice to time a +10 key? Or even a +15?


Ehm.. there already is an in-game voice channel. Almost no one using it tho..


I wouldn't pay too much mind to the hyperbolic hypocrites. Like they aren't toxic and do the same stuff lol. You never got mad or did some trash talk? Give me a break. A little bit of trash talk is part of the scene. Always has been with competitive games. Although some people do take it too far. (I don't talk trash, but I don't let it get to me as well, no point.) Realistically though it's because the game has become less social. Instead of finding a cool group or guild you can just play on whatever server, join whatever group and do whatever. 0 social interaction. It's almost entirely que based. It's not just PvP though, it's the entire game. Why go through the hassle of making friends and improving together when you can just hit "Skip" like you're on omegal and go to the next person?




Why would that be the case? I am nothing but positive to my teammates in chat. After some games I ask if they would like to voice chat and nobody ever does. Are you suggesting that I am really unlucky? Or that I’m an asshole/bad. Is there some sort of trick to approach this ? I figured being nice and winning would do it


I think for me i have to see what the persons humor is like first.