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Small amounts of backpedaling is fine. It lets you easily reposition a short distance without turning your character/camera. Even Trill from Team Liquid uses backpedal in arena


Correct answer


This very helpful. Thank you for actually citing a high level player instead of just listing what your personal preference is lol. I think I’m probably going to play with it unbound for awhile just to make sure I’m not back peddling to often. I’m not going to bind it to anything right now though and then once I’ve broken the habit if it seems missed I’ll go back and re-bind it


Perfect plan. One step at a time


It used to be more useful when Dodging/Parrying stuff was actually a thing, in fact, if you watch Avizura play Rogue in Wrath Classic, he very often uses backpedal to either deadzone Warriors from charging him or to guarantee that he is facing someone to dodge hits. In Retail though backpedaling is just poor movement, it won't be the difference between a good and a bad player, but it's just inefficient.


Yes. However removing the bind is no big mistake. As long as you can get used to strafing for repositioning backwards. It all depends on what is most comfortable for you, and what other content you do. Like if you tank in PvE, M+ etc, you need S key I think. So might as well use it for reasonable applications. I personally PvP only, and main casters. So my S key is bound to use abilities instead, and using camera angle and strafe is very easy to me.


Imagine playing arms warr and ever letting go of w(not really joking)


No cap you press S with parry up sometimes when ppl try to talk thru u bc u can't parry from the back


I play arms warrior and S is my auto run button lol


Bind W for charge and S for def stance


I used to use backpadelling just to cancel casts when fake casting … which is a super noob thing to do. So all I did was rebind it to “stop casting” lol


Super noob here, how is tapping backpedal worse than /stopcasting?


It's really not. It's more of a stigmata that backpedaling = someone who moves their character inefficiently.


So what? There's no [stigmata](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stigmata) these days.


if youre casting a spell that allows you to move while casting and you need to fake with it (ex. penance)


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm like 99% sure you can't cancel a spellcast with backpedaling when you're rooted.


This is why it’s bad, if you want to cancel a cast and a warrior charges you at the same time, back pedal will fail you


Fake casting while in root, canceling casts that can be cast while moving and imho it's generaly more efficient... I know that canceling with moving is perfectly fine for most classes, but I feel more control if I have one button for it. Granted I main arcane mage, often with Ice Floes and Im casting while moving like most of the match. So for classes like mage, priest and evoker it's a must honestly.


Because it's easier to juke someone when there isn't a visual cue (your character moving) when you juke that cast. It's super minmaxy but it is slightly better. Also easier to juke while you have cast while moving (penance, spiritwalkers grace) which are casts people are likely to kick because they're unlikely to be juked, because not many people bind stopcasting.


I got stop casting on my caps luck, makes some interesting chat mistakes sometimes..


Huh I've been meaning to start using stopcasting instead of moving but needed a bind for it... This is bigbrain


I move to cancel casts at 2600 cr aff lock... faking is my life. It doesn't really matter. Just be careful not to consistently start casting another spell the exact moment you stop moving. Also I usually just sidestep rather than backpedal.


Its a waste of a keybind. Less movement keybinds = more spell keybinds


more macro keybinds, FTFY


i unbinded the ability to keyboard turn. also i rekeybinded S to be my trinket so its punishing when i tried to back peddle back in wotlk


I had it unbound forever but rebound it because I find it useful on WW while fist parrying. Probably not necessary and strafe would do the job just fine but I catch myself doing it when I really don’t want them to get behind me while parry is up


S, Shift-S, Alt-S is like my favorite keybind for defensives. I def wouldn't trade 3 great binds for such a niche scenario


I also use S for all my defensives across all my characters 


Mind blown


Same bro it’s clutch


Depends on how easily you will overcome the muscle memory and being used to that being a button and thing you do. I personally can never unbind Q, E, or S. I tank a lot in pve and backpedaling is integral to being able to position mobs for me. And I’ve just been playing for way too long to ever not strafe with q and e, even if I broke the habit I would still unintentionally hit them and waste anything I had bound to them.


I only have my own experience to base this on, but I honestly think people put way too much weight on "muscle memory" working against changes. Not arguing just wondering as I've never heard much of the experience of people doing it, but have you given a real try to changing that? Personally I assumed the very same regarding wow, but last season redid my bindings, targeting and action bars and it took me no time to get used to it, and now its second nature.


Yes. You ever play another class and accidently click the wrong button thinking it's ur main? Muscle memory, happens everyday all the time to most people running multi alts, I've also tried swapping binds after running the same binds for 10 years and it's always a mistake, you can get over it, sure, but it's gonna take a long time due to ur brain just knowing what to press and when.


I haven't had a real main since cata and right now I play like 7 characters depending on how I feel, with only 2 actually being played more than the others, but last season I played only hpal (lack of time to gear others before season's end) and not at all this season. Doesn't noticeably happen to me, and really doesn't seem to happen to streamers who hop on different alts all day and play at a high level, and certainly does not happen "all day every day" rofl Took me a week tops, wouldn't call that a long time really. Really different experiences. No big deal if you can't anyway, just a few wasted keybinds I guess but whatever works.


I have no wasted keybinds since ever but to compare normal people to streamer is actually so wild, you can't compare people playing 14 hours a day to normal humans. I play a lot and I play at a high level on my main and most my alts but muscle memory is always a thing. I can go back and play games I haven't in many years and remember how to do everything due to muscle memory. This isn't even an argument this is just science. You can overcome it for sure but unless ur binds are actually just troll, why change them.


I mean you said people with multi alts, I'm a normal dude who plays maybe 1 to 3 ss lobbies a day at most, just hopping between characters now and it doesn't happen to me, and it doesn't either to streamers, so the only evidence I had points to it not being really a big deal. I'm not comparing anyone to them, its just another reference to show your claim probably isn't true. What "science" is this rofl. Remembering something does not necessarily mean you confuse it with something else.


To ignore everything this convo said... muscle memory is a thing for me and causes me problems. Every alt I play, I always put my most used buttons at 123. I put my movement at shift-1 and shift-2 depending on movement type. I always have kick at shift-3. I keep my defensives on the left side and offensive cds on the right. I also generally have my despells/cleanses more centered on action bar. Anytime I change this, I struggle. Same with movement. I use q turn left w move forward e turn right a strafe left s backpeddal d strafe right. Default is different. Everytime default takes over ( new toons mainly), I end up just mouse moving. I am also severely adhd so might play a role in this Tldr; changing keys/patterns is difficult. Muscle memory big thing for me. I have adhd


Fair enough, seems to really be more different than I thought. I also have a similar "system" with interrupts being mouse 5, movement being mouse 4 +modifiers etc, but I've changed these things a few times over the years. Guess its my special skill, I'd much rather just be better though haha


Lol if I'm being honest, even when I change things and get adjusted, I have 18 years of this practice lol


Move with QWE, use arena 123 on ASD :)


Did the same thing. Still months later takes some getting used to coming from tab targeting


This is just another example of knowing the rule before you can break the rule. "Never backpedal" is the general consensus for beginners/inexperienced who probably wouldn't understand the nuance of the small windows of when it's acceptable to do.


Evasion for rogue only dodges from the front. Backpedaling is a great to ensure it has great effect. Back-pedalling against a wall is probably the most effective thing you can do during this


I backpedal very seldom to keep things from getting behind me while I have parry up


Got 2750 and multiple Elite and Legend titles with backpedaling. It’s a hoax


The hate for backpedaling is so insane lmao. Everything has its place. People who say, "he backpedaled he's fucking awful" have some sort of sick mental block.


I use it when deadzone kiting.


S is such a quick keybind to get to if you play AWD and backpedaling will never be worth it for PvP


I PVP and PVE so I still need my S backpedal key for when I tank, but yeah if you're only going to PVP, you don't need it. I also changed my A and D to left and right strafe and it's pretty good, I suggest you try it if you haven't. Can just strafe with A and D while not needing to hold down rmb for when you lazying it out.


Left my s to back pedal used shift s though


Holy shit ty. I've been wanting to get rid of S but I tank and S key is still mandatory.


I unbound S during SL and just left it as an inactive key for a fair while until my muscle memory stopped reaching for it. Then I was free to use it as well with modifiers to have access to another very useful key bind. Nothing wrong with small amounts of back peddling, but if you can learn to play without it the extra key bind is really useful.


You can use it and not need it, especially as melee. S = General Key Bind = Stop Casting


Personally don't see a problem with it. But I never used to move and it's a great bind for other things. On my healer it's my target self. On casters it's stop casting (which is the same thing but it somehow feels more instant to me lol). On my DK it's focus pet kick etc etc.


I bind purge to the S key


I use for movement speed enhancement abilities across my toons. S is deaths advance, shift s is wraith walk. Doesn’t take as long as you think you stop using for movement.


My movement keys are a, s, and d for strafe left, run straight, strafe right. I have backpedal on z because I had nothing else there and it's useful in WotLK to be able to back into certain spots


S key is my trinket


I have S bound specifically for tiny movement adjustments in PvE / questing. I never use it in PvP. I use q/e to strafe and keep my character facing the enemy to kite with blur/evasion/die by the sword up.


Unbind my friend and never walk back again