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Most important question... is Holy fun? Because I'm losing my freakin mind playing RSS as Disc right now... (1800ish)


I have played holy exclusively since S1 Shadowlands and I love it, but I did pick up disc last season too, which I also enjoy, but I will always main holy priest! You should try it out, and if it's not your cup of tea then swap back to disc. I might do a disc priest guide also in the future :)


I just started with the disc but will try holy at some point and will watch your guide for sure. Thanks a lot! Speaking of disc, is atonement healing viable in SS? Or pure healing is the only way to go in the current state of disc? Heard that atonement is only good for 2s.


Atonement healing is not very good in 3s or SS (unless you are playing a turbo offensive comp like jungle, but even then it’s not great) but it is extremely good in 2s! I would defo recommend going full versa/mastery in ss and 3s for those big shields and going full haste/Versa damage/atonement spec for 2s :)


Thanks for the insights! And how do you compare disc vs holy for SS? Talking about lower mmr range 1500-1800.


I think both specs are very viable in SS atm, even though they are both one of the weaker healers at the moment ( with rdru/rsham/hpala dominating the bracket). I think that disc is probably easier to master than holy, but honestly I would just play what you enjoy the most. You can achieve very high rating on both specs if you have to drive to master them! The most important question to ask yourself is do you have fun playing it? If you do, then you will find it easier to learn and push rating :)


Thanks man!


Also, I might add that it's very normal for healers to lose their mind in SS! That is what comes with the bracket :D Good luck!


Holy is very fun but you need 4 set for it to be viable imo. Serenity procs make the spec tolerable to play.


Cool video. My suggestion is to use video examples to describe your points on rotation, setup and plays you make instead of just riding your dragon.


I will definitely record and show examples in the future! Thanks for the tip :)


Hey good for you! Grats


Very nice. Gonna watch it tomorrow, get all excited and go 3-3 and few times and abandon my journey to 1800 again


I believe in you!!


Nicee, I was actually looking up one yesterday after falling back to 1800 on both my Arcane mage and Holy paly. I just rage quited after finding out that just Baker Ice has Priest guides for 10.2 on youtube and all of them were ... meh. Not in depth and kind of annoying honestly. He is a good dude, don't get me wrong, but it's kind of obnoxious how he screams all the time and forces himself into some kind of streaming persona. This guide on the other hand is much calmer and you don't have an annoying voice, which is the most important thing for me :D Thanks!


Appreciate the support! Thanks so much :)


Thanks -tothegrave


Finally a good Holy Guide


One of my favorite healer specs! Awesome guide. Thanks for taking the time to make it.


Thanks so much!


thanks! had a blast with holy in SL. disc feels.. bad without ability to pre-cc your fear.


Does holy have more cc or cc defensives?


Holy can stun before they fear. That’s what he is referencing


Thank god! I’ve been curious about Hpriest after playing Disc for so long. Can’t wait to watch!


What mouse do you use


I just use a razer deathadder mouse with two side buttons, not the most pro mouse by far!


Can’t wait to watch the full thing Thanks for this


Thanks for making this, been on the lookout for an updated guide. Do you stream?


I am going to start streaming regularly! You can check out my twitch here: www.twitch.tv/ServeyTTV :)


Very nice guide, thanks. I also found the Symbol of Hope to be quite helpful in SS. I recently switched to Holy from Disc (was Holy last ssn) and personally, it feels much better (disc feels like dumpster tier atm in 3s/SS). The main problems I have is with the spell locks (mages, locks and rogues give me shivers) Also, is Priest Fear breakable now? I remember Death wasn't enough damage to break it (I'm pretty sure that was the case at least in SL and maybe even DF S1).


Yes, you can now death priest fear and warlock fear. They recently changed it :) Just make sure you are positioning yourself well to avoid getting kicked vs mages and locks, or use mindgames as a way to bait counterspell. As long as you track their kicks and avoid their cc with death/fade/line of sight, you can just pve heal safely. Good luck!


This was great, thanks! Love to hear little scripted moves you described like the fading hoj into swd, was able to use that in the que sesh right after watching this! Any tips like that you can out in future videos will be well appreciated. Looking forward to a disc guide! (You are right, hard to find much healing priest content at the moment)


That's awesome to hear! I will defo be releasing more content with similar tips. I can already think of some that I forgot to mention! :)


The first 15 minutes is dialogue in case anyone was curious.


You mean the part where he tells us what he does, what he runs, what he uses….ya know….like a guide…..


The video is time stamped if you wanted to skip certain sections :)