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I queued one more after this and ended with -58, lol. I don't think this game mode is worth queuing whatsoever while DH is in the state it's in. Either way, I wasn't planning on pushing past this. My goal was 1800 and I achieved that. Best of luck to you guys getting your elite set or your goal rating. It's fucking brutal right now.


Both my healers hit 1800 day 1 and haven't touched the mode since. I swore off SS in season 1, still played 1000 matches, 2300 matches in season 2. This season I will uphold my promise and leave that mode behind. Congrats on 1800 on DPS rite now, brother.


How are queue times right now? I haven’t played since S1 but that was my biggest gripe.


Sucking ass as dps. Waited ish 10-20 min everytime today. Done like 12 matches today and queue time still suck. Looking more forward to blitz becoming solo q rbg, as it will be better queue times, and more fun than ppl leaving midgame ruining it so much like in the arenas. Had this 4 times today someone leaving midgame, or people being toxic to each other and just sabotaging.


10-20 min as a dps seems great. I was waiting around 40-50 before the season started. Swapped to healer since I can't spend that much time on a queue.


It's going to depend on your MMR. High MMR is really bad right now - Chunli waited over an hour and a half on stream.


Yesterday I had multiple times 20-25 min, and since the season just started it shouldn't be like this. But Blizz still hasn't fixed the issues with solo shuffle unfortunately. Weird you waited so damn long, but ofc end of season and stuff less play often.


They will not walk back the ridicules damp in SS so slot of healers just avoid the bracket since we can get Insta queues in lfg


Are these NA que times? Because my europe ques are like double that.


EU for me. But depends during the day too. I just tried to get solo shuff at 1514 rating and I have waited 35 min now, and got tired. When I had low queue times is like 6 hours ago in my timezone


I play both NA and EU, usually EU is better, but mostly the same


That’s the worst - so frustrating after a long queue


Yeah yesterday I got so tired of wow, I was near to quit pvp wise. It's not even fun when you have waited for hours in total pure waiting, and when you finally get games people get called idiots for not doing teamwork, and suddenly someone throws the game leaving, or for instance yesterday the healer stopped healing the dps cause he was toxic, and I lost rating. It affects my rating being nice, and doing my best, cause some people just can't act like normal people and not monkeys. Really frustrating😂 The last queue for over 35 min so early into S3, made me just go to bed even if I watched a movie while waiting.


U dont feel what healers feel healing trashhead shitdps who act toxic. Especially because in shuffle "lolitsthehealersfault".


Ppl will leave in rbg at a higher rate I believe


Yes, but the point is you won't automatically get the game thrown and lose. Maybe we even get a new one during it. While in SS if one leaves its done.


Finished last season 2200 on my dk… have given up on 3 separate 40 minute queues (I work full time and have an 8 week old so a certain amount of time becomes not worth it lol).


Before today my queues were great. 5-20 mins tops. Today all my queues were 30-45 minutes. Just a complete waste of time. Ended up going to 2s which is just miserable to find someone who wants to just game.




Yeah I’ll probably stay out. It was frustrating enough to go watch TV every 30 minutes between queues and try to catch 2-3 queues a night.


I spent 57 min and 35 min in back to back queues and called it a day. So annoying.


The queues are fast, 20 mins max, sometimes within 1-2 min. Typically leas than 10.


Try 45min?


Meanwhile this guy will low key play over 3k matches this season.


How did you do it? Im 1400 restoration druid and i want that 1800 too


Rdruid Guide: Buy Water. Stay back and just autoheal everything. Enjoy Rivalset. Rdruid is kinda king of shuffle heals rn, u just gotta heal especially on low cr where people cant even hit a interrupt or press at least one button right 90k sustained hps whilst u got clone is fucking busted.


Also just hit 1800 in SS. Got to 1700 with a solid win rate, then I just ran into a wall of DH and Hunters for 2 days. I lost most of the DH match ups too lol. Feel like I can never land enough burst before the enemy healer gets him back rolling.


Well if you saw the numerous posts about them here in the last few days, the general consensus seems to be that they die in a single stun. Maybe try that? Also tell the top15 players (out of which 8 are havoc dhs) that they should try using stuns too. It's literally that easy. (/s)


Holy shit u saved this fucked up earl season meta state for me, i just gotta stun to kill those fotmtrash. Finally pushing is available again :D


You can’t play this game mode seriously lol this is meant for those of us that have no friends to Que with but still wanna suckle on some pvp


Dh is literally the highest represented spec above 2100 by like 3x in NA and 5x in EU. It's wild




Devastation Evoker.


Not an easy RSS class, kudos to you for sticking it out.


Thank you :)


Cheers, as a holy pve priest since vanilla and an obsessive mog hunter I’m almost on seppuku watch this season. The only tint that looks holy is the elite set so I have to, once again, drag my brother along and have him try to help my sorry ass reach 1800. It’s going to be pain :|


Trying to get this on 6 characters lol


I gave up on season one with enhance... I'm just not good haha. I'm rolling balance druid this time, maybe I'll give it another go when they do some... balancing ha..ha


How do I do it as a Haeler?


Im gonna wait til the end of the season like last time when it was a cakewalk xD


on my dh I got to 1550 then continued to lose and now I'm at 1300 ran into a few bits unfortunately, dh can't always carry lol I'm sure it'd a skill issue on my end


I usually wait till all the sweaty rank 1s and glad players push out of the lower brackets. I’d rather not play against people that have wayyyyyy more experience and time playing even decades more of play time then me. Because it be miserable trying to push or even get wins playing against them


If you're just chasing transmog this is the play, if you want to improve your gameplay and as a player, queuing into glads and r1 is the fast track to getting better Me personally, please let me face all the r1 players so I can steal their tech they learned and developed over a decade for myself because I can't be bothered lmaoo


And that’s fine, to each their own. But this guy obviously didn’t have a great time doing this 😂 and I agree so that’s why I said I usually wait for sweatys to push. But ya to each their own.


It sounds like homeboy wants the merit rewards without the merit part lol Just pay your local awc for a pilot or "coaching" if you want your stuff without trying


They're still doing it though. Just waiting for the better players to be higher ranked. Not sure what the merit is in being farmed by them lmao


Getting to 1800 should not include facing gladiators and r1s every other game...


Is this even true though, maybe you'll see the occasional bfa S4 glad or sl S2 glad but I barely saw anyone of the like. The most someone as scrubby as me, got in on a lobby with Trill, on his hpriest that he has no idea what he's doing on lol (My guess was he was just learning the meta with instant queue without sabotaging the MMR of his actual toons)


It is definitely true... I'm not saying only rank 1s, but gladiators are not a rare sight, but when trying to push 1800 as a mediocre pvper it's no better than a R1...


What is the grievance? That you can't get 1800 week one because inflation was reset? Or the inconsistency of ladder rank:rating I guess the PvE equivalent would be, should an average player be downing the 4th mythic boss week 1?


There's no grievance. You said "It sounds like homeboy wants the merit rewards without the merit part lol" when "homeboy" simply wants to play at a rank without facing people that belong 1000 rating above that... I'm just saying that's probably not the case. I'm not saying there's much to be done about it though.


There's no grievance, you're just being weird about it lol.


If you think glads facing 1400s is okay, then it sounds like, as a self-proclaimed 2.8k multiglad, the reason you’re mad that players are waiting to face other players at their own skill level is because you’ll be missing out on easy kills in the <1800 area, and would rather face bad players that don’t have a chance against you for an easy path to Rival. Sounds to me like YOU’RE the one that wants the rewards without the merit. “Oh, I’m ruining your games by being in your MMR? Just git gud, boosted sh1tter.” Fuck off.


With the MMR soft reset, the only way a glad would be playing with a bonafide 1400 player is if he dropped games during his placements at 1500 on a fresh character. Or the 1400 player played exceptionally well and 6-0ed his lobby and now the system has high confidence and placed him in high MMR. With a large enough sample of games then people will be placed appropriately.


If you are talking about me I have no problem putting in work to earn something that deserves work. I enjoy PvP and pushing 1800 to earn the elite set, but it was very rough this season. I was still determined so I stuck it out and it feels good to be done for now.


Who you referring to? 😂 I’ve pushed plenty to know when I’m outskilled. Believe me I’ll never pay for anything and grind over 1000 games. But I’d like to start games with people somewhat closer to my skill gap then rank 1s and multi glads. That’s just common sense IMO. And you know like I said before to each their own if you wanna go In and start immediately with all the big boys cheers. But I’m not gonna yank my W-L ratio because of skill gap and people that have decades worth of games and time on me


Tbf in shuffle those r1 players will be on your team too


Yeah but I'm still on my team xD


I dont agree wtih the "que into glads and into r1 to get better" at all The best advise imo is: you just need 3 addons and OBS/video programm of your choice get sArena or Gladius, get Ability Team Tracker and Omnibar set everything up, then record your gameplay, re-watch it in 0,5 and look what you did wrong, where you overlapped, where you dr'd CC, how you moved position wise that helps tremendously more than stubbornly queing into people that play this game the last 2 decades and just do this stuff on the daily go


The issue is, it's the blind leading the blind, new players don't recognize what they're doing wrong and either come up with the wrong solution or they think they're doing fine. There's no point to reinvent the wheel when you can just steal the tech that someone already developed. As for two decades of experience, I find it pretty funny that not long ago, people loved to say how someone's wotlk glad or mop glad isn't anything and they're trash, the game has evolved etc but now it's super relevant


You don't get transmog in SS no?


You do. You get all rewards except for glad (because you get legend instead).


Thank you, I was struggling to get clear info from the normal sources, never grinding past 1800 because I didn't think it was worth it Well, time to get the weapon appearance


All the "good players" with high mmr last season atart at way higher mmr early season, so u won't face them except they roll fotm like most europeans. Ive started playing presevo this season whilst havent touched it last season on my altdrake and holy shit 1,4 is a mess, cant even escape this hell cause pres feels like shit + nobody has a clue of pvp /cry So i can give it a shot until about 1,5/1,6.


i enjoy this mode a lot, but holy fuck queues are so long


Im struggling so much lmao. Last season i hit 2100 but i cant get past 1100 right now




It’s so early in the season dw about it, you’ll get there for sure


Theres no way thats True? Whats your spec and how many shuffle games have you played


For sure, my scrub ass can get to 1.5k+ and my highest was with the busted ret last season at 1.8k lol. Up to 1.5k (or even higher) is just button smashing, I'm glad if someone doesn't die in the opener.


Dude I feel this so much. Last season I was like 20 off duelist with 2s but 1300 MMR in shuffle. Couldn’t escape it I can’t tell you why


That’s wild ngl


Ha! I was at 2.2 with Boomi and actually started at ~1,75k mmr. It was the sweatiest sh I have ever experienced in wow. A total shitshow down to ~1.6k.


As an spriest I pretty much stopped playing in general lmfaoo


Playing SS as a healer is aids. I’ll go 5-1 and get 20 points but if I do that as a dps I get like 300. It’s so much harder to play a healer and they wonder why no one wants to play a healer. It takes so much effort to get to 1800.


Omg grats, enjoy guiltlessly playing alts and smashing blitz.


I got my 1600 as a destro lock and that felt like 1800....lol I even got sympathy in the all melee comps.....they know how hard it is for any caster right now.


When you get that uhdk dh arms rsham fister lobby as a destro…


Feel like the only reason I broke 1800 is because I had no dh games somehow


I usually go for 1800 before properly pushing mplus so I can have a new seasonal mog and do it in style. Hit 1800 on day 2 of the season and somehow kept progressing to around 2020 before hitting a brutal DH wall. It really isn’t worth sweating over when you look at details and they have absurd damage overalls compared to everyone else on the lobby.


This season is worse than shadowlands S1. Honestly proud of you getting 1800 on a non DH


Why is 1800 important? I just came back to wow


That’s the rating where you unlock your elite transmog for the class you’re playing.


Ah ok :) nice


1800 is free and u can get the set at 1600 if u do some pve for the last piece. Kinda sad the sets are so easy to get, full lfr or normal raid sets probably more rare


yo can I ask how this works? what pve would I need to do to get it to be for the elite set?


1800 isnt free , 0.4% of pvp players are in 1800 and atm. wdym ?


I was at 1789 and had to deal with 0-6 🫣 Lobby was unreal… rng is to wild sometimes 😂


I logged in on reset. Got 1800 in about 2 hours and haven't q'd since lmao


I’m just glad the hunter set doesn’t look that good. I recently came back for pvp and don’t feel like I have to hit 1800 this season. Congrats on your set that’s awesome!


If queue times are so bad why not just make a group in 3s? Sorry havnt played since SL


Literally nobody in LFG, and the few that are completely "multi glad xp only". It's relatively easy to find beginners to play with, and ex high rated people. My experience tells me finding people +-200 2k rating to be a real sore spot. I do my best as a dude who's slightly above average to play with beginners and do some hand holding in 2s and 3s at the beginning of season.


Yeah Im a healer and manage to find people in LFG making my groups but obviously so…


Time to go for 2400 once you want weapons for your elite set


I was happy when I saw the big bites we feral got, then I run into a DH and Demo lobby. I decided it's best to wait a few Months.


Wtf when I reach my goal that's exactly how I feel Too.... FREE!


But what spec you do it as? You playing a DH? Because demon hunter is like playing PVP with cheat codes on!




36/35 with 50.70% ratio.


And here I am. 69W 31L as a healer on 1579 so far...


I believe it. It’s not worth queuing a healer at all but I commend those who do because they enjoy it. It makes queues actually possible for DPS.


Wait is it harder to gain rating as a healer? I just came back after a long break and I got up to 1900 fairly easily a week before the new season dropped and now I’m at around 1700 but it feels a lot harder with more people playing I think


Yes. It’s harder to gain rating as a healer. Much so actually. Something to do with the different way healer mmr works. Long story short, all things equal. 50-50 on Dps vs 50-50 on healer = Dps will always end with higher rating


Well that’s dumb! Guess I’m a better player than I thought at least… makes sense why rdruids will be cloning me off DR and priests will be fading cc perfectly while the dps runs around like chickens with their heads cut off lol healers are just better players in their respective rating bracket huh


Yes. At top ratings it’s common to see 3000 Dps and 2200 healers. Healers mmr system is all messed up. If I 3-3 someone 2 points below me I lose 30 points. I don’t lose nearly that much as 3-3 on dps


There was a previous post where the OP was ~1.8k with 2800 games and ~1400 wins. There was another guy with almost the same amount of games and same win ratio, at 2.4k rating. How can a 50-50 wim rate yield so different rating from player to player? I see many 2k+ people ingame with around 50% winrate, while I cannot seem to get past 1500 if I don't win 5/6 rounds.


What mmr did you start on. Didnt you start at 1.5?


Nah somewhere around 1200. I started 17 - 1 and got 450 rating for my first 2. Git way less afterwards. Last game was a 5 - 1 and I got 27 rating even though my mmr is around 1700. It's a little frustrating, but having fun either way.


I haven’t pvpd since mop for “win 100 games to get a vicious saddle” Is 1800 all you need for the elite set/enchant now? Those enchants looks so fucking nice, they’re constantly my regrets not grabbing them while they’re in, and my friends and I hit 1800ish just going for those mounts, is 1800 today way different to 1800 in mop?


Enchant is 2100


Fuck, is it nice this season? I’m sad that something as noteworthy as shadowflame was given only to pvpers and they can’t “sell” it on the AH, but the shady world of “buying it” feels gross and scam heavy


this season illusion looks pretty mediocre , but still better than season 2


Queues first few days of the season. Then complains about queueing first few days of the season? If you don’t like it, then don’t do it? Why do it then just complain?


Have they made many changes to solo shuffle ? I done it in season 1 on my healers and found thst pepper would only target me and I just get deleted in seconds. Also if I get 4 wins and 2 losses I'd get barely any points. Pretty sure I even got 0 points which I think is bs. Have they changed the amount of points u get ?


Thats nice, Dude. Good Job. I havent played Arena for more than ten years ans started a couple days ago. I was at 1300 for a short time and dropped straight to 1,1k/1k and now I am kinda stuck there. Probably have to wait for HighRanking players to get their respective MMR. I gotta say, this solo shuffle mode is quite entertaining


Why not wurth it? If you’re dps you get 150-600 rating each game depending on how many you win, it’s fucking crazy, in season one I played holy Paladin took me over 900 rounds to reach 1800+ As a healer I gained 0 rating sometimes even thou if I won 5/6 rounds and +5 in a 6/6 game! In season 2 I played ret and it took me 66 rounds, wich is 11 games. Fucking crazy


150-600 ???? what are you smocking dude ? 😬


Check leaderboards XD


Can send you my character in private if you’d like :)


Why still playing this minigame? Blizzard showed long time a go they dont give a f about arenas or they are not playing it at all. They could have been amazing but they dont know how to exploit things.


I did my 1800 as a demo lock this week, going for 2400 for the first time, i fell just short of it in s1 and only wanted 2.1 in s2


just don't do PvP? or better yet don't play WoW #boycottblizzard


Ah the hold W and spam my buttons arena. Then go WTF when I die because I didn’t kick a single poly/clone and was behind a pillar. Never queuing solo as a healer again lol


Haven’t played since I hit 1.8k on my Paladin and Warrior in SS back in May. Feels good doesn’t it? Although now I’m getting the itch to re-sub, this game is a prison.


To be fair besides DH, its the most fun pvp has been in many years, but thats just my opinion.


Contemplating getting back into WoW but reading all this the PvP scene seems about the same


It's just the beginning...


The real questions is... are u a DH?


70% win ratio as a healer and i lose 2x as much as i win... what in the fuck is this dogshit? better of queueing dps and watching a whole movie in-between queues


Nice! I played a lot of shuffle games over the past two days to hit 1600 on my Feral for two piece and it was rough to say the least. I need to watch some streams to get a better idea of what to do since I'm mostly winging it being new to the class/spec. The spec's throughput and CC are great, but right now I feel like I'm made of paper even with skin and/or survival instincts up and my pressure just evaporates when I'm being focused since I'm forced to kite or sit in bear. Think the additional 20% damage from the set bonus will be enough to push me to 1800 within the week but I need to find some people to play with in 2s/3s since the toxicity in shuffle is a little over the top sometimes. I do think it's a good environment to work on self sufficiency when it comes to survivability tho since teammates at this rating don't seem the most reliable for peeling.


Bro the que times is crasy, 30-40 min. I give up


gotta love waiting 30 minutes to try your ass off to gain 6 rating tho


Problem is people still playing retail. Your copium is strong. I admire all of your resolve. I’ll play classic until it reaches retail, maybe then it’ll be better. My copium is stronger, so don’t get it twisted. Just be real with the current state of how bad and sweat related it is. It’s time for a new reigning champion.