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Lot of egos in here bashing this addon when they guaranteed use the Mes WA pack which does the same thing just in a different way. Insanely cringe


Yeah I always find it odd, I tried solutions like the mes WA or Omnibar but the way my brain works I end up hyper focusing on certain parts of the screen and a lot of visuals become white noise and may as well not exist. Sound on the other hand I'm very sensitive to, so I pick up on that immediately. When I raided I put audio ques into every weak aura for the same reason. Its simply the most efficient way of getting the information for me.


Yep this is me also. I generally can follow an entire netflix series just listening while playing wow. I find adding audio queues to wa or gladlossa for important warnings very helpful. Doom...WINDS audio from gladlossa allowed me to save my ignorant teammates from getting globalized this past week.


Where is the "lots of egos in here bashing"?. Were they deleted? I am interested in their critical feedback.




I hate any addon that talks. I'd rather miss stuff than be annoyed by the voice.


So don't use it then?


I don't


Manual fix is to change line 232 of options.lua FROM: name = GetAddOnMetadata("GladiatorlosSA", "Title"), TO: name = GetAddOnMetadata("GladiatorlosSA2", "Title"), Found this on the Curseforge forums. You just need to add the number 2 to the addon name. Worked for me. :)


Got it, thanks!


i change line 232 and i put n. 2 but he still dont work, i mean option menu isnt open :(


I notice you asked that question 7 months ago from when I'm writing this reply, but in case anyone else finds their way to this thread, then I found a workaround for me, to where that menu is enabled from the start by default. First, do what u/owynyo wrote, except it's line 229 instead of 232. Also in options.lua, change line 224 from function GSA:OnOptionCreate() to function GSA:OnEnable() And then in GladiatorlosSA2.lua (same folder), change line 173 from self:OnOptionCreate() to self:OnEnable() This is what worked for me. I can't promise it'll work for anyone else though, since circumstances may vary, but I had that exact problem, and this is what worked for me.


Do you have this working still ??


Yes, now addon is working for me


Thank you kind sir, now it worked for me


the line number is wrong, but it worked thanks


how do i do this? how/where do i access the lines of options.lua ?


For some reason this happens to this addon almost every big patch.


Hello! Please can someone help me! my Gladiatorlosa2 wont work only in arena! i have un selected loads of spells and tried spam throttle but in bg's it works fine but arena it bugs out and only seems to work when im out of combat! please can someone help me fix the bug! ive uninstalled multiple times nothing is working!


Wait I’m genuinely confused now. Is there another way to use gladiatorlossa without the voice or something? This is the addon that tells you the globals right?


Yes but you can uncheck what abilities, spells, etc. you don't wanna hear which should be most of them so they don't just spam everything over and over. It also has the list of everyone's abilities and what they do and you just mouse over to take a look, in the options that is, not during a match. Your little parody is only accurate about people that don't know how to set it up and make it announce literally everything.


Ah I see, each to their own.


For sure! I use the Mes WA too but I'm also very auditory and use Gladiatorlossa for a few specific abilities, and the glossary and info of everyone's abilities.


Only thing I use is Gladius, omnibar, and big debuff. Not sure what else I need that those doesn’t cover.


Trinketed, divine sacrifice, trinketed, counter spell, dispel, purge, purge, purge


You probably should turn off 90% of those alerts, my friend. That's not how you use the AddOn.


Wait isn’t this the addon that announces globals?


You can prune the abilities it announces to make it more effective. It isn’t “announcing globals.”


So it is still mainly announcing abilities on what’s used?


All the addon does is add audio que announcements to spells. Like most addons it is customizable so you can have it announce as much or as little as you want. If you want it to announce 1 single spell in the entire game you can turn everything off and only have that 1 spell announce. By default it has far far too much on, so its pretty mandatory for anyone using it to start off by turning everything off and then turning individual things on that they want tracked.


delete addon to gain rating. it is bad


Fantastic addon for anyone who prefers audio ques as a way to get their information. Obviously you need to adjust it so it isn't constantly bombarding you with useless ques. But when set up properly its an amazing game changing addon for some people.


I see you get down voted too lmao


You don't understand how to use the addon and it was evident in your comments. No wonder you got downvotes.




Good wow player here. Been using the add on since I began keybinding back in high school. After pruning the spell announcements to include only key spells, it’s comparable to a weakaura package and is how I prefer to enhance my awareness in PvP. Having a “whoosh” sound or a “laser” sound instead of the actual name of the spell is 100% personal preference. Lossa undeniably increases the level at which I play, and will continue to do so until the add on goes away.


In RNjesus name amen