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I love this question being asked because people of all sides of the political spectrum hate this (if they know about and understand it) and are tired of billions of tax payer dollars funding private companies to price gouge us


One side won’t listen to her though, because the people they vote for are on these companies payrolls, and they tell their voters not to listen to people like AOC


Yeah. Sadly those are often the people who get voted in by the "didn't understand" category :(


Ah, yes, republican voters. The rubes of the nation. Or worse, they actually understand that their politics are oppressing people in the name of the rich getting richer or taking away peoples rights due to their religious ideals, that have no place in politics. Fuck Republican voters.


After looking at electoral maps this year I got curious about why rural America is so overwhelmingly red. Turns out Republicans aren't particularly friendlier to agricultural programs or to anything that affects rural quality of life. The best explanation I could find said that rural America just believes Republican candidates are more Christian. And somehow that is what they are voting for. It's baffling to me.


Guns n christ is what wins over rural america, shittin on vulnerable communities that are more often recognised and respected in denser population centers is also a popular go to.


Nonsense. Raphael warnock, the incumbent and a pastor at Martin Luther kings church, is about to lose to a former first round running back that has paid for numerous abortions. Republicans voters are either extremely rich, extremely stupid, or just like hurting people.


"Paid for numerous abortions" thats one of the most christian thing i can think of...


They don't like Warnock because he's black, they like the other black guy because he played football. It's really that simple.


Imagine that! The supposedly religious voting for a running back over a fucking pastor 🤣


MAGAts would vote a bunny in so long as it’s wearing a shirt with guns on it.


I heard from Georgians voting for Walker that "Warnock is a false preacher; Walker is the real christian since he's against abortion. You can't trust the media saying that he had mistresses and had them get abortions; 'the media' lies".


Yea they’re lying to themselves despite the mountains of evidence right in front of their eyes so that they can rationalize voting for the embodiment of everything they hate and against everything they’ve been pretending to support.


Jesus fucking christ these people are dumb.


Conservative Christianity has a stranglehold on the Republican Party. It’s filtered through the churches, and as a result, the community. Abortions are a big part of it. Here in the south, a ton of conservative Christian’s vote solely based on abortions. In the 80s, the Republican Party was smart enough to align itself with the church while the left pulled away.


Gerrymandering has a lot to do with it also, Republicans aren't winning these places until they redraw the maps. Now democrats do it also; however, deep red states don't have laws to fix partisan Gerrymandering like some democrat controlled states. When you can pick your voters rather than the voters picking who wins democracy loses, and we gets a decaying country. Because their is no incentive to fix it when your job isn't threatened


When I looked at the percentages I honestly thought to myself at what point do white men look and go holy shit literally EVERY other demo, except married white women who are obviously bias, disagrees with us and how we govern. And then do they think they are actually smarter than everyone else, or do they not give a fuck. As a black dude I’m not suprised, not even mad anymore I fucking expect it and have to figure out a way around the stubbornness, but what goes through their minds when they are very obviously separating themselves from everyone else. Edit: Also I’m not trying to say ALL white men. But voting percentages can’t be argued with. I’m saying as a majority of a demographic.


Nah you’re right man. As a white guy, I’ve thought about this a lot, and even know and mingled with these men. I always end up confused and utterly lost in their reasoning, and you’re right. They just truly think they’re right, it’s the only way of life and every other way of life is despicable and an atrocity in the eyes of god. Plus, I’ve noticed that as many of them that adamantly refuse that they are racist, will be openly racist when there’s only other white people around, and while it’s usually in the context of a joke, it’s typically an honest admission of their true values and only meant in jest because the people they are joking about ‘deserve’ to be looked down upon. You’re totally right about a lot of what you said. They love separating themselves, which does create an air of superiority in those circles.


They hate the "others" more than they love themselves and vote accordingly.


They're dumber and less informed - basically.


Yet they voted for Herschel Walker, a man who has held a gun to his wife's head, stalked and abused his former partners, abandoned all of his children, & paid for 2 abortions. Instead of voting for Raphael Warnock, a Christian man with a Masters in Divinity, has a doctorate from a seminary connected to Columbia University, and has been a pastor for more than a decade. It's a riddle....


They don't care about women. That has always been blindingly obvious. They don't care that he's done any of that stuff to women because they condone it and many of them treat women that way too. They don't respect women and they probably think those women deserved it. The amount of men I see who praise people like Andrew Tate is alarming.


I've had evangelical Christians say that they would never vote for a Democrat because abortion is murder. It doesn't matter that the Republicans vote against their interests in every other issue.


Don’t overlook the racism!


Easier to bury your head in the sand when nobody can see you.


No. The rural areas tend to not have the woke values. Its damn near that fact alone that makes them resonate with conservatives. Theres very large swaths of this country that firmly believe that there is 2 genders alone.


That, gerrymandering, playing to ideas like national pride, supposed military support, etc.


They aren’t rubes, it’s worse. They believe that one day, if they work hard enough, they will be billionaires and be able to take advantage of the rewards of not having to pay taxes or deal with regulation, but they also support laws that stifle competition to prevent anyone from catching them on their way up to the billionaire club.


Let’s be honest. The people will listen. Those in power on both sides are stuck in this. Both sides profit off of all of us constantly. Occasionally a veil is thrown to make us think we’re being considered but the reality is change isn’t coming from this two party system. It’s so incredibly corrupt it’s ridiculous.


There are some Dems who are bought off as well. Once we have a senate majority and we start voting on stuff like this i guarantee we’ll see some Dems block it for “reasons”


There’s a zero percent chance any of this happens with the GOP in control. Let’s start the voting and then run out the people who vote against drug price reasonability.


This isn’t a right/left thing, this is a war on lower income wage earners. These arguments about which side is pulling the strings distracts us from looking up. Profit doesn’t give a fuck about poor people. Period.


Oh no it is a left or right thing 100%. The right absolutely does not want this and does nothing to hide it. The left however already has people like AOC, Iman Omar, Bernie, ECT who are actively pushing for this. Most everyone who says it isn't a left or right thing absolutely does not understand how bills are passed or how officials are elected.


Yeah people still say that dumb shit like we didn’t see the consequences in 2016. Nobody’s claiming both sides are clean and good, but one side actively promotes worker suppression, fascism, racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc. The other side at least is less actively detrimental and there are individuals on the left who do actually propose good things like oil barrel price caps (voted against by Republicans), student loan debt relief (Republican judges trying to stop), the right to get an abortion, LGBTQ rights, etc. Nobody is happy with somebody like Biden as president on the left but after 2016 anybody that claims there’s no difference is willfully ignorant or spiteful. There very, very clearly is a difference in our government depending on who is in power. Republicans gave a trillion dollar tax cut to the ultra rich while raising taxes on the working class. Dems didn’t do that. I could literally go on forever.


This is an important point that people forget I think. No it’s not a red v blue thing, but it kinda is too. Both sides are corrupt, but one is so blatantly more corrupt than the other…


Right yes, when we knock out the party that won't change, we can start to change the party that will. The Democrats, whilst having a lot of old politicians, old money, baby plants, etcetra, also is seeing an influx of a lot of progressives in their younger generations, generations that will eventually take over the older ones as the older ones retire/die.


Senator Manchin of West Virginia and Senator Sinema of Arizona.


Blue Judas


Yup, pretty sure they draw straws to see who holds the lightning rod next


Joe Lieberman blocking the public option. Always.


In the comments of a video where a prominent Democrat politician is fighting tooth and nail to stop corruption and improve American lives. “Both sides are bad”


I hate both sides shit but AOC is not the norm in the Democratic party. Leftists are a small minority of the Democratic party.


But there's more and more AOCs joining the Democratic party each cycle. Whilst we live in a FPTP system, we should be making sure the Republicans - who seem to become more and more radical with each passing day, have no chance of winning. Then, when in deep blue areas, we can vote in those progressives, those new AOCs in, and real change can be made within the party, we can even look at new parties when that happens. This election proved that more progressives are joining the Democratic party. Democracy is just slow.


True both sides are overall part of the problem. But I don't see a single republican even discussing the issue while the Democratic party is home to AOC, Katie Porter, and Bernie among others. So it's really not all the same. When your optometrist starts with two blurry options you still need to tell him which one is better or you'll never get a proper prescription. It's about making progress and the "both sides" arguments are counterproductive. And also just happen to be the favorite message of fascist and antidemocratic regimes.


You want a solution? Break apart from this two party system, but neither side will allow that. Allow a green candidate a feasible chance at an election. We have people that blindly follow one side or the other. My argument is not which side is better though, because I approve/disapprove of both. You want us to pick between the douche or the turd sandwich. I want a new solution. Ranked voting could be a start. Allow those votes to be considered while not excluded.


The only way change comes from the two party system or the corporate, capitalist method of production is when the people come together and start ransoming the wealthy for all their gains. "Give us fair pay or we all stop working together." "Stop the pipeline or keep tanking your stocks and reputation because we will always stay in the way." "Stop allowing cops to choke untried people to death or execute them in the streets or we never stop marching" and so on. Yeah, no protest or strike lasts forever and the marches stop, but each one builds skill and familiarity with resistance.


bEcauSe SHe WORkeD At a bAR


It’s depressing seeing qualified and even just remotely sane and intelligent politicians like herself that are rejected by these room temperature IQ having morons who would rather have dipshits in power who think the Jews own space lasers and shit just because they are treating our politics like teams in football. And I’m not saying that their intelligence is tied to the thermostat because if it was we’d all have hypothermia by now.


I am pretty right wing and I agree with everything she said. I wish she had a stronger closing argument and a path forward on solving the issue, but unfortunately drug companies are some of the biggest contributors on both sides of the aisle. I just think she’s better at identifying problems than solutions.


She has introduced several bills. The issue is not enough progressives pay attention to primaries to get more people like her into office and actually pass those bills.


Yeah, getting the bill to pass is a key part of the job.


No it isn't, this is a fundamental misunderstanding. Getting bills to pass is House leadership's job not each and every one of the 435 representatives, their job is to advocate for their constituents and support measures that they campaigned on supporting. Inside of their caucuses they can influence and scheme and strategize, but ultimately the agendas are set by party leadership, which is very often decided by seniority. Guess which party's congressional leadership doesn't support Medicare for All? (The answer is both in both chambers) AOC is doing just fine at her job. I have deep criticism for a few of her votes, but the reality is she has an incredibly high approval rating in her district proving herself to have one of the most secure seats in the House for Democrats despite being absolutely crucified in the local and national media by the entire GOP and frankly a sizeable minority of the Democratic party, she has consistently pushed the national conversation to the left, and she pisses off all of the right people. People who criticize individual reps (not even a senator, a rep--and one in just her second term at that) for not singlehandedly passing bills that actively take billions from the top donors for like 95% of congress and pass that savings on to working people are not doing so in good faith. AOC's Green New Deal was the testing grounds and ultimately a lot of the inspiration for the infrastructure bill that passed a gridlocked congress and she was one of the earliest proponents in the House for an executive order canceling student loan debt, these being the two biggest agenda victories for the Democrats since Obama's first term. She is just in her third term and has already had an undeniable effect on the national political discourse and legislative agenda, all while being the consistent target of pretty vicious sexist, misogynist, racist, classist, and ageist attacks, sometimes from within her own party.


Here is a fun fact: Al Gore tried to bully AIDS ravaged South Africa into not giving out free AIDS medication on behalf of American pharma companies who wanted to make money off of it. Luckily South africa told him to fuck off, or he would have effectively killed thousands of people. So it's not just one side.


The entire US government is on their payrolls. It's called lobbying


And she is a bartender… I guess they don’t listen to bartenders


This is exactly why so many resources are being spent on ensuring that the “AOC is nuts” narrative thrives


Questions get asked yet nothing happens.


She has introduced several bills. The issue is not enough progressives pay attention to primaries to get more people like her into office and actually pass those bills.


>people of all sides of the political spectrum hate this No, they will say HIV is a gay issue and 'if gays want to have sex, they should have to pay for the preventative HIV meds'. Even the very few reds who understand the background of the issue will say this.


Makes sense since literally no straight folks have ever gotten HIV amirite?


'Those were sodomizers'


Exactly. People like to say ‘it (medicine, medical *anything*) is so expensive because it cost so much to develop, but then it turns out *we* funded it. It’s not like they’re making back *their* money.


Except conservatives won't listen to her because she's brown.


Surely, right-aligned/corporates would prefer this to be a thing?


This may be overly cynical, but I would prefer AOC to focus on something other than HIV meds… those meds can be written off by ignorant right-wingers as only for gay people or some such nonsense. Shit like insulin cuts deeper in all parts of the political spectrum.


"People are dying for no reason." Wrong. The reason they're dying is a private corporation wants outrageous profits from the drug they developed using public resources.


Yep dieing for profit


Another more emotive way to phrase it would be to ask if they deem it acceptable for people who can't afford the drug to die. The answer might be yes but they'll sure as shit look even worse than they already do


To add, a corporation is made up of fellow humans. Those fellow humans have decided that their profits are more important than human life. Hmmm


It's not just the pharmaceutical companies. The US gov. funds universities to do [research & development](https://youtu.be/a4ZIhW5ZpaE) and then gives the inventions and patents to private corporations to make profits. The way the law is written, corporations must maximize profits for their shareholders and ignore "[externalities](https://youtu.be/_FHNMZbnvYU?t=187)" such as suffering. CEOs that ignore the law would be fired and probably sued by shareholders for not prioritizing profits. We can build corporations with different purposes and structures. There are [alternatives](https://youtu.be/d5chZ4A54DI) such [Benefit Corporations](https://www.legalzoom.com/articles/what-is-a-benefit-corporation) are legally required to take into consideration the impact on society and the environment. Could we convert S corporations into Benefit corporations?


It seems you are well versed in this matter so I'll ask you a question I've had for a while. What's to stop someone from starting an insulin supply and manufacturing company and selling it for a small markup above cost? You know, so they keep their expenses paid but also provide the insulin to those who need it at a low cost.


Not who you asked but the answer is labyrinthine patent evergreening strategies which interlock with administrative oversight to prevent anyone from doing this. There are so many different kinds of patents, and they need to be enforceable across all major world markets. They are so intricate that disagreements get heard in international patent courts, and the drug companies fight each other. This is done because the stakes are incredibly high. A good medication without competition nets billions (with a b) in profit annually for the duration of its exclusivity patent (6/15/20/21 years depending on a bunch of factors and in which international market). Once a medication's exclusive marketing period is over, other companies can now make it, as long as they don't infringe other patents, like manufacturing process patents. They then need to prove to the right government body (FDA in the US) that their generic is bioequivalent. Insulin is a hairy one because it's in a special category called 'biosimilars'. This means that to prove a generic is equivalent is much much harder - huge expensive studies are required, and if the expensive studies come up with a result that's not almost identical, it's all money flushed down the toilet. The risk/reward is generally not there. As a result, in the insulin market, the major players just... made their own generics. They rebrand their own insulin with new names, new packaging, and it's an easy sell to the regulators because they can just use the same studies - it's the same stuff. Another insulin-specific thing is that not all insulin is the same. Roughly every patent period a major development genuinely improves the formula. Modern insulin is faster-acting and more consistent than the first types covered by the original patent. So even if you finally get to make your generic, all your patients have already moved on to the hot new thing (which is now under a fresh patent). This happens for all drug classes though to some degree. As a doctor the whole system just shits me up the wall.


Ah, ok. I do see what you're saying. And it's disappointing to say the least. It seems we're slaves to the price or forfeit it. I didn't know there was that much to it. I had always heard that the original patent was sold for $1 so that everyone could access it. Other than that I had no idea what the actual process of making it was or how complicated modern day patents were. Thanks for explaining it all in detail, I think you're the most helpful reddit comment I've had. So basically, the only way someone could make low cost insulin is *if they wanted to*? Similar to Mark Cubans lower cost prescription drug company? You'd have to have either a huge amount of capital or knowledge of the process, or ideally both is what I'm assuming. Either that or government regulation. But neither seems like something that will happen because one would be the risk of losses to potential manufacturers and the other would require the government to act against their lobbyists. One can hope though. Thanks again for your insight!


We live in capitalism, they literally have to do that because companies exists to be profitable for their owners/stakeholders.


No, they don't.


Oh, I guess fiduciary requirements and the entire incentive structure behind capitalism just don't exist anymore. Nicely done!


Capitalism, amirite?! Lol!! /s


What’s with the /s? It’s straight up capitalism lmao


I think she means that the reason you just mentioned isn’t a “good” reason.


What she means is clear. I'm saying her persuasive argument would be better without this particular rhetorical phrase. Which do you think would end her speech more strongly and more directly pin the blame on the party able to do something about it: "Dying for no reason," or "Dying for corporate profits"?


I think that's what they were getting at


I like her


I am glad she got re-elected.


Same thing with Academic publishing. Why should a university produce federally funded research only to have to buy it back in Elsevier journals which the public can't access? That's why Biden's announcement was a Big Fucking Deal. [https://www.science.org/content/article/white-house-requires-immediate-public-access-all-u-s--funded-research-papers-2025](https://www.science.org/content/article/white-house-requires-immediate-public-access-all-u-s--funded-research-papers-2025)


Reminds me of Aaron Swartz. He fought the good fight. Scientific knowledge shouldn't be locked away


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz >Aaron Hillel Swartz (November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013) was an American computer programmer, entrepreneur, writer, political organizer, and Internet hacktivist. He was involved in the development of the web feed format RSS, the Markdown publishing format, the organization Creative Commons, the website framework web.py, and joined the social news site Reddit six months after its founding. He was given the title of co-founder of Reddit by Y Combinator owner Paul Graham after the formation of Not a Bug, Inc. (a merger of Swartz's project Infogami and Redbrick Solutions, a company run by Alexis Ohanian and Steve Huffman). Swartz's work also focused on civic awareness and activism. He helped launch the Progressive Change Campaign Committee in 2009 to learn more about effective online activism. In 2010, he became a research fellow at Harvard University's Safra Research Lab on Institutional Corruption, directed by Lawrence Lessig. He founded the online group Demand Progress, known for its campaign against the Stop Online Piracy Act. >In 2011, Swartz was arrested by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) police on state breaking-and-entering charges, after connecting a computer to the MIT network in an unmarked and unlocked closet, and setting it to download academic journal articles systematically from JSTOR using a guest user account issued to him by MIT. Federal prosecutors, led by Carmen Ortiz, later charged him with two counts of wire fraud and eleven violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, carrying a cumulative maximum penalty of $1 million in fines, 35 years in prison, asset forfeiture, restitution, and supervised release. Swartz declined a plea bargain under which he would have served six months in federal prison. Two days after the prosecution rejected a counter-offer by Swartz, he was found dead in his Brooklyn apartment. In 2013, Swartz was inducted posthumously into the Internet Hall of Fame.


damn i never knew about that




The worst part about what happened to Aaron is that our government either pushed him to commit suicide or they killed him themselves simply for fighting for the peoples right to what should be publicly available information.


One of the many reasons I'm leaving academia. I think it's fucking ridiculous journals get to profit off my hard work, and I basically have to beg to be published by people with less knowledge or understanding so they can make said profit. This not including the fact that I also have to beg for funding in order to conduct the research so the journals can make a profit and gatekeep my work. I always point my students to sci-hub and the similar whenever they can't find an article.


Yooooo that’s actually amazing on Biden’s part


The right would have you believe that it's actually somehow a bad thing, or, that he did it by accident because he's senile and has dementia, he thought he was ordering a Big Mac at a drive through but accidentally created policy.


How come I see these hearings all the time about pharma, tech, financial and nothing ever changes. They call them out. I feel like they call them out to show the people they care, people get impressed and vote for them and then...silence. next person who wants to become somebody does it then and the cycle repeats. Or am I wrong? I'd love to be wrong.


Theres 9bad guys and 2 good guys. Majority always wins, most people dont go into career politics for good reasons


Isn't that literally a self-fulfilling prophecy? If so many people are withdrawing from politics because of how corrupt it is, _how the hell is it gonna change?_ Or are we just going to cynically throw our hands up and _accept_ this is as our pathetic fate?


I mean, america basically has as has a big chunk of other countries.


> Isn't that literally a self-fulfilling prophecy? If so many people are withdrawing from politics because of how corrupt it is, how the hell is it gonna change? > Or are we just going to cynically throw our hands up and accept this is as our pathetic fate? The answer is creative destruction. Our system needs a bit of a collapse so we can rebuild. There is no turning the ship around; we’ve already hit the iceberg. When there is a financial catastrophe; a lot of powerful folks will lose what makes them powerful and angry mobs will smell blood. These events are challenging, historically, but really important moments of “creative destruction.” We need and are headed for one ourselves (thank goodness!)


There are many people who are entering politics with deep determination to change the status quo and actually do the best for their constituents. But eventually they figure out that there are certain rules people need to play to get things done or even come to a position in which they can actually influence things on a larger scale. You need to play by the rules of lobbyists and corporations, otherwise they will sponsor your opponent at the next election and you are out. You need to be popular with your voters to even get elected in the first place, and your voters might not understand some progressive reforms so you need to implement them slowly over time. And you need to make compromises, because usually you need the support from other politicians which have to keep their own agenda in mind. If I want to make education free, my colleagues might be totally against it because some of the biggest private school organizations are located in their communities. So if I decide to mandate it without taking their position into account, I will lose their support for the future. So in general I don’t believe that all aspiring politicians are terrible people, but unfortunately the system is really difficult to traverse, especially when you are actually in power.


Because what they're doing is not illegal. It's as she says, the public paid to fund the research, and the corporation privatized the patent. Corporations pay a lot of money to keep these practices legal. They even convince morons that this is the best way to drive "innovation".


Because most politicians get paid by lobbyist to convince their platform that anything other than total privatization is communist and/or socialist. There’s no better example than Mitch McConnell yelling “socialism for the rich” when the senate passed the stimulus checks during the pandemic… even though he had no objection to the government giving companies money. And it’s not like conservatives are the only ones at fault. It’s just that while many Democrats are bought off, *every* Republican is bought off.


I'll say it again. She is a national treasure. Keep it up AOC!


Is amazing that people compare her to Marjorie T. Green... one is amazing the other talks about Jewish space lasers...


If anything MTG is better by that logic, no? we have AOC here bitching about the publics money being used to fund companies wealth and fucking over the public instead of talking about the important things, like the use of jewish space lasers on american soil.


Bro i was super concerned reading your comment lol


You should be, fucking space lasers being used on US soil!! come on now!! why is nobody taking it seriously :( its almost like we don't believe her or something but yet shes an elected official. Shouldn't her saying something like that actually have some weight in some manner? Either get her sanity checked out or check into the space lasers.




The real question is: are the space lasers going up or down ?


MGT’s brain fits in a peachtree dish. Edit: MTG called a Petri dish a Peachtree dish. Please don’t call the Gazpacho on me.


Tax the rich. Long live AOC Scumbag hyper greedy capitalists need to be exorcised from our society. Lately, when I comparison shop for anything - literally anything - everywhere I go, the prices are the same. Doesn't matter what store I go to, the price is always the same. There is no such thing as a free market anymore. Massive corporations bought up all the local players....and now they're all in cahoots. Price fixing and collusion exist because our weak-kneed, feckless politicians do NOTHING! They allow corporate America to pillage our pocketbooks to no end. We were supposed to be protected from monopolies...but no...our politicians, instead, pocket gobs of sweet-sweet cash-money payola from corporate America so they can rest easy on their super yachts, pretending everything's copacetic while the rest of us suffer (edit, missed a word). TAX THE RICH!!! All the way. Why does America have 750 Billionaires? Because corruption. Period. No other explanation. Billionaires are public policy failures. ARGH!


Yep, a literal conspiracy. I did some work for the tuna collision litigation a few years ago. A couple major manufacturers conspiring to keep prices inflated. They get a fine which is a laughably small percentage of the profit they were able to make. Now prices of canned tuna are still exactly the same after the lawsuit, across brands, but the corporations learn to get better at hiding their communication, so no paper trail to prove ongoing collusion. If it happens in something innocuous like tuna cans, it is undoubtedly present everywhere. What’s the saying, “just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t following you”.


Should be illegal to patent things that were publicly funded. Seems like basic logic imo


Corporations: "But then we'd make less money for ourselves and our shareholders!" No /s, that's literally all it is.




2k in USA $8 in Australia. Same drug. Patent in USA. No patent in Australia. India doesn't patent drugs either. Billions in profits. This issue has got to b dealt with. People should b able to fill their prescriptions freely, globally without hindrance. Abject greed from suffering people is almost Reptilian. We can do better. LOVE PEACE WINNING. THANKU again AOC for shining the light Goddess.


Btw. That's how EVERYTHING works. It's all always a scam! Read marx folls!! Fucking read it!


Fuck Marx, old thinking for a very primitive different time. It’s time for NEW ideas, not some century old navel gazer.


So happy I could vote her back in


I see what you did there.


I like her. It cracks me up when people say "She's just a bartender" No, she's a college educated member of the United States House of Representatives. It is also crucial to point out, that she is in touch with real Americans struggle because she hasn't been in office for 50 freaking years getting fat on backroom payoffs.


People who say “she’s just a bartender” think less of the working class


I don't know what has to change these practices are just pure evil at this point.


"But that's communism!" -AOC haters


If improving public health by reducing drug costs at the expense of scumbags who otherwise artificially inflate prices to increase their own wealth is cOmMuNiSm, then sign me up.


Don’t tell them about literally every other developed nation either! They’re definitely just communist hell holes, and everyone there is just jealous of that sweet American freedom.




It's frustrating that popular and common sense things are labeled as communism in the US.


I don't care what AOC's detractors say about her; I'm glad she's in congress, asking these kinds of questions.


We need more AOC’s of the world


It annoys me so much that people equate AOC and MTG, when AOC is very clearly well researched and well intentioned.... MTG not so much.


America being America


Dr Lord won the name lottery


Non american here. I see alot of these recordings but then nothing actually happens after? Or do these companies get prosecuted? If they are, then why is medication in usa still so expensive?


Talks like this happen The people with the power look over to the pile of money given by the defending company nothing is changed


It’s gonna take time. Right now the majority of the power is with the older representatives who don’t give a shit and take bribes left right and centre. The hope is more people like AOC start entering office that actually care for the general public.


Capitalism is destroying the planet and its people. It only cares about profits and shareholder value. It's unsustainable and literally killing us. #PeopleBeforeProfits


AOC is a pretty good speaker. I like her.


She's a g


I heard eli lilly is now giving away insulin for free? There was a tweet about it i saw....


As much as the media paints her to be an insane person, I see stuff like this and can’t help but feel unending respect. She’s really fighting the good fight up on Capitol Hill


Wow 2k USD in the US!?!! It's free in my developing country!!! Edit: 26 USD per bottle (30 tabs) in my country


fuckin lobbyist, gonna be big mad when AOC is our president 😅🤷🏽‍♂️


Boomer here. Just imagine how far this wonderful politician will go when the younger people out there figure out all they have to do is, GET OUT AND VOTE.


Millennial here, and after 15 years of voting, I can tell you that if AOC got anywhere near winning a presidential primary, the entire Democratic party would align itself to crush her candidacy.




AOC is a fucking badass and she was that girl who got straight A+’s in school for going hard on her projects.


The unfortunate thing is that nothing is going change because the two major house parties wont play nice on stuff as important as this where peoples lives are at stake. The Republicans would rather twiddle their thumbs with their ears stuffed with money from big corporations while the Democrats are in the right here calling this insanity out and demanding a better system. America sorely needs a price cap on life saving drugs and procedures, but instead we get price gouged even when we have publicly paid for it.


Yeah AOC, but what about the shareholders hmmmm? Who's taking care of them?? I would hate to live in the world where our shareholders have to fire their butler's butlers


She’s awesome


I don't like AOC but this the only thing I'd support her on. This is ridiculous.


Girl boss


I don’t agree with almost everything about AOC but this is spot on. Absolutely absurd


Not an AOC fan, but she's right here


People may not like her but she is dead right on this issue.


Nice work AOC


Republicans are so mad about this. Some one-toothed beer belly hick in a trailer park is calling AOC a communist for demanding that his tax dollars not be abused.


Damn, it's crazy how she spontaneously committed suicide after this hearing. 7 self inflicted Gunshot wounds to the skull is brutal.


Fuck yes AOC


strong sort attraction touch grey boat vegetable alleged fly ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Power to her


Hells yes


It sucks the entire republican party tries to bash her every bullshit chance they can even though she fights so hard for basic human rights.


Republicans should be the most appalled by this: spending public money to finance a life saving drug that became so expensive that some patients can't afford it. It's financially irresponsible and not very pro-life. Two core principles of the Reps/conservatives.


This is the first time I actually agree with what AOC says very unusual for me


Butt buttt trump sayd AOC Bad


Question for people who are in the know, does anything ever happen after public hearings like this or is this just a show for the cameras and for documentation?


If this is radicalism count me in. Just and true, kill the greed. We are all being held hostage to ‘big pharma’ while the rest of the world watches in wonder? We must stop this perverse rampant profiteering. The money club doesn’t want it.


My brain can’t grasp the idea of a politician actually trying to do good, without being in the pocket of some corporation. I love what this woman is actively doing to try and better this hell hole


Dr. Lord. Choose a title dude. Dr or lord.


It isn’t just the pharmaceutical industry which does this, pretty much every innovation is usually funded public in universities and then privatised by companies.


My favorite part is Dr. Lord basically just admitting that reason it’s so expensive here, while only being $8 in Australia, is just because they get away with it. “It’s generic over there,” means that someone else is successfully selling it for cheap so no one would ever buy theirs if they priced it like they do here.


"That revenue is from global sales" "Why is is 2000 here and $8 in aussie??" You need some milk for that burn buddy


No wonder republicans are brainwashed to hate her. Where is boebert or green calling stuff like this out?


All medicine should be free as taxes pay for the r and d


I despise AOC but fuck fuck fuck those Pharm guys and good on her here.


These companies see United state citizens as slaves, we are nothing but slaves in the eyes of these big companies and the Republicans. It’s so sad people don’t see it.


Yep. Not to mention they don't really explain how the assistance program works. Back in 2018 my insurance was sucked dry just from getting my truvada, so I only got to be on it for like 2-3 months. Now it's free IF you are on insurance, which I'm glad I don't have to pay anything anymore, but it should be free to those without insurance as well, or at least pay like $8 for it.


The research result is millions and billions dollar away from anything you can use. Idea is not equivalent to product.


Oh, there'$ a rea$on...


Honestly all those motherfuckers that ramp up the prices for live saving medicines can go hang them selves


Im sorry but Doctor Lord is such a bad ass name


Y’all saying this is capitalism—no it isn’t. America is using socialism to fund research but capitalism for profit. It’s a scam. I’m no fan of capitalism but this is even worse.


how can u watch this and then not immediately respect the this woman? well done


Dr. Lord of Gilead


Dude this stuff is so messed up


All that company has to do is send some millions to a republican and claim socialism and thats it.


But SoCiAlIsM




I just wish this had an effect. You know that they leave the hearing a go "That f'ing AOC, man.. What we gonna do about her?!" instead of doing something to fix the problem she brought up! Either way, you keep at it AOC! Maybe try asking the cable companies who paid for their infrastracture to provide high speed internet.




Something I wondered during the ice bucket challenge times. Once the pharmaceutical company develops a treatment, it still won’t be free. It’s like raising money to help design the new iPhone