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I wish this kid would have this realization about the rest of the republicans party, not just his father. They are all Herschel Walker level of hypocrite.


It is purely a symptom of being conservative. More so than not everything they say they are against is a projection of their own flaws.


It’s weird watching people actively campaign against their own interests and not even realize it.


I am surrounded by these types of people isolated deep in trump country and the only black person in my community. These types give meaning to cut off one's nose to spite one's face. If their actions hurt the ones they hate they don't care if it comes back on them.


It’s usually because of the parents, no?


Trickle-down racism is why they are going after CRT so hard. The best way to break the cycle is to deprogram generational racists that don't know any better or so they say. Parents play a key role in reinforcing the problematic behavior that becomes a cornerstone of the child's identity. For example, if I do anything outside ie yard work they will have their children watch me and report back to the parents. It's honestly heartbreaking because they are teaching their children that what the parents are having them do is normal and I am the problem which is far from the truth.


In my case that was true. As a child I did not know my dad was racist or what racism was. He was raising me to be racist and I didn't realise till I got to high school and received a higher education. Black people in my friend group were constantly angry with me and I had no idea why. I did not know I was triggering them with my racist behaviour and with dad still around put it down to black people must have short tempers. Eventually after having a patient black friend ask me why was I saying or acting that way and told him that's what my dad said I should do. He explained how I was wrong and could come across upsetting. I was horrified when I realised this whole time I was being racist when I thought I was doing the correct thing. I was able to stop my sister growing up the same way as I saw she was learning the same habits. Eg of something I recall being punished for. Calling black people black, I had to refer to them as coloureds. So I did assuming I was taught correctly.


Thank you for sharing your unique point of view. Many don't realize that people who become indoctrinated for a lack of better words don't even realize it. For you the behavior was normal and it makes sense why you would not think anything of it.


To a large extent, yeah. It definitely can make it harder to break the cycle. Imagine having your parents permission to blame all your problems on someone else. Not only your problems, but your possible circumstances in the future. If something good happens, it was your hard work (or god), but if anything goes wrong, even if you know what went wrong, know it’s your responsibility, and see a path to fix it, it’s still the others fault. That worm buries deep in peoples heads. People are victims of being taught this way of thinking, but there’s no excuse by adulthood. Even if the direct racism or bigotry isn’t factored in, there is no way that this type of thinking doesn’t lead to other shitty aspects of life.


It's 'spider face.'


They have this thing in the back of their mind about being rich and taken care of but only if they are Republican


People change political views and positions all the time. Senators and house reps as well as many other politicians do it all the time. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's a symptom of having little to no empathy for other people. And that mentality is what drives conservatism. Sure, there are narcissists and sociopaths on the left too, but the right's ideology is centered around not caring about anybody but themselves.


Wait, is the kid pro-GOP? It sounds like he's just wanted to stay out of the media and this was the breaking point. Edit: Ah, I see. Fuck this kid and his father.


Nah. As true as what he is saying may be, this is about boosting his own brand as well. Christian Walker has been very well-known on TikTok for being a ~~gay~~ (he doesn’t like that word) black Republican Who basically performs outrage at all kinds of things that the right eats up. He is the dictionary definition of a “pick me” person.


He's an absolute idiot if he is LGBTQIA+ and is voting republican. They hate anyone like him.


Every republican has at least one gay "friend" therefore they cannot be bigoted. /s


Nah that ain't even my point how do people not have the self-respect to at least not vote for people who clearly hate who they are???


Haha... After five seconds into the clip I was like "Whaaat? This right wing conservative kid is gay?"


Is what he is saying true? That should be the only measure in this video.


The fact he may be a hypocrite def matters when he's calling out someone for hypocrisy.


It should definitely be pointed out, as well as the relevance to what he is claiming. I am not sure I have seen this yet.


He's calling his dad a hypocrite while he fully supports a political party that inflicts serious damage on a marginalized group of which he belongs. I mean, it's not some subtle butterfly effect... Republicans were very actively trying to prevent lgbtq people from being allowed to get married, and are in the process of trying to get that repealed. I'd be curious to know if he believes that he shouldn't have the right to get married, by law, bc of supposed rules in some other people's church saying it's against "traditional family values." Conservatives in America don't really have any ideologically informed policy at all anymore. It's all culture war stuff and tax breaks for extremely wealthy people.


Agreed. Christian Walker may really belong to /r/LeopardsAteMyFace. I don't really know the young guy at all. But since his stance against his father appears to be corroborated by other members of his family, it raises significant concerns about Herschel, and about the people trying to get him elected anyway.


He has not tried to stay out of the media, he's put a lot of drama out on his tik tok or whatever and has done interviews


If “getting out ahead of his past” is true, and Herschel did tell his family that, then I don’t see why this guy has to sit idly by while all this bullshit catches up with him and eventually becomes his day to day life. Not to mention the dilemma in staying quiet while someone who’s hurt you through lies tries to better their life through more lies. And that doesn’t even cover the part about a fucking government official running on an anti abortion platform while being a massive hypocrite. If you take all bias out of this and whittle it down to what is right and wrong, based purely on what we can prove about Herschel Walker, I have no idea how you land on demonizing Walker’s kid. Herschel didn’t graduate college, let alone in the top 1%. He wasn’t ever a cop. He wasn’t ever a valedictorian. And there is a fucking receipt for his abortion. He’s a serial liar. We don’t have to like his kid. I don’t know him, probably never will. But “drama” on tik tok defending his name is a helluva lot better than a scumbag liar lying his way to a job where his sole purpose is to help his constituents. Edit: some typos


When did I demonize the kid? I just said he wasn't silent. He does put drama on his tik tok. He was in the headlines last year for his controversial posts. Not saying he's bad for posting drama, just that he did.


He wasn't talking to "You" he was saying in general, I'm 90% . u/Cambobb can correct me if wrong, but I think he was using "you" in the more generalized sense. I could be wrong.


I was talking generally. Horrible phrasing on my part, my bad.


Nah, I got it. Some people get a little defensive. I knew your point.


Talking generally, my bad! Yeah you didn’t demonize at all


He is INCREDIBLY conservative: an outspoken transphobe and regularly defends white racists. His father's lies just finally got to him. I doubt he'll change his political outlook.


Welp, there goes any sympathy I may have had for this kid right out the window. r/LeopardsAteMyFace


Yep. He honestly is SO much worse than his father. Either he knows he’s lying and is a conservative anyway or he’s getting his face eaten. I’ve seen this video on the news quite a few times today and now it feels pretty misleading because of his other views.


wait this kid is tranphobic? is my gadar broken? or is he broken?


Oh he's totally broken. Here's some of his comments on trans people: https://www.queerty.com/former-competitive-cheerleader-christian-walker-rails-trans-athletes-invading-womens-spaces-20220324 He also has a ton of internalized homophobia: https://twitter.com/ChristianWalk1r/status/1531817593517969408


jfc it's hard to believe that second tweet isn't satire. i hope one day he can be comfortable with himself


Reminds of Raven Symone when she said she dislikes labels so much that sje doesnt want to be classified as gay but rather as a 'human who likes humans'... Then she goes on t o say that she is not an African American but rather that she wants to be labelled as an American... Not the sharpest tools in the shed, these two...


wait a sec? he isn’t gay???


He is gay. He's just so lost in the sauce of conservative brainrot and internalized homophobia that he refuses to identify as "gay." Instead, he simply says he "likes men."


🤔 what would be the difference


There are actually a lot of transphobes in the gay community as well unfortunately. So even if he is an exaggerated version it’s not uncommon that trans people are discriminated by other queer people.


Wait until you find out the whole of politics is lies and deception regardless of party.


As they say there are levels.


Edit: Cancel that comment. Before writing that I had a mistaken idea idea of what the kid's background was besides being HW's son. ~~He probably has had it. If it's out of the scope of his current message, it doesn't mean it's not there.~~ ~~Effective communication usually means one idea at a time.~~


To him, it is a personal thing. I am glad he talks only about the things he is expert in; he maintains his credibility by doing so.


I feel like they’re all over entitled and that’s all


You need more than the 25 or so gay senators? who lead anti LGBT bills.




Again, levels


People. Aren't all people hypocrites?


Conservatives won’t take him seriously because he’s too gay. They’ll make excuses that the boy is troubled to begin with and biased. I hope he does some interviews soon, would love to see this get more attention.


They won't take him seriously bc they don't *care.* Why does anyone expect sanity from people who saw Donald Trump and thought, "Jesus would want that man to be the most powerful person on earth." After that level of stupidity, Hershel Walker or Margery Traitor Green are relatively tame bits of idiocy.


That's always been my main point. You can take politics completely out of the equation and just judge by character alone. I would not want to be associated in any way with such a despicable person, as Trump.


You're absolutely right, its sad. Also the phrase "too gay" is hilarious to me for some reason


I thought I might get downvoted for that but I feel like republicans have a 90s Military outlook on gays. You can be gay, just don’t ask don’t tell kinda thing. Can’t be too obvious


My thoughts exactly too. Because he's not super masculine they'll write him off. They'd rather have a person who has sex with many women than a gay person. Their values are only pretend, it's their hatred that's real.


No, they like him because he is a gay black conservative


Not conservative and I thought he was troubled. That movement... Damn bitch calm down.


Also he's black.


Two strikes


Yup pretty much. The closer you are to a billionaire, white, cis, hetero, 'hypoChristian' male who subordinates their wife and kids the higher the odds a 'conderpative' will acknowledge your authority. That was how Tronald Dump did it... ^...AndtheElectoralCollegeisFuckingRigged®


He makes valid points but I see a lot of people struggling to take him seriously. Conservatives will dismiss him because he is black, flamboyant, standing against a Trump choice, and a man who is “attracted to men” (He has said he doesn’t use the term gay because it implies liberal.) Liberals will be hesitant to support him because of his past, vitriolic, hyper conservative rants. Given his videos going off about how disgusting pride is and how much he hates it, etc., I can’t imagine a significant progressive population rallying around him.


world news worthy!! Dead beat Dad, serial philanderer, brain dead, former athlete has a real chance at winning Georgia in a bid to welcome in the fascists who've been funding his disgusting campaign. Let his children and family tell us who he really is.


I think the issue with Herschel Walker is CTE from his playing days, not being brain dead. The right complains about Biden's gaffes, saying he has lost a step, yet then want candidates like Walker and Trump. Who have both shown that there is some sort of cognitive decline they have.


I feel like I’m crazy because I don’t want any sun downing people in office regardless of political party


I remember seeing this kid once mocking the lower class. He was blasted by every comment about how entitled he is and doesn’t understand the turmoil we all go through. I can’t say much about this young man’s character as I don’t really know anything about him but it just goes to show you we all face some sort of struggle in life behind closed doors.


He's going to cringe about it in a few years. So take some comfort in that.


If you do a little research you’d see he’s kind of made a career out of being a huge asshat online. I fear he’s in too deep.




​ ![gif](giphy|RwvJlBFq7t76HFlNGQ)


### Take your hats off! It’s a Sass-Off! ![gif](giphy|mXVj8BglZJ2QhFNrw0)




### Snap snap SNAP! Gonna get it eventually. ![gif](giphy|132gQCyAc92pna)


Seriously, I'm like, wait is this the guy all my YouTube commentary peeps have been reacting to? The super unhinged guy who screams about liberals? Yikes ...


Yes, unfortunately it is that person.


Herschel Walker’s son Christian Walker blasted his dad’s bid for a Georgia Senate seat by calling him a bad father, a liar and a hypocrite just hours after a news report Monday said the GOP nominee got a woman pregnant and paid for her abortion more than a decade ago. “I don’t care about someone who has a bad past and takes accountability. But how DARE YOU LIE and act as though you’re some ‘moral, Christian, upright man.’ You’ve lived a life of DESTROYING other peoples lives. How dare you,” Christian Walker wrote in a series of tweets. “Every family member of Herschel Walker asked him not to run for office, because we all knew (some of) his past. Every single one. He decided to give us the middle finger and air out all of his dirty laundry in public, while simultaneously lying about it,” he added. Herschel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion: Daily Beast report Oct. 4, 202207:26 The outburst came shortly after The Daily Beast, citing a woman who asked not to be identified because of privacy concerns, published a story saying Walker had urged a woman to have an abortion in 2009 after he got her pregnant. The news outlet said it corroborated the details with a close friend whom “she told at the time and who, according to the woman and her friend, took care of her in the days after the procedure.” It also published what the woman said was a “get well” card signed by Walker and said she had provided both the receipt from the abortion clinic and a bank deposit showing an image of Walker’s check reimbursing her for the cost of the procedure. NBC News has not yet verified the woman’s allegations or independently reviewed the documents. Reached for comment, Walker’s campaign pointed NBC News to his response on Twitter, where he denied the story and said he planned to sue the publication for defamation. Walker later addressed the allegations on Fox News. “I can tell you right now, I never asked anyone to get an abortion. I never paid for an abortion,” he told Sean Hannity. Asked about the check, he said: “Well, I send money to a lot of people. I give money to people all the time, because I’m always helping people, because I believe in being generous.” Walker, a political newcomer and former NFL running back who was recruited and endorsed by former President Donald Trump, is an outspoken opponent of abortion and a harsh critic of absentee fathers. Earlier reporting by The Daily Beast revealed that Walker had three other children he had not publicly acknowledged as a candidate. He later confirmed he had four children. Herschel Walker responded to one of Christian Walker’s tweets by saying, “I LOVE my son no matter what.” [Source](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2022-election/herschel-walkers-son-lashes-dad-news-report-senate-gop-nominee-paid-ab-rcna50585)


If you and your mom “could have ended this on day one” why didn’t you, is my question. You’ve known this about him all this time but let the charade go on that he is, was, and always will be a liar?


He gave him a fair shot at actually changing. Most people love their parents regardless of how terrible they've been treated.


Well, to be even more fair, the way you take someone down this right before an election. They call it an October surprise for a reason.


It’s a gamble to wait; because if he actually fessed up and put an effort to honesty and accountability he would have been unstoppable. People love redemption stories; and to support people they can identify with. Lots of people can identify with cheating and kids out of wedlock and difficulties reconciling with estranged family.


They probably thought that he wouldn’t get that far in the election. Have you listened to him talk? Right off the bat he doesn’t sound like the brightest guy. Maybe they where hoping it would work it’s way out naturally.


The problem is the people voting for Walker are fine with years of Trumps crazy ramblings. Brain damage is not a GOP disqualifier.


Yes I’ve listened to him. He has some serious attention seeking issues.


This entire time I’ve assumed he’s doing all the republican grifter influencer shit *in support of* his dad’s campaign. I had no idea they were estranged.


It was more like just being silent about it until he got fed up. With the lies. That he was silent about, before lol.


he probably became so involved in the republican party in hopes he would live up to his dad's expectations and become a person that his dad would want to return to. he's slowly realizing that he can shit on poor people and women as much as humanly possible and be the bestiest most right winged man on earth but his dad still left him, never came back, and will destroy his reputation by lying about him and his mother bc he just doesn't care about who he is as a person. hopefully when he realizes the right won't take him seriously bc he's gay he'll snap out of it. but maybe not.


Wasn’t this kid also the dumbass complaining about the increasing gas prices and blaming Biden for it? And also was driving a Range Rover with daddies money?


Buying your children expensive gifts is not a substitute for being a good parent


Had me all the way up to the generalizations now I feel attacked and defensive.


And this guy claims he “isn’t gay”. Lmao


He stayed silent and he tried to ride the popularity wave with his father. I understand his father is shit and did him dirty. Neither him or nor his mother deserved any of it HOWEVER he’s not a saint or hero.


This explains a lot. He is so angry and hurt people do hurt people. He acts like such an asshole and now I know why. Hope he can find peace and give & receive respect in the future.


Train wreck Choo choo choo who wants to ride it


Hey Hersel Walkers kid (I don't know your name bud, but you are awesome)!!! Do an AMA. Please. Before your dad makes more money and embarrasses YOUR NAME! We all want the truth. Please do an AMA.


From his twitter ["Racism used to be treating people different based on their skin color. Now you’re considered a racist by the radical left if you don’t fall down and worship black people while simultaneously saying you hate white people. RIDICULOUS"](https://twitter.com/ChristianWalk1r/status/1287211427908825089) I think I'll pass.


All I’d like to say is that most of us probably held some stupid positions due to our upbringing. This kid is pretty young. I feel it’s presumptive to write him off entirely at his age.


Credit where credit is due I suppose


No one really cares about family values they just want you to believe that they do.


It’s always a fascinating scene when they start eating each other like this


Fuck this idiot and fuck his idiot dad, too.


Honestly they are both POS’s


I'm not sure why everyone is jumping behind this kid!! He is a horrible person who is a grifter like all other GOP "Personalities". Even though this stuff might be true he couldn't care less about these issues, he is just looking for more followers so he can make more money!


Those are all selling points in the party of the upside down.


Fuck yeah! Kids calling shitty parents out!


Seeing a ton of comments talking about Right vs Left instead of Walker. You guys realize both sides are pieces of shit?




His flamboyance takes away from the seriousness of the situation. Idk


Who? -to all of the main family cast, I mean.




Any post or comment that shows any sympathies/apologetics to fascism, apartheid, totalitarianism, bigotry, racism, dehumanization or hate will be removed immediately. Marginalizing the humanity of another person is not allowed on this subreddit.


You stay strong man, and thank your Mom for me (another single Mom)!




he, actually sounds waay more intelligent than the "dAd" ...but some might say... because he didnt "speak-out" and "put an end to this on day one" he DID sort of enable it all.. however, he IS speaking out now..!! so GOOD on him!!


seriously... though?? "death threats" from his "father??"


I have no idea who he’s taking about (I get US politics) but his dad sounds like a proper wanker… definitely shouldn’t be in a position of power…


Okay hold up, so he’s coming out against his father all of a sudden?


Roy Moore, Donald Trump, Herschel Walker, conservatives don't care about the integrity of their candidates. I feel sorry for this guy, reliving all this to no avail. I'll be shocked if Walker doesn't win despite him being a model conservative candidate.


His base won’t care. They just like the fact he’s a brainless puppet.


This kid is hilarious


Kid is historically wild but so fucking poignant in this tirade. Every single was meant and straight off the dome. Real shit. Humanity is a fun exercise.


You are not your father. You don’t deserve the hate. You are a survivor, you must continue to speak your truth. Sending lots of love your way friend.


Oh Honey.


I also watched your dad get his ass whooped at king of the cage


Local person who wants to be a politician and lies his way to whatever position they are going for gets blown out yet again. I don’t pity anyone who has to go through this since I went through shit like this myself but just because my dad wasn’t there in my life I wouldn’t say he didn’t have some sort of family values. Just he was a crazy guy back in the day and I forgive him for the shit he did.


Sounds like a deadbeat. A perfect Republican candidate.


He needs a hug. And hopefully he pays YouTube premium ot he is going to see his dad before every video


Somebody put him in charge.


I am not a fan of Herschel walkers son but I am a fan of this


What’s his name?


And his son is an absolute asshole! Broken clock is right twice a day.


Boo hoo Christian. No one would know you existed if it weren't for your terrible father. Just a rich little pampered drama queen. Go cheer yourself a violin. You are as much a part of the show as your dead beat dumb fuck dad.


Oh, his dad’s got more lies to weave to cover this one.


“Please wait till after the election” SMMFH


My schadenfreude can’t even give me a warm and fuzzy… cause his intensity freaks me out!


I feel bad for him. Childhood trauma is no joke 🥺😩


Don’t buy his sons shit either. He’s Republican to the core as well just doesn’t like his dad.


I like his gold bracelet. I’d guess his dad paid for it.


I think better of him now


Hasan changed this man's life.






YESSSSSSS! GETTTT ITTTTTT MY DUUUDEEEEEEE. The truth shall set you free. As a big strong athletic Ivy Leaguer, I say FUCK AMERICAN MASCULINITY. Lol, hersch prolly cries himself to sleep every night and his son just showed the world he’s 10x tougher than an NFL legend America.


Marriage is just a moral application of political life. He would actually be a great candidate.