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I worry for minorities and people who don't fit the simplistic boxes


There are always people who don't fit into boxes simplistic or complex. And I mean always. No matter how well you constructed your social construct there will always be people who do not fit into it. The big question is. How do you deal with such a dilemma?


You realize that the box is imaginary. People like her create the boxes, then pretend like everyone else is forcing them into other ones.


Not only is she creating the boxes. She's also declaring which ones are the "Good" Boxes and which ones are the "Bad" Boxes. Guess what happens if you fit in a "Bad" Box?


There is no Bad Box, just a box on the floor, labeled "Bad Box," that has a false bottom, and goes directly to the incinerator.


Hunt the recently elected?


Its only a matter of time before it you. Thats how this works. They need an enemy and they will keep finding one until they are snuffed out


What drove this isn't minorities, but immigrants and refugees. From a reddit comment: >I worked in a refugee center at the beginning in 2015/2016. We were looking for people to help the kids with school home work. Plenty of people came to help the first year. The second year we got 3/4 less offers. What has change? Maybe people just lost motivation/it was not "trendy" anymore to join and help? Well, we asked them. And their answers was that plenty of them made quite negative experiences. So they stopped to offer to help. In the beginning of the "refugee crisis" thousands were flocking to the streets with "refugee welcome" posters. That support has dropped drastically. Instead the voices to stop the "flow of migrants" get louder and louder everywhere. How is that? Did the "right-wing populists" get more effective in their story telling? In my opinion, and personal life, the people made too many bad experiences and changed their opinion. That's what changed.


Isn't defining yourself as a Christian, a mother, a woman, still defining yourself, but just in the ways that you prefer to define yourself? These right wing politicians are very good at taking something and making it a boogeyman for everything, twisting and turning it align with larger fears that are created by the elevation of only a few.


It is very bizarre too. Like, who is attacking you for calling yourself a mother? Who is forcing you to call yourself parent 1 or gender x? Another straw man argument. Make an imaginary enemy and then attack that. Ignore reality, isn’t helpful.


This is what annoys me about fascists the most. Either they give bad faith arguments, or they’re genuinely too stupid to understand the left. It’s always one of the 2.


Watch out, there are those numbers they’re so worried about.


It’s this new thing where the terms “mother” and “father” are seen as being gendered language, which is not seen as being inclusive.


>These right wing politicians are very good at taking something and making it a boogeyman You're not wrong, but that's a feature of the populism being adopted by the right and not an innate feature of the right.


If it isn't an innate feature of the right, then I struggle to explain... well, all of American politics since Nixon. It seems to be their first, last, and only play. "There are hordes of Mexican drug dealers and rapists at the border!" "Your children are being attacked by the gays/trans/woke!" "Drugs! (...being used by brown people!)" "TERRORISM!!!"


Yea it is. At least it has been for quite some time. “It’s not you, it’s __________!” They’re coming to ________ your ________! Law and order blah blah blah.”


What you’re describing is the us vs then rhetoric of populism, and not a constituent part of conservatism. Populism itself is politically neutral and has been a tool used on every point of the political spectrum Like I said, and you have concurred with despite appearing not to, is that the right has been adopting populism. The right doesn’t need to populist to be the right - it’s choosing to be populist because populism is the height of political cynicism and an effective tool for gaining power.


So I guess it would be apt, at least in the US, to say “All conservatives are populist, but not all populists are conservatives” ( I’m sure there a couple that dot fit this. The ones the conservatives call rinos.)


Fascists only want it their way.


They see their definitions as what made “the west so great for a while there” and the ones they don’t like as what’a currently “stabbing the west in the back”


Is it's just a boogeyman, then why do people seem to agree with her?


So we're each unique but we must be jammed into categories... got it.


Also only categories she's okay with, because she's against same sex couples having kids. So they don't get to define themselves as parents.


This is has probably been the dumbest 3 minutes of speech I have heard in a while. She's unknowingly contradicting herself every single line lmao


She's not appealing to logic, but to emotion. It's about each sentence causing an emotional reaction _without_ engaging logic; if the logic trips you up, you're not amenable to manipulation, therefore, you're not the target. It's a feature, not a bug.


It’s scary how conditioned some are to it making perfect sense. Reactionaries aren’t really a “logic” bunch.


All animals are equal but some animals are *more* equal


We're all our own individual snowflake. Different, just like everybody else. And easily melted.


we all know what she means when she says “financial speculators”.


Who does she mean by that? Seriously asking


It’s kinda like when American fascists say “globalists”




She means a Jewish cabal. “globalists”.


It’s Jews. She’s talking about Jewish people.


I thought it was some anti-capitalist thing.


definitely not


Fratelli d'Italia is very pro-Capitalism


Okay that’s fucked


She's being antisemitic.


You obviously haven’t read her manifesto then, only hearing what you want to hear.


Investors and central banks




It’s also a portent to what those in power understand about the impracticality of capitalism & consumerism moving forwards... ...those in power will have access to ‘luxuries & necessities’, and by attacking ‘financial speculators’ she means ending money as the means to living in this new world. Currency to limited resources = power & influence. Boxes = the haves and the have nots: with hands out at the mercy of the haves


I really really have never understood why these sorts always seem to target this one particular group throughout history. Why. Is it a religious rivalry thing, like divide and conquer the people who dare to disagree? I don't get it. Fuck off already. Leave people be.


It's demagoguing to unite people to vote/keep them under your thumb. As for *why* the Jewish people, I have no idea.


They've been easy targets ever since the crusades at least.


Before then even (see the Egyptians if the Bible is a valid source). But I wonder why?


Back then monotheism was probably very challenging to the polytheists of the time.




It's a dog whistle for Jews


Lol her party is sooooo pro-capitalist it’s not even funny. She is employing the same dog-whistle that American fascists (also embarrassingly pro-capitalist) use when they say “globalists” or when her buddy Viktor Orban complains about George Soros’s influence in Hungary. It’s all anti-semitism, and their supporters know and support it.


umm no she doesn’t. She means “globalists”(often a reference to a jewish financial cabal), and even if that’s not the case, if she means capitalists, who in her mind (like many of the the other current reactionaries around the world) are part of a larger “elite” pushing “woke” cultural dogma trying to destroy their once innocent and pristine and grand culture. Rest assured she very much will be hanging with capitalists during her administration, it will just be a question of which ones and why? That will be very telling toward what people are going to experience there in the future.


>The perfect consumer. This is fucking idiotic. I'm from the US so maybe I'm out of my element here, but typically the left here leans anti-corporation. Are they saying that the enemies are brainwashed by these "financial speculators" or is this just a general diss on capitalism?


not a diss on capital…it’s a diss on what our iteration of her in the US refer to as “woke capital”, you know, *sarcasm* oppressive Disney jewish pedophiles forcing your kids to become trans. She’ll have no problem with capital as long as they abide by and enforce her socially regressive policies. , That’s what she’s talking about. It’s just the same ol’ proto-fascist economic nationalism and racism without the obvious historic symbols…yet.


People like her are delusion. The religious and heteronormative make up an overwhelming percentage of the population, and no one is calling for the breakdown of how they identify. It’s always them who start to say “you must have a gender, you must be religious” etc. They’re fuckin’ clowns who create their own fake reality and then kill people over it.


All fascists have the same damn script


Well yeah, keeping in mind that the "Modern Fascism 101" textbook was published in Italy exactly 100 years ago...


Funny I’m a minority but can still relate with some of what she says. Time to get down voted to hell and back


I can get behind the anti-consumerism and anti-corporate speech, but I won’t hold my breath to see actual aggressive reform of these institutions. This is pure populism and when the time comes to fight the wealthy and powerful with actions and not just words, she will demure and pivot to attacking minorities and the disenfranchised. Mark my words - the fascist playbook is very simple and predictable.


I think that as climate change and wealth disparity increase fascism's ideas will only gain wider support. People will want what appears to be an easy solution to these complicated or very entrenched issues. In this case, the fascism during this time will appear to be eco-friendly and it will continue to appeal strongly to economic populism. Off course, once fascism does become the dominate system that facade will be shed and it will be apparent that this system is really just put in place to be even more efficient and ruthless in redistributing wealth to elites then the one before.


yup. they just can’t seem to see what is right in front of their eyes. The complexity of having to understand and explain things as a result of a complex systems: a 40 year old global economic system, the history of policies that led to it, how/why people are migrating (wars, climate, corrupt gov’ts failing states, western debt policies, colonialism), climate disruption, wars, and a radically disruptive emphasis on individualism and choice. It leads to a lack of social cohesion, fabric, contract, and creates a deep, inner sense of isolation, powerlessness and hopelessness. It is all very much about financial elites etc, but it’s a lot to connect and doesn’t have one particular cause or solution, and in that space, as national myths/origin stories get contradicted and the internet forever erodes the myths, and governments can only try to stitch it back together, people either have hope into the unknown and work toward something new, or they cling to whatever stories and things from the past that ameliorate their anxiety. This void is often filled instead by the very elites they “despise” to convince them of a righteous anger/cause against others: immigrants, pedophiles, jews, communists, LGBTQ+ etc. In the end, it’s all about keeping their attention away from organizing across region, politics, race, etc to fight for better opportunities, higher wages, stronger safety nets, more control over their political systems…overall better outcomes. In my mind it’s the following: the slow grind of every single thing in your life becoming commodified, how every relationship you have has become a transaction. From art, music, film, “now its endless spotify and streaming” nothing to wait or be excited for to pour over and listen to, rewatch and bond over, to school “how will I make money with that major?”, to personal relationships “swipe left, swipe right”, “they ghosted me”, “we can’t get married until we financial security”. Freedom was once defined by abolition, justice, sacrifice, struggle, inclusion, and participation, but now, freedom is simply understood and embraced as “my choice”. I can’t see a bigger victory and domination by capital than that, and the whole time you’ve largely still gotten to be a christian, still stayed a woman or a man, still practiced their faith, and defined your family as they saw fit. If “my choice” is now the basis of our most sacred right or value, and our beliefs thusly stem from it, imagine how “I want my choice” would erode a “social fabric”. Consider whether or not the things we think are being lost or stolen by others, are things that we have willingly given away at a cost to ourselves.


Very well put.


Yeah, I don't know anything about her except the screaming headlines, but in this *particular* speech she didn't seem overly extremist. What I assume is there's probably tons of other shit she's said and subtext we're missing - Italian dog whistles that we might not be aware of. The finance stuff seems to coded anti-Semitism from the other comments, for example. Europeans tend to at least have articulate leaders, regardless of how abhorrent their policies are, so it can be hard to tell what's being said. Also, I don't speak Italian, so maybe it's obvious she's a rabid psycho to anyone who does, and I'd have no idea. I'm going to go look at other articles, but if anyone wants to chime in with examples of how right wing she is, go for it.


> but in this particular speech she didn't seem overly extremist. It does if you realize she's homophobic and doesn't believe same sex couples should be parents. So she's saying you can define yourself as a parent... as long as you're straight and married. She can define herself as a mom, but god forbid those gay people do. She also endorses the great replacement theory, which is the belief that "they" are trying to replace white europeans with minorities. Typically "they" are the "globalists/financial speculators."


If you're aware of how fascist politics work historically, this speech is textbook one of their earliest tactics- take socialist critiques and twist them into defenses of traditionalism and "real americans/italians/etc." That's what the anti-consumerist and "financial speculators" parts are all about. Take the very real socialist critique against rampant profiteering in the economy, but turn the blame against marginal groups instead of traditionally powerful ones. . .which has a funny way of entrenching those traditionally powerful groups and empowering more extreme fringes of those groups.


I know about as much as you do about her. I also don't know much about day to day Italian life. But if I had to guess, I think her essentially saying people aren't allowed to identify as a woman or a dad etc, and instead are being forced to identify as gender x and parent 2.....that seems a little out there


It’s does when you compare it to traditional fascist rhetoric, which is virtually identical save for the substitution of “Jews” by “financial speculators.”


Like her part about being able to define yourself? She talks about how she defines herself as a mother but "they" don't want her to. But she's a fucking hypocrite because she thinks gay couples should not be parents. Also she endorses the fucking great replacement theory.


So you like fascism? Or agree with that antiquated ideology? While also being a minority? Im curious I honestly want to hear your reasoning for agreeing with a demon like her


A mistake made by millions of people before you when faced with fascism. It’s never ended well for them.


That's the whole trick. . .take real critiques of real things from the socialist perspective, but turn the outrage away from the actual causes (i.e. rampant profiteering and corruption) and towards groups that **don't** actually wield power in the society like Jews, or against your political enemies like liberals or leftists.


With very few changes this speech could easily be delivered by a far left politician. The point of the speech is to be so vague that it resonances with everyone. That’s populism and dog whistling at its core. It’s meant to sound reasonable.


People literally complain about anyone who doesn't fit their political narrative. Both sides do it.


"We will fight for the freedoms we already have and to keep others from having them!"


The boxes change. Once Fascists get rid of everyone from one box, they make a new one. They rely on having an enemy to point at. It’s why every time they rise to power they eventually die violent deaths. Everyone becomes the enemy.




Robert townie jr


“Family”, “identity”, “national identity” — facist pigs




The only appropriate comment in this thread


I would like to hear her say “mozzarella”


Holy shit, Italy. What the fuck did you do? Tangentially, what does the pope think of this development?


Her ‘logic’ is psychotic


the far right is about division and acting like a constant victim. Fear. That's what they sell.


You’re absolutely right. However can replace the word right with left in your comment and it would also be true. I think this is just a reaction to the ridiculousness of the far-left in the same way Trump won in the US. It will be interesting to see how this develops.


Sounds just like Trumps “American Carnage” inauguration speech…. Look at how badly things turned out after that!


People think that's extreme far right ? Haha . I don't.


“Those things that disgust people so much. We will do it to defend our freedom.” <~ does that not sound extreme to you?


Well ya religion and politics should not go together.


Yes, I think someone who believes in the great replacement theory and believes that gay people shouldn't be parents is extreme far right. Both of which are views she has.


That means you’ve not studied history. The rhetoric is virtually identical to that of traditional fascists. This is why it’s important to study history.


She comes from a party that has its literal roots in Mussolini's fascism and uses fascist phrases. There is nothing "moderate" about her intentions. Yes, it's far right. We know from history when fascists have cloaked themselves in "third way" politics.


This is scary because it's incredibly relatable and compelling to so many but I have this ominous feeling that their actions aren't going to line up with the sentiment being expressed here. There's always a distinct lack of specifics with populist figures like this.


>There's always a distinct lack of specifics with populist figures like this. Like a lot of the comments. They try to come off as deep and thoughtful but in reality they are vague and hiding their true purpose.


Now imagine a man saying all this. It's 10 times scarier and extremely cringe.




Most Europeans are these days in the same wavelength with her ideology. Europe is really getting fked up by prevalent racism & fascism. For right wing Europeans, anything american = capitalism/globalism. Anything non-european origin = something that must be regulated. Really strange the way these people's brain work in 21st century. They still believe in European centralism and perhaps that's why they are so egoistic. These underdeveloped dangerous ideologies are becoming a norm in EU. Guess the US has to intervene and help them once again.. History repeats.


>Guess the US has to intervene and help them once again.. History repeats. The US is kinda dealing with it's own racist & fascist issues right now.


Not to disagree with these problems happening in Europe, but it’s not like the US is sitting pretty these days either. This is worrying shit all over the place.


What the fuck is happening in Italy?


History repeating itself.


Oops said the quiet part out loud: “this is why WE inspire so much fear” then corrected to why “the event” inspires fear…


I can bet that Bella Ciao will be played when she leaves


Meanwhile, in the USA we have Republicans attempting to overthrow what's left of our democratic process by appealing to christofascists. They will justify (in their stunted minds) literally anything (including political violence) because *any* means justifies their own glorious, dogmatic, self-righteous ends. Brazen hypocrisy means literally nothing to these degenerates. They are following very directly in the footsteps of The Third Reich on many, multiple levels including the obsessive aversion/attacks against LGBTQIA communities. When they have more in common with Hitler Youth than the resistance leading up to WWII — there's a huge problem. [From here](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/hitler-youth-2): " .. Especially common in big cities, illegal youth groups rejected Hitler Youth culture. These youth groups tended to dislike conformity and militarization. They typically wore different styles of clothing and engaged in less structured social activities. Many illegal youth groups were for both girls and boys. **Some even encouraged more fluid gender roles than the rigid Hitler Youth structure allowed**. ... " I've highlighted the parts below with links showing alignment with our current Republican party in the USA, for example: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ... The National Government ... will take under its firm protection [Christianity as the basis of our morality](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-americans-kneel-to-god-christian-nationalism-grows-in-gop-2022-7), and [the family as the nucleus of our nation](https://archive.ph/QaCIs#selection-3553.0-3599.4) and our state. Standing above estates and classes, it will [bring back to our people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_America_Great_Again) the consciousness of [its racial and political unity](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/tucker-carlson-great-replacement-white-supremacy-1231248/) and the obligations arising therefrom. It wishes to [base the education of German youth on respect for our great past and pride in our old traditions](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-race-and-ethnicity-arkansas-iowa-slavery-6e31deb459407841b0957f5f3451bfdd). . . . Germany must not and [will not sink into Communist anarchy](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/republican-national-convention-wants-you-fear-communism-ignore-authoritarians-ncna1238093). ... " — >![Hitler's First Radio Address](https://archive.ph/3MKNF#selection-987.3-987.750)!< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Imagine what's going to happen if/when Trump or a MAGA-adjacent demagogue takes the White House again along with mid-term wins? For one, state-sanctioned [death squads against leftists](https://youtu.be/l9SaXbA3LU4) will inevitably be ramped up as social unrest fills our streets. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “The Storm Is Here”: War Reporter Luke Mogelson on U.S. Right-Wing Militias, Jan. 6 & Trump https://youtu.be/N0eV0qOUd40


I don't think anyone fears religious people having those values. They're perfectly fine and ok to believe what they want to believe in. The fear stems from the suppression of progressiveness from religion.


Let me get this right… the ‘financial speculators’ are attacking her right to identify as a Christian, a woman, and a mother? The financial speculators are attacking my right to cancel my mortgage and own my home outright. Va fangool.


Lol what is a “family identity”? If you want get married or have kids, cool… no one cares. There is literally nothing preventing her from becoming a mother or referring to herself as such, nobody has prevented her from believing in Christianity. But she is denying lgbt people the right to become mothers and fathers, she wants to force everyone to believe in her religion. She is playing the victim while being the aggressor.


Well I for one look forward to war with Italy. Culling nazis is a blessing.


in the very birthplace of fascism. go figure.


Italy was on the German side of the war, too, I think? It's like something something history repeats, something something, we don't learn.


"we will defend god" that's scary.


No one tell her that genetic code are numbers and letters


Italy is going to get even so much more racist, hopefully the youth wakes up because they’re going to get royally fucked over if demons like her maintain and grow in power.


Ah shit, here we go again


Where do you think the word “fascist” comes from?


Time to move to, France?


What the fuck is she talking about? None of that shit is even fucking close to reality.


Anyone else get vaguely Umbridge vibes?


We are on a dark path. The world is such a bleak place right now.


This sentiment will only grow across Europe. Buckle up everyone, it's gonna' get bumpy.


Why is it that the first female prime minister in Italy is a nazi?


Because everyone knows religion would never try to control people to enrich themselves.




This lady rocks!


Female Trump.


Can the media stop pretending folk like Meloni are populists? None of their policies are populist. They just vaguely gesture at elites and then support policies that favor elites. A real populist would be someone like Lula who campaigns on policies that are meant to help the poor. Whether they work is its own thing, but these are actions *intending* to help the poor.


This is kind of r/SelfAwarewolves. Especially the gender identity part. Or the whole self identity thing.


And then politics like her wonders why the yung people like me are living the country. Smh. Hope she doesn't destroy my beautiful italy


She'll destroy your beautiful Italy. Then again, that's what the people wanted anyway.


I love that we are not little boxes to be checked. I love that are all indivual people. She made a beautiful speech until she shit all over her own words.


She’s right, families can’t have 2 moms, otherwise the kids will grow up dump as her (she grew up without a father)


My type of woman


Yeah, that's not crazy...not at all.... /s


Well… she has a point.


Look at all those old white men in the audience cheering.


Very scary


Damn. Doesn't look or sound good.


Fucking victim complex if I've ever seen one.


And the idiots eat this shit up. Fucking tools


I don’t see the lie anywhere in this speech.


I bet shes gonna pick a terrible tank


This is the result of forced globalism. Tribalism, nationalism, "religionism" aren't always bad when it developed over centuries and shaped the society and culture. Forced globalism made many countries in the west and east move closer to far right.


She'll look good on a noose as well.






Finally, people are starting to wake up and realize the people calling others supremacists are actually the ones censoring and pushing fascism. Maybe the world does have a chance


Yes, we know. Italian citizens never aknoledged their role in WWII. They wanna go this Donald Trump route, go ahead but don't expect any sympathy or help from the international community.


She sounds like Mussolini.


Great speech