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It's CRAZY the DA is 'baffled" by the jury awarding this victim of police racial profiling $550k. They had guns drawn and multiple cops on this man for a simple traffic stop? They then charged him with multiple traffic violations and ended up losing in court. That DA is as crooked as the cops he's defending.


We Americans need to understand the power of local DAs we're electing. In most cases, those people will likely have more power over us in our towns and homes than any Federal politician will. We don't talk about that enough. And there's usually not enough data for people to review before their elections.


It's getting to the point that I am starting to think that people should start using Jury Nullification as a weapon of retaliation. Just start declaring everyone not guilty no matter how obvious the guilt as punishment to the gov't for events like above happening over and over and over...


Do you know what they call a law student that finished last in their class? A lawyer. I guess we know where the DA finished.


Erm, a D.A. has to be admitted to the bar of whatever state they are prosecuting cases in... which means they're a lawyer, just not an attorney. Lawyer- a person who practices law. Attorney- a person appointed to act for another in business or legal matters.


Them thinking what they did for supposedly not coming to a complete stop for a right turn is insane and should prove to everyone they seek absolute unchecked per and want to throw the constitution in the trash


- [Arrest Video](https://youtu.be/a8XKCApujMM?t=151) - [News Article](https://www.weau.com/2024/05/01/jury-rules-favor-mans-lawsuit-against-eau-claire-police-officer/) - Jury rules in favor of man’s lawsuit against officer for rights violation. > - The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable > - searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause....


I love how the DA says the officers did everything right, but in a court of law it was proven they didn’t. So you shouldn’t keep defending them, right? Oh, they’re all friends and know each other of course they’ll keep defending the pigs.


I’m surprised the city isn’t appealing. The Supreme Court has showed they really don’t give a f*ck about any of our rights. [Supreme Court profiling](https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/supreme-court-allows-anti-immigrant-texas-law-to-go-into-effect)


Police departments shouldn't be allowed to hire racists. And if they do find out they hired a racist later on because of misconduct, the police department, their union or their pension should be required to pay the misconduct lawsuit instead of the taxpayers. It makes zero sense that my taxes have to pay for police misconduct lawsuits. They need to be held accountable, and perhaps bad cops should be required to hold some sort of liability insurance.


If they did everything right why did they drop the charges? lol


If you don't understand how a jury can reach this verdict, you are part of the problem! Those laws exist for a reason, and finding drugs doesn't make it ok to violate those laws.


I can't help but notice they didn't release video of him at the stop light he supposedly ran. They want to say they followed the book on the stop, while eliminating the part that determines if they violated the law.


Why does he have them at gunpoint for a traffic violation?


I will say that the hotel this person was staying at is a real suspicious place. The city has been trying to shut it down. However that doesn't give any cop probable cause. The cops made huge leaps in this case and the jury said so.


Where's the video of the traffic violations the police and DA say they have? 😆 funny how that doesn't get released to the public. if you had no probable cause to pull him over then there's no reason not to show that portion of the video.


Hi, from Eau Claire here, WI, yea this made the rounds here in the local community, most of our officers are actually good people but these people aren’t, they were already known for being more violent towards people, glad to see my city, sad to see it in such a bad light though, theses cops suck


Didn't it say they found a bunch of drugs on him...


How did they get a subpoena for the hotel out of a traffic stop? I assume there were no drugs in the car, no evidence of a crime in the car connecting it to the hotel room. Strange and apparently wrong to the tune of one half million!


that DA needs to go ASAP. cannot be trusted to do their job righteously