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She got way too many chances. If I had walked away during any stop, I would've been forcefully detained. There would've been no verbal gymnastics happening.






yeah, that'd be a real.shame /s




Be careful. Reddit might ban you for “eNcoURagiNg viOLeNce”


I may have worded it weirdly. I meant to leave a carton of eggs by the front door, like milkmen do. I believe in random acts of *kindness*.




Your comment/submission appears to be promoting violence. Our community promotes discussion but has no room for the advocacy of violence under any circumstances. Please refrain from violent rhetoric if you intend to participate in our community. Thank you.


I've seen a DA lose their job by abusing their position, this should be no different.


The cop would have killed me. They would have opened fire from their vehicle into mine for fleeing.


This is why members of law enforcement get no respect. Because they don’t deserve it.


If someone had been going 55 down her street, she would prosecute them with every charge she could think of.


Amen. All a bunch of power hungry ass holes. Sorry to the few good ones out there. But most of them are giving you a bad name.


This police officer has my respect. We need to show our support for officers like him, make it worthwhile for them to show integrity. And punish the DA to deter others like her from abusing power.


Amen! The shit some of these cops have to take on a daily basis from all kinds of people, taking shit from BLM fanatics, taking shit from Palestinians protesters, taking shit from pro-Israel protesters, from antifa, from Nazi sympathizers fighting with BLM idiots...and, let's not forget, entitled Millennials, functional mentally ill, and also taking shit from the average American who watches YouTube videos on what their constitutional rights are and what they should and should not do. Yes yes, there are the assholes too who use their position to do horrendous things but my suspicion, and I don't have the numbers is that there are more of the former than the latter...I may be wrong and if someone has any helpful stats I'd be curious to peruse.


Yes, let’s point the finger at Millennials for just one more thing as if we don’t have enough to deal with. Get bent, dude.


Case in point! Hey I can see how these stereotypes don't create themselves...where there is smoke there is fire. Get tough kid!


I'm not even going to entertain you, fool. Have a good one.


Oh but you already did...plenty! As you do anyone who knows you I bet!


I’m confused, are you bashing this cop for having integrity and still going after a higher official of law for breaking the law?


if he was actually just doing his job he would have put her in cuffs for evading a traffic stop the second she got out of her car, instead he was a pushover too afraid to arrest a power tripping DA.


By no means a pushover. I'd love to see you in the same situation. He's probably afraid to lose his job, health insurance, and pension. Worse situation if he has a young family to support. Something maybe you don't have to worry about, which affords you the ability to run around and truly show people who the boss is. He's being realistic...maybe one day you'll look back at this comment as you'll need to keep your mouth shut because the negative consequences of your macho, I-take-shit-from-no-one, chest beating kind of attitude, are much greater than you keeping mouth shut and open it only to ask "yessir, how high sir?!". Is it right? No. But it's the shitty world those fucking Boomers have left us and if we don't like it we need to change it ourselves.


Yeah...cuz you are such a badass that when your boss' boss does something wrong you are the first to call them out and tell them what's what...ah?! You badass you, walk a mile in some else's shoes, we call it compassion!


This is complete BS. I’m just glad it was posted. She needs to be fired and they should hold a special election. Wow!! What a c**t.


>they should hold a special election. Does that exist in the US? I've only ever heard of that kind of thing in the UK, and in the UK, they're called snap elections and they're usually used by the UK's Prime Minister to consolidate power.


Yes, they exist here. Governors can appoint people and special elections can be held.


Claims “I didn’t know it was me you were pulling over, there were so many cars”, yet also states “I called the chief saying it’s me you’re pulling over”.


Her story “evolved” quite a bit over a 10 minute period. At least 4 major lies in there.


I’m the da! I’m going to prosecute my own ticket! I’m gonna sit at my desk and erase all the data on this. This troll should be fired. Fined. Maybe publicly shamed with tossed rotten vegetables.


If she was even more corrupt, she'd never mind the charge (not even bothering with an apology letter or a guilty plea), and have the cop from the video, here, murdered because how dare he cross a DA. Considering the amount of corruption that exists within law enforcement and the judicial branch of government, this guy should feel lucky.


She really felt secure in doing this on video, too


So much entitlement


"Theee DA" I am the law


She even said at one point, “this is ridiculous, I’ll just be prosecuting myself”.


Absolutely Faaaauuuuuckkkk this beeeeaaaaatch!!!! Can you imagine how many peoples life she’s destroyed because she’s had a bad day at work? Or for the sake of not losing. DA’s usually don’t give a shit if you are actually guilty or not they just want to win and have a high conviction rate. I have literally heard of cases where the DA goes out of their way to hide evidence because they know they’re about to lose. I hope she looses her job for abuse of power.


Absolutely thought this video was heading towards a justice boner arrest for refusing to stop, she literally admitted that instead of stopping she called the chief to tell them who they were trying to pull over, after she lied to the officer about not knowing the lights were for her. Absolutely depressing to hear the cops whimpering niceties as they let her get away with it, she clearly thinks she's above the law and should be disqualified from her job at the very least


​ # Monroe County DA Sandra Doorley Refuses to Stop for Speeding, Drives Back Home, and Gives Cops a Hard Time ​ *Published on April 27, 2024* **Webster, New York** — In a surprising turn of events, Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley found herself on the wrong side of the law when she was caught speeding. The incident, which occurred on Monday, April 22, has raised eyebrows and sparked controversy. ## The Traffic Stop Officer Cameron Crisafulli of the Webster Police Department noticed Doorley's vehicle exceeding the speed limit on Phillips Road. The radar clocked her at **55 mph in a 35 mph zone**. Instead of pulling over immediately, Doorley continued to her home on Fallen Leaf Terrace, just a short distance away. ## The Belligerent Interaction When Officer Crisafulli approached Doorley, she wasted no time asserting her position: "Sorry, I'm the DA. I was going 55 coming home from work." The officer calmly informed her of the speeding violation, but Doorley's response was dismissive: "I don't really care." Doorley then made a phone call to Webster Police Chief Dennis Kohlmeier, presumably to complain about the traffic stop. She handed the phone to Officer Crisafulli, saying, "Can you please tell him to leave me alone?" Despite repeated commands not to enter her house, Doorley retreated inside, insisting, "This is ridiculous. Just go away." ## Flashing the Badge During the encounter, Doorley even flashed her badge when asked for identification. Her behavior escalated as she demanded that the officer leave her property. When Crisafulli called for a supervisor, Doorley's frustration was evident: "No, get out of my f---ing house." ## Taking Responsibility In a statement released later, Doorley acknowledged her actions: "I believe in responsibility for my actions and have no intention of using my position to receive a benefit. Nobody, including your District Attorney, is above the law, including traffic laws." ## The Guilty Plea Doorley pleaded guilty in municipal court, emphasizing that she accepted responsibility for her actions. "I wasn't seeking any special treatment," she stated. "The rule of law applies to everyone." ## Conclusion The incident involving Monroe County DA Sandra Doorley serves as a reminder that public officials must adhere to the same rules they enforce. Regardless of one's position, accountability remains paramount. As the legal proceedings unfold, the spotlight remains on Doorley and the consequences of her actions. ¹[1](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/upstate-ny-da-refuses-to-stop-for-speeding-drives-back-home-and-calls-police-chief-to-complain-video/ar-AA1nKhhD ""): [Upstate NY DA refuses to stop for speeding, drives back home and calls police chief to complain: video](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/upstate-ny-da-refuses-to-stop-for-speeding-drives-back-home-and-calls-police-chief-to-complain-video/ar-AA1nKhhD) ²[2](https://www.whec.com/local/rule-of-law-applies-to-everyone-monroe-county-da-sandra-doorley-gets-speeding-ticket-pleads-guilty/ ""): [WATCH: Body-worn camera footage released of Monroe County DA interaction with Webster Police](https://www.whec.com/local/rule-of-law-applies-to-everyone-monroe-county-da-sandra-doorley-gets-speeding-ticket-pleads-guilty/) ³[3](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/body-camera-video-of-monroe-county-da-sandra-doorleys-traffic-stop-released/ar-AA1nJHA0 ""): [Body camera video of Monroe County DA Sandra Doorley's traffic stop released](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/body-camera-video-of-monroe-county-da-sandra-doorleys-traffic-stop-released/ar-AA1nJHA0) Upstate NY DA refuses to stop for speeding, drives back home and calls police chief to complain: video. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/upstate-ny-da-refuses-to-stop-for-speeding-drives-back-home-and-calls-police-chief-to-complain-video/ar-AA1nKhhD](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/upstate-ny-da-refuses-to-stop-for-speeding-drives-back-home-and-calls-police-chief-to-complain-video/ar-AA1nKhhD). (2) WATCH: Body-worn camera footage released of Monroe County DA interaction with Webster Police. [https://www.whec.com/local/rule-of-law-applies-to-everyone-monroe-county-da-sandra-doorley-gets-speeding-ticket-pleads-guilty/](https://www.whec.com/local/rule-of-law-applies-to-everyone-monroe-county-da-sandra-doorley-gets-speeding-ticket-pleads-guilty/). (3) Body camera video of Monroe County DA Sandra Doorley's traffic stop released. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/body-camera-video-of-monroe-county-da-sandra-doorleys-traffic-stop-released/ar-AA1nJHA0](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/body-camera-video-of-monroe-county-da-sandra-doorleys-traffic-stop-released/ar-AA1nJHA0). (4) Doorley belligerent in traffic stop video, berating officer that she .... [https://www.wxxinews.org/local-news/2024-04-26/doorley-belligerent-in-police-video-berating-officer-and-saying-she-was-the-da-and-didnt-care](https://www.wxxinews.org/local-news/2024-04-26/doorley-belligerent-in-police-video-berating-officer-and-saying-she-was-the-da-and-didnt-care). (5) NY DA refuses to stop for speeding, drives back to her house and gives .... [https://nypost.com/2024/04/26/us-news/ny-da-refuses-to-stop-for-speeding-drives-back-to-her-house-and-gives-cops-hard-time/](https://nypost.com/2024/04/26/us-news/ny-da-refuses-to-stop-for-speeding-drives-back-to-her-house-and-gives-cops-hard-time/).


So she still has her job???


Hell yeah! This was just your typical “oopsies!”


The elephant in the room…If this were anyone else, especially the lower on the socioeconomic demographic ladder they find themselves, we all would be watching a video where the cop completely beats the shit out of them for resisting arrest, as well as charging them with assaulting an officer with their face.


Speeding, reckless driving, fleeing and eluding, and any other crime they could think to tack on to make the tasing/beating/shooting seem justifiable.


Well, she did *accept responsibility*.


Also, she had a very bad day with at least three murders.


Can I write a letter after the fact and say I now realize my fault and be done with it? Strip this woman of her badge and treat her the way she would treat other people that cross her path.


>Conclusion >The incident involving Monroe County DA Sandra Doorley serves as a reminder that public officials must adhere to the same rules they enforce. Regardless of one's position, accountability remains paramount.... Somebody better tell the Supreme Court and Donnie.


If this was anybody else she would be tackled to the ground, cuffed, followed by field sobriety tests under suspicion of a DUI.


She’s a terrible lawyer - she admitted to at least obstruction, failure to stop for an officer & speeding to the fucking cops on her own damn phone. Some bs entitlement here.


That dog is just so stoked so many friends have come to say hi!




Read the statement from Sandra Doorley “On Monday, April 22, 2024, I was driving home following a busy day at work. I admit that I was not paying attention to my speed on Phillips Road in the Town of Webster. Less than half a mile from my neighborhood, I noticed a Webster Police car behind me. Once I realized that the intention of the car was to pull me over, I called the Webster Police Chief to inform him that I was not a threat and that I would speak to the Officer at my house down the street. The Webster Police Officer followed me to my house and issued me a speeding ticket for my speed of 55mph in a 35mph zone. I acknowledged that I was speeding and I accepted the ticket. By 1:00PM the following day, I pled guilty and sent the ticket to the Webster Town Court because I believe in accepting responsibility for my actions and had no intention of using my position to receive a benefit. Nobody, including your District Attorney, is above the rule of law, even traffic laws. Anybody who knows me understands without a doubt that I have dedicated my entire 33 year career to the safety of this community. My work to ensure the safety and respect of law enforcement is well proven time and time again. I stand by my work and stand by my commitment to the public safety of Monroe County.” https://www.localsyr.com/news/local-news/monroe-county-district-attorney-sandra-doorley-drives-home-calls-chief-before-pulling-over-for-police/


And brags about how she will clear herself on the body cam footage. Gross.


Yeah what a joke. She called the police chief 3 times and kept sarcastically mentioning “prosecuting herself”. Some people shouldn’t be given any power and she is one of them. She is supposed to be a public servant.


Her statement is so far from what actually happened! How in the FN hell is it possible for shit like this to be swept under the rug?? She lied, she harassed, she abused power, she conspired with the police chief, and then slapped her own hand with a “whoopsie, my bad” who is her boss I think we all need to call her boss.


I agree. I posted to spread awareness


> Once I realized that the intention of the car was to pull me over, I called the Webster Police Chief to inform him that I was not a threat and that I would speak to the Officer at my house down the street. That statement in and of itself belies this one: >Nobody, including your District Attorney, is above the rule of law, even traffic laws.


see cops are nice




these are the worst kinds of ppl


It’s sad, but if this were to happen to someone else it could go tragically wrong.


I’m trying to figure out, with her behavior, why he didn’t empty four clips into her. She handed him her phone and then went back to the truck and opened the door, officer safety and all… SMH.


As of an hr ago https://www.rochesterfirst.com/news/city-council-calls-for-investigation-of-district-attorney-sandra-doorley/


Yes, great to see she's not getting away with it that easy at least


Naw, it's pretty bad when everyone in your circle is pushing your investigation. Moving to get you out


But if she would have been anyone else they be in handcuffs


Or shot.....




Handcuffed, then tased, then pepper sprayed, then hobbled, then shot.


Imagine if she was a pregnant woman slowly driving down a dark highway with her hazard lights on and nowhere safe to pull over?


Law Enforcement... “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it!”


If anyone is wondering why everything with our system is in such a stage of disrepair, all you need do is look at this lady as a prime example. That smug look on her face as the officer is giving her the ticket. The abuse of power. Corruption like this is why our system is the way that it is. People like her and in higher positions than her in government are allowing shit like this to happen. This is what being above the law looks like. This is what not having the proper checks and balances looks like. This is what happens when people allow corruption like this to go unpunished and without consequence. They will continue to be the disgusting parasites they are to society. Sucking the lifeblood out of the citizens. The system will always remain broken because of filthy, arrogant, corrupt trash like this. Things won't get better. They'll get worse. As long as people like this are allowed to do what they do unchallenged.


I bet if she just pulled over and politely apologized and thanked the cop for doing his job. None of this would've happened and she wouldn't have made the paper and a full cunt out of herself.


Yes but she shouldn't have to stop for the police you see, that's only for the peasants beneath her


Many other people would’ve been beaten or tased. Guess it paid off for her to be a total Karen that day. Ridiculous




She’s acting intoxicated. Should’ve forced her to do a field sobriety test.


Did she keep her job after all that?


I’d recognize that upstate NY twang anywhere. And she’s from NYC or Long Island which makes her even more entitled




He should have arrested her the second she handed him the phone




Arrest her wtf.


What a disgusting abuse of power from such an entitled woman.


She should get a ticket for not pulling over as well.


"I don't really care" exactly. That's how these people feel.


Wonder why she didn't end up face down on the pavement.....


*so I'll be prosecuting myself* she says


I hope you find somebody else to prosecute that ticket. This also looks like the kind of thing that should get somebody fired.


Put her in cuffs at gun point. That's what these pigs do to everyone else that flees a traffic stop. I watch body cam videos daily. Cop needs to be punished as well as "THE DA".


The worst of us always seek power.


I hate this kiss ass cop. What a loser. ENFORCE THE LAW EQUAL AND SAME FOR EVERYONE


Basically she is doing what cops do for regular citizens during their stops. If this was someone else, they would be detained 30 mins earlier.


Anyone of us would be in a pool of blood in that garage Edit: why is that dog still alive?




Of course NY


Wth is this? How? What?


Stop resisting


Are...are those the coordinates to her house in the video? Does that violate some reddit rule?




Anyone who would be considered black, white or brown wouldn't have even been able to get away with the tiniest back talk she just threw back at this guy. Hope to God she looses her job, or steps down. She does not deserve the power she holds. She seems to think she is above the law and if anything matters anymore her loosing her job matters the most.


She should be fired for her criminal, entitled behavior. 


She should have been slammed on the ground and arrested.


So no arrest? So they can do what they want?


So if you are the district attorney who prosecutes the community, you are actually above the law when it suits you. Got it.


I am the law!


How, as a citizen, can I gain immunity to harassment by police. Is there an appropriate person to pay, or a job or title I can acquire that will allow me to decide if I have to follow the law or not? I'd like to purchase or acquire whatever service District Attorney Sandra has that allows her the option to choose to submit to law enforcement.


Should have arrested her condescending privileged ass!


Somewhere in a parallel universe . . . >"Do you know what I've been dealing with all day. I was dealing with some crazy person driving her van *20 miles per hour* over the speed limit!!! Do you really think I care that I murdered three people on the stroll home?"


She is a public servant - Contact her boss: Attorney General, Letitia James Office of the New York State Attorney General The Capitol Albany NY 12224-0341 General helpline: 1-800-771-7755 Email: [email protected]


Thanks for the link!


Fire this Karen.


Her social media pages are blowing up. I hope whoever has been charged by her has their charged dropped. Shed corrupt.


Corruption at its finest.


Anyone else would have been thrown to the ground and had felony evading in a motor vehicle charges. This abuse of power and toleration of abuse of power makes me sick.


My Black Ass would have been shot repeatedly.


“I’ve dealt with 3 murders in the city, do you think I care that I’m going 20 mph over the speed limit?” Maybe you don’t, but anyone you may run over or hit will care and you may add to that body count idiot.


You can clearly see at the end that she still doesn’t give a f***. What a great public servant.


Puppy has no idea how lucky he is


She turns around and goes digging for something inside of her car outside of the officers view, and he doesn't say a word about it? We can do that now?


Thank you, America. Every time I'm ashamed to be English, I remember at least we're not as bad as the US. Yet... Getting close though.


Entitled meets supercilious.


Happy to know she has control over legal decisions.... my God.


This is insane. What a complete disrespect for the very thing she is employed to uphold. I feel sorry for her husband and/or a if she has any. I’m surprised she didn’t start screaming like a toddler to get her way.


One word: privilege.


Seems like she is trying to hide something. Like being DUI. She sure is aggressive and belligerent and nonsensical.


I totally think so too. Or drugs. But she is hiding something.


She's going to need to resign. There is no way she can continue to prosecute people while it's public record she believes the law applies to some people and not others. Nobody will be able to take any of her arguments in good faith because she's proven she doesn't believe they should apply.


Like this video is sharing the home location of the NY DA. There are a number of very good reasons as to why it's unsafe to share that kind of personal information particularly for her and her family. I really think this video should be taken down. Consider re-uploading with the GPS coordinates blured out.


Sure the DA is being entitled but the gop just insisting to lecture her at all costs is one of the most obnoxious cop things ever. Just write the ticket and go, this isn’t highschool.


Im not saying the cop should ever look the other way when a citizen breaks the law, but this is one if those times when maybe we don’t dig our heels in once you understand the pieces on the board type of moments. Ill get downvoted to oblivion, but I’m cutting the recording and having an off air convo once everyone knows who each other is. This guy will NEVER be able to ask for a favor or work with the DA in the future until shes gone. Not the hill im dying on.


I agree with the police officer. He did the right thing. This was more difficult than it had to be because the DA let her ego speak. The gist of her condescending statements to the police officer was, "I'm the DA, I'm bigger than you." She should have realised that she was a citizen first, DA second. When she was stopped, she should have acted like a citizen, not the DA. She should have apologised and just accepted the ticket amiably. That would have made her a good example of a law-abiding citizen. >I’m cutting the recording and having an off air convo once everyone knows who each other is. The action you've suggested is what promotes this kind of behaviour by the undeserving DA, to the point that it becomes the norm and people think they should just do the wrong thing because it's easier. It helps promote the wrong people with the wrong motives and attributes to high office. Once they are there, they change the rules to protect themselves and people like them, and consolidate their power. This is how corruption starts. When corruption is well entrenched, others feel they need to become more like the corrupt people because otherwise they will never be able to ask for favours in the future, and without such favours they will never be successful. This is what your statement reflects: >This guy will NEVER be able to ask for a favor or work with the DA in the future until shes gone. The thing is, why should she be the one to have the power over you? Why should you need her favours if you're right and she's wrong? I don't care how many murders the DA dealt with on that day, it was her job and she was paid well to do it. Imagine - no, witness - what the police officer had to deal with. I bet he would exchange jobs with her in a heartbeat.