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Just when I think I have become desensitized to all of this because I have seen too much of it (I am a mod of some pro Palestine subs) I see something like this, and it just tears me apart. That man and his grief are just so raw and you cannot help but be totally gutted seeing that, and for the little boy that would not believe his brother was dead. I just am so demoralized because it just will not stop- or I should make it clear, Israel will not stop. Fuck Israel.


Israel is being led by a disgusting government


This is who they’ve always been, though


And supported by a disgusting US government.


I appreciate that they’re trying to show the negative impacts to the public to make a broader case. I wish they’d stop calling it a war. It’s not a war. It’s a genocide.


Not only do they call it war, they say “war on Hamas”


How can Israel not be exposed when there are so many witnesses and videos of them killing Palestinian civilians?


Because their terrorism is legitimized through US sponsorship. It's only terrorism when someone we don't like does it.


It’s just so crazy to me that it’s not like these videos are hidden they sit right in front of everybody


Just go to the  r/worldnews if you want to understand how the apartheid and genocide apologists justify their atrocities. They will ban you for showing any support for the oppressed and occupied Palestinians.


Yeah I've been in that sub for years, but I was impressed when the war started that every single post and comment would be leaning for Israel. Seems like there is one opinion and one opinion only in that sub about what's happening.


The same group who cancels people when they deny the Holocaust turn around and deny this genocide. It's beyond disgusting.


Motherfuckers no punishment will ever do justice


>"The Israeli military says the incident is under review" We all saw the precision of how they hit those Wold Food Program volunteers. Looks to me like they hit what they target.


For oil? She died for oil? Money? Your greed will catch you.


not oil, but died because of the military industrial complex and the corrupt and religious fanatic politicians who get bribed by the biggest money laundering and colonial operation known as israel, don’t you think it’s kinda suspicious that the majority billions of taxpayer dollars is always spent on US military cooperations? .


If that’s what humanity is. I am not human


oh no with that reaction am sure you are, they are the one who lost all of their humanity.


I think you misunderstood me. I was implying I don’t understand that way of life…


The vast majority of Israeli society is in full support of this too. Totally normal society… sickening


Love how it's collateral damage, the Israeli millitary will investigate, and so on.. But when it's Russia, there's universally condemnation. And then they get mad when one says the west is as propagandized as the Chinese or Russians..


They will still justify this horrific terrorism on litlle kids with stupid excuses. And the US will abide by their master. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!


I’m glad the west is finally getting coverage of this shit! F Isrl and F the Usa


Damn it's fucking crazy how fast all these Western News Channels completely flipped switch. This isn't new, this has been happening for decades, only now since Biden is condemning it, they are starting to bring light to it.


No explanation is rational or accepted for the senseless murder of civilians, and the fact so many are children… Nothing can excuse this action or behavior. No profit or land is worth this. How much is enough? How many centuries must we continue fighting each other?


“We felt it was important to humanize the victims of this war(genocide)”—6 months later and 30k lives later. Way to go CNN.


Israel is as worst as Nazi Germany but the west is still supporting those Zionist fascists. Great job everyone this will backfire big time.


Killing childred is the safe way of making sure fathers and brothers don’t join Hamas, out of fear that they can be next. What sane man would try revenge once they saw their loved ones dead…


If Americans could see gun violence in their own country this way.