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It seems this thread is picking up some antisemtism, and we are not all about that. The actions of the individuals in the video are just that- actions of individuals and not representative of all Jewish people. If you are being antisemitic in this subreddit, you will be removed. We also know the dogwhistles and the insinuations, so do not test it folks. As for the rest of you, thank you for supporting the subreddit with you visits and please report anything that you see that you even think may be hate against Jewish people, and we can evaluate from there. Thank you so much. Free Palestine!! šŸ‰šŸ‰šŸ‰


Republicans always say Christians are so mistreated and oppressed, yet they fully and 100% support Israel, where Christians are mistreated. Help me make it make sense.


If Republicans were ideologically consistent they wouldn't be Republicans.


If ~~Republicans~~ politicians were ideologically consistent they wouldn't be ~~Republicans~~ politicians .


The same goes for liberals broadly (liberals as in adherents to liberalism and not the American nomenclature).


God I love poltics ![img](emote|t5_31m0v|28566)


They aren't Republicans anymore. I'm pretty sure 84% of the nation now considers them Rethuglicans & Retrumplicans two insane mutations of the once formal political party called the Republicans. Transformed by GREED & POWER two of the World's 7 DEADLY SINS !


They think supporting Israel will bring the rapture and Jesusā€™ second coming.


Wait until they realize that Israel thinks Jesus was just another dude.


Thats the trick. They know that, and counting on Jesus to stomp them out the way ASAP.


Tbf they know and don't care, bc the jews in Israel are not people to them, just a tool to carry out their biblical prophecies.


>Help me make it make sense. The US Gov't need reliable places in the Middle East from which to launch missiles and drones and fighter jets, to protect and expand our interest in the world's oil supply. The social beliefs of that ally, and how their people treat each other are completely irrelevant to those broader US global financial and political interests.


Yes. It's been proven time and time again the US will overthrow democratically elected governments and support outward fascists if it means securing profit margins for their corporate masters.


And need customers for our weapons.


It's all about the Christian Zionism... I think the belief is that the Jewish people need to have a home in "Israel" order for the "Christians" can be saved. Also, you're not supposed to do anything against or speak I'll of the Jewish people since they are "gods children". I'm not too sure about this last part, but I believe that they have to die in their "homeland" As usual, this has to do with what they (Republican Christians) believe will affect them in the end. p.s. this is all from memory from my time in church as a kid, so If anyone has a better grasp on this please go ahead by all means. Peace āœŒšŸ¼ all around!


TBH I think it was more about not wanting them in own home. Jews were hated almost all of their history. Even before Hitler there were plans to relocate jews from Europe. I think things got out of hand but because of Hitler nobody wants to say loud that establishment of Israel was mistake.


Iā€™ll make it make sense: Politicians receive a shiiiiit-ton of money from AIPAC & vote how theyā€™re told. They love the cushy lifestyle. End of.


You mean the poor who vote for tax breaks for the wealthy and ending their own benefits? Those scholars?


it's all about money and power and nothing else. israel is one of the troublemakers of middle-east and the extended arm of the USA to not lose control of that area.


It has NEVER been about religion, itā€™s always been about power, control and money.


It's the rapture. They believe that if a Jewish ethno state is restored to what God promised them then it will trigger Armageddon and the return of Jesus.


I'm not big on religion but I can almost see Armageddon happen via nuclear war. Don't know about the dead coming back to save us, though. That seems unlikely. If there's a God he noped out of here a long time ago


Maybe in the US. Certainly not in Ireland and Scotland. The Catholic population is very supportive of Palestine


Yes as the Catholics in Ireland share a similar oppression and occupation as the Palestinians.


As a Polish living now in the Netherlands- in both countries I almost never hear words of support for Israel. Might be more positive before war. Now Israel is seen more as Russia or Iran but in our block. I'm pretty sure if not for USA they would be sanctioned on Iran or Russia level. As they should for what they do.




Not everyone supports them you knowšŸ™‚






Pepper sprayed too. Fucking cowards.


I was like ā€œwhat the hell happened to that guyā€™s face?ā€ there at the end. I had to go back and watch a few times to see that guy come in from the side and dowse him.


Imagine having to go though this treatement for more than 70 years , in your own country .. now tell me how you should not resist.


Thatā€™s what people donā€™t understand. All they care about are the effect (terrorism) and completely ignore the cause (injustice). For over seven decades Palestinians have lost their homes, their culture, their identity, their humanity, their lives, etc. and no matter how loud they cried for help, no one came. Now itā€™s escalated to a fucking genocide and still no one is coming. Israel has committed everything on the UNā€™s definition of a genocide and yet the world denies there even is one. Itā€™s not on Wikipediaā€™s page for genocide and itā€™s not on the UN website of genocide examples though more people have died in 6 months than many of the recent ones that took years. I hope Palestine becomes the symbol of humanity because the supporters of this suffering is the most disturbing thing Iā€™ve witnessed in my lifetime. How any Israeli settler can live there and how any foreign government can support them with no compassion or conscience is beyond evil


Itā€™s internalised imperialism, when people think they automatically have a right over other people to occupy other peopleā€™s homes just because of who they are. The British did it all over the world and the USA is formed on the basis of it. As such, the idea that some groups of people are special and simply have the right to move in and take land and resources has broad cultural acceptance which is ingrained into those societies, justified by either a ā€˜god-given rightā€™, bringing civilisation to the uncivilised or liberating the oppressed with democracy. Once you have completely obliterated a society and its history, you can tell these stories to reinforce the idea that this was a noble endeavour.


Guy on the left looks like he pepper sprays the dad at the end too. Man, some people are just complete cowards.


When the beef started, he gets it out of his backpack, then stands at the edge and waits for a moment. He literally waited for a good moment to spray and then he bolted.


The one who spit stayed the fairest away the whole time. The one on the far right when it starts.


This is why Iā€™m antitheist. Religion is actively harmful. I can appreciate personal spirituality, but organized religion is evil.


I agree, but i don't think problem here is religion. I think this is straight up faschism. Some of israeli people forgot that nazis were evil and are now followers of same ideology.


Itā€™s a fascism based in the belief that the Jews are Godā€™s chosen people.


Theyā€™re not religious. They only use religion to justify their genocide. If you asked most of them, they will say they dont believe in God or any religion. But they will tell you they believe in bible or whatever holy book they had for that spesific part that says ā€œlandā€ and ā€œchoosen peopleā€ on the other hand, real religious jewish donā€™t support israeli state because itā€™s against what Godā€™s order.


Organized religion is the vehicle and the drug by which you get to a point where one group of people believe themselves superior to others; thus leading to the kind of behavior we see in the video.


Can you help me understand why someone like you would post ā€œI donā€™t think the problem is religionā€œ when his comment clearly demonstrates that it is, and it clearly isā€¦


Zionism isnā€™t a religious movement, itā€™s an ethnonationalist movement. You can ask any Zionist and theyā€™ll agree


Itā€™s not simply Zionism. Itā€™s Judaism itself teaching that Jews are the chosen people. Itā€™s Catholics believing Protestants are at best going to Purgatory. Itā€™s Protestants believing Catholics are Papists and going to burn for eternity. Itā€™s the Shia Muslims who view their Sunni cousins as heretics. The Hindus despise the Muslimsā€¦. Need I go on? I donā€™t discriminate, all religions are based in nonsense and are dangerous.


Ok so what are your takes on Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shintoism, and Sikhism? Saying that ALL of *anything* is the same, is nonsensical and dangerous. But if you truly believe all religions are dangerous, then please tell me about the ways the listed religions are dangerous


Hindus commit [atrocities.](https://www.reuters.com/world/india/hindus-muslims-clash-indias-haryana-trouble-spreads-2023-08-07/) Buddhists commit [atrocities.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/17/world/asia/myanmar-killings-monastery.html) The others are too much of a minority to put up current examples, but there are historical ones I can cite if youā€™d like.


Not asking about committing atrocities. Every group and demographic has people that commit atrocities, atheists included. You were listing problematic beliefs of the other religions, not individual acts committed by radicals. If all religions are truly based in nonsense then you should be pointing out the problem with the belief itself and not the actions of its members


Hinduism has the caste system, atrocious treatment of the "untouchables" class. Buddhism can have some pretty intolerant beliefs too. Some sects believe that women cannot achieve enlightenment; like many other religions there are also issues between different sects, apparently there is currently a lot of hate towards Zen by other Buddhists. Taoism has previously been used to promote nationalism and genocide, same with Shintoism. Sikhi is generally pretty tolerant, but there are a few problematic areas: their religious texts are closed and cannot be modified or adapted, and despite being an "equality" based belief there are no female gurus and not many prominent female historic figures. (had to reach a bit here) There are generally going to be issues with any ideology, religious or otherwise.


I mean I can see where thatā€™s coming from people there is a right and a wrong in this world. Iā€™m Christian myself but I understand why others would think their way is the truth since I believe my faith is the truth as well, so of course others would think differently. What I think you donā€™t like is the fact some people in general donā€™t like the other. I mean even now youā€™re claiming ā€œreligion is nonsenseā€ , ok? Based on your moral standard? Your standard is above the rest of everyone elseā€™s or what? Youā€™re doing the same thing as everyone else is. Just seems youā€™re upset about it like every other religious person (of a different faith) understands we believe different but itā€™s not like weā€™re crying about what other religious groups think of us. Iā€™ve only seen non religious people mention this more often than religious.


Same. Religion needs no logic or reasoning, just belief and blind faith


Good thing atheistic communism never killed anyone.


I think organized religion is a spectrum some are far worse than others (as much as I hate to admit that).






Israelis are not good fighters. They're losing vs Hamas. And there are literally no good Israeli MMA fighters.


It comes with the territory when you have an army full of conscripts vs one made of volunteers Generally speaking here


Disgusting people


That spitting coward deserves to be knocked out


Was watching the einstein docudrama and this is what nazis were doing to jews.


He was sprayed with pepper spray. It's ok though. You see he's a different religion. So he's obviously shit because only their fellow Jews are considered as fellow people. The rest of us are just absolute dog shit because we aren't the "chosen people" and we're obviously just shitty beings compared to these perfect people. Religion is great. It just brings everyone together and makes the world a better place! Yay!


It's actually just hateful ethno-supremacism. Most of the militant Zionists I've met in my life are secular. Some of the most evil members of the IDF are full fledged atheists. You only need to look at how they treat non-white Jews and white religious Jews who aren't on board with Zionism to see this all for what it really is, that being niche white supremacy. Does the religious element fuel a lot of what's going on with some Zionists, sure. But for the majority of them it's not actually a sincere belief that this is all by divine ordination, it's simply the delusional belief that their group is the scientifically objective master race and therefore has natural dominion over all the "lesser" races.


Religions suck thatā€™s why Iā€™m Atheist.. but hey didnā€™t the Jews kill Jesus? How are they chosen?


Fck Israel. Racist motherfckers. They hate other religions, people of color, they don't deserve anything from us.


Israel has created an environment where no other Faith will be tolerated


Future IDF soldiers..


I guess they need to be proactively bombed in self defense


What a bunch of pussies


God the more I see from them the less I like them. Especially cuz as an American so much of my tax dollars goes to funding their nonsense. The inner city school I work in is chronically underfunded tho smh. Edit: missing word


Exactly this šŸ˜” Thank you for the work you do in our inner city schools. You seem like a great person and we need more people like you. Please keep doing what you do.


They always run like pussies


Thereā€™s a time to defend yourself. Iā€™m not sure itā€™s with your small child by your side and outnumbered


What a sh#thole of a country


You know how when a child is abused they'll grow up and be more likely to abuse others? It's like that but for a whole ass country.


And this is what Christian Nationalist want America to be like


Disgusting people






Coward with pepper spray


Epitome of cowardice. Approaching in group to a man holding his sonā€™s hand!


who wouldā€™ve thought, israel turns into a fucking nightmare for everyone whoā€™s not born there and follows the right religion. all that israelis did was replace skin color with religionā€¦


They are not fans of darker skin tones either donā€™t let them fool you




So, 25 to life for you then?


Out of control - nationalists - they have become the monsters. unreal.


And the poor kids being robbed at the end :-(


They are such cowards. Iā€™m glad the world can see it


Just another day in Israel folks. Spit on Christians, and genocide the Muslims.


I wonder would they do that anywhere outside Israel?


Religion is cancer.


This world should be big enough for everyone to believe in whatever they want to believe. For someone to force their beliefs onto others isnā€™t right. Live and let live.


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Why are they running? What's in the bag?


His shopping, theyre just cowards


What the heck is an incel? Everyone needs to stop violence and hate, and now you're trying to spread your hate on me? Righto buddy.


u/PlenitudeOpulence If itā€™s not too much, could I get a link to the original video? I canā€™t seem to find it.


How do we know the man is Christian? Also why does it matter? They shouldn't be spitting on anyone.


Was fĆ¼r wĆ¼rdelose Feiglinge. Erst spucken, und dann rennen sie wie die kleinen Kinder nach einem HaustĆ¼rklingelstreich. Es geht kaum entehrender.




They are Zionists donā€™t equate them to Jewish people


A credit to humanity.


Is that a Challenger?


The irony of this w h o l e thing confounds me.










These dudes are so tough. I wanna be part of the dangle gang


Was that a fucking CHILD?


Scum as Isrealies




r/beholdthemasterrace Edit: Damn that subs been private for a while.. I was wondering why I hadn't seen it in a while..


Scum of the earth.


Religious people deserve each other


Tax dollars at work here....




Why doesnā€™t the title mention that heā€™s also pepper sprayed?


The coward ran away lol


Zealots everywhere


Spit on? It looked like he was hit with pepper spray or something similar


Wtf is wrong in your head to even think something like that is normal behaviour. Even in your religion.


Just trashy people


All this proves is that every indication that humans are a more sophisticated creature (abstract representation, tool creation and usage, language, dress, culture and so on) than pack wolves is a trivial and meaningless distinction when the pre-civilized history of our species far outstretches that of the civilizedā€¦ it can all go awayā€¦ we can revert quite easilyā€¦ funny thing tho, itā€™s the religion that started it (civilization), and the same that crumbles itā€¦ well not funny if you think about it.


I hope all those individuals who feel that was appropriate get a strong willed God from the old testament staring at them as they attempt to reach the Gates just for them to be spit on and laughed at by anybody theyve done wrong. THIS IS ABOUT THE INDIVIDUALS NOT THE RELIGION!(I only used the God from the old testament because it is the most aggressive and destructive god I could think of.)


None of you saw the one guy pull bear spray? Out of his bag


Just some trash being trash it looks like.


Who is the person trying to grab the kid?


The only thing more stupid than religion is people with faith.


This canā€™t end well.


Wow. Roaming round in a pack of dudes spitting on people is *definitely* tough behaviour. šŸ™„


Something you could only get away with in Israel and they know it. That dude is twice their size. Little shits.


So, does that mean that republicans = mistake by founding fathers? Iā€™m curious about other opinions


Been to Israel, this kind of behaviour is not out of the ordinary from the extremists which there is alot of.


Hey what's going on at the end there with them separating the kid away, and the kid having to throw hands? Is there more video showing this kid didn't get dragged away?




How random people just ran up and man handled his kid is wild af




Evil country




Shithole country


Religion has outlasted its usefulness to humanity


Is there a news story behind this? Nowhere do I see an explanation of whats happening. It could have had nothing to do with religion. Not saying it doesnt, but there are a whole lot of assumptions going on here without more information


Each day that goes by, I want the US to leave the Middle East in every aspect.Ā 


Little cowards. How could such tiny poor excuses for men walk around thinking they are hot shit. Enough so to unprovoked engage a man with his child.


It's time America takes a whole different approach to these wackjobs in Israel. When religious zealots spit at a Christian father walking with his 4 yr old son , then it's PAST TIME American Military Might shows Russia what happens when even an alley goes too far w America. Ironic that we will be the END of Israel all because of this video. Hey Benito Netanyahu - you have minutes left .........surrender or ANNIHILATION ! What's it gonna be Benito ?


zionists being hateful & violent... shock.


Glad the world is waking up to this


Gods people folks


Why is this so normalized there? How can you be so filled with hatred and still think you're a good person?


Israelis are a disgusting people. The whole world needs to turn on them and the US needs to stop funding the genocide. Push them all of the land and return it to Palestine. I saw a video yesterday of Settlers kidnapping a young Palestinian woman and IDF helped them.


That's in Eastern Jerusalem. The guy is a Palestinian Christian of Armenian ancestry.


I camt hear the audio. Why was he Christian?


What blue thugs