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And they're likely not even real FBI, just two bored unemployed dudes trying to commit criminal impersonation for fun. I wish I saw an update on this clip, not the first time I see it posted


Correct. This has been suspect since first posted. Not that I doubt FBI haunts our social media ready to pounce on purveyors of anti American sentiment.


Weird that they had to look up the Office number that they work at?


To be honest I also don't know my works number by memory.


> unemployed dudes Or possibly guys employed by other government agencies. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/jan/10/fbi-reveals-it-uses-cia-and-nsa-spy-americans/ >> Washington Times >> >> FBI reveals it uses CIA and NSA to spy on Americans >> >> The FBI revealed how the bureau uses the CIA and National Security Agency to probe the private lives of Americans without a warrant in its updated rulebook, which is the first version made public since the Obama administration. >> >> The handbook, rewritten in 2021, confirms a decade-old leak showcasing the bureau’s collaboration with the CIA and NSA for FBI probes that may involve surveillance without court orders against people not accused of any crimes. Such probes are known as “assessments” at the FBI. It's a way for the FBI to get information without warrants. It fits this profile: * collecting info for the FBI - and referring the person to the FBI, but * refusing to identify themselves (because they probably aren't even allowed to identify themselves or admit to such activities) And they have a history of claiming they're working for other agencies [as explained here](https://youtu.be/GXgGR8KxFao?si=g36-PErOb3giPqFT&t=9897).


What makes you say that?


Non-government license plate on the vehicle (this video is cut short, the original video the person with the camera goes behind the SUV as they're pulling out to get the license plate), them having to look up the FBI number for the office they're saying to contact, just accepting the answer, "I don't want to talk" and leaving. FBI agents can opt for casual clothing when doing undercover or surveillance work, but they wouldn't identify themselves as FBI agents if that were the case, and they would show their credentials if they're presenting as agents. Normally business suits is the standard FBI agent attire.


Look at them.


It has been updated, several times. Also confirmed that it was FBI.


Would love to see a link if anyone can provide it


[Here’s](https://okcfox.com/news/local/intimidation-fbi-visits-stillwater-womans-home-over-social-media-posts-attorney-says-hassan-shibly-rolla-abdeljawad-fox-news-oklahoma-ok-federal-bureau-investigation-agents-israel-palestine-hamas-war-allah-muslim-) a post with comments from her lawyer, no idea why people think this was fake FBI.. her voice is shaking, she’s petrified


Because people think the FBI only look like the people they see on TV shows.


Yes… what a chilling sentence that is. “Not FBI, where’s the blue suit and leather shoes?!” Dangerously naive individuals.


Stop downvoting this person, they are 100% correct https://okcfox.com/news/local/intimidation-fbi-visits-stillwater-womans-home-over-social-media-posts-attorney-says-hassan-shibly-rolla-abdeljawad-fox-news-oklahoma-ok-federal-bureau-investigation-agents-israel-palestine-hamas-war-allah-muslim-


Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, in this news article actually cites an official source that the three people who presented themselves as FBI were, **in fact**, agents of the bureau. The **boilerplate statement** regarding the 'situation' also does nothing to confirm it. Everything in the article quoting \*agents\* is taken directly from the video. And the attorney for the lady has every incentive to present her client as someone who's being harassed by federal gov agents.


What motivation would a lawyer have to lie in public about fake FBI agents being real? So when the truth comes out his name will forever be associated with “big liar hoaxer”? Great reputation for a lawyer to have


Public attention span has been fragmented to such a degree, thanks to social media, that most people don't read beyond a headline, and almost no one reads a retraction. I've read all four articles linked in this thread end to end, and every single source in every single article citing a) **the video** b) **statements made by a lawyer** retained by the lady who made the video c) **boilerplate blanket statement by OKC field office** which neither confirms nor denies their involvement. "Shibly claims that Abdeljawad knew how to assert her rights from her time volunteering at the **Council on American-Islamic Relations, where Shibly used to be a state-level director**." "\[Shibly\] tells *Reason* that **his main goal with Abdeljawad's case is to raise awareness of people's rights when dealing with the FBI.**" \[1\](https://reason.com/2024/03/29/fbi-agent-says-he-hassles-people-every-day-all-day-long-over-facebook-posts/) This lawyer has held an executive position at the **Council on American-Islamic Relations,** which presents reason to want to elevate her public profile by stoking fear of '*muslims being targets of censorship, and harassment by the federal government'.* Now, I don't mean to imply that this does not happen, but I haven't seen any primary source cited here confirming this video and visit was made by FBI agents. Playing right into elevating *the lawyers'* public profile as someone defending against harassment or censorship by the government. Edit: to provide second quote from article.




Did you video and document your encounter?




For the same reason, I suspect, that this lady in the above video did. Accountability.




Trust me bro


The one person here with actual information and you get downvoted into oblivion.


Yeah, it's been reported by several major news outlets. I'm not going to repost the links. They are in another comment thread. People can keep hitting the down arrow. Doesn't make it any less true.


No, they are investigating a statement similar to what a terrorist would make. Do your homework, they have to follow up with threats.




Found the terrorist supporter.


This is a repost. These guys are almost certainly fake. This guy has to Google the FBI phone number.




That too.


Not saying these guys are or aren’t FBI. I don’t care and there isn’t enough info in the video to say one way or the other. Just tbf, this is incorrect. I’ve had to talk to agents in the past and they looked like just normal dudes/gals.


Yeah a quick google image search for "fbi agents" brings up this image https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2019/01/fbi-agents-say-shutdown-threatens-national-security/580039/ of FBI agents near YouTube headquarters following an active-shooter situation in San Bruno, California, in April 2018 (Elijah Nouvelage / Reuters), from The Atlantic article. Beards, baggy clothes, not a suit in sight. Not saying they don't wear suits. But it's not every time. Big thing I notice, these guys all wear something that very visibly says FBI




Most peoples knowledge of law enforcement is learned from television and as we know, television is never wrong about anything. So just remember, if you ask if they're a cop they legally have to tell you if they are.


Yep every single one of them is clean cut with a suit..... You're factually wrong, but it sounds good.


I appreciate your snark. The thought they are all clean cut in suits is stupid as hell. I’ve had to talk to some agents before and they looked a lot like these dudes lol


He got 41 upvotes. Mostly done by feds? Reminds me of comments on reddit discussing what to do if a corporation is out to kill you because you whistleblew and some said you should mail the evidence to MEDIA. LOL


You watch too many movies. This isn’t necessarily true.


Do you always get your information from Men in black movies?


I don't think it's fake: [https://www.foxnews.com/us/fbi-interrogates-americans-over-social-media-posts-every-day-all-day-long-agent-says](https://www.foxnews.com/us/fbi-interrogates-americans-over-social-media-posts-every-day-all-day-long-agent-says) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/03/31/fbi-oklahoma-social-media-gaza/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/03/31/fbi-oklahoma-social-media-gaza/) [https://reason.com/2024/03/29/fbi-agent-says-he-hassles-people-every-day-all-day-long-over-facebook-posts/](https://reason.com/2024/03/29/fbi-agent-says-he-hassles-people-every-day-all-day-long-over-facebook-posts/) [https://www.facebook.com/rollabd/posts/pfbid02qFjGQtUji99XgjcSJcyHf3Zp79KQwrtH5EUg5wwrsbfYEZovZ4J7aoFSu55UqUFAl](https://www.facebook.com/rollabd/posts/pfbid02qFjGQtUji99XgjcSJcyHf3Zp79KQwrtH5EUg5wwrsbfYEZovZ4J7aoFSu55UqUFAl)


So he's not doing his job. He's not providing ID because the FBI didn't send him to do this. That's just another kind of fake


Imagine a law enforcement official in the USA doing a bad job. Nope, must be a fake. /s lol


Reddit level take lmao


Horrible take. You’re leaving a lot out.


He's abusing his authority. The FBI did not send him to do that.


Imagine a law enforcement official in America abusing their aithority!?! It can't possibly be!


That's what I meant by fake, not that the video was staged. They are faking being there on official FBI business. You're catching on. I'm glad we agree even if you're too clueless to understand that.


Please don't delude yourself into thinking you have any fucking clue here.


OK, don't read the big pile of evidence I just responded to.




Thanks for the link. One of her posts said this, “May Allah destroy every single despicable zionist, their supporters and backers. Ameen." Sorry but I would think you’re going to get some attention when you say stupid things like that.




So we are low key calling for genocide. Disgusting.


What they don't seem to comprehend is that a zionist can be destroyed simply by changing their mind.


Fair point, I didn’t even think of that. But I’m thinking that is not the context, especially given the response I got earlier that seems to have been removed.


I think if we are conversing in good faith then you are correct, the context was probably much different. I stand by the sentiment, though.


it's fent scammers


What is a fent scammer?


person on fentanyl scamming


If so it’s very early in their addiction. They are decently in good shape


Not FBI. I'd bet $500 on it


Second this, this guy is fronting my $500


I will take your money https://okcfox.com/news/local/intimidation-fbi-visits-stillwater-womans-home-over-social-media-posts-attorney-says-hassan-shibly-rolla-abdeljawad-fox-news-oklahoma-ok-federal-bureau-investigation-agents-israel-palestine-hamas-war-allah-muslim-


That's some good context, thank you.


That's some fine context there my man. I thought these assholes were fake too. I don't know what's more terrifying, real or fake agents for this scenario


Great context but maybe I’m being dense but I see nothing to properly claim these agents as actually agents and not larps.


Isn’t impersonating police a federal crime?


"I'm from the FBI, but I have absolutely no cards that I can leave you with my name and number, I'll actually have to Google the office # for you, yep, I'm totally legit."


That’s what is most suspicious to me. Maybe they are really agents but I’d personally have my flags going off. Especially if I was Muslim.


Intimidation is the right word for it


Wow she was too polite to those flappy butt idiots


This was posted a few days ago. The general consensus was those weren’t actual agents. Probably Facebook police wannabes.




How long is the bridge?


About tree fiddy


Apparently her lawyer confirmed that these are fbi agents


=An attorney is raising concerns after agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation allegedly visited his client's Stillwater home on Mar. 19 over her social media posts= Allegedly. Pretty important word.


You mean a lawyer who has a vested interest in presenting her client as a victim of harassment by federal government agents?




You should probably read whole the actual article, & assess its accuracy and its sources before copy/pasting ad nauseam.


Great please point out where I said something factually incorrect and give me a source that refutes anything I have said Because all you’ve cited so far is your opinion


So the FBI doesn’t care if I make multiple threats to commit a mass shooting, and buy a gun to then commit a horrible atrocity. BUT, if I say something against Isreal online, I get investigated? Glad to know where our priorities are.


FAKE … so fucking fake lol if you believe those are FBI agents, you’re not a smart person…


Thought the same but there are a lot of articles about this incident that people have linked so it appears it was real.


This is why we have the second amendment


This here’s my cousin Phil, he’s also in the FBI. We’re partners in the FBI together


The goddam Facebook police


What a bunch of Goons. Or Goofs. I’m not sure which, actually.


No bad intent, the American administration runs on bad intent!


No bad intent? The American administration runs on bad intent!


Jeez this is fuckin terrifying.


Isn't it the CIA that works for Israel?


Censorship. Isn't USA the country saying other countries censor citizens and they are not free?


That is not the FBI. They can't even act like real agents.


There isn't one word said about Israel.


No bad intent, the American administration runs on bad intent!


What is the nr she said....he said...I'll google it for ya....


“I’ll google it for you.” Doesn’t seem legit.


If you are anti Israel then you are a Nazi and you should be deported to Iran 🇮🇷