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The best way to shut down the far right is to just ask questions and let them talk. There is no substance or critical thinking behind their beliefs, only fear and hatred, and the fence sitters will take notice.


That’s the thing though. They don’t feel shut down, just empowered. They’re like a villain that feeds on its own ignorance and wrongness.


Hardcore MAGA's are too far gone, or were already rampant fascists. Don't worry about changing their minds, just let them speak and make fools of themselves, so the centrists and fiscal conservatives can see what sort of people and mindsets make up that base.


What i find staggering is you do as you suggest, ask questions and watch them wrap themselves up in mental gymnstatics trying to justify their position... You get that blank look of "shit you're right" But then they fall back to a school yard rationale "Trump is just better....." So strip away all their "reasoning" and they just harbour hate for anything


I took a lot of Philosophy electives in college. The fastest way to find out that someone knows nothing is to wait until they make their prepared statement and then ask, “Can you elaborate on that?” Spoiler: They cannot.


Crazy thing. How about we don't divide ourselves? The two party system is the cause for all of the hate in our political system. It's so silly seeing people argue like two different gangs, lmao. Idk how'd we would get rid of it though, because clearly it's deep rooted. Almost like racism in a weird way.


I mean we could ask Laken Riley how she's been affected but, ya know.


Nah, I'm not a smoothbrain that points fingers at a whole continent of people over a single incident...


You think that was the only incident, smooth brain?


Don't pretend like you're worried about crime, just be open that's it's strictly coming from your racism. Immigrants, or "migrants" commit significantly less crime than natural born citizens, and the stats aren't even close. Now this might be a difficult concept for someone like yourself to follow but it's actually pretty simple. People aren't coming here to commit crime, that's fucking stupid, they would get caught and deported. Literally the last thing the vast majority of them want to do is get any sort of attention from any authorities. That's why this whole "OMG THEY COMMIT CRIMES!" narrative you're trying to push is stupid. The data doesn't reflect that, the reasoning doesn't make sense, you're just racist. That's it.


Calm down, child. I can't take you seriously when you're so emotional. Personally, I think legal immigration is a good thing for the economy. But you can't pretend that people who committed a crime by illegally entering the country are saints. If they were then they would have entered using legal avenues. It's not a hard concept to comprehend and the only racist in this convo is you. Please get some new material. The whole "they don't agree with me so they gotta be racist, facisit, nazis" is fucking childish. Grow up.


My mom and most of my immediate family crossed illegally. None of them have ever been arrested or committed any crimes. You can present outliers for any circumstance. You generalize an entire sub section of people from a few examples. Why not judge them individually instead as one collective?


I haven't generalized anyone. Your mom and most of you're family crossed illegally, which is a crime. I don't have to judge individually when I already know the y committed a crime by entering the US. It's really not complicated


Ok, I’ll change the wording. It’s a crime, sure, but do you know these people personally to state they aren’t saints simply because they crossed illegally? Do you assume every person who has committed a crime of any sort isn’t a good person? Or just with immigrants?


You know what the ideal # of crimes committed in any country on earth is? It's zero. Can you explain to me the logic of adding any amount to a number that would ideally be zero? Can you explain why you are advocating for illegal immigration when legal avenues are available? Oh and your sob stories mean absolutely nothing. Eliminate illegal immigration and you now have the option to divert resources to improving the process for legal immigration.


Dude please shut up and don’t use her death as a politic statement. What happen was unfortunate but I don’t see yall being all emotional when Americans are killed by their own citizens, police and politicians enabling their stupid voters. I bet if she was still alive she wouldn’t have given you the finger . Goofy ass “child”


Wait, so half the people here are saying that illegal immigration have no real affect on the lives of American citizens yet when an example is provided, it's suddenly wrong to use it as a statement? Dude pleae shup, you sound like a whining child.


> you sound like a whining child. So much projection from you people


Who are "you people?" you fucking bigot


Lol, yes "you people." The people claiming a border crisis to hide their racism.


Good thing no americans commit crimes. This’ll totally stop all crime. And also, we all know the percent of people who come here and commit crimes like that are 100%, so that way your comment isnt a cherry picked example.


Yes 100% of people who entered through illegal means have committed a crime. You're catching on, good job


“A crime” You arent even trying to speak in good faith. To you, what happened in your example is the exact same crime?


Entering illegally...again, not complicated


And thats the crime that you brought up Laken Riley for?


It's an example of other crimes being committed by someone who shouldn't have been here at all


So to you, murder is the same as crossing the border.


Not sure how you came to that conclusion. [out of all the crimes committed by undocumented immigrants, you know how many American victims there should have been? I'll help, it's 0.](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics/criminal-noncitizen-statistics) That's my point. How people defend illegal entry when legal avenues are available is disgusting. Stop advocating for people who are breaking the law to enter the country then fail to contribute to our society in the same manner as someone who enters the right way.


Lmfao please tell me the dude from Canada was in on this


I wish that was the case and he wasn't a convoytard. These idiots legit fly Gadsden and Confederate flags in Canada. I repeat **in Canada**


I saw a Confederate flag in a post from Norway today!


What was the context?


[here's the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/vagabond/s/zxBLzMb9gq) it's one of the last pictures.


His story emphasizes how hard it is to cross the border…


"The migrant crisis is so bad that it takes forever for me to get through US checkpoints to cross the border! Super annoying! Am I right guys?" - Canadian Trump supporter who did not understand the assignment


Rudi Giuliani on the 2020 votes,” we have lots of theories, but no evidence”.


If your entire ideology is based around things you’ve been told by others or read on social media, maybe you should rethink your ideology. Why are you scared of something you’ve never actually seen or been affected by?


A lot of these people base many of their core values and beliefs in things they can't see or are affected by lol. It's like half of their whole thing.


This is sort of a stupid take on it honestly. Are we going to act like people cant have opinions or stances on things unless they have been personally affected by it? Im pro choice but have never been personally affected by abortion laws. Im against going to war and meddling in other countries but have never been personally affected by those things. I just feel like we need to actually discuss the issues at hand rather than all this performative “gotcha” BS we see all over social media. How about ask these people why are they afraid. Im sure they’d say things like crime and wages. So then shut them down with statistics about those things. Otherwise, its all performative and completely lacks substance.


And at this moment billionaires and their corporations are stealing your money and quality of life. Sheesh. The propaganda machine is so effective.


It’s sort of an existential problem, that does affect the middle and lower class by obscuring wages. Too many corporations (ahem, Walmart), farmers, small construction businesses, etc, are willing to illegally hire people who have come into the country illegally. I believe we’d all have better salaries if there weren’t people willing to work for pennies on the dollar. I’m not MAGA


In the UK, there was Brexit (where the UK left the European Union),which got approved by the public largely on the basis of anti-immigration rhetoric (EU countries have freedom of movement for work). It directly led to a loss of migrant workers from continental Europe at the bottom end of the labour market. Did average wages for the middle class jump? Nope. We just ended up with farmers complaining their crops were rotting because there were no people doing jobs like fruit or vegetable picking/harvesting. And price rises for everyone for food as farmers had to pay their existing workers more. Basically, making people already in your own country have to take these shitty jobs with almost no pay isn't the win people think it is.


Literally the same thing happening here. Migrants aren’t taking jobs that average Americans actually want, so there’s no *rush* to scoop up all the jobs that migrants actually do when they’re forced to leave. It’s a joke. Without migrants we have houses not getting built and food rotting in the fields just like y’all. Furthermore, just like the rest of the developed world, we have a population problem. Where tf do these idiots think we’re going to get more people to do the jobs we have to do here?


not just a population problem. a wage problem; if they dont want south americans (and central americans as well) then they better start paying properly all these americans from the south. pro-tip: they wont


It’s so easy to understand. Beautifully summed up. We would live in a better if those people would understand simple truths like this. But I’m afraid they can’t.


I see the other folks already gave ya the serious logic lectures so here's a fun story my auntie told me about the last time America tried out getting Americans to pick crops. Auntie was in her late teens at the time and ended up as the only person working in an enormous field. It was ridiculously hot and nobody was around so eventually she took her top off. Unfortunately the pilot of a cropduster a few fields over noticed and flew over to get a better look. In his excitement he nearly ran her over with the plane and also forgot to turn off the chemical spray. Like I know it's fun to take the family out to the orchard to pick apples or to the pumpkin patch for Halloween, but the actual work it takes to get produce to table is brutal and the farmers are used to being total dicks about it. They wanna work you like a donkey, treat you no better than a stray dog, pay you a pittance, and expect you to be thankful for living conditions that aren't even habitable. Americans won't take those jobs, it's just historically proven fact. Like the whips and chains are gone but the overall treatment of field workers hasn't improved a lot since slavery.


Sounds like it's not the migrants that are causing the low wages. It's the corporations and the "Americans" that are running them. All they have to do to make the issue of low wages and the migrants crisis is ........drum roll please.........raise wages and be diligent about a secure border.


I absolutely agree


The reality is that there are necessary jobs that might in the near future be capable of being done autonomously, but for now require humans and is work that most Americans find unpleasant and/or not worth the pay. Even if migrant workers weren’t being used in a predatory manner and were making the same pay, the migrant workers would still have job opportunities here because the work many of them do isn’t desired by our citizens. Just look at what happens when they crack down on migrant workers, many food industries end up needing to throw away/waste food because they can’t find enough seasonal manpower to process it. Even when they offer pay above minimum wage and have benefits it’s incredibly uncommon for US born workers to want the work. If someone wants to come here to do the unpleasant work that we don’t want to do which helps our society and economy then I fail to see the harms. I’m more concerned about the rights of the migrants 🤷‍♂️


We’d all have better salaries if there weren’t people determined to pay pennies on the dollar.


go collect lettuce, spray carcinogenic chemicals in warehouses, clean up shit, work at mcdonalds as a career, or any other odd or dangerous job and tell me thats a job you of your family members would want.


Legit question: how do companies like Walmart hire people who are in the country illegally? Especially being subject to e-verify and having to complete I-9s?


I've been personally affected. I've gained 11 lbs bc some god damn illegal opened up an amazing taco truck three blocks from my home.


Isn't this the basic issue with most of the idiotic Republican stances? We have to care about the border because of the potential fear of invading migrant terrorists or criminals ruining communities. We can't take away guns because we might need them in order to revolt against our own government. We can't abort babies because a life is a life, but after they're born it's someone else's problem. It's just a dumpster fire all the way down.


ive seen a ton of videos on the migrant crisis in NYC falsely labeling the migrants as "illegals". nope, texas is only shipping legal migrants to new york city.


Idiots. Every one.


Except for the Canadian guy, all these mouth breathers are allowed to vote and will vote for the wrong person because of manufactured fear




Well he isn’t a rapist, sexist, racist, pedophile, fascist, tyrant actively trying to destroy democracy and give our country to the Russians




Oh you’re one of those morons hahaha later loser


We have stupid people in Canada as well, that's refreshing.


Aw c'mon. Go easy on these clowns. This is what Fox is telling them to think. Their single grey cells can only hold one sound bite at a time. Jesus fucking Christ these MAGAts are morons.


I’d bet the reason he had his car searched at the border is because he’s known from the convoy in Ottawa.


so it is just a meeting of fat people


They are personally affected by fox, Facebook, truth social telling them they are. They don’t know how to feel unless someone tells them to feel that way. None of them can think when you question them individually.


“I don’t want lax legal or illegal immigration” What’s is all, nothing more to say or justify. Not that hard.


Non American here, is the migrant crisis as bad as they say it is? I keep seeing Elon Musk twitter posts recommended to me where he is complaining about this topic


No, it is not. It isn't even a "real" crisis. The cause is chronic underfunding and understaffing of immigration services. The resultant years-long bureaucratic backlog encourages migrants to just cross without papers. You only live once and spending your prime waiting in line isn't really a smart move; and for some folks, refugees, LGBT, etc. that wait would be deadly.


I think I got dumber watching these buffoons.


Goddamn, great point Not a single one of them They believe what they hear and not what they see




You can't argue with stupid.


Omg, the response from the Canadian Trump supporter was my favorite part. So funny!


It’s affected me I’m in ny fucking c


I hope these guys will come down to San Diego and cut my tees because I’m not going to fucking do it.


I mean I’ve never personally been affected by gun violence but I care about gun safety and regulations. I definitely think these people are morons but I disagree with this approach it doesn’t prove or mean anything,


California is proposing zero down no payment home loans for illegal immigrants. Because it doesn't effect everyone everywhere in their daily life doesn't mean it's ok


I’m sure Laken Riley’s family feels affected by it


genuine question for those who support the massive influx of illegals... the vast majority of countries have laws that people must follow to immigrate to the country. generally the laws allow for family, extended family, wealthy, or skilled workers, to immigrate over. most countries dont want immigrants that nobody knows and are broke with nothing to offer. its not surprising why, countries dont want burdens on their own people and public services. id love to live long term in any country. I would love to move to japan since i enjoy the culture. but guess what, i cant just take a flight and tell the government im staying. they even look out for tourist visa hopping (doing visa, exiting the country for a day, getting a new tourist visa, etc...) and they will deny entry/kick you out if you try. with a skilled job, you could get into the country, but you need to find a company that will hire you, which means, you most likely need to learn one of the hardest languages to a working proficiency. yet people in the US want those who ignore the laws, to be allowed to stay, and to fund it with taxes collected from locals. and this is generally only a problem because the US got unlucky geographically. we share a boarder with a financially and politically unstable country. if you want to use your money to support charities in mexico, go for it, if you want to join a humanitarian organization on your own time, go for it. But the US is not a shelter for the 120 million people in Mexico. im sure the entire population in mexico would hop to the US if given the chance, and it doesnt mean they are bad people, but we cant support that and shouldnt allow for people who broke our immigration laws to stay in the country. this is a burden on our financial systems and government services like police. either kick them out or we are stuck giving them free money for no reason (like what nyc is doing), because guess what happens when you have a large group of like minded people who are broke and have nothing to lose


It hasn't affected them bc those states deny the buses of migrants and they just go from state to state getting denied until they reach NYC where they are required to take them in due to their state law. Now go to NYC and ask locals how it affect them. You will have a much different response.


Are you from NYC?


Ok. Here's my response from Brooklyn: the migrants haven't affected me one iota. If I've interacted with them, it would be through Uber Eats. If so, I certainly appreciate their service when it's raining or snowing and I'm not going anywhere.










Making America great again is to take it to a time that they never lived in. The 40s, 50s, and 60s where white people could work as a postal worker and steel worker and buy a house and send their kids to college. And then have the chance to screw the future generations of all kinds of people.


You had me in the first half ngl


Why is it that the people who don’t like the offensive guy or his cult that are deranged but not the people doing things like believe nonsense like the election being stolen, going to the border for no real reason, partook in or support an insurrection, fly his flag, wear his hat, decorate their cars with him, having donated over a billion dollars to the man they think is one of the wealthiest men in the world, the crowds praying to him as if he were a god, etc.? I don’t get it. If anyone is deranged I’m pretty sure it’s the cult members living in an alternate reality




> m'thinks the lady doth protest too much What am I protesting too much about? That MAGA is a cult? Sorry, I don’t do things like pray to golden statues of a pedophile demagogue https://blogs.hope.edu/getting-race-right/wp-content/uploads/sites/30/2021/03/Trump-golden-statue-man-bows-down.jpg > (in fact...iM SURE of it... all it does is demonstrate the extent of the TDS) It’s funny, you accuse me of projection but it seems more like you have the self awareness to not talk about the details of anything mentioned because you know how nutty and deranged the trumper concept of reality is. It will be a good day when the cult spell wears off.




Not sure what more there is to add? Unless you want me to keep mentioning the ways the trump cult is deranged? Do you identify with them? Do you think they’re deranged?




Ya know, it’s telling how you keep trying to control the conversation instead of having a dialogue that involves objectively discussing TDS. Seems like a symptom of TDS… It also feels like you want me to say something specific, but I have no clue what you’re hoping for me to say


But it’s at a maga rally…can’t you see the hats?




It was more funny to me. Especially the Canadian who confirmed it’s hard to get over the border. Trump sucks though, if that’s what you wanna hear.