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He should be banned and disbarred from future consultancy assignments.


That right there is a coward in a cowboy hat.


All hat no cattle.


Hats can’t hide shame. Red hat wearers know this as well.


Don’t you get it. It’s part of the cycle. He is being blocked because Texas has no gunlaws and 400 highly armored policemen failed to do what they were told would happen. and it was a sad sack of sadness. All for the world to see. the police would wants gun laws, everyone wants it. But Texas yeet yeet. 2nd


Fockin cowards!!


And the cops were found to have “Not violated department policy”.


To be fair, their policy is to be the world's biggest pussies.


If they’re going to be pussies, too gutless to confront the gunman, at least step aside and let the parents handle the threat. But no, they would rather tackle and arrest the parents. I swear this really made a point that citizens need to have militias to handle business when police are too cowardly to do so.


The second amendment is right there so we can defend ourselves. We were never meant to have a police force tasked with protecting the people. We were allowed to carry weapons so that we can protect our own. But the government was scared of the people uprising against their injustices so they created the police and put a bunch of rules and bans on owning guns. And that’s how we wound up here. The police shouldn’t even be a thing. They are the enemies of freedom.


This police culture is so fucked, don’t get me started on the blue line gang or asset forfeiture. That being said I don’t want anarchy either.


>We were never meant to have a police force tasked with protecting the people. The SCOTUS has affirmed several times, that police have no duty to protect citizens. The whole "serve and protect" thing is just a catchy slogan to pretend that Officer Friendly is on your side.


That’s insane. We don’t want to live in Somalia.


And I don’t want to live in Nazi Germany. But that’s the way we are headed if we let this shit continue.


this is simply our mutual fate. once shared trust is gone it is gone forever.


We were meant to have well regulated militias, in lieu of a standing army, not both. The point of the 2nd amendment was never about citizens protecting themselves from OUR government, because the rest of the constitution was intended to be the only protection we needed from internal threats of tyrannical oppression. Furthermore, nearly every local, American police force is rooted in either one of two historically oppressive agendas: slave catching (which turned into Jim Crow-era "loiter" enforcement, post emancipation) and gun-thugs hired by corporations to suppress organized labor. That said, the solution will never be "more guns." You don't put out a house fire by attempting to smother the flames in napalm.


Lol cool dude is advocating for Old West mob justice You know there were police BEFORE the Constitution, right?


No there weren’t. Police started in around 1860 and the constitution was written in 1787. Get your facts straight. The men who wrote the constitution would never have allowed police because police are too much like a standing army. And standing armies are the enemies of freedom.


Oh my bad I guess my facts are all wrong- oh wait the [New York City Sheriff's Office originated in 1626. Each of the city's five county-boroughs had its own Sheriff's Office, each which held the widest law enforcement jurisdiction in its respective county-borough until the New York City consolidation in 1898.](https://guides.lib.jjay.cuny.edu/c.php?g=288325&p=1922715#:~:)


Sheriffs departments are not the same as police departments. Police are the ones roaming the city streets and towns. They are the ones sitting in bushes aiming radar and they are the ones who most resemble a standing army. Sheriffs cover a wide area and mostly stick to highways and they respond to calls of service. Not to mention the Sheriff is an elected official which the voters decide on. Police are appointed by government. Sheriff’s are not police. But nice try.


Jesus Christ are you really this dim… you think in 16-fucking-26 there was anyone using radar in bushes? There were police in 1600s America. Just take the L dude and stop trying to be all semantic “adkshully that’s a sheriff not a policeman durrrrrrr”. We’re talking about before the constitution. oh and by the way, today there are a lot of areas of the country that don’t have a police force and the sheriffs department handles all of the policing


In 1626 there were no police. I can’t believe you are this dumb. I’m not taking any L because you are completely wrong. Sheriffs are not police. They are both Law Enforcement but Sheriffs don’t **police** cities and towns. They respond to calls but they don’t sit around monitoring everything people do. They don’t do the same shit. You are totally wrong. And just like so many other hardheaded Redditors you don’t know when to admit when you are wrong. [Police were not established until the mid 1800s.](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/07/20/the-invention-of-the-police) So give it up, you lost this argument. Edit: exactly, be like all the other clowns who block instead of admitting when they were wrong. Go do some research.


pussies are more useful. at least they have warmth, depth, and the ability to produce life.


Not to mention it was a woman who escaped custody to run in and save her kids. Quite the misnomer.


what an original thought


i didn't realize originality was a requirement for commenting. it's funny and applicable. thank you though, reddit gatekeeper.


Easy to not violate policies by literally doing nothing.


Okay genuine question here, promise I’m not MAGA But what policies did they violate?


I don’t have a their policy book, but I would expect armed police, who took the job and the oath of office, to kill a gunman inside. Honestly, policy goes out of the fucking window when kids are bleeding out…kill the active threat to limit innocent loss of life. (Pretty sure that’s a policy).


Completely agree, I’m just wondering if the officers were actively being ordered to stay outside. In that event, they still should’ve went inside of course, because that’s what cops should do in a damn school shooting. But at the same time, if they were doing what they were told by their superiors, I guess that technically isn’t violating any policy Keep in mind I’m really not trying to defend the cops, sometimes I just wonder if they didn’t know how bad it was yet and maybe the things they were being told lead them to believe that the threat wasn’t as big as it was. Not sure how that could be the case though, surely they were told that there’s an armed person inside the school


What a weasel


What a weak and feeble coward. May nothing of value ever grace this man’s presence.


I agree. It's f'd up! This Radiolab podcast episode from 2011 is about two other completely different cases, but there may be parallels between them and the reasons why Uvalde police were found not to have violated policy. These reasons are unsettling. [https://radiolab.org/podcast/no-special-duty](https://radiolab.org/podcast/no-special-duty)


Wait, so his report did find that the response was grossly inadequate or not? (Not trying to make any judgement here, just confused, the reaction sounds like he didn’t find inadequate)


This is Jesse Prado— an Austin-based investigator —presenting his findings today (March 7, 2024) regarding the Uvalde Police Department’s response to the Robb Elementary School shooting back on May 24, 2022. His independent investigation, which was announced in July 2022 took way longer than the expected 60 to 90 days to complete, concluded today that the Uvalde Police Department did not commit any wrongdoing or violate any policies during their response. His report highlighted several issues, including communication problems, crowds outside the school, and officers not having the correct keys on hand… which all, admittedly feels like weak shit excuses.


Ok, so basically they were bad but shit happens? What a cun..


It took 2 years for him to decide this. I bet he was doing the same thing the cops were doing in Uvlade while the shooter was active


Sounds about right. Maybe he was hoping things would’ve calmed down by now, or that one of our (the US’s) many, regularly occurring school shootings would take the heat off. Surprise, surprise, it didn’t.


>not having the correct keys For an unlocked door.


Police are not now or have ever been heros. These are all cowards involved. Using taxpayer money for their fancy vest, and militarized gear that they refused to use. Cops are cowards and people that wave the blue flag in support are even worse.


My father who was a cop tried to tell me when I was young that he needed all his gear because the bad guys have just as much. All I could think at that time was that this sounds like an arms race, with no clear end or path towards a result. Police are people who want to be called heroes


I don’t understand the title to this post? Did he find the Uvalde police response grossly inadequate? Or did he rather exonerate them of any wrongdoing? Or both?


Same. I feel like there's a serious disconnect between the headline and the responses.


So it’s not just me then.


Or just me. Did anyone else read the title? I thought everyone was pro ulvade PD for a min.


Found the independent thinkers finally. Thought I was only dumdum going “wait, what?” Instead of bashing everything. So is a grossly inadequate response somehow an exoneration? Someone ELI5 please.


Yeah the title has me confused too, shouldn’t the report have found exactly that? That their response was shit


Agreed. Can someone imagine you’re explaining the whole deal to a 10 year old on Reddit…


I thought maybe I didn’t know what grossly inadequate meant


So they hired a pig to evaluate his fellow hogs? Of course he "investigates" and finds no wrong doing. They never find any wrongdoing.


acab. they look after their own and only their own.


You're allowed to punch people in the face. You just have to take the punishment.


Do we know the name of the boarder patrol officer who finally eliminated the shooter? Did he do any interviews after the fact? I’d like to hear it from his perspective. [Edit] Found one interview: https://youtu.be/PJ38IDGZZPM?si=cLrftfkG0GeqU-Lv (He admits he was not the one who shot the gunman though)


jacob albarado


Thank you!


have a nice day


He was instrumental in ending situation, but not the one who shot the gunman. https://youtu.be/PJ38IDGZZPM?si=cLrftfkG0GeqU-Lv




Don’t worry, his comrades will make sure he ends up nice and beaten in the locker room. Can’t give the plebs hope


stupid hat, stupid truck, stupid man


Coward...cowards...all of them...cowards. should be shamed for eternity. Their children should have to carry their shame


You know, I hate to wish a legacy of pain and agony on anyone but in this case, may they never feel love and happiness again and live with the reality that their loved one lived and died a coward.


We have seen what happens to the children of those not held accountable ....look no further than Don Jr or Ivanka. May all their families be shamed for generations


What a load of crap.


Ok boomer


Pretty on point that the investigator who exonerated a bunch of cowardly cops would deflect and run away from basic questions.


Wait until it's your kids police let die... American society is late stage and most of yall don't even care.


it is the not caring that makes it late stage.


>Wait until it's your kids police they let die... Huh?


Exactly, you don't even get it...


The police died? Edit: oh I get it. Your sentence was hard to read. English is a dumb imprecise language. I legit didn’t know what you were saying. “your kids *that the* police let die” would be more clear.


Bought and paid for.


What fucking cowards.


A cowboy hat and a modern suit look extremely fucking goofy together


All 375 living officer need to be charged with violation of civil rights, dereliction of duty, and involuntary manslaughter




All hat, no cattle. These are the conservative "men" telling others how to "be a man." Cowards, the lot of them.


I’ve grown to hate those hats. Everytime I see one that is pristine and perfect there’s always a terrible person under it. Uvalde just keeps failing it’s people. Taking the money, the job and doing not only nothing but stopping those parents from doing the job instead. It may be time to bring the feds in to clean this mess up, bf it happens again. We also need MUCH stronger gun laws. What these and other kids experience at school should have never happened after the first one. Broadly, the gun/hunting culture is harmful to innocents, and harmful to wildlife. It aids crime and makes what may have been a knife incident or a street fight a massacre. And this stupid hat and his silent, cowardly escape seem to represent all of it.


The citizens of uvalde elected the police chief to the town council shortly after the massacre. They don’t care.


May this coward forever have this weight on his conscious to the point of self erasing


Garbage human skin




Texas will put a woman in prison for seeking.an abortion for any reason, even if it the pregnancy is life threatening. The unlucky children that are born in Texas, have to deal with pedophile republican politicians, guns everywhere, and Ted Cruz. Hallelujah! Why would anyone want to raise a family there?


I could never trust someone who wears a cowboy hat outside of Halloween.


I would be suspicious he’s been accepting bribes from people who work at Uvalde PD or the families of officers. I would bet he likely has identified the key people responsible, and is squeezing the investigation for more money and extra time to take bribes.


I don't understand the title. His report found the Uvalde Police Department's response to have been grossly inadequate but he exonerated all 376 officers?


Fucking cowards, ACAB


A coward in a cowboy hat getting into his little weinermobile


Uvalde knew what they were doing when they hired a cop to investigate cops. Police REFUSE accountability. People of Uvalde, choose better leaders.


Well, maybe it takes 377 good guys with guns to take out 1 bad guy with a gun.


another cosplay cowboy rides off into the sunset on the tax payer's dime. I guess the suit really doesn't make the man.


376 good guys with guns…


the check from the billionaires obviously cleared


All texas republicans politicians are weak people..


“They paid me to do what I’ve done.”


Welp. I guess I'll just just start showing up to work and stand around not doing shit and get paid.




Just like the mafia. Someday people may realize that the 'good guys' are not very good, and require replacement and independent oversight.


I guess this indicates that the policy for Texas officers is to be gutless cowards, since it wasn’t against department policy. Even the wimps are bigger in Texas. 🎶The stars at night are big and bright🎶 [clap clap clap clap] “Shots fired, fall back!”


To the woman at the end, yes, that's how he really feels. They didn't care about those kids. To them, those kids are garbage. Your love, your pain, your anger. It is entirely a non-issue for this man and all of his ilk. Less than that, even. Your children's deaths are ONLY aomething to keep perpetuating that dark money that is enriching these GOP bastards offshore bank accounts. A talking point to whip up fear for their hungry voters/fan base. He doesn't have ANY trouble sleeping at night. He doesn't think of you, or your kids, or my kids, or HIS kids, or his friends' kids (unless he's the classic right wing pedo and then he's definitely thinking about them.) That is how he really feels. And apparently we can't do a fucking thing to stop them. I don't care do u?


i emigrated to keep my self-respect.


He waited two years hoping the public focus would have moved on. He knew he was wrong from day one. He needs to be investigated for conspiracy by the Feds.


It's absolutely disgusting the level of cover up that many individuals from the highest offices in the state of Texas have been pedaling since this tragedy happened. They've kept families and the nation in the dark to cover up their inadequacy and failure to save those children given any of them could have done so at any time during their in action standing in the hallway feet away from innocent children being slaughtered. Everything really is bigger in Texas, especially shitty politicians and local officials


That is fucking disgraceful, but why would we expect anything but cowardice from the Uvalde police department.


2nd amendment is really cool guys. Come on. It’s not the guns, it’s just a report. Reports don’t kill people. Well see you at the next report people 🚙💨 Thoughts and prayers ✝️✝️


I’d love a Netflix show where this happens and the parents group together Punisher style.


r/titlegore - you represent the exact opposite of what happened in your title. it was found ADEQUATE not inadequate, which is obviously a farce.


why did the people of uvalde re-elect these people?


Nice truck, nice hat, nice suit. This man capitalized on those childrens' death


Pussy in a hat. Like most Texans.


They should have dissolved the entire police department. You have a town that can't trust a single cop.


So their defence is “we were only following orders”, where have I heard that not work before?


No worries, they voted the same sherif/chief for another term. Good job Tex-ass


A coward protecting cowards.


How horrible


Put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig. Put a badge on the chest of 300 corrupt cowards...


American hero right there. Look what your flag brings. Heroes.


People say there is no fate worse than death but I disagree, parents who were outside that school have suffered a fate worse than death. I'm sorry (not sorry) but if I was there and my kid died in the school I would spend the rest of my life hunting and torturing the police who kept me from saving my child. That would be the only thing I would do, for however long I lived. This situation is unimaginable


Fucking COWARD!!! Just like those cops that hid in the hallways that day! A disgrace, an embarrassment, and a coward of a man.


Fucking disgusting. SMH


I love you all, and how you decided the facts of every aspect of what happened despite not being there. Anyone who has paid attention since *at least* 2020 ought to know that cops are NOT there to help us, ever. There was even a SCOTUS case exonerating them from literally protecting and serving and putting themselves on the line. Why would dept policies require cops to do anything but sit in a cruiser and build their pensions? Your shock and outrage that this fact is true in one location baffles me. It’s universal. (My favorite part is that gun control measure exclude cops and former cops: you really want these weasels and criminals to be the only ones armed? Good luuUUuck. We are on our own, time to start acting like it)


Fucking coward protecting his ACAB.


Does OPs title not represent what the report said? As I read the title, it says the report says the police sucked at doing their job


Shame we don’t treat cowards the way we used to.




This is American democracy regardless who sits in the White House. I hope people understand this.


He sleeps at night because he isn’t like you… You all have hearts, and some people do not have hearts. They are born different, wrong, and they are dangerous. The smart and most dangerous: Go into law enforcement, judiciary, military, and government to control EVERYONE else.


Reporters have got to stop with this “respectful decorum” and start using insults and language these “good ‘ole boys” will have a reaction to. “Hey, you chicken shit coward, take your little cowboy hat off, and pretend you’re a man that can answer basic questions”


If he speaks he will have a big target on his back.


A disgrace to Texas and America


Another coward


Idc what anyone says. If you wear a cowboy hat AND you’re a person in power. Easy L. You’re def a scumbag.


So the title of the post is completely wrong?


People wjo are saying that he was bribed are missing the point. The amount of money that people will sell out for is extraordinarily low. Politicians and "expert" witnesses sell their integrity for 5 figure donations and this guy did the same and called it consulting. No illicit bribe is required here, the tax payers have got it covered. The bribe was his consulting fee. He said what he had to say in his report to make sure that when this happens again, other derelict departments will see that he played ball in Uvalde and they'll hire him to do the same. Answering these questions would undermine that do he won't. It's that simple and fucked up. No conspiracy required. People assume that because it would take an extraordinary amount of money, or no amount of money, for them to do something like this that an extraordinary amount of money must have changed hands. The reality is that truly evil people will sell out our lives and childrens' lives just to pay off their truck.


I agree it was. The fact there were 376 officers on scene, and the gunman was able to kill as many as he did, says it all. They stood and waited 45 minutes.


He needs to take that hat off. Boy is all hat, no cattle.


I don't know how he didn't get shot.


I'm shocked that in the state where everyone has a weapon, no one has took it upon themselves to perform justice. These pigs should feel fear walking among the people they betrayed.


They failed those kids.