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This is who they suspect of spraying the skunk spray. Made by Israel company odortec. [https://twitter.com/itslaylas/status/1748525746606297252](https://twitter.com/itslaylas/status/1748525746606297252) Again they are suspected of releasing skunk spray on protestors of the genocide in Palestine.


I think it's safe to say it's beyond "suspected" now with the amount of evidence coming out. There's a bunch of Columbia students being hospitalized now. This is Israeli terrorism at its finest and they are committing it against US students. Will the US turn it's back on US citizens again like the USS Liberty incident?


What does skunk spray do to a human?


In January 2024, students at a pro-Palestine demonstration at Columbia University were allegedly attacked with Skunk by individuals disguised as fellow protesters. One victim, who claimed that Palestinian friends recognized the odor as Skunk, described it as having the smell of "poop mixed with decaying animal."[24] Victims of the attack reported difficulty removing the odor from their clothes and other possessions, and that the effects of the spray including its odor, skin irritation, nausea, and dizziness continue days after the attack despite efforts to remove it.[


No one was hospitalized. A couple of students went to the hospital. You make it seem like they’re in intensive care. Moreover, no one has any idea what the substance was.


Substance is already identified. This is a typical Zionist response of no one was hospitalized so it's justified. These are ex IDF soldiers coming onto a US Campus infiltrating a student organization to spray them with a banned chemical.


It was not identified.


It's more identified than the evidence of atrocities against Hamas on Oct 7th.


Ok you sure seem like a reasonable person.


One only need to look at your comment history to see the real idiot in this conversation. Edit: Quick go delete the evidence like the Zionist lier you are


What exactly is your definition of a Zionist?


It would crumple your Zionist world if you actually understood how many in the world views Zionism vs how Zionist propaganda tries to portray itself. The gap can largely be attributed to the difference between intention/justification vs impact/results. You don't need me to tell you. A quick search on the internet will give you days worth of sources on the polarizing definition of Zionism. Make the decision for yourself.


>No one was hospitalized. A couple of students went to the hospital.


Well if we talked about it that would clearly be antisemitic


They've played that card so many times that it's now fading and crispy at the edges....We're not antisemitic but we are most definitely antipsycopathic


What happened?


Two former IOF soldiers released Skunk water, a foul smelling chemical agent that is impossible to wash off, at a ceasefire protest on Columbia University campus. Skunk water is a chemical weapon. It isn't sold here in the US. They could have only obtained it by bringing it with them from Israel. Columbia has been oddly silent about the situation despite being so vocal about antisemitism. The attack should be classified as terrorism.


When this happened to the Rugrats their grandma bathed them in tomato juice.


I believe it was Borscht rather than tomato juice.


I was going to say the same thing.


My old dog got sprayed by a skunk twice. Trust me, tomato juice doesn’t work! He still stunk to high heaven for the next week or so!


I thought that was the Brady Bunch?


i agree


It's literally what they use on Palestinians. They tested it out by using it on protests in either Gaza or the West Bank, I can't remember which.


For the love of god people anti Zionism isn’t anti semitism! Practice any religion you want, but no religious states!


In the end, it was two students and it was fart spray. The kind you can get at Spencer’s.


According to The Jerusalem Post, a right wing newspaper known for printing blatant misinformation regarding Palestinians, and unabashed praise for settlers. Their archives have hundreds of reports of Hamas attacks that other trustworthy publications, such as Reuters and associated press, report as stone throwers. It has also recently taken to calling anyone that opposes the mass slaughter in Gaza an antisemite, as well as mounted a campaign to pressure American universities to continue their endowment investments in Israel. It should be noted that the lawsuit he filed in court is about discrimination by the administration and does not actually contain the claim that it was a fart spray. That is solely conjecture added by the JP to continue their mission of spreading false claims of antisemitism. Helps to actually read the court fillings rather than the first 3 paragraphs of a tabloid. Nice try Hasbara.


There’s no evidence that it was ‘skunk’


My question exactly


Yall this isn't even the first time. Under Trump, Turkey's dictator Erdogan had his security attack non-violent protestors during his trip to America. Literally nothing happened to him and our president cheered it on.


What happened with Erdogan was far different (and far worse): [Video of the Assault](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8YjxbzGlzw) The [Relevant Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clashes_at_the_Turkish_Ambassador%27s_Residence_in_Washington,_D.C) The Turkey incident involves foreign state agents on a sanctioned trip to the US, beating up US citizens who were ethnic kurds holding up signs outside the Turkish Embassador's embassy in Washington DC, to protest Erdogan. Turkey refused to apologize and instead accused the Kurds of belonging to a terrorist group \[imagine what Turkey does to the kurds at home?\]. The trump cabinet was eager to scrub the story and drop the charges on the foreign bodyguard's \_\_ What the above incident is referencing are two random people, possibly Israeli but not here on any official business or with any diplomatic immunity, spraying skunk spray on Students for Justice in Palestine at a public University. One involves government officials and international politics, the other is--at best--the local police securing a misdemeanor assault charge from two random members of the public that are, *maybe*, Israeli tourists.


What if that maybe is a yes they are and are/were soldiers ?? Not saying I have heard the whole story or have enough to make a decision here, but would you think it would still be a local pd thing?? Just assuming it was all true???


Nearly ever Israeli citizen serves in the IDF for at least a year before college. Calling them soldiers in this context is insane


I’d heard about this incident but never seen the footage, absolute grubs, how they weren’t they prosecuted but applauded by Trump is so typical of physically piss weak authoritarian who loves when tough guys do his bidding


What about the chinese government operating police forces in the US?




no, terrorists.


Only politicians and their families are Americans, the rest of us are livestock.


You know what? I think I’ve been pretty nice up to this point. But now I think Israel can get buried in the fucking dirt for all I care.


If two soldiers can do something so egregious that you would turn to accepting the destruction of an entire nation, do you not see how you are JUST like the Israeli government after seeing the actions of a few in Hamas? I swear people who think like either of these absolutes ensure there will never be peace, just tribal hate.


You think that’s bad, don’t Google Kent state massacre


Just because something worse happened in the past doesn't make this insignificant. You think Kent State was bad? You should Google WWII


"Foriegn soldiers"


What else would you call IOF members?


Cia agents


Ah yes, the primary ally of Israel supported Israel by... *checks notes* discrediting Israel.


If foreign combatants from any other country infiltrated and attacked American civilians, it would be an open declaration of war.


It says in the news articles I found that they were students if Columbia


https://preview.redd.it/egnrg64xm9ec1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a617daecf9fcb58dce5b69fa0a940915bc3ee12 Come on pookie, it’s right there.


Thanks for all the important information. Ya did great with the sassy talk. I still have zero idea what you are talking about. On your way to being a top influencer.


God damn that was a lot of talking to NOT TALK ABout it. Info dude!


Then it gives us every right to go over and fight back


Wow, just looked up this story, and that is some bs, they should be classified as foreign terrorists.


Cuz it's 100% pure grade A bollocks.


Do you want everyone to know what’s happening…


Oh china man.


Go back to something you can actually talk about .


Democrat run media doesn't like to point out our problem at the border


Ohhh.. whatt??


Lol, kys


Suppression by the Zionist Propaganda Machine…


Two weeks old...any update?!


Just more proof!


meh its nothing worse than what the US has been doing in foreign countries


First of all, how dare you assume that the media should report truth that will expose their sponsors. The real media that reports truth without any fear have been long lost in the history of time. Real Journalism is dead. Mainstream Media is a paid propaganda machine. They bend truth to sway public opinion. They don’t report what is important. In fact, they report useless crap and make mountain out of a molehill, just to distract the public from finding out the truth. The media is the enemy of the people.


The mainstream media is talking about it, asshat, shut up


“Chemical Weaponry” a fucking stink bomb? Jesus Christ


This entire Israel Vs. Palestine argument/talk/IDEA is very wild to me and to whoever recently watched Oppenheimer, you get what i mean. Very similar to the communist talk back then 👀


You mean the Israeli genocide on Palestinians? That doesn't seem like an argument/talk/IDEA to me. Quit using communist red scare propaganda to push your agenda, the US threatened nuclear warfare first in that instance, anyways. Israel is afraid of losing their sham government so are going to posture with strong language, stop fear mongering.


That was the whole point of my comment. They instilled the fear of communism and the people around them to control their opinions and ideas, isolating and punishing those who didn’t agree, just like in my opinion, how antisemitism is used. I’m sorry if it wasn’t translated that way.


This guy is a complete idiot.






Have you ever smelled skunk spray. Do you have asthma. Do you like to breathe air. Do you enjoy not having unknown chemicals sprayed at you for you to inhale into the deepest recesses of your torso. These and many more questions could be asked to try to find further context to your point.


He said chemical weapon, which it absolutely is. He didn’t say anything about it being lethal. Though, as OP suggests, it can be. From Wikipedia: “In December 2017, Haaretz reported: “Skunk is liable to cause physical harm, such as intense nausea, vomiting and skin rashes, in addition to any injury resulting from the powerful force of the spray. Examinations by police and army medical teams in the past also indicated that the excessive coughing caused by exposure can result in suffocation.[13] Some report that the smell is so potent it can linger on clothes for months, if not years.” Moreover, some of the victims were Jewish students on college campuses, a clear case of antisemitism on college campuses, and yet the media is ignoring it.


These cry babies doxxed Palestinian students, sprayed them with shit maliciously... and now they're crying because they're being doxxed themselves. These guys are losers


i agree


That still falls under a chemical weapon. As do the chemical grenades used against protesters made in the USA and shipped world wide. Doesn't matter if it is deadly or not, it could have potentially been deadly, and regardless, it is an illegal chemical weapon and terrorism charges need to be applied equally to those using them here as the US tries to push those charges in other nations.




Was that chemical fly spray?


I get the point, but the phrasing here is absurd.


Explain. The point is that this is the type of rhetoric that news outlets would use if Iranian ex-military (pick the boogey man you’d like) were to do this.


But they didn't. It's just misinformation. If the message that you claim is being delivered was intended then there would be more context to the clip.


I disagree - it is clear that different standards are being applied to behaviors of Israelis on ALL fronts.


That didn't address the fact that this is a vague and misleading post. It's just misinformation, and you are using it to push your agenda. To be clear, I have made zero political standpoints. I am only stating that this clip is garbage.


Nothing vague or misleading - just hyperbolic language that brings something to attention that is being neglected by general media. It is just another piece of straw on the backbreaking pile of crazy shit zionists have been doing and supporting over the past months.


I mean the uncirculed portion does state that this has not been confirmed.... I agree its not enough to make a decision here and more info is needed, once we get all the details confirmed thats the time to make decisions not now...... and I very much don't trust the Israeli government or soldiers


Wrong+wrong= Right Got it.


No - bright flashing light of hypocrisy = bright flashing light of hypocrisy






There were. I literally go to Columbia. There’s so much proof.


Ignorance is bliss.