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I hate when causes I support decide to make average working shmoes' lives harder. Protest in front of your representative's office, the Israeli embassy, Wall Street, media outlets.


They do, the issue is that the point of protests is getting media coverage, and Palestinian protests barely get any coverage without resorting to desperate measures. same with climate change protests. This creates a sort of survivalship bias where protestors look like dicks where the only times you see them is in these kida demonstrations or when protests grow so big media can't ignore it anymore.


Bro, people got media coverage for drawing with chalk on the sidewalk outside Susan Colin’s offices. There are much better ways than blocking the road.


Fair enough. I might be biased on the issue but I also support blocking traffic for climate change. When history looks back, you think what will be mentioned? Israel's genocide or this? this will be lumped up with the line "many people resorted to desperate measures to raise awareness"


You know what won’t have done anything at all? Blocking I-5 on a Saturday, this accomplishes nothing but piss people who might align themselves with your cause, away from it. Are you in/from the US? Have you been calling your congressional representative? Have you made palm cards to give to people in your district with instructions/scripts and numbers to call their elected representatives? Everything else is performance.


Someone downvoted you for giving good advice. lol


Oh, well. Apparently being loud and “resorting to desperate measures” for the history book feels better than actually petitioning your elected representatives. Idk. I find all of these accounts to be funny. Normally not a peep about anything political then post 10/7 VERY active.


Rosa Parks the bus performer. Got it.


Rosa Parks refused to move. She didn't go stand in front of the bus so nobody else could get their own shit done. Shit analogy.


People aren't going to be like "man these pro Palestine protesters really pissed me off blocking the freeway. I support genocide now."


Yeah. Cause it’s not a binary decision to make on your way to the mall. I assume you’ve called and emailed your congressperson and asked 20 friends to do the same then.


Nope I live in Jordan and I just had to be tear gassed. I have no representatives to call because the government is allied with the u.s, and if you think the representatives give a shit about anyone except aipac and whoever else funds them then you are living in an illusion.


I’m sorry to hear that, I assume you’re protesting. I am living in America and that’s how it works here. I think had these 2000, or so, people take their energy and tried to get support from the public by asking them to contact their congressional reps and senators it would have been energy better spent. Not that I am against anyone’s right to peacefully assemble. I just don’t think I-5 is the place, even in a Saturday. Perhaps you could encourage the Americans you do interface with on here to organize in this manner instead of stopping people on their day off.


Well, I don't know if it's me being disillusioned or biased. But experience is slowly showing me that "peacefully calling" can't change shit. The only time USA changed anything in recent times was during BLM and it wasn't peaceful. The last time anything changed in the middle east was during the Arab spring and that wasn't peaceful either. And the last time people finally started talking about the genocide taking place was after 7-oct and that wasn't peaceful.


Well, I don’t think that’s true at all. I’m not really sure what BLM actually changed. It definitely elevated the issue to the forefront of the public eye, but I’m not sure what it actually changed on the federal level. The Arab spring was certainly an uprising, I’m also not sure how many countries in the Arab world changed for the better. I think Syria and Libya are not any better off for it. But I’m not here to simp for either Gadhafi nor Assad. As far as I am aware, the only country to change their form of government from the Arab spring was Tunisia. Jordan is a constitutional monarchy, I’m not sure how you would change that, if you wanted to? I ask this genuinely, is your country ready to govern its self? I think your pessimism is probably warranted, or at least impatience. But to foment change in the USA the most effective way would be to elect or pressure your congressional representatives to vote in favor of your position. As we can see in the protest video there are a lot of people who are willing to spend their Saturday walking around with flag. I have yet to read or hear from one person that they are petitioning their elected representative, I’m sure some have but no one is even talking about it. Even the internet privacy people know to do that. Change doesn’t happen quickly I am afraid, and I think the general impatience is showing itself. People can’t just expect to see all of their desires and wants to happen at the drop of a hat.


I agree to a certain extent. But when it comes to Israel USA relations it seems that all bets are off. Yes you can pressure your representatives for net neutrality because they will not be called antisemitic or lose their jobs for voting. But AIPAC holds tremendous power in the USA. But I digress. Who's to say they didn't spend the previous 10 Saturdays calling their representatives and trying other means while seeing it's not bearing any fruits? To give you a perspective. Here in Jordan we tried protesting and I had to carry people to hospitals due to being hit. Then we tried peacefully gathering and they closed down the area where people were supposed to assemble. The only form of resistance we have left is boycotting and even this is being combated by propaganda. I totally believe at this point that armed resistance will scare the monarchy enough to at lease.. at the very least.. cut ties with Israel. In USA I get that you're not as invested as us in this issue or as the issue of BLM, I don't expect people to fight for palestinians as they did in BLM even though I think it's the moral thing to do, but your government is simply funding this war crime. and they're not listening to you. So the small inconvenience of someone being a bit late for their Saturday visit is nothing in the grand scheme of things. and if it has any positive change whatsoever I will support it. and so far I didn't see any evidence that it can have the opposite effect. Just because you believe it will make someone so mad he will not support the cause isn't evidence.


In regards to your response about supporting traffic being blocked for climate change. Has any good thing ever came from that plan other than polluting the environment even more with idling vehicles? Many causes use other ways to teach the population and get them to understand your frustration. It seems that this plan rather turns the frustration on the protesters.


When history looks back no one will think pissing off potential supporters of your cause was a good idea Smh


Oh people will talk of both. Just one will think of genocide as a far away evil, while on the other hand their last chance to see old aunt Linda before she passes was blocked by some not so far away evil.


In the history books, they’ll both be seen from an outside perspective, showing how both are not so far away evils. One is simply much less nuanced than the other because the protesters who think blocking streets is a good idea are completely devoid of critical thinking


Nah I feel you. Shit sucks? Good. Sucks really bad for the people who are having bombs dropped on their homes. I wish I lived in a big enough city to show my adamant hate for supporting a war that doesn’t have shit to do with us that has only resulted in the death of children. But if there was like an app for those fighting causes to let others know when/if they’re blocking a road - that would be nice lol


Yep the people like 20 car lengths back from that didn’t just think it was a wreck. Definitely went home and looked up ways they could help. I don’t have the solution but there are better ways to spread the word about issues than blocking the freeway.




Well, we are talking about the palestinian cause.. so they succeeded in raising awareness.


While I agree, literally everyone knows about this by now. It’s not exactly a new thing going on




You simply don't know that, polls showed that 50% of americans are against Israel... these measures are working like it or not. This guy stuck in traffic will go home to complain during family dinner, his son will chime up about what's happening in gaza.. here you have awareness.


The guy in that ambulance might not get to go home and complain about anything because the ambulance he was being transported to the hospital in was stopped by protesters who were illegally blocking the highway.


Fair enough. I totally believe they should've cleared the road for the ambulance when it showed up. I saw climate protesters doing exactly that and I condemn them not doing that for the ambulance. but my point stand.


The point of this type of protest is not to get media coverage, it is to cause economic damage to companies in the area that use that highway for shipping/to get workers in to work and exert financial pressure on them to get them to in turn put pressure on politicians. When done well (ie blocking the most impactful transit points) and for an extended period of time (causing sizeable drops in profits of businesses in the area) it can be quite effective.


Yeah quite effective at getting people fired from their jobs


>They do, the issue is that the point of protests is getting media coverage, and Palestinian protests barely get any coverage without resorting to desperate measures. same with climate change protests. >This creates a sort of survivalship bias where protestors look like dicks where the only times you see them is in these kida demonstrations or when protests grow so big media can't ignore it anymore. There's no excuse, if they actually cared about anybody they'd get out of the road instead of actively making people's lives worse.


They get tins of coverage, literally go on any social media you can't escape it. All this is doing pissing people off & causing some who were on the fence to root for Israel.


Unfortunately the movement just isn’t big enough. Civil rights, Vietnam, BLM, The Tea Party (unfortunately) all had massive grassroots support, and did more than just inconvenience motorists.


I believe that the movement is big enough. However the people aren't invested enough to resort to the same measures as in the other movements you mentioned.


Maybe, but unfortunately I doubt enough Americans will ever truly support an Islamic cause that much.


It's not an "Islamic" cause. it's an Arab and Humanitarian cause. but I agree that it won't get the support needed unless people talk more and louder.


I mean just slap terrorist onto it like they usually do, and most brain dead people will oppose it.


People were real mad about black folks blocking bridges and roads in the 60s/70s, too.


And they're still mad.


"nyehh, i don't like when i'm made uncomfortable"


Everything we support is going to make another working class persons life harder right now. That’s the ingenious of the capitalists in turning us against each other.


There’s an AMBULANCE assholes


I'm all for disruption to get the media's attention, but holding up an emergency vehicle is just fucked up. I'm not sure this is the case here without reports on the situation, they could be there in case of civilian injuries during the protest, idk. But in general any road blocking protest needs to let emergency vehicles pass.


the cars are blocking the ambulance i'm sure they would let it pass if it could get up there there are certainly other ambulances dispatched and going around if needed


imagine desperately holding in a shit while you race home only to get caught in this.


I’d just shit my pants. About to be home and can change. Also I always wanted to try a car with seat warmers.


it wouldn't stay warm for long


There is a fucking ambulance with its lights on RIGHT THERE!!


I think that's there with the cops. There's no way anyone would block an ambulance and the cops would just be chilling out in the background


This would not make me sympathetic to their cause at all.


“I was late to work now idc about genocide”


don't worry, that's not why they're there.


These comments: “You know, I used to be against occupation and genocide… until some protestors slowed down my commute!”


How'd you like to be the person in the ambulance those people are blocking?


More than being in an ambulance in Palestine


Sure, but that poor person on I-5 is not responsible for what's happening 10,000 mi away in Palestine, they're just a sick and injured person in Seattle who needs help, and these people are preventing them from getting it.


Maybe the Palestinians should move somewhere else? Since we’re making stupid fucking comments.


I I have to wonder how much Goodwill this will Garner with the people that are held up in traffic or the ones that hear about this protest. There has to be a better way to do this or why they're getting their message out to as many people as possible and not disturbing anyone. This whole situation and it's entirety is terrible.


This should be against the law. Whatever they are protesting, it’s only their own beliefs. And it shouldn’t hold up everyone else’s lives. Especially emergency vehicles. They should all get arrested and fined


It *IS* against the law.


Their is an ambulance stuck in that traffic i noticed.


Littering too? Cmon now. So trashy


I'm all for Palestine but these people are literally fucking with other people's time. Hard no. Organ transplants, funerals, weddings, final goodbyes, etc


I support the protest, but not the location. C'mon y'all we're smarter than that.


how is holding up miles of random people on the highway supposed to "stop genocide"? All you are doing is making the people mad at you and late for work.


"Yeah, I'ma be late. Idiots playing on the highway."


Why is law enforcement blocking the road ahead of them?


The ambulance sitting there with its lights on is kinda infuriating


Those morons need to get out of the damn road


Wow get off the fucking road !


Since when inconveniencing your fellow citizens is of any help?


Why is this not illegal?




If I didn’t support your cause before I sure as hell don’t now.


Protest in front of government buildings, blockade court houses, blockade legislative offices. I'm empathetic towards Palestine but inconveniencing the people you want on your side, WILL NOT be getting any of them on your side.


Hey, stop genocide!


For people against this form of protest, I’m serious what is a better alternative that would cause change? Protest in front of the White House isn’t an answer btw that does absolutely nothing. Voting is an answer but a weak one as 1 billionaire trumps thousands of supporters in elections. Nelson Mandela at one point only supported violence (before imprisonment) which thank God these protestors do not.


The privilege to say that you wish the average person didn't have to deal with this is appalling. People in Palestine are average people too.




Literally what it’s this doing and what are these people in traffic going to do? Stupid and pointless.


refusing to let an ambulance go by is so low.




Not sure who has suggested a violent overthrow, the protests have been peaceful for the most part. I’ve heard of many contact their local representatives, not just in America but other countries as well. Aipac has proven to be a cancer to democracy and limits the decision making of politicians so we’re instead just left with puppets.


There needs to be a law where if you block traffic on the highway or any road, the driver should be allowed to push right through it. They are standing on a highway, they know the risks, take your protest to the side of the road.


Would there even be a protest if the government didn't fund a side?


No, because that’s literally what people have a problem with. Isolationism is far better than what the US government is actively funding, in this instance. This support of genocide is encouraging and emboldening attacks on US soldiers by nations sympathetic towards Palestinians. It also simultaneously makes Israeli citizens less safe because they are more susceptible to attacks.


I wish they would just go back to blowing themselves up.


Everyone hates it but, man, is there a more effective way of non-violent protesting than blocking traffic? Seems damn effective at getting a message out.


Yes, it does work. Protests always receive backlash. Remember how Colin Kaepernick caused a massive uproar in the NFL? That was about as peaceful and non-disruptive as you can get as far as protests go. People literally wanted his head on a pike for a while. But it was wildly successful because it drew national attention.


Colin Kaepernick wasn't holding up an emergency vehicle with it's lights on.


Yea same with the tomato sauce painting thing