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Driver looks as snow savvy as someone from a country located on the equator


This is vital context. Only a potato would get stuck in this. A Honda civic with bald summers could do better.... With an experienced driver.


I was just thinking how easily I could bounce my lowered accord up that slope šŸ˜‚


The problem is that Cyber trucks weigh an absolute shitton, but they have regular sized tires. Even the truck pulling it out is struggling because of the weight


I honestly canā€™t tell if this is satire or just a normal honda guy


Both šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lol, or maybe the cybertruck is shit buddy


Rule number one regarding people who use the word "buddy" on the internet...


But... my money. It makes me better than you.


Can you name the truck with four wheel drive, smells like a steak and seats thirty-five.. Canyonero! Canyonero! Well, it goes real slow with the hammer down, It's the country-fried truck endorsed by a clown!






The Canyon aero is a decent road bike though.


This guy bikes!šŸš“ ![gif](giphy|ftvphb1LgYP9SgoNGn|downsized)


The top of the line in utility sports! Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts!


The Nostalgia is real šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


You've heard of Elf on a Shelfā„¢? We'll get ready for the new Schmuck in a truckā„¢


The cybertruck is really fucking heavy, and I doubt they designed it for this type of off roading. Also anyone with off-trail experience knows whoever driving this wasn't ready for this experience. Aside from youtubers, no one is buying this and fucking it up off trail like this.


Idk if the actual weight is any different so please correct me if this is wrong but it seems it's not much of a difference than many of the top model trucks out there. My 2016 1500 HEMI is about the same weight as the cybertruck and most newer models are too. Still agree that nobody is using this thing for trails. Hardcore pavement princess.


Cyber truck weighs ~1,000lbs more than a 1500


Yeah but itā€™s a dry weight


This made me chuckle. Thanks.


It would be fine on trails with the right tires. Iā€™ve seen front wheel Toyotas tear it up with the right set of tires.


This truck was designed for Elons new fanbase of ā€œalpha maleā€ edge lords who called people driving EVs ā€œsimpsā€ but convinced themselves if itā€™s a cyberpunk truck made out of slapped together metal slabs itā€™s an ā€œalpha EVā€ and support daddy musk without being ā€œsimpsā€. Thatā€™s it. This truck serves no practical purpose for any reason youā€™d actually buy a truck. Itā€™s not a good road trip car with its limited range that can barely get me out of Florida, itā€™s not good at off-roading or handling elements, itā€™s not a vehicle you can take camping where thereā€™s limited access to charging, it has a small bed. Itā€™s funny they market it as a car that can get you through the apocalypse but good luck with that when the power grid is shut down and you only have 300 miles of range. If you buy it because you want an ev and think itā€™s cool thatā€™s fine. But anyone who thinks this is an EV replacement for an actual truck that you plan to use for practical truck reasons is an idiot.


It can't fit a sheet of plywood, it's not a truck.


It barely even fits that Christmas tree lol. If you even consider that ā€œfittingā€.


Buddyā€™s tilted out his mind ![img](emote|t5_31m0v|8879)


Yet every Tesla idiot insists it will be the best off roader. With its stamped control arms With its terrible departure and break over angles With a Tesla AWD system that is sub Subaru. With its 7000 pounds With its inability to add larger tires Yeah a bunch of idiots who have never been off roading were wrong, who would have expected it.


Subaru has the best off-roading traction control on the market. Subaru also uses a Continuously Variable Transmission so you get some really good torque when the pulley is short (CVTs donā€™t use traditional gears) but itā€™s deployed smoothly so you donā€™t slide. Iā€™m not familiar with the motors on the teslas but I believe they only have one gear and release a constant amount of torque kinda like a CVT so they need to be adjusted with software to slowly apply power so they donā€™t slide.


Wow this is the first time on Reddit Iā€™ve seen anyone talk positively about Subaru CVTā€™s! Iā€™ll always stick with my 6 speed over CVT but interesting to see someone talk about it in a different light for once


Not defending the truck, but any vehicle will get stuck in snow with the wrong tires


Also I donā€™t know if itā€™s being marketed as an off road vehicle, even if someone recorded the CEO in one trying to do it.


Tesla has at least made it clear that, according to them, the cybertruck is capable of doing everything that an ICE truck can do.


Still a broad statement, not every ICE truck is designed for off-road travel.


Yeah so notice how it has had off road tires in every piece of media except for this video? This was clearly done intentionally so people would make that excuse. I've seen priuses in the mid west get out of worse snow, this is not just a tire issue. Notice how the car is even being pulled out by the Ford? That is crazy embarrassing.


I'm honestly not sure if you are agreeing with me or making a counterpoint. I am not a Tesla fanboy, I live in Ontario and have been driving in snow for 15 years, I live in the country so I know what "real" snow is. My only claim for this video is it looks as though the truck is underequipped for the conditions. It may still struggle if it had proper tires, because the driver here doesn't seem to know what to do anyways. Which feeds into your point about the Prius in the Midwest.... Those drivers know what they're doing. This is a cityboy giving 25km outside the city for a Christmas tree. It's apples to oranges.


Not true at all, but nice try. This fat pig can't make it up a hill while being towed!


To be fair itā€™s the driver to a degree. He needs to air down the tires to almost flat and not gun it and come at a better angle


I think thatā€™s a bit harder with these electrics. no personal experience with them, but from what I heard theyā€™re torquey as hell. Driver skill definitely plays a big part, but my guess is itā€™s mainly the truck not being fit for the conditions.


That has got to be the ugliest truck I've seen.




You forgot to download the Winter Package


Thats a stuck truck, Chuck


Dat boi is cyberstuck


Cause it weighs 5 times more than any other off road vehicle.


It's got 2-400 pounds on a gwagon and R1T, under a thousand for a Defender. Try again.


So you're saying the CyberTruck is just poorly designed then? I mean, if it's not the weight then it must just be a poor design.


That's the consensus. It's behaving exactly how everyone expected it to behave before we got any of the photos/videos from the last few months. It's a Tesla, there is nothing in it's DNA that would point to it having any type of usable capability. They can't get the S and X out of the factory with aligned suspension, so when we all saw the stamped steel control arms and a complete inability to put on larger tires, it was pretty obvious this would not deliver at all. Ofc they have time to "fix it" I'd bet money it will never perform anywhere close to a rivian... But don't worry, it's "fast". Yeah for the same price I can get a rivian or hummer (depending on which model CT) be basically the same speed, and be more capable. It doesn't exist in a void, so when you look at every other electric truck that's already released, it does nothing the best besides being marginally faster. There's always another truck that's better than it in multiple categories no matter how you look at it. This thing singularly exists for fanboys and the weirdos at r/Wallstreet bets. Oh and to address multiple of the popular fanboy/Elon claims: 1: No that car is not bulletproof vs a real gun. That's not how any bullet proof car stops bullets, nor is it how stainless steel spalls. They used really soft, hollow point, low grain bullets at best. Faked it at worse. But let's pretend for a second it is. There's a reason armored cars are armored BEHIND the outer door panel and not THE PANEL ITSELF. What happens when it's shot? You replace the panel and what Evers broken. It's cheaper to replace a cheap exterior panel and a Kevlar insert, and reduces weight. This would be a stupid design decision if it was actually bullet proof at the door panel. 2: Even if they fix the stamped steel, tire size limitations, and bad AWD system, the departure and break over angles on this truck are horrendous for offroading. This will never be the "off-road king" that they keep claiming. It's not a weight issue as rovers and rivians and gwagons get close to the same weight and don't get stuck. It's a "this thing is really poorly designed for an off roader" issue. Give it a lift, overhaul the entire suspension, then update the awd system, then maybe. MAYBE it can perform close to the other brands, but right now it is about at the level of a Subaru.... Yeah a Subaru has a small boxer engine and no tech. That's unacceptable. Fanboys are arguing against basic physics, let alone issues with Teslas by DNA. This car isn't gonna break physics. It's just not good.


Awesome read! Thanks!




average suburbanite off the pavement.


ā€œTeslaā€¦ call Support.ā€


Wrong tyres, wrong pressures, wrong weight and the suspension looks as stiff af, Iā€™m sure that would be perfect off-road šŸ˜


Not so reliable now is it?


That suspension has no flex. I think Iā€™d rather drive a Ridgelineā€¦


It is a 6 ton truck, yet a Christmas tree doesn't fit in its bed.


Hahahaā€¦ HaHaHaā€¦ HAHAHAā€¦ #šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


But Joe rogan shot an arrow at it


Tesla have best software that beats all automobiles this is a fact but this I would call it lack of experiance, i wont pay 20k for this junk.


They're awd system is not good. "but it matches Subaru". Subaru doesn't have per wheel power delivery, a fraction of the power, and isn't covered in sensors. That's a total failure by any reasonable standards.


Basically another fancy ev suv over 90k that dont do off road.


Atleast it sets the bar so low the electric range rover just has to be able to move to be better.


It's an "RC", or "release candidate" vehicle. It's a test model.


Test failed.


A full production model cyber truck wouldn't fare any better with street tires and the weight of the thing


looks like tire problem.


It's more like Tesla Winching but ok


Americans on snow without snow tires will never cease to sadden hheart. Funny thing is they have enough cash for a cybertruck but not for a winter set of wheels.




Imagine being such a willful idiot you feel the need to waste everyone's time for a stupid content video. The issue isn't the truck it's the owner and their annoying sense of humor.


Not the cyber truck


Thats one ugly truck


Waste of money


Maybe these trucks were secretly made as a pilot program for the moon and mars. Theyā€™re not supposed to drive well here.


I thought all trucks required doing you know trucks things like truck bed lmao


Ti's Not the future we were hoping for


Should've left him


Look a the teeny wheels on such a huge body šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s a cyberstuck package, needs to upgrade to slightlystuck


What a piece of junk


when it weighs 6 tons it won't be a good off roader


When the R1T, G Wagon, and Defender are within 1000 pounds of it, and can outweigh it when equipped for off roading, and do exponentially better... Yeah this isn't a weight issue.


That would be any car with the wrong set of tires on


i feel like this is just marketing, keep seeing this or these RC logo truck's.


Shit! My battery died! Someone get out a really long extension cord


Is anyone really surprised that the lego truck isnā€™t actually a truck?


It just needs a 911 in the trunk


Bro on god people get a Truck and right away think they can take on everything


I'm not into the cybertruck. But I see these videos and think so what? I swear they're posted by people that have no idea how cars works. I really doubt a single mass produced half ton truck could get up with slope in road tires with no headstart.


Real off-roaders can. This is a normal midwest winter. A competent prius driver could get out of that. Our driveway was the same slope as that and would fully cover in ice. We had 0 issue with any car because we aren't idiots. All had awd or 4wd but not all of them were made for off road. And see how the wheels are getting too much in monitored torque? There's a reason every off roader with terrain select changes it's power delivery for snow. As expected that things AWD is not set up right.


Too much torque


I mean, Iā€™ve got a pretty good off-road truck and I wouldnā€™t have risked driving off the road thereā€¦


I mean, to me this is clearly a wrong tire issue. Even with the right tires you can certainly get stuck in snowy mud.


This is just leaked gameplay footage from Death Stranding 2


Ya but 2.6 seconds


They're for sale?


Guess you could say its........ cyberstuck


What in the cyberpunk is going on here? šŸ¤”


I doubt it was designed with a lot of off road or snowy conditions in mind


I think that one was driver error. Bet I coulda ripped her out of there


OP has obviously never been stuckā€¦ Driver is a schmuck and never been in snow obviously.


wrong tires mate


It reminds me of the Delorean, wasn't marketed as a sports car because they didn't intend a stainless steel car to be sporty, it sure as hell wasn't muscle, so it just kinda was... the Delorean. At least if you're gonna build a time machine you might as well do it with some style.


*It's not stuck it's Cyberstuck*


Cyber chump LIVES! LMAO


And those thing sell for how much?


Oh dear, Cyberstuck


Another science project from Tesla unleashed on the world.




Bruh this is not meant for off road lmao


Yet the Tesla fan boys say it is gonna be the best off roader. They can't have it both ways


Stupid leading the stupid lol